Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Biden's Failed Immigration Policies and the Death and Violence It Has Caused To Americans - Part 11

We have often discussed the reality that Biden’s border policies have been an unbelievable failure. Illegal drugs are flooding into the country, violent South and Central American gangs setting up shop in U.S. cities, and local city and state budgets are being adjusted so that illegal immigrants can be fed, sheltered, and given medical attention, stealing government services from American taxpayers.

But one particularly distressing and tragic result of Biden’s failed immigration policies is the danger that have befallen innocent Americans at the hands of violent illegal immigrants who never should have been admitted to the country. This is not to say there should be no immigration into this country.  But there has to be a rigid screening process so that violent people do not get into the country and carry out heinous, often fatal, attacks on innocent Americans.

The first nine sets of sad stories relative to the illegal immigrant dangers to Americans can be accessed at:


1)Denver has been one of the hardest hit cities overwhelmed with  illegal immigrants as a result of Biden’s  failed immigration policies. They did not receive the highest number of illegal immigrants but on a per person basis, the ratio in Denver of illegal immigrants to total residents was the highest.

And despite being in the country illegally, these Denver illegal  immigrants have had the nerve to present over a dozen demands to their city hosts and taxpayers:

  • The illegal immigrants do not like the free food that the taxpayers are paying for and want fresher and more varied food….even though millions of Americans are struggling to feed themselves and their families.

  • The illegal immigrants  claim that they are not getting support for housing and getting immigration documents….even though hundreds of thousands of Americans are homeless right now.

  • The  illegal  immigrants want free housing, free attorneys, and free health care….even though millions of Americans cannot afford an attorney or proper healthcare.

As often seems to be the case, many American politicians would rather take taxpayer wealth and make life much easier for illegal immigrants than to help out American citizens in need.

2)Let’s go east to New York City:

  • Juan Hernandez is a 22 year old illegal immigrant from Ecuador.

  • Her apparently has been  causing quite a stir in NYC with his repeated attempt to access boats in the city.

  • He was recently arrested and then released without bail for stealing a vintage NYC Fire Department fire boat and taking it for a joyride.

  • He was then arrested when he attempted to board  another vessel, the Frying Pan, a floating restaurant at Pier 66 in Manhattan.

The good news is that no one was harmed. The bad news is that it might not be true in a future boat incident and while nobody got hurt, his antics did unnecessarily burn up taxpayer wealth.

3)While the boat thief did not hurt anyone, that is generally not the case with illegal immigrant criminal  activities:

  • According to the New York Post, a whopping 75% of people who have been arrested in central Manhattan in NYC for assault, domestic violence, and robbery are immigrants.

  • In NYC Queens’ borough, the same statistic is 60%.

  • “New York City eliminated a tool to get rid of violent criminals. What a mess,” observed Jim Quinn, a veteran former prosecutor at the Queens District Attorney’s Office.

Not only are Americans less safe with millions of illegal immigrants flooding over the border during Biden’s Presidency, government and taxpayer resources are stretched to the extreme in dealing with immigrant crime while Americans in need go ignored.

4)Violence from  illegal  immigrants criminals is not only in the big cities but also in the outer regions of the country:

  • An illegal immigrant was recently arrested for several child sex crimes and human trafficking in Alabama.

  • Enoc Velazquez Bravo, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was arrested at a traffic stop.

  • Bravo has been charged with first-degree human trafficking, possession of a fraudulent instrument, facilitating the travel of a child for an unlawful sex act, traveling to meet a child for an unlawful sex act, and electronic solicitation of a child, court records show.

More disgusting, criminal behavior from illegal immigrant criminals.

5)Far too many times we have pointed out that American politicians care more about illegal immigrants and  citizens of foreign countries than they do of Americans in need. The latest example of this disgusting negligence is in New York City:

  • The city now has a pilot program that will  give illegal immigrant families up to $350 a week to buy food and baby supplies.

  • These are the same illegal families that are living for free in New York City hotels, courtesy of the American taxpayers.

  • Fox News estimated that if this pilot program, if extended to all illegal families living in the city, it will cost the taxpayers $53 million.

  • For a perspective, that theoretical $53 million to be just spent in NYC would be double what the entire New York state government spends on its Department of Veteran Services.

  • From another perspective consider that under this program illegal immigrants would receive $12.52 a day for food and baby supplies which would be 40% more than what a low income American would receive in food stamps in 2022.

  • According to Fox, illegal  immigrants in the city also get free healthcare which is about half of the $4.7 billion the city spent on illegal  immigrants in 2023.

You get the idea: illegal immigrants get treated better by American politicians today than Americans in general and Americans in need. Disgusting priorities.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:



Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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