Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Horrors And Destruction That Donald Trump Has Imposed On America...Just Kidding! A Two Year Review Of The Trump Administration

Before we start today’s discussion, let’s review my voting history: 
  • I have never voted for a Republican for President in my life. 
  • Thus, I did not vote for Trump. 
  • I have rarely voted for a Republican for national office in my life. 
About 2 years ago, many liberals, Democrats, and millennials were besides themselves with grief and fear because their pre-ordained queen, Hillary Clinton, was not elected President. Instead, Donald Trump was elected, an individual that these same people despised, hated, and feared, an individual they felt would endanger and possibly destroy the country and our democracy. For the past year and a half they fretted, worried and lashed out at anything or anyone that even remotely smelled of Donald Trump.

Given that Trump has been in office for almost two years, I thought, that as someone who did not vote for him, it would be a good idea to review the horror, trauma, and terrible things that Trump has subjected the country to in just eighteen month’s time. This is obviously a very sarcastic comment when you take an unbiased look at what has happened during the Trump Presidency.

The many previous posts we did on this topic identified over 200 good things that have happened to America and Americans since Trump became President and they can found by entering the phrase “the horrors and destruction” in the search box above. 

Given we are coming up on Trump’s second year in office, I thought it would be a good idea to list out some of his many accomplishments that we have already listed in the previous 20 posts on the topic. As the previous paragraph points out, we have already named over 200 ways that American is better off today than it was two years ago when he took office. So in no particular order, consider the following improvements that have occurred in America under the Trump administration:
  1. The national unemployment rate has been running below 4% for most of the past two years, an 18 year low, with the unemployment rate incredibly below 2% in some areas of the country, an indication of a very strong economy.
  2. The unemployment rate for African-Americans is at or near the lowest level ever.
  3. Trump’s approval rating among African-Americans has doubled in the past two years.
  4. African American median income is at the highest level ever.
  5. The unemployment rate for Hispanic-Americans is at or near the lowest level ever.
  6. The unemployment rate for veterans is at the lowest level in 18 years.
  7. The unemployment level for disabled Americans is also at a record low level.
  8. Those older than 24 years old without a high school diploma have an unemployment rate of 5.4%, close to the lowest level ever.
  9. Trump’s approval rating among Hispanic-Americans has surged in the past two years.
  10. At the end of 2018, 156,945,000 Americans were employed, an all time high.
  11. Over four million jobs have been added to the economy since Trump was sworn in.
  12. Steel production in the U.S. is at its highest level since 2007.
  13. The unemployment rate for women is at or near the lowest level ever.
  14. Weekly unemployment benefit filings have decreased steadily over the past two years, recently hitting a 45 year low.
  15. Wages gains have been steady over the past two years after being stagnant or negative for most of the Obama administration. 
  16. There are about a million more open jobs available across the country than there are unemployed Americans looking for jobs, a rare occurrence over history.
  17. Manufacturing job opportunities across the country are at their highest levels since 2000.
  18. Trump signed into law a major, and positive, criminal justice reform law that will cut back and soften the draconian criminal sentencing law enacted under Bill Clinton, a draconian law that unfairly targeted African-Americans over the past few decades.
  19. Trump and his daughter, Ivanka, advocated and got Congress to pass the WEEE legislation, the Women’s Entrepreneurship & Economic Empowerment Act, a law that promotes and focuses U.S. foreign aid on programs that support women and women-owned business.
  20. Food stamp enrollment levels have dropped by about 3.5 million people over the past year, with 47 out of 50 states reporting fewer food stamp residents this year than last year, due to the booming Trump economy and reforms that Trump has initiated to weed out recipients that do not deserve to be on the program.
  21. According to recent Rasmussen polling, Trump’s current approval rate is up to 48%, two percentage points higher than what Obama’s was at the same point in time in their respective Presidencies.
  22. Due to the Trump tax cuts, millions of Americans received one time substantial bonus from their companies who saw their Federal tax bill decrease.
  23. Due to the Trump tax cuts, U.S. companies have brought back $300 billion back to this country from overseas.
  24. Due to the Trump tax cuts, over one hundred million American taxpayers will pay less in Federal income taxes going forward.
  25. Due to the Trump tax cuts, over one hundred utility companies have slashed their electricity rates.
  26. Due to the Trump tax cuts, millions of Americans saw a rise in their hourly wage rate from their companies who saw their Federal tax bill decrease.
  27. Due to the Trump tax cuts, thousands of companies have invested their tax savings into growing their businesses, increasing job and economic opportunities across the country.
  28. Due to the Trump tax cuts, businesses have increased their charitable donations due to the decrease in their Federal tax bill.
  29. Contributions to charities hit an all time high in 2017, exceeding $400 billion for the first time ever, possibly due to Americans having more money in their pockets because of the Trump tax cuts.
  30. Trump eliminated about 1,500 unnecessary government regulations to spur investment and business growth and save the economy an estimated $89 billion in excessive regulation costs.
  31. The U.S. national carbon footprint has decreased substantially over the past few years while most other nations, especially China and India, have seen their carbon footprint increase.
  32. Trump withdrew us from the horrible Paris Climate Agreement which would have crippled the American economy and allowed other nations such as China to increase their carbon footprint unabated for at least the next decade.
  33. Trump withdrew us from Obama’s Iran Nuclear Weapons agreement, an agreement that rewarded Iran with relaxed sanctions and billions in physical cash while Iran did nothing to improve the lot of its people or reduce its terrorism efforts around the world.
  34. Trump made the most in roads of any President ever with North Korea in a continuing attempt to rein its nuclear program and while already reuniting the remains of Korean War U.S. soldiers missing in action with their families.
  35. Trump has begun to withdraw U.S. troops out of Syria, a hell hole on Earth that should not be part of any American military effort and which is hopefully a precursor to getting all U.S. troops out of the Middle East.
  36. Trump forced many NATO nations to finally fulfill their treaty requirements by increasing their defense budgets to be in line with their legal requirements.
  37. Trump moved the U.S. Israel embassy to Jerusalem, indicating strong support for Israel and a rebuttal to Islamic terrorists such as Hamas.
  38. Trump signed legislation to clean up the sea of floating plastic off the west coast while at the same promising to prod China and Japan to clean up their recycling efforts, pitiful current efforts which are the main cause of the floating mass of plastic in the Pacific Ocean.
  39. Trump has signed, new, better trade deals for America and American workers with Mexico, Canada, and the European Union.
  40. Trump is in serious negotiations with China to fix the broken trade imbalance with that country, already getting China to import American rice farmer crops for the first time ever.
  41. After increasing during the last two years of the Obama administration, the national murder rate is trending downwards during the early part of the Trump administration.
  42. The number of police officers killed in the line of duty in Trump’s first year fell to the second lowest level in at least 50 years.
  43. Trump signed legislation that eliminated the oppressive and tyrannical Obama Care requirement that all Americans MUST purchase health insurance if they did not want it, could not afford it, or did not need it.
  44. Trump signed the Right To Act legislation that allows over a million Americans to more easily try experimental drugs if other methods of treatment have not cured their dangerous afflictions.
  45. Trump reversed a silly Obama administration requirement that banned people from joining organizational health plans and negotiating for cheaper health insurance rates from insurance companies.
  46. Trump issued regulations that helped fast track generic drug approvals to more quickly get drugs into the market to help ailing Americans.
  47. The Trump administration will start a program to help states care for pregnant women who are using opioids and for their babies who are born dependent on the drugs, the Maternal Opioid Misuse program, or the "M-O-M model."
  48. Trump was able to get $6 billion money dedicated to fight the opioid epidemic in the country.
  49. The Trump administration has for for intent and purposes killed the Common Core education effort, a program that has cost so much money and done so much harm to education in this country.
  50. Christmas season retail sales were up a very robust 5.1% vs 2017 and online seasonal sales were up 26.4%, another great economic feat under Trump.
  51. Consumer, business, and general confidence in the country and the economy by any measurement is soaring under the Trump administration and its actions.
  52. Most major stock market indices are up over 20% since Trump took office.
Okay, let’s stop the list here, you get the idea. The previous posts under this topic found over 200 successes and good things since Trump took office. Higher wages, better job opportunities, higher economic growth, better approaches to health and drug addiction, stronger actions and respect in foreign affairs, reductions in government bureaucracy, hardly the disaster that liberals, Democrats, and Hillary Clinton predicted.

