Monday, November 20, 2023

Voter Fraud, Government Incompetence, and the Destruction of Democracy Continues

 Back in late 2020 we did a series of posts that proved there was undoubtedly voter fraud and criminal activities surrounding the Presidential election. Videotape proof, eye witness accounts, improbable and impossible voting statistics, people being denied their right to vote because they were told they had already voted, etc. The first of those posts can be accessed at:

Fast forward three years and voting irregularities still exist, both in current elections and more proof that voting shenanigans happened back in 2020:

1)A recent election in Pennsylvania for the Pennsylvania Superior Court had its share of voting screw ups:

  • Voting officials in Pennsylvania have admitted that a “coding error” caused votes to flip from one candidate to another.

  • According to a recent news  report: “A coding error in Northampton County, Pennsylvania’s voting machines, caused a significant issue during a recent election. The glitch resulted in votes being incorrectly flipped on a ballot question concerning the retention of two state judges.”

  • Votes that were marked “yes” to retain one judge and “no” for the other were erroneously switched on paper copies and touchscreen ballot machines.

  • The glitch affected over 300 voting machines.

  • Voting officials tried to downplay the problem by calling it a “relatively minor glitch”.... that affected over 300 voting machines.

  • The voting machine owner also tried to  downplay this atrocity by calling it “an isolated incident.”

Any violation of voter integrity is not minor or isolated. Even if no harm was intended or done, it shows that by going to machine/computer vote tallying, voting results can be easily corrupted, something that is far harder to do when voting was done by paper votes which could be much  more easily checked for accuracy.

2)Let’s get back to the Presidential election in 2020. A Michigan city has uncovered would could be a major voting fraud scheme relative to that election:

  • Back in  October, 202, Muskegon, Michigan city clerk, Ann Meisch, noticed some strange voting going-ons.

  • She noticed a black female drop off up to 10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office.

  • She noticed some substantial irregularities in those thousands of voter registrations and contacted the city police department.

  • The subsequent investigation showed that many of those registration forms were filled out with the same handwriting pattern, and many, many addresses on those registration forms were either invalid or nonexistent.

  • Additionally, phone numbers and signatures were also bogus.

  • The police investigation pinned the voter fraud effort on a company called GBI Strategies, a Tennessee organization with connections to Biden and Democratic campaign committees.

  • And GBI was not just active in Michigan but had efforts underway in other parts of Michigan, Washington DC, and Chicago.

  • The city police investigation GBI found dozens of new phones, hundreds of pre-paid payment cards,semi-automatic rifles, suppressors, and customized pistols.

  • Although all the weapons were deemed legally owned by the ATF, it does not explain why a voter registration effort would have armaments.

  • The police turned over their findings to the FBI but there is no proof or indication that the FBI did any follow up despite the overwhelming evidence.

Just another example where real voter fraud was allowed to get a free pass by the powers to be. It may also explain why Trump won the state of Michigan by a large percentage in 2016, had a very successful Presidency from an economic perspective, and then lost to Biden in 2020. Maybe that loss was a result of shady 10,000 voter registrations that possibly existed not only in a single Michigan city but in other cities in the state and across the country.

3)On December 4, 2020 the Gateway Pundit posted evidence that a voting location  worker in Georgia improperly shoved the same stack of votes though a voting tabulator machine three times. On January 2, 2021, the Gateway Pundit proved that other election workers were also caught on camera feeding the same stack of ballots through the voting machines multiple times.

Someone recently reposted the incriminating video on Twitter and that post has been retweeted 31,000 times and has had 58 million views, indicating that there is still a lot of interest in the fraud in Georgia three years ago. See for yourself, the video proving that votes were counted multiple times can be viewed at:

4)Election fraud is not only conducted by political organizations and election employees:

  • According to the NBC  affiliate in  Boston, a voter went to vote on Election Day and was told he had already voted.

  • The voter went home and reviewed past video from his Ring camera and saw a woman come up to his mailbox on his porch and remove his voting ballot from his mailbox.

  • He then contacted law enforcement about this voting fraud scam.

  • As a result, the Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin put out this statement: “We’re going to get all the ballots out of Lawrence, we’re going to get all the mail-in ballots and we’re going to review everything and all the provisionals and reconcile the list.” 

  • Other voters have now come forward to say the same thing happened to them. 

  • They went to vote and were turned away because someone else had voted using their personal information, forging their signatures.

  • To  which Galvin stated: “There may be more. It’s premature to say how many.” 

The video of the mailbox bandit can be seen at:

5)Getting back to Georgia and voter fraud:

  • Georgia District Court Judge Amy Totenberg recently ruled that there is sufficient evidence to believe that  Georgia electronic voting machines could be significantly flawed.

  • Reasons for her ruling include the reality that there was no paper trail on the voting machines, their computer operating systems were outdated, and the machines software was so out of date that the manufacturers of the machines no longer supported the machines or offered security patches or support.

  • More specifically, the court considered new evidence that included data breaches, mismanagement of computer systems, the inability to audit results, and the destruction of voting records.

  • The trial for the voting fraud accusations will begin in January 2024.

Voter fraud obviously takes many shapes and forms: voting results that cannot be audited, out of date voting machine software and hardware, votes submitted numerous times, mailboxes getting raided to facilitate voting fraud, organized groups submitting suspect and fraudulent voting registrations, and software that makes votes switch.

America has survived bad Presidents and bad Congress people. It will not survive corrupted and tainted voting processes.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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