Friday, September 27, 2024

September, 2024, Part 10, Political Class Insanity: The NYC Mayor Gets Indicted, Fauci Concealed a Covid Reality, Consumer Confidence Wanes, and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of efficiently operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

Note: This will be the tenth consecutive post we have done on Political Class Insanity. This will be the last post on this topic for a little while, not because we have run out of political class corruption, failures, and crimes but because we need a break from reporting on some  of the  most corrupt politicians in the history of this country.

1)A constant topic over the past week or so of posts has been the incredible unfolding stories of corruption and crimes allegedly being committed by New York City politicians and city government bureaucrats. And now Federal law enforcement resources have now involved the top politician in the city, Mayor Eric Adams:

  • Adams was recently indicted as a result of a Federal  corruption investigation.

  • The indictment shows that the charges include one count of conspiracy to receive campaign contributions from foreign nationals and commit wire fraud and bribery, one count of wire fraud, two counts of soliciting campaign contributions from foreign nationals, and one count of soliciting and accepting a bribe.

  • He is now the first sitting NYC mayor to be criminally charged while in office.

  • Adams has claimed that he is a political target and that he is innocent, that the Biden administration is coming after him because the city was being overwhelmed by countless thousands of illegal immigrants that Biden allowed to enter the country and settle in the city and Adams complained publicly about the impact on his city.

  • This indictment follows on the heels of Adams’ First Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor having their homes raided by Federal officials.

The question now is who is going to be the next New York City official to get arrested, there seems like there are more under indictment and suspicions than those that are not.

2)We have often spoken about how much of a failure Biden’s economic policies have been and the  heavy toll it has placed on Americans' wealth. Now, given the higher cost of gas, food, utilities, rent, mortgages rates, and other life needs, the American consumer has spoken. 

Consumer Confidence plunged in September, falling 6.9 points to 98.7. This is the steepest drop since August 2021 and came in far below what economists had predicted. Those surveyed most often mentioned high prices and inflation as the major factors influencing their more dismal consumer confidence in Biden’s economy.

3)The corruption of the American political class seems to never stop:

  • Angela Alsobrooks is running for the U.S. Senate from Maryland.

  • According to CNN, she is accused of saving thousands of dollars in taxes by taking tax breaks she did not qualify for.

  • For over ten years she claimed a homestead tax exemption on a home she owned in D.C. something she can only do on her primary residence in Maryland.

  • Over 12 years she saved $14,000 on taxes.

  • She claimed through an advisor that she was unaware of the law (of course she did).

Makes you wonder how many other people of her ilk in politics are also doing similar scams to save on their tax bill, another example of “do as I say, not as I do.”

3)Although Biden has been  particularly good at being totally ignorant of basic economic concepts, most politicians have no understanding about economics and the policies they put forth in this discipline. For example, they usually fail miserably when it comes to minimum wage matters. They never grasp the concept that if you increase the operating costs of a business, especially a small  business,  that business has to adapt and reduce costs in other areas to survive.

We have  talked about this concept many times in the past: raising the  minimum wage usually results in fewer jobs. And those jobs, while they may pay a higher wage, are often less robust since business owners reduce the other benefits that employees may have had. For example, raise the minimum wage of restaurant employees, the owners of those restaurants may cut back on other benefits such as free meals for workers, reduced health benefits, etc.

We often have  discussed the  thousands and thousands of fast food jobs that have  been lost in California since the state government raised the minimum wage for fast food employees  to  $20 an hour. Business owners cut staff,  cut hours of remaining staff, and cut down other expenses to cope. Consider the following real life example:

  • Mexican fast food company, Chipotle, reacted to the new $20 minimum wage rate in the state by reducing staff.

  • They then replaced the fired workers with robots to help prepare meals for customers in order to save  expenses to offset the inane minimum wage hike.

  • The “Autoccato” robot can more efficiently prepare avocados for guacamole.

  • This robot can peel, pit and cut an avocado in 26 seconds, much quicker than a human can do the same function.

  • The “Digital alkaline”  robot can prepare salads and bowls based on mobile app orders.

Thus, as we have said before when politicians do  not understand basic economic principles: the good news is that your job position has a higher salary level. The bad news is that we have  eliminated your job.  Robots, self service kiosks, automated checkouts, restaurant owners and  other business owners will  adjust their business model when politicians create additional expenses and those adjustments usually mean fewer jobs, fewer hours for those that still have a job and jobs with fewer other, non-monetary benefits.

4)In the time it took to write this post, yet another New York City official has left their government position:

  • Lisa Zornberg, the city government’s chief lawyer, recently resigned in midst of Federal law enforcement raids on many other city officials.

  • She has been Mayor Eric Adams lead attorney for just over a year.

  • “I am deeply grateful to Mayor Adams for giving me the opportunity to serve the city, and I strongly support the work he has done and continues to do for New Yorkers,” Zornberg said in a statement. 

Now we are not saying, as is anyone else, that Ms. Zornberg has done anything illegal, has had her home raided by Federal  law enforcement officers, had her phone confiscated by officers, or is under any suspicions of wrongdoing. 

But, given that just about everyone else in the Adams’ administration seems to have allegedly done something wrong, it does seem a little shaky that she would leave such a prestigious position just a year after attaining it. There was not mention in any press releases on whether or not she was moving on to a more lucrative position.

4)For years, many young, healthy people,  including many athletes, seemed to be dropping dead from heart attacks for no specific reason. Just did not make any sense.  Those that noticed that these deaths started around the same time everyone was taking the new, and mostly untested covid vaccines, were called nuts, conspiracy theorists, and uneducated in medicine.

But then something strange happened. Once the vaccine frenzy ended, it seemed that the unexpected deaths of young, healthy folks also stopped. And now the second really strange/unexpected thing happened:

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s face of covid to the world, has actually admitted that the vaccine could cause myocarditis, a heart condition that could lead to heart attacks even in healthy young folks.

  • Fauci was infamous for constantly claiming that the vaccines were “safe and  effective.

  • However, he recently admitted that there was a direct connection between the mRNA vaccines and the inflammation of the heart especially in young men.

  • But that concern was never shared with Americans so that they could have made an informed decision on whether to get the vaccine,

  • Instead this  reality was buried and anyone who pointed out the unexpected deaths of young people were branded as stupid and misinformed.

Another day, another government screwup and  deception.

That will  do it for today: another government lie, another NYC high ranking administrator is out, another bad economics policy from the political class, consumer confidence sinks, and the NYC mayor gets indicted.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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