Saturday, September 9, 2023

September, 2023, Political Class Insanity, Part 4: Biden's Lies, Dementia State and His Endangering of America

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

We have stated many times that we believe that Joe Biden is in the depths of dementia and yet still leads the country. He displayed many of the signs of someone in that state:

  • He lashes out in anger.

  • He forgets accurate information regarding dates, people, and past events.

  • He insists on being at his homes where he is comfortable and at ease, having spent well over 100 days at his homes in Delaware.

  • His gait and constant trait of tripping and falling suggest someone with the disease.

I was legal  guardian of an elderly uncle for five years until his death and the behavior and traits my uncle exhibited were in line with the deteriorating behavior of Biden.

Thus, I do not know whether to be sympathetic to his health condition, mad at him for his failures as President, or mad that his wife, family, and political handlers put him through this process and in the process has screwed up the country with his half baked, ineffective programs. All of which has saddled the country with a many, many problems that did not exist in late January, 2021: high inflation, a failed foreign policy, a failed immigration policy that has many dangerous and expensive attributes, skyrocketing national debt, and no plan in place to fix any of the problems facing Americans today.

Thus, to drive home our point and observations, consider the following true stories of how the President of the United States sees the world and how out of touch with reality he is:

1)Bill Richardson was a former Democratic governor of New Mexico and held many other political positions in various parts of government in the country. Unfortunately, he recently passed away. Biden released a message sending his condolences via the following statement: “Bill and I crossed paths for the first time decades ago, when he was a staffer on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which I served on as Senator. Over the years, I saw firsthand his passion for politics, love for America, and unflagging belief that, with respect and good faith, people can come together across any difference, no matter how vast. He was a patriot and true original, and will not be forgotten. Jill and I send our love to his family, including his wife of over 50 years, Barbara, and their daughter Heather.”

Seems like Biden knew Mr. Richardson quite well. Well, maybe not:

  • It seems that Mr.  Richardson and his wife never had a daughter named Heather.

  • In fact, they never had any daughters at all.

Thus, is Biden that out of touch that he makes up the name of a daughter of a friend that does not exist, is his speech writing and general staff so stupid and non-attentive to detail that they make up a person that does not exist, or both? If Biden was as close to Richardson as he claims, why didn’t he catch this ridiculous error in the statement? These are the types of people running the country today, cannot even get a simple condolence statement right.

2)Biden recently gave a speech at an event commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Simple math proves that this organization was formed in 1963, at which time was a mere 20 years old, probably not out of college yet and about nine years prior to getting elected to Congress for the first time.

Now, before going any further, remember that we have previously discussed the many,  many lies he has told over the years:

Okay, now that we have his history of lying:

  • Again, as a review, Biden recently gave a speech to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the “Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law.”

  • Simple math tells us that the organization was founded in 1963.

  • At that time Biden would have been 20 years old, probably still in college, and would not become a member of Congress until about nine years later.

  • And yet, he boasted in this speech that he had convinced long term Senator, Strom Thurmond, to change his vote and vote in favor of the Civil Rights act in 1964 when Biden would have been 21 years old.

  • Specifically:  “I was able to — literally, not figuratively — talk Strom Thurmond into voting for the Civil Rights Act before he died.”

A few problems with this speech, as there are with anything that comes out of Biden’s mouth:

  • I doubt that long term Senator Strom Thurtmond sat down with 21 year old Joe Biden and took his advice.

  • Thuromnd actually voted against the legislation, the exact opposite of what Biden said he convinced him NOT to do.

  • Thurmond died almost 40 years after the legislation was passed so for Biden to imply that he convinced him to vote for the legislation just  before he died while accurate, the fact that he died almost 40 years later does not seem like Biden made him change his vote in the nick of time before death occurred.

He lies and then he lies some more. Or does he actually believe these fantasy exploits of his past. Or does he think we are too stupid to see through his lies which are easily identified. In any case, not the type of Presidential behavior this country wants or news, his whole presidency is a fallacy.

3)Another characteristic of a dementia victim is lack  of focus and attention. This was recently demonstrated by Biden during a White House ceremony when his behavior was completely at odds with tradition:

  • Biden was at a recent White House event to present retired Army Captain Larry Taylor with the Medal Of Honor for his heroic actions during the Vietnam War.

  • As a helicopter pilot in 1968, Taylor is credited with saving the lives of troops during a night action battle.

  • According to news reports, he used his helicopter to draw fire away from the soldiers on the ground and then came back to rescue them and fly them out of danger.

  • Obviously, he deserved the medal Of Honor and probably should have received it years ago.

  • Apparently, Biden pinned the medal on the hero and then abruptly left the room without comment.

  • According to a news article covering the event: “In the video, you can see the utter shock of members of the audience that saw him leave the room.”

  • This is certainly not the protocol since the honor ceremony was still going on and it left the baffled Taylor standing by himself in front of friends, family, and the press.

  • His lame press secretary provided this lame excuse: "We've got to put this all in context. We planned for the President to leave when there was a pause in the program so that it would minimize him being in the room. He did just that.”

We planned for him to leave the room?  I don’t think so, the ceremony was still going on, why would you want to “minimize” him being in the room? If this was a covid thing he could have left after the ceremony was done and still not mingled. He is lost and confused, simple as that, given his mental state.

4) And Americans are started to worry and realizing that Biden’s mental state is not the type of situation you want when there are so many issues, problems, and foreign enemies to deal with today:

  •  Recent opinion poll  found that a whopping 70% of those polled said they are either “very concerned” of “somewhat concerned” for the safety of the country with Biden as President.

  • Only 28% said they are not concerned about the safety of the country under Biden.

  • And even a majority of Democrats polled, 54%, are concerned that Biden’s failing mental  health endangers the country.

  • 92% of Republicans think Biden is endangering the country and 70% of independent voters agree.

The conclusion from those conducting the poll: “In short, virtually everyone worries about Biden’s mental faculties as he navigates the treacherous waters of overseas politics, diplomacy and military affairs.” Given the subjects already covered in this blog, it is not hard to understand why 7 out of 10 Americans think we are not safe with Biden as President. 

The equally interesting question is why do even 28% think that Biden is not a danger to national safety when he is delusional on facts and his own personal history and appears to have a very light grip on the reality of today’s world situation, both domestically and internationally. Dangerous, dangerous political class insanity.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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