Tuesday, September 24, 2024

September, 2024, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: More NYC Corruption, More Food Stamp Corruption, California Leads The Bankruptcy Race, and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of efficiently operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)Eric Adams is the mayor of New York City. His administration has been having some alleged corruption problems. We recently discussed alleged corruption in his Department of Education where employees took money earmarked for homeless students and used the money for their own personal vacation travels. Previously, we had discussed Federal law enforcement raids on himself and some of the people in his administration where their phones were confiscated.

And now:

  • Edward Caban recently resigned as the NYPD Commissioner under Adams.

  • This was a result of allegations of corruption in the NYPD.

  • There are alleged corruption  ties to the government of Turkey and the Chinese Communist Party.

Another day, another potential  corruption scandal in NYC.

2) But government fraud is not restricted to NYC:

  • The United States Department of Agriculture is on record stating that there is usually over one billion dollars lost each year to food stamp fraud.

  • As one example, a few years ago almost 200 people were arrested in Florida for running a food stamp fraud ring.

  • The crime ring had executed 22,000 fraudulent transactions, netting themselves $3.7 million.

  • In 2016, the Feds broke up the largest food stamp fraud ring, who by then had collected $13 million from American taxpayers.

  • More recently, a food stamp criminal ring was busted in Kentucky but not before they had gathered $5 million.

The good news is that these fraudsters got caught. The bad news is that for every criminal ring that gets caught, there are probably many, many more that continue to defraud the American taxpayer, all because the current political class has no idea how to operate an efficient, and effective, government operation.

3)The country faces some very serious problems right now: 

  • Inflation continues to run higher than considered healthy after hitting a 40 year high earlier in the Biden administration.

  • Over ten million illegal  immigrants have entered the  country under Biden, bringing with them Central and South American gang members, drug cartel members, massive sex and child trafficking operations, straining government budgets to feed, shelter, and  take care of millions of illegal immigrants.

  • Crime rates have soared under Biden making some American cities extremely unsafe to visit and  live in.

  • We are closer than ever to  World War III as conflicts rage across the world, from the  Middle East to the Ukraine/Russian war, with the Biden administration either not interested in diplomacy or incapable of diplomacy.

And now Kamala Harris, an integral member of the Biden administration which created the above crises, wants to be President. Please review the following video and then ask  yourself if you really think that Harris has the intellectual depth to resolve these issues that she helped create:


My takeaway is you are kidding yourself if you think she is capable of resolving anything, given this idiocy of this Starbucks word salad. Convince me that I am  wrong.

4)We have often discussed the reality that the Second Amendment rights of ordinary Americans are critical in helping Americans protect themselves and their families from criminals and  violence. We have  also provided real examples of Americans protecting themselves as a result of legally being able to have a weapon at their disposal.

In fact, historical government data shows that, on average, guns in this country are used for defensive purposes 50% more times than  being used for offensive purposes. But now there are indications that various government agencies, the FBI, the CDC, and  others, are fudging government numbers to make  it look like gun control and the infringement on Second Amendment rights is getting more and more necessary:

  • Congressman Thomas Massie recently accused those government agencies of conspiring to hide data that shows how often citizens  use their Second Amendment rights to protect themselves and prevent mass shootings.

  • He cited analysis by Dr. John R. Lott,  Jr. which showed that these government agencies ate suppressing key statistics to support a gun control agenda.

  • According to Lott, he accused the CDC  of removing estimates of defensive use of guns from its website in 2013 after a report came out by the National Academies of Sciences.

  • Apparently, the estimates of defensive use of guns ranged from 64,000 to 3 million times a year but a gun control  group lobbied to have those stats removed from the CDC database.

  • Lott also asserted that the FBI suppresses the number  of “active shooter”  incidents where armed citizens stopped attacks by claiming that armed civilians only helped out in 14 out of 350 active shooter incidents from 2014 to 2023 but Lott’s research found that armed citizens stopped 180 out of 515 incidents.

Given the pathological lying history of Biden and his administration, it should be no surprise that his administration is likely guilty of misrepresenting Second Amendment numbers to further their gun control fetish.

5)We have often pondered which state government or major city will go bankrupt first. Politicians in these states and cities have no idea how to fix the problems of their respective states and cities and more often than not they make the problems worse. They seem to have no ability to operate efficient and effective government programs and rather than control wasteful spending, they continue to raise taxes. 

This constant raising of taxes without improving the quality of life for their residents and businesses results in residents and businesses leaving their current location and relocating to places with lower tax burdens and better quality of life measures. This outflow of people and businesses reduces the tax base which reduces the tax revenue flowing into the state government and eventually, one of these states is not going to have enough tax revenue to cover its liabilities.

States that we have felt would  most  likely go bankrupt first include:

  • California

  • New York

  • New Jersey

  • Illinois 

At various points in time, it seems one of these states forges ahead and leads the pack on their way to the bankruptcy court. But according to the latest U-Haul statistics, maybe, just maybe California has once again taken the lead in this unfortunate race:

  • Keep in mind that major businesses such as Tesla, Toyota, Charles Schwab, Chevron, and others have already moved much of their operations and tax revenue, both business and employee, out of California or are in the process of doing so.

  • And now we know that the state of California has retained its title as the state with the highest proportion of U-Haul one way rentals leaving the state vs. coming into the state.

  • It has held this title for four years in a row as residents flee the state’s high crime, high taxation, high cost of living, and other negative factors.

  • At the other end of the spectrum, Texas, Florida and Tennessee have many more U-Haulers coming into the state than  leaving the state.

  • According to a U-Haul statement: “For the fourth year in a row, California reflected the largest net loss of one-way movers.”

It is pretty obvious that if this trend continues, those moving out of the state continue to dwarf those moving into the state, California is in a strong position to become the first state government to go bankrupt. People want to be free: free to keep as much of their wages as possible, free of government over regulation and restraints, free of violence and  crime and will  move their business and families when they reach the point that California cannot provide for those basic needs of freedom.

Given that California’s state government is facing a massive anticipated budget deficit for fiscal 2025 may be the first indication that California is the likely winner in the state bankruptcy sweepstakes. The race continues.

Enough insanity for today: California continues to lose its tax base, the Federal government is lying about guns, Kamala Harris cackles about her Starbucks lid, corruption and fraud in the food stamp program, and, what seems like a daily occurrence, another NYC politician/bureaucrat is in corruption trouble.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:



Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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