Monday, September 27, 2021

September,2021,Part 10, Political Class Insanity: Massive FBI Fails, Congress Gets A Thumbs Down From Americans And Defunding the Police In Portland Fails Again

Before we get to today’s insanity, please consider the following proposition: as many of you know, the withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a historic and fatal endeavor. But the failure did not start just in the past few weeks, it has been a twenty year disaster. It has cost American taxpayers about a trillion dollars, has left thousands of our brave armed forces folks dead, maimed, or wounded and has resulted in an unknown but substantial number of civilian deaths.

Afghanistan has been a collective failure of multiple Presidential administrations and multiple sessions of Congress. Thus, please consider signing the petition below that calls for the immediate resignation of every member of Congress that has at least twenty years of service and the resignation of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and critical, and failed, members of the Biden Administration. They do not deserve to serve any longer given their miserable twenty year track record of death, destruction and waste in Afghanistan.

Also, if you are passionate about this topic and effort, feel free to pass the link along to others who might also feel the same way, i.e. incompetence should not be rewarded:

Biden and others need to resign for dereliction of duty, incompetence and total lack of empathy. Nothing short of resignation is acceptable. Thank you.


It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history

1) At one point in time, the FBI was probably one of the few, respected entities within the Federal government. However, over the years we have seen far too many incidents where they failed to do their job:
  • After Omar Mateen shot up the Pulse nightclub in Miami a few years ago, killing dozens of patrons, it turned out the FBI had investigated him, based on info from his own father who just happened to be a former FBI informant, and found him not to be of any danger to anyone.
  • Nikolas Cruz carried out a mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018, which was a shame since the FBI had been warned about him a month before the shooting but its bureaucracy screwed up and did not follow up on the warnings.
  • For years, female FBI agents formally complained about the rampant sexual abuse they faced on the job, accusations that were never taken seriously: "It is the policy and practice of the FBI and its OIG to allow senior executives accused of sexual assault to quietly retire with full benefits without prosecution."
  • The FBI’s investigation of Hilary Clinton’s illegal use of non-secure computers for emails was too screwed up to even begin discussing it here.
  • The FBI was part of a plot to undercut Trump’s Presidential campaign and then to undercut his Presidency, with a high ranking FBI executive pleading guilty to editing official transcripts and other FBI personnel that should have been in jail for lying to the court, spying on innocent Americans etc.
We could go on but you get the idea: what was once perceived as a hardworking, unbiased, and effective law enforcement agency has now become a biased, ineffective, occasionally lawless, and political animal.

And the latest scandal may be their most despicable failure ever:
  • Larry Nassar was the team doctor for the USA Gymnastics team for almost two decades.
  • But it also turns out that over that span of time he was also a serial sexual molester of young gymnasts.
  • And it turns out that the FBI knew about his despicable behavior for years and did nothing about it.
  • The FBI was informed of his abusive behaviors in 2015, an accusation that was further verified two months later when gymnast McKayla Maroney told them the same abuse story as it applied to herself.
  • But according to the FBI’s inspector general, the agency committed many, many missteps in this investigation including not following proper agency procedures, falsifying Maroney’s witness statements, and taking way too long to finalize its report.
  • The FBI’s bungling allowed Nassar to go on and abuse at least 70 other victims between 2015 and Nassar’s arrest, not by the FBI, but by local law enforcement in 2016.
  • The inspector general concluded that the FBI behavior in this after was so bad that it crossed the line into the realm of criminal misconduct.
Another Federal government agency bites the dust as far as being efficient, effective, and within integrity. Unfortunately, its incompetence resulted in unnecessary deaths and sexual abuse of American citizens, a basic failure of a basic government function, to protect the lives and property of the citizens it is paid to protect.

2) The United States Congress has seen its reputation and approval ratings steadily sink over the past few decades. This is not a surprise when you consider the following realities:
  • The DC political class has run up over $28 TRILLION in national debt without making a significant improvement in Americans’ lives given all of that spending.
  • The two main retirement programs that tens of millions of Americans rely on, Medicare and Social Security, are hurtling towards financial insolvency.
  • Americans have stood by and watched long time DC politicians get obscenely wealthy, given their insider information position, attaining wealth far beyond what their government salaries have paid them.
  • They have stood by and watched many, many DC politicians make the plight of illegal immigrants much more important than the homelessness, hunger, and drug addiction plight of American citizens.
  • They have been appalled at how stupid many members of Congress and the White House have been, e.g. the Georgia Congressman who actually thought the island of Guam could capsize, the Texas Congresswoman who believes that North Vietnam and South Vietnam still exist as separate government entities despite that not being the case for over 45 years, etc.
And things haven't gotten any better since Biden became President:
  • The approval rating for Congress has dropped a whopping 13 points since January.
  • A Monmouth University poll found that the approval rating for Congress went from only 35% in January to a dismal 22% in its latest poll.
  • And let's face it, a starting point of 35% approval rating is not anything to brag about to begin with.
  • At the same time, its disapproval ratings went from 51% in January to 65% in the most recent poll.
  • Back in January, only 42% said the country was going in the right direction but eight months later the poll found that only 29% think the country is going in the right direction.
Given that Congress is behaving this badly without term limits, how much worse could it get if we forced term limits on DC politicians? When only about one in four Americans thinks we are going in the right direction, forcing out long term politicians after time limited terms seems like a worthwhile endeavor.

3) Way too often we have discussed the horrible and fatal consequences of “defunding the police '' in many liberal/Democrat controlled cities. By reducing their city police forces, without having any idea how to replace their function, these cities have seen explosions in crime, violence, and murders.

In addition to reducing the funding and staffing of their police forces, these politicians often demeaned and belittled their remaining police resources. This caused the local criminal classes to disrespect the police even more while demoralizing the law enforcement officers attitudes.

Portland, Oregon has been one of the leading cities when it comes to defunding the police, led by its inept mayor Ted Wheeler. And under his leadership and advocating for defunding the Portland Police Department, we end up with the following debacle:
  • The police response 911 system in Portland has now been labelled as officially “broken” by city officials.
  • Citizens of Portland that need immediate police help often have to wait more than two minutes for a 911 operator to answer their distress 911 call, orders of magnitude longer than the target answer rate, less than 15 seconds.
  • An extreme example happened in the city on September 4 when calls to 911 to report a shooting at a city restaurant waited about seven and a half minutes before a 911 operator picked up.
  • The local newspaper, the Oregonian, reported the incident and pointed out that the national wait time for 911 calls is 15-20 seconds.
  • Furthermore, the Oregonian reported that, “Compared to March, when only eight 911 calls took more than five minutes to answer, that number increased to 221 in May and more than doubled to 574 in July.”
  • While the city’s 911 system was failing, Portland homicides increased from 28 in 2019 to almost double, 54, in 2020.
As with other liberally governed cities, members of the police force and 911 team in Portland have resigned or retired in staggering numbers, putting more strain on those officers and 911 response people who remain. When you don't have the resources or the support of local politicians to properly do your job, the frustration gets so bad that leaving a job becomes the logical decision.

Rather than fix what the “defund the police” movement did to Portland, city politicians have proposed that citizens call 311, the city information line, for situations that do not require an immediate police response. However, that number is only staffed between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Thus, not a good answer to the broken system that city politicians created.

Another day of insanity from American politicians: another defund the police disaster, Congress continues to disappoint and tick off Americans, and the FBI becomes just another ineffective, inefficient, and broken government entity.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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