Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Disaster That Is FEMA, Part 1 - Lebanon More Important than American Hurricane Victims, Mayorkas Continues To Fail, Budget Mismanagement and More

 We have often discussed the many, many failures of the Biden administration:

  • Failed immigration policies.

  • Failed economic policies.

  • Failed diplomacy efforts.

  • Failed government initiatives.

To this fabulous list of failures, let’s discuss the latest government agency in the Biden administration to fail at it’s assignment and duties:

1)The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is responsible for helping Americans in need when natural disasters befall them, be it as a result of hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, wildfires, etc. In the past couple of weeks two major hurricanes would have hit the country, Helene and Milton. Helen caused major damage in Florida but the real  disaster was in North Carolina where floods, mudslides, and overflowing rivers have caused havoc and death.

Alejandro Mayorkas is the Secretary of Homeland Security and is in charge of FEMA. His previous disasters and failures have been his inability, or more likely, his non-desire, to protect the southern border from being overrun by over ten million illegal immigrants. Among those ten million illegal  immigrants were members of criminal gangs,  drug cartels and sex trafficking cartels. His failure at this function has resulted in danger, death, and violence to American citizens.

And now along come two hurricanes that have killed hundreds, left thousands homeless, destroyed billions of dollars worth of property, and disrupted the lives of millions of Americans. And while this chaos has been going on in many states, he has recently been seen casually strolling along a shopping plaza after having shopped at an upscale men’ store called Syd Masburn in DC.  Obviously how well he  dresses is more important than the suffering of millions of Americans.

Elon  Musk probably summed up this despicable behavior the best: “He’s shopping for fancy clothes while people are suffering from hurricane damage. This is some Hunger Games shit.”

That about sums it up.

2)While Mayorikas is clothes shopping, people on the ground in Bat Cave, North Carolina are dealing with some stark  storm realities….without the help of FEMA:

  • Bat Cave was destroyed by Hurricane Helene but has received no  help from  FEMA.

  • FEMA personnel refused to enter the area because there was a “Road Closed” sign in the road.

  • Rather than investigate how they could get aid to the Bat Cave residents, the FEMA folks just turned and went away, leaving Bat Cave  residents without the aid they desperately needed.

  • According to a news report that quoted a local resident, Chelsea Atkins,  “You can drive it [the road with the “Road Closed” sign] for sure.”

  • But FEMA apparently never even tried to get down the road to help those in need.

As a result, the residents of Bat Cave were  forced to rely on each other to do what had to be done to  help those in need in their area, FEMA be damned.

3)But things get worse if one views a video clip from a FEMA disaster preparedness staff meeting that was held back in March, 2023:

  • In that meeting FEMA Emergency Management  Specialist Tyler Atkins emphasized that FEMA would show preference for LGBTQIA+ communities over broader relief efforts.

  • in other words, LGBTQIA+ communities would get priority over other American citizens in times of disaster because they are “already disadvantaged.”

  • Specifically:  “They already have their own things to deal with. So, you add a disaster on top of that, it’s just compounding on itself.” 

  • This is obviously a violation of a FEMA policy whose core mission is to provide assistance and aid based on need rather than sexual identity.

Unbelievable that the Federal government would prioritize saving lives based on sexual orientation rather than the danger at the moment. FEMA should be focused on  doing the greatest good for the greatest amount of people in need in the shortest time frame possible, not checking someone’s sexual orientation card before determining their place in line for aid. Despicable performance and priorities.

4)The failure of FEMA to perform basic life saving functions in the face of recent hurricanes should come as no surprise, given recent whistleblower allegations of incompetence and mismanagement in the agency.

  • Congressman Matt Gaetz recently addressed these whistleblower concerns in a letter to Mayorkas.

  • Specifically: “My office has been in contact with whistleblowers in numerous emergency-management functions.”

  • He accused FEMA of withholding disaster aid, mismanagement of funds, deploying and paying for military resources to help in disasters but then never using the resources, allowing NGOs to use agency funds for airline tickets for illegal immigrants among  other misuse of funds.

  • As a result of misusing and wasting FEMA budget dollars, Mayorkas had to go public to insist that FEMA did not have the necessary budget resources to properly respond to hurricane disasters, leaving Hurricane Helene and Milton victims to fend for themselves despite the tax  dollars they paid for FEMA and Mayorkas’ priority to shop at high end fashion shops.

  • And this should not come as a surprise since a lot of FEMA dollars went into the so-called Shelter and Services Program whose purpose is to provide services to non-citizens, i..e. Illegal immigrants.

Just another example of both government incompetence and prioritizing the needs of illegal immigrants over the needs of Americans under stress.

5)Between the two recent hurricanes, Helene and Milton, hundreds of Americnas have died, thousands have been injured and millions are suffering from displacement, lost possessions, and stress. In the middle of these very difficult times and the failure of FEMA to deliver on its charter to help in  times of disaster, the Vice President, Kamala Harris, decided it would be a good time to announce that the Biden administration is sending $157,000,000 to Lebanon. Not North Carolina, not Florida but Lebanon half a world away.

Hurricane victims are hungry, homeless, aching, mourning, and wondering what they will do next to survive and she rubs $157,000,000 in these needy Americans’ faces. Oh, she also announced that this $157,000,000 brings the total amount of taxpayer money going overseas just to Lebanon to about a half a billion dollars.

Others properly pointed out how heartless and tone deaf this action was:

  • Actor James Woods: “This has to be fake. Even Kamala Harris, the gold standard of stupid, isn’t stupid enough to post this. Certainly not while North Carolinians are pulling the bodies of their neighbors from the wreckage. It’s simply inconceivable.” 

  • Congressman Nick Langworthy: “Could this be any more tone-deaf? We have Americans suffering and in danger right now after the hurricane, and this is what Kamala has to announce. America First!”

  • Journaliist Eric Daugherty: “To be clear – Kamala Harris’ campaign-suicidal post this evening focusing on LEBANON while major disaster rescues and recovery are underway is an admission she is losing Michigan right now.” North Carolina are getting meager aid while millions flow out the door to foreign countries.

FEMA is inept, Mayoraks is inept, minorities and foreign country citizens are more important than Americans, and Kamala Harris couldn’t care less about the hurricane victims and their sufferings.


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