Sunday, February 7, 2021

February, 2021, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: Basic Screw Up In Pennsylvania State Government, Washington Insider Gets A Free Criminal Pass, and Nancy Pelosi Has Another Conflict of Interest Perception

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Kathy Boockvar was the Pennsylvania Secretary of State during the November Presidential elections and as a result had considerable responsibility to make sure the election was conducted in a non-corrupt manner. As readers of this blog know, Pennsylvania was one of the states that likely had a high degree of voter fraud and corruption take place, some of which she was directly responsible for. 

Days before the election, she proclaimed that Trump would not win the state, a totally unethical thing for her to say as one who had some degree of responsibility for conducting a fair and unbiased election. Also, on the government website she was responsible for, she directed people who had voting questions not to the state’s official voting website but to her political party’s website, again a totally unethical thing to do.

But I believe that karma always catches up with people that act corruptly or unethically and that seems to have happened to Ms. Boockvar:
  • She was recently forced to resign after her organization failed to carry out its state government duties regarding a proposed state constitutional amendment.
  • This amendment would have allowed victims of childhood sexual abuse to have more time to file a lawsuit against their alleged abusers.
  • This was not a trivial, easy thing to propose since state law requires that all proposed amendments to the state constitution have to be passed by two consecutive legislative sessions before they can be presented on the ballot for voter approval.
  • In addition, her organization is required by law to advertise any proposed amendment in newspapers before the ballot vote can take place.
  • That should have been done in 2020 after the amendment was approved in 2019 but she and her organization failed to do so.
  • Thus, by law, the proposed amendment is void and the whole process, two consecutive legislative sessions, will have to be repeated if the amendment is to be revived.
A basic function of her government position, put a few ads in newspapers, and she screwed it up. Makes you wonder what else she screwed up while in office including the election shenanigans that likely occurred and corrupted the state's election counts.

2) One of the problems in this country right now from a justice perspective is that those that are deeply ensconced in the potential class, both politicians and government bureaucrats, never have to face prison time or fines for breaking the law. If an ordinary citizen did what these government related folks do on a constant basis, they would be in jail so quickly. The hypocrisy of “do as I say, not as I do” is so prevalent today when it comes to actually breaking existing laws for government insiders.

This was recently illustrated again with a Washington insider:
  • Kevin Clinesmith is a former FBI lawyer who was involved in the bogus FBI investigation of Trump associates and Russian collusion.
  • I say former FBI lawyer because he was forced to resign his high paying government post when he confessed that he had altered email evidence in the Russian collusion probe.
  • The altered/corrupted email was then used to falsely get a FISA warrant to spy on American citizens associated with the Trump campaign.
  • He pleaded guilty to the evidence manipulation and resigned his FBI position.
  • Now imagine what type of jail time you would have gotten if you had altered evidence in a government investigation and used that altered and false information to trick a Federal court to illegally issue a search warrant.
  • I doubt that you would have been sentenced to 12 months probation and 400 hours of community service time, which is exactly what this Washington insider received.
  • Under current laws, he could have gone to jail for five years and been fined up to $250,000.
  • Instead, he got no jail time, no fine, no suspension of his legal license, nothing.
Different rules for “them” vs. “us.”

3) Nancy Pelosi is one of those Washington politicians that has gotten, very, very rich over time despite never having earned over $200,000 a year as a member of Congress. We previously discussed how she manipulated the legislative calendar so that she could make about $500,000 when Visa credit card floated its IPO. 

We more recently discussed how she made sure that her husband’s small real estate investment company received over a million dollars in taxpayer funds off of the first covid economic stimulus plan back in 2020. He received this money despite he and she being millionaires many, many times over who certainly did not need government assistance to feed themselves. 

At the same time we reported on how he made some very “lucky” stock purchases at the same time his wife was in the midst of getting intelligence reports early in the covid crisis on what might happen to the economy.

Well, it appears things have not changed much since those previous profitable ventures for the Pelosi family:
  • Apparently the Pelosis invested over $1 million in the electric car maker Tesla just a few weeks BEFORE Biden announced he was going to switch the entire fleet of Federal government owned vehicles to electric powered vehicles.
  • Obviously, Tesla would be a company that could see enormous upside in Biden’s actions.
  • The purchase was made when the stock price was $640.34 per share and was recently trading at about $838 per share, an over 30% gain in less than a month.
  • Executive Director, John Pudner, of accused Pelosi of profiting off of insider information at the same time the country and its citizens are suffering through a pandemic: “It’s corrupt and unacceptable for members of Congress, particularly the speaker, to trade stocks in companies affected by their votes in Congress. Elected leaders from all political parties should live up to a standard of ethics that ordinary Americans see as vital to the country.
As with Clinesmith, there are different rules for “them” vs. “us.” We do something like this and the SEC is at our front door investigating potential insider trading corruption and criminality. Martha Stewart did jail time for a similar action. Pelosi does it and her office explains that she did not do it, her husband did it, which is supposed to make it alright. Which raises an interesting point: if the Pelosi family had enough money to throw over $1 million at Tesla, did they really need to get that million dollars in covid economic stimulus funds from the American taxpayer?

The appearance of conflict of interest is just as bad as real conflict of interest. The corruption and greed know no end.

That will do it for today: Pelosi allegedly does legal insider trading, Clinesmith gets not even a slap on the wrist for altering government data and lying to a Federal court, and a Pennsylvania state politician fails at a very basic job responsibility.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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