Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Biden's Failed Immigration Policies and the Death and Violence It Has Caused To Americans - Part 11

 We have often discussed the reality that Biden’s border policies have been an unbelievable failure. Illegal drugs are flooding into the country, violent South and Central American gangs setting up shop in  U.S. cities, and local city and state budgets are being adjusted so that illegal immigrants can be fed, sheltered, and given medical attention, stealing government services from American taxpayers.

But one particularly distressing and tragic result of Biden’s failed immigration policies is the danger that have befallen innocent Americans at the hands of violent illegal immigrants who never should have been admitted to the country. This is not to say there should be no immigration into this country.  But there has to be a rigid screening process so that violent people do not get into the country and carry out heinous, often fatal, attacks on innocent Americans.

The first of these sad stories relative to the illegal immigrant dangers to Americans can be accessed at:


Subsequent posts on the subject follow from this initial post.

1)We have reported on the many personal tragedies (murders, rapes, theft) that have befallen American  citizens at the hands of criminal and violent illegal immigrants. But the larger picture of what criminal illegal  immigrants have done to Americans is also very disturbing:

  • The Biden administration's immigration policies have allowed over 650,000 criminals and  criminal suspects to roam free throughout the country.

  • These numbers come from Congressman Tony Gonzalez based on a  letter from ICE.

  • Among these 650,000 criminals and criminal suspects are an estimated 13,000 illegal immigrant murderers and 222,141 illegal immigrants facing criminal charges.

  • Specifically, a portion of the letter says: Your letter requests the number of noncitizens on ICE’s docket convicted or charged with a crime. As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes those detained by ICE, and on the agency’s non-detained docket. Of those, 435,719 are convicted criminals [including 13,099 murders], and 226,847 have pending criminal charges.”

  • ICE also  reported in the letter that there are currently 15,000 criminal illegal  immigrants in  jail and over 300 of those are convicted murderers or who are facing murder charges.

Scary stuff that convicted murderers, rapists, and  other criminal  illegal  immigrants are free to  roam the country and thus, the previous atrocities we have reported should not be a surprise, given these numbers.

2)But it is not just American citizens that suffer as a result  of Biden’s failed immigration policies and administration’s operations:

  • Congressman Burgess Owens said in a recent interview that approximately 320,000 immigrant kids have been  “lost” relative to Biden’s failed policies.

  • This number is consistent with a report from  the Homeland Security inspector general who estimated that 291,000 immigrant kids were missing and could not be accounted for.

  • The real concern and probability is that many of these kids have ended up being controlled by sex trafficking, forced labor, and criminal gangs.

Disgusting that these kids have been “lost” with no  clue by the administration of whether they are safe or being exploited.

3)Recently an illegal immigrant  pleaded guilty to  brutally murdering his girlfriend and  then dumping her body on the side of the road in Michigan:

  • Brandon Ortiz-Vite pleaded guilty to killing his girlfriend, Ruby Garcia.

  • We had previously reported on this violent act but now he has pleaded guilty to the deed.

  • He shot her inside a girl after she told him she wanted to break up with him.

  • He is an illegal immigrant from Mexico.

  • He ended up pleading guilty to second degree murder, carjacking, illegal carrying of a concealed weapon, and using a firearm in the commission of a felony.

  • He had previously been deported over a drunk driving offense but snuck back into the country during the Biden administration.

Another day another murder at the hands of an  illegal immigrant.

4)Let’s move out of Michigan and over to Massacuusetts for the next act of violence:

  • Federal agents recently arrested Bryam Saraguro Ramon, an  illegal immigrant, on charges of aggravated rape of a child and other crimes.

  • He is an illegal immigrant from Ecuador.

  • “Bryam Saraguro Ramon is charged with some serious and disturbing crimes against a minor in our Massachusetts community,” Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston Field Office Director Todd Lyons stated. “We will not allow noncitizen sexual predators to victimize the children of our neighborhoods unabated.ERO Boston will continue to prioritize public safety by arresting and arresting egregious noncitizen offenders.” 

  • His charges include aggravated rape of a minor, indecent assault and battery, and distributing obscene material to a minor.

  • Also in Boston, an illegal  immigrant from Haiti was arrested after he was charged with raping a disabled child.

  • The disgusting part of this atrocity is that after he was arrested, the local district attorney asked for a $10,000 bail but the judge reduced that to $500 and the illegal immigrant was set free and has since disappeared

It is bad  enough to rape an adult but to rape a child, especially a disabled child, is despicable.

5)An illegal immigrant was recently involved in a very bad accident while working for Amazon:

  • An American mom was walking with her four month old infant in a  stroller when she was struck by an Amazon van driven by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela.

  • The mom suffered what was called “catastrophic injuries” while her infant was thrown from the stroller.

  • The illegal immigrant Amazon driver got out of the van, put the uninjured infant back in the stroller, and left the scene of the accident.

  • The illegal immigrant had two previous driving violations including running a stop sign and reckless driving. 

  • And yet, Amazon hired this illegal immigrant with previous driving problems who did a hit and run on an American mom.

And adding insult to injury, despite the violence of the crime and leaving the scene of a horrific accident, the illegal immigrant driver was released on minimal bail and was back out on the streets within 24 hours. Just another example where the welfare of an  illegal  immigrant takes precedence over the welfare and safety of American citizens.

6)One more atrocity of Biden’s failed illegal immigrant policies for today:

  • An illegal immigrant has been arrested and charged with the murdering of an entire family in a suburb of Rochester, New York.

  • The alleged murderer, Julio Cesar Pimentel Soriano, is an  illegal  immigrant from the Dominican Republic.

  • He is also wanted for murder for an alleged murder he committed in his home country.

  • Two adults and two kids, aged 4 and 2 years old, were murdered.

  • After the murders, Soriano allegedly set the house on fire to cover up the crimes.

As we have said so  many times before, the highest priority of any government entity is to protect the lives and property of the citizens they serve. Obviously, when American citizens are murdered, American kids and adults are raped, and illegal immigrants commit thousands and thousands of crimes, the Federal government, and the Biden administration, have failed miserably in this very basic government function.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:



Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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