Monday, February 1, 2021

February, 2021, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Facebook Screws Free Speech In Vietnam, John Kerry's Climate Hypocrisy, and Biden's Failed Choice To Operate the Department of Energy

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Far too often we talk about how politicians are masters at, “Do as I say, not as I do” behavior:
  • They want us to wear masks because of the pandemic but they do not wear theirs.
  • They want to take away our Second Amendment rights but increase their security forces to protect themselves.
  • They subject us to rules and laws but often exempt themselves from those same rules and laws. 
The latest such hypocrisy comes for a long time member of the American political class, John Kerry:

  • Biden has appointed Kerry as his so-called “climate czar.”
  • Which means he will be involved in our lives regarding the likely myth of manmade global warming and climate change.
  • As readers of this blog know, we have refuted and dispelled these two myths many, many times in this blog using real science from real scientists, not faux science from non-scientists like Kerry.
  • To review those past myth-busting posts just enter “I am a global warming doubter” in the search box above.
  • Kerry is sure to push the country to use less carbon based fuels which in turn will make our lives more expensive and more uncomfortable.
  • But while he is doing that to us he will likely continue flying around the world in his private jet that his family uses, throwing much more carbon into the air than if he had used a commercial airline for his travels.
  • According to the Daily Wire, “The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) “registry shows a Gulfstream Aerospace jet owned by Flying Squirrel LLC, the name previously reported for Teresa Heinz-Kerry’s private charter jet company. The company’s listed address matches that of the Heinz Family Foundation,” Fox News reported. “According to FAA records, the jet’s registration certificate was issued in July of 2005 and expires in October of 2023.””
  • According to research by Honeywell Aerospace, private jets like Kerry’s “burn 40 times as much carbon per passenger as regular commercial flights.”
If Kerry really wanted to show us how much he believed in man made climate change, he would junk or at least sell his family’s private jet and fly commercial jets like the rest of America. That would make a strong statement that he really believed the guff he was feeding us. 

But he won't do it. Only ordinary citizens will have to bear the burden of any negative climate regulations that Biden puts forth since in this country, politicians are exempt from the rules that they impose on the rest of us. Kerry is surely going to continue to burn carbon at the 40 times the rate that his private jet does, inconvenience is only for the peons like us, not the political elite like him.

2) Let’s stay with the likely myth of manmade global warming and review what happened during the Obama years. He and his Democratic friends in Congress spend billions and billions of dollars, to the benefit of his financial and political backers, to try and jump start a green economy under the lie or false reality that mankind was going to burn up the earth with its use of carbon based fuels.

The end result is that the American taxpayer gave billions of dollars to companies like the following listed below and got NOTHING in return: Solyndra, A123, Spectra, Fisker and many, many other failures.

Remember those names? They were all operated or owned by Democratic operatives and financial donors, they all got taxpayer money for nothing, and produced the exact same thing, nothing. Adding insult to injury, Fisker was not even an American company.

All of which brings us to the person that Biden wants to run the Energy Department in his administration:
  • According to a recent USA Today article, former Michigan governor, Jennifer Granholm, is Biden’s choice to run the Energy Department.
  • According to the article, “A big part of her job will be to dole out taxpayer dollars to “green” companies and industries favored by the Biden administration — a strategy she deployed in Michigan, but with little to show for it.”
  • During her time as governor, she spent billions of Michigan taxpayer dollars on “politically favored companies” in a chance of creating green jobs to counteract global warming.
  • She did this while promising her state taxpayers that, “In five years, you’re going to be blown away.” 
  • Apparently the taxpayers were blown away years later but not in a good way. 
  • Her green government organization, the Michigan Economic Growth Authority, gave out billions of dollars in tax credits to a whopping 434 green projects.
  • But according to an analysis by the Mackinac Center, years later only 10 of those 434 projects yielded any positive results, a dismal success record of only 2.3%.
  • So much for being blown away in five years.
Some of her more notable failures included the following disasters:
  • A123 Systems was supposed to create hundreds if not thousands of jobs in Michigan making electric car batteries. The company received millions of state taxpayer dollars but ended up going bankrupt and created zero jobs in the state.
  • Another battery company, LG Chem, received $125 million and was supposed to make Michigan “the world capital for advanced batteries.” But the demand for the company batteries never materialized and it was documented that employees ended up getting paid to watch movies and play games in order to stay on the payroll so that the company could continue to draw Federal taxpayer dollars. The company eventually started making batteries but came nowhere close to being the world capital for advanced batteries. It produced no batteries while Granholm was governor.
  • She also directed taxpayer dollars to other battery companies and promised that the state would have “up to 40,000 great new (battery) jobs by 2020.” Well, we just got through 2020, and none of the battery companies who received state taxpayer dollars met their job projections with many going through bankruptcy. Rather than having 40,000 battery jobs, there are currently less than 2,000 state battery jobs.
  • Michigan gave Mascoma a $20 million grant to convert biomass into ethanol. The company also received $100 million of Federal taxpayer wealth. The company’s biomass factory was never built, no ethanol was ever produced, and the intellectual property of the company was sold off.
  • A closed Ford production property, Wixom, was supposed to become a $725 million renewable energy industrial park. Granholm boasted it would be “symbolic for Michigan in what we’re going to become.” That is not a good thing for Michigan since even though it got a $100 million tax credit in exchange for promising 4,000 new jobs, the whole concept was scrapped two years later.
  • Suniva got $250 million, promised 500 green jobs, produced no jobs or anything else of value.
  • United Solar Ovonics got both state and Federal government subsidies, pledged 1,00 jobs, produced no jobs and parts of the company were sold off in 2012.
  • Evergreen Solar got state money but went bankrupt.
  • GlobalWatt got $42 million in state taxpayer money but also went bankrupt.
  • The “RASCO Fiasco'' was probably the worst embarrassment of Granholm’s ill fated green job spending spree. She appeared at a press conference with Richard Short to promote the $9 million in tax credits she gave him to produce jobs in Flint, Michigan. But Short’s parole officer actually saw the press conference. You see, Short was a convicted embezzler with a long history of running financial scams. He lived in a borrowed trailer when Granholm gave him the tax credits. He eventually went back to prison. How do you not do at least a simple background check if you are the governor before making a fool of yourself and forking over $9 million in taxpayer wealth to a known embezzler?
Just a small fraction of the over 400 green energy projects that failed during her term in office. And yet Biden wants her to be the head of his energy Department and continue the failed strategies that Biden and Obama had during the Obama administration.

In what real world job can you be successful only 2.3% of the time in your job and get promoted? It pays to be an American politician where failure is not viewed as an impediment to advancing your career….even if you do waste billions of dollars of taxpayer wealth in the process.

The article summed this insanity best: “Now Jennifer Granholm is set to bring her record to the national stage. She’ll try to make good on Biden’s promise to “accelerat[e] cutting-edge technologies” in the “green” space. With her at the helm, you can expect the Biden administration to repeat Michigan’s corporate welfare failure, but on a much grander and costlier scale.”

3) A little political class insanity from around the world. Facebook has agreed to censor any material that shows up on its social media platform in Vietnam if that material is critical of the government or those that operate the government. Thus, Facebook has no problem abridging the freedom of speech rights of citizens in order to maintain its revenue and profit flow, at least in Vietnam. 

How long before it does the same thing elsewhere such as in this country? Given that it has already taken down Facebook groups and posts that are not consistent with Zuckerberg’s political leanings in this country, that may be happening already.

That will do it for today’s insanity: an ominous sign from Vietnam when it comes to free speech, another incompetent politician lands on her feet despite having a failed track record of performance and John Kerry’s hypocrisy lives on.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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