For those of you that have hated on Trump since day one, and given your obvious gross error in judgment relative to Trump given the well 200 accomplishments we have previously listed, let me ask that you to do us all a favor by implementing the following changes in your behavior and attitude:
  • Chill out, tamp down your TDS affliction. No matter how much you hate Trump on a sexist, personal basis, get over it. He is the legally and duly elected President, he will be around for a while so refocus your hatred on more constructive issues and matters. You will live a lot longer if you take your hatred out of your heart and soul and devote it to something positive.
  • I would really appreciate it if some of you would apologize to the Trump voters you have disrespected in some of the grossest terms possible over the past year. You have called millions of voters racists, ignorant, stupid, Nazis, KKK members, and other horrible names simply because you disagreed with their voting choice. No American should be called such disgusting names simply because they exercised their Constitutional rights to the best of their abilities. Plus, slandering over 60 million Americans is no way to unite the country and get it focused on the real issues facing us all.
  • More personally, I would like, no I am demanding, an apology from some of you for your slanderous and disgusting name calling because in doing so, you insulted and disrespected my sister, my family members, my friends, and my co-workers who simply voted their conscience. I will defend their right to vote anyway they wanted and will no put up with your childish and vicious venom and bile directed at them, very important people in my life.
  • And finally, I challenge you to read the following blog post, a post that shows quite clearly that it was hateful people like some of you and your silence during the Obama years that actually caused Trump to be elected. Thus, the people you hate for voting for Trump are actually looking back at you in the mirror:

If you were silent in the dozens of instances listed in this post then you were responsible for the very thing you hate: a Trump Presidency. Or put another way, a so far successful and productive Trump Presidency. Over 200 accomplishments in two years is not too shabby despite many of you wanting both Trump and the country to fail.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

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