Thursday, September 26, 2024

September, 2024, Part 9, Political Class Insanity: More NYC Corruption, COVID Hypocrisy, Yet Another Kamala Failure, and Senior Citizens Getting Poorer

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of efficiently operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)It has been a wild corruption ride in New York City lately. Mayor Eric Adams and many of his high ranking city officials in his administration have had their phones confiscated as a result of a corruption investigation. High ranking employees in the city’s Department of Education have been arrested for using taxpayer wealth from a city program for homeless kids and using the wealth for their own personal vacations and use. A police commissioner was arrested for other corruption allegations.

But the corruption parade keeps marching on:

  • Two former New York City Fire Department chiefs were recently arrested.

  • They are charged with asking for bribes in the tens of thousands of dollars range to guarantee that companies and individuals got preferential treatment.

  • Specific charges include bribery, corruption, making false statements and accepting bribe payments.

  • One of the alleged incidents include the speeding up of fire safety inspections at the Turkish consulate in the city.

  • An alleged co-conspirator has already pleaded guilty to the charges.

Police department, fire department, education department, mayor’s staff, what city government staff will be next (see delow!)?

2)Millions of Americans have been suffering as a result of Biden’s failed economic policies since the day he came into office: rising gas prices, rising utility prices, rising food prices, rising mortgage costs, etc. And now it is clear that another bunch of Americans are likely to be  facing hard times soon:

  • The cost of  living adjustment for Social Security recipients for 2025 will be the lowest raise in years.

  • Even though inflation has been running 50-100% higher than normal during the Biden years, generally 3-4% annually, the 2025 cost of living adjustment for Social Security payments will be only 2.5%.

  • That 2.5% would add only $46.80 to the monthly $1,870 that an  average Social Security recipient now receives.

  • This comes out to about $1.50 a day.

  • But this trend is not surprising since a report found that Social Security benefits have  lost 20% of their buying power since 2010.

  • During the Biden years, the percentage of seniors living in poverty has gone from 9.5% of Americans aged 65 and older three years ago to 14.2% today.

  • The 14.2% is the highest  poverty level since 2016.

  • Much of this loss of wealth has been driven by increases in Medicare Part B charges which on average have been  increasing 5.5% a year.

  • In 2025, monthly Medicare charges are expected to increase by about $14 a month, wiping out about one third of the increase in payments.

Nobody wins in a high inflation period like we have experienced during the Biden years. But seniors are hit the hardest. 

Given that perspective, keep in mind that Nancy Pelosi’s husband recently sold half a million dollars in Visa stock shortly before the Department of Justice sued the company, an  action that could not have been good for their stock price. I guess that senior citizen politicians are exempt from the stress that regular American senior citizens have when it comes to quality of life.

3)Biden’s failures are not restricted to inflation, as we have pointed out many times. And  his Vice President, Kamala Harris, Presidential candidate, has had her own share of failures. She claimed to be one of the architects of the dismal  failure of the withdrawal from  Afghanistan. She was also the so-called “Border Czar” which allowed over 10 million illegal immigrants to enter the country, resulting in criminal gangs, drug cartels, and ordinary criminals entering the country, causing havoc on American citizens.

But she is also the owner of another massive Biden failure:

  • Biden's ridiculously named “Inflation Reduction Act” has not reduced inflation to acceptable levels while adding significant debt to the national debt.

  • But this was not unexpected as both the Congressional Budget Office and the Wharton School of Business accurately predicted its failure.

  • But the failures of the act are not restricted to the falsely intended objective to reduce inflation.

  • One aspect of the act was to pay out huge sums of money to bring fast internet access to the more rural parts of the country (how that would reduce inflation is still a mystery).

  • And Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of this aspect of the legislation.

  • But the Federal  Communications Commission recently reported that her effort in this $42 billion project has been a total failure since in the over 1,000 days since the legislation was passed Harris has managed to connect exactly no one to  the Internet via this program, no homes, no business, no one is on the Internet as a result of her $42 billion budget.

She failed at getting us out of Afghanistan, she failed as the border czar, and now she has failed as the Internet czar.  Three strikes and yet she is still  running for President. As always, being successful and smart is never a criteria for being an American politician.

4)We have talked about the overwhelming corruption that is being alleged across most of the New York City administration of mayor Eric Adams. But city corruption  is not restricted to the NYC area:

  • An analysis of Portland,  Oregon’s campaign finance database indicates that dozens of city candidates for public office exchanged campaign donations among themselves in order to have gathered enough donations to qualify for matching city taxpayer dollars.

  • This corruption appears to have been  committed by over 70 politicians seeking office in the city government.

  • Depending on how these mutual  sharing of campaign donations were arranged they could very well be in violation of current election laws.

  • The law says that a candidate had to officially receive at least 250 donations from  individual donors in order to get $40,000 in  taxpayer funding.

  • Thus, candidates would swap donations with each other in  order to more likely get to the 250 donor threshold.

  • And even though, in theory and by law, donations from other political candidates should not be considered in the 250 donor count, that has not been the reality.

  • According to an  independent analysis of the city's donor database, over 970 mutual transactions have  occurred in this voting  cycle.

No surprise that  city, state and  Federal government officials continue to game the system, a system that has the rules that they likely created, in order to continue their self enrichment via the taxpayer’s taxes.

5)Let’s go back  to New York City, where political  corruption is now so bad it is becoming kinda funny, especially when you consider the following quite unbelievable former city employee story:

  • The city’s  former COVID czar under Mayor Bill de Blasio, Dr. Jay Varma, had left his city position to land a job at a pharmaceutical firm.

  • However, he was recently fired from his job a week after he got caught bragging about hosting sex parties and  attending an  underground rave during the darkest days of the COVID pandemic.

  • Apparently these sex parties occurred while employed by the city.

  • According to his now former employer, SIGA Technologies: “On September 23, 2024, the Board of Directors of SIGA Technologies (NASDAQ: SIGA) terminated Dr. Jay Varma, effective immediately, other than for cause, from his position as Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of the Company.. Pursuant to the terms of his employment agreement, Dr. Varma’s service on the Company’s Board of Directors also automatically ended effective immediately.” 

  • NYC councilwoman, Inna Vernikov, was not shy about expressing her opinion that was probably common among others: “While grandmothers took their last breaths alone on cold hospital beds, Dr. Varma was fulfilling his sick fantasies with hundreds of sweaty strangers.” 

  • Michael Kane of Teachers for Choice said, “What disgusts me the most was hearing Varma say having drug-fueled group sex orgies was necessary for him to be his ‘authentic self’ because COVID had him ‘pent up.’”

  • Hundreds of people attended one of his parties even though publicly he was telling ordinary citizens to hunker down and not  intersect with others in order to  not spread the virus.

Corruption and as always when  it comes to our politicians, “Do as I say,  not as I do.” We know that California Governor,  Gavin Newsom, attended a no mask intimate dinner party at a  public  restaurant during COVID. We know that the governor of Illinois’ wife was flying all over the country when that was prohibited. We know that Nancy Pelosi forced her favorite hairstylist to open her business so that Pelosi could get her hair done during the COVID  shutdown period. Yes, the hypocrisy is strong with many who are in the American political class.

Enough insanity for today: COVID hypocrisy, city corruption from coast to coast, another Kamala Harris failure and American senior citizens getting poorer by the day.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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