It never had a chance to be successful since it really never addressed the underlying root causes of our ever increasing health costs in the country:
- Americans eat too much of the wrong kind of food, resulting in obscenely high obesity rates for the country.
- Our food chain is infested with overdoses of high fructose corn syrup, salt, sugar, and other unhealthy additives.
- Americans smoke too much.
- Americans do not exercise enough.
- The country is in serious need of health care tort reform.
- Barriers to insurance company competition across state lines need to come down.
- Obama Care never “followed the money” to find out who is actually profiting from the ever escalating healthcare costs in this country and how to get those factors under control.
- Obama Care never got the immense amount of fraud and abuse in current government healthcare programs, Medicare and Medicaid, under control in order to save money to efficiently fund other government health care initiatives.
- Obama Care never put serious research money towards curing the major diseases that drive high healthcare costs such as high frequency cancers and dementia type diseases.
But it is not just missing the root causes of our healthcare costs that makes Obama Care so horrible. It resulted in millions of Americans losing access to their favored doctors, hospitals, and insurance policies. It has caused insurance premiums, deductibles and copays to escalate substantially. It will likely add trillions of dollars to the national debt. It has exposed millions of Americans to higher than necessary identity theft chances. It has created government bureaucracies that are wastefully spending taxpayer wealth and being exploited by criminal elements. It has stifled economic growth and job creation.
These are just a sample of the types of idiocy that we have been reviewing for the past several years in this blog relative to Obama Care., To read those past posts, just enter the phrase, “the unfolding disaster,” in the search box above.
1) One of the many lies Obama told us about Obama Care was that it would not add “a single dime” to the national debt. Given the hundreds of other times he lied during his administration, it should not be s surprise that this was a big fat lie also:
- According to a recent Tim Brown article on the Freedom Outpost website, the Federal government will spend $685 billion just in 2018 and that number will grow to $1.2 TRILLION by 2028.
- These figures come from the latest analysis from the Congressional Budget office.
- Other interesting forecasts and another indication of Obama Care’s failure, the CBO says that in 2018, about 244 million Americans under the age of 65 will have health insurance while 29 million will not and that by 2028, only 243 million will have health insurance and 35 million will, thus killing Obama’s promise that ALL Americans will get health insurance coverage under Obama Care.
- The Federal payment for health care will grow from 3.4% of GDP in 2018 to 3.9% in 2028, killing another Obama Obama Care promise that this legislation would “bend the cost curve” downward which it obviously is not doing.
- Just the Medicare expansion within Obama Care will require an additional $842 billion in Federal taxpayer subsides vs. what would have been required without Obama Care by 2028.
2) Part of Obama Care was to loosen the requirements for people to get healthcare insurance and coverage under Medicaid. Medicaid originally was supposed to be reserved for the poor, disabled, the blind, the elderly, and the really truly needy in our country. Along comes Obama Care and those truly needy people are joined by millions of other fully functional, not as poor people, as reported by a recent Nicholas Horton National Review article:
- While Medicaid was designed to be a safety net only for the truly needy in our society, Obama Care overwhelmed the system by adding almost 13 million not truly needy people to Medicaid roles.
- This caused there to be more able bodied Americans being served by Medicaid than truly needy Americans being served by Medicaid, a complete bastardization of the process and original intent.
- This overwhelming of the Medicaid system has resulted in at least 21,904 Americans dying while on Medicaid waiting lists since Obama Care expanded eligibility, according to a recent analysis by the Foundation for Government Accountability.
- Thus, Obama Care, which was designed to save lives, was designed so poorly that it has resulted in the incremental deaths of potentially over 21,000 Americans.
- The article explains more fully what is happening: “To put a finer point on it: Expansion states have chosen to spend tens of billions of their dollars on non-disabled adults instead of helping those on the waiting list. They’ve chosen to further strain the safety net by adding nearly 13 million more adults to welfare instead of helping people with traumatic brain injuries and other serious disabilities get the care they need. And we now know that at least 21,904 of these needy individuals have died before ever getting those services.”
That will do it for today.Huge incremental costs from the Obama Care while still leaving almost 30 million Americans without healthcare insurance many years after the legislation was enacted. A Medicaid problem that has been overwhelmed by Obama Care that has resulted in long waiting lists for Medicaid patients needing medical treatment, delays that potentially have already killed upwards of 21,000 people. Broken promises, higher costs, dead Americans, the unfolding disaster that is Obama Care. More to follow.
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