Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Yes, Barack,You Did Have Scandals, Part 2

Usually I reserve the early days of the month to review the latest political class insanity. Insane quotes, stupid actions, unlawful activities, the nonsense of the political class is usually grouped together early each month.

But let’s get an early start on June’s political class insanity. Barack Obama has been very quiet over the past few months, almost suspiciously quiet. My theory is that he is laying low given that there is a decent chance that he weaponized the nation’s Federal intelligence agencies and resources to spy on the Trump campaign. If he knew or allowed such despicable behavior to happen it would be an incredible affront to freedom and I suspect his lawyers are telling him to lay low and shut up.

But given the ego and narcissism of Obama, he cannot keep entirely quiet and humble. He dared to speak out recently when he proudly said that his administration had no scandals. We have already killed this fantasy in a series of posts beginning with the following post back in 2016:


But let’s reminisce using a recent list of Obama’s “Lies, Scandals, and Quotes” that was recently printed by the Gateway Pundit website. Despite Obama’s delusion that he had no scandals, the Gateway Pundit came up with an amazing 108 things to dispute his view. Let’s review this insanity with Part 2 of additional comments that were not included in the original list from the Gateway Pundit (note: the first 31 points reviewed can be accessed at the following link: https://loathemygovernment.blogspot.com/2018/05/yes-barack-you-did-have-scandals-part-1.html)

32. Still on vacation in Hawaii on the first day Obamacare is supposed to begin. Comment: Biggest piece of Washington legislation passed in decades, which unfortunately became the biggest failed piece of legislation in decades, and he cannot even be present at its onset to support it.

31. "ObamaCare will lower costs for everyone." Comment: No, Obama Care raised costs for just about everybody.

32. "More Americans will be insured under Obamacare" Comment: This was a true statement but those who got Obama Care insurance policies paid a lot of money for them with very high premiums and high deductibles, faced very narrow networks as far as doctors and hospitals and as a result ended with policies that were often useless or unusable.

33. "Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance….Muslims are our friends" (then he bows to the muslim leaders). Comment: Then why, according to a 2016 study, were the 450 of the 452 major terrorist attacks in 2015 attributed to Islamic terrorism?

34. “That’s the good thing about being President, I can do whatever I want,” Comment: Which you proved dozens of times when you broke the law, violated the Constitution, and shredded the Bill of Rights.

35. "My father served in WW2.: Comment: So did mine.

36. 2011 Arab spring FAIL. Comment: Do not know what this means.

37. America's 2010 Summer of recovery FAIL. Comment: I assume this refers to the most anemic economic recovery this country has seen in about hundred years, an anemic economic recovery that was not limited to the single year of 2010.

38. Hiring a known Palestinian terrorist to work on Obamacare in Illinois. Didn't bother to check her on e-verify. Comment: no aware of this incident.

39. “I promise 100% transparency in my administration.” Comment: Then why did you hound and harass journalists, redact government documents, and make it often impossible for citizens to easily and cheaply use their Freedom of Information Act rights?

40. "Buying health care insurance will be like using Amazon." Comments: Turns out this could not have been further from the truth, buying health care on the Obama Health Care exchange was harder than doing a root canal on yourself.

41. “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.” 
Comment: Not aware this ever happened.

42. "I will bring ALL of our troops home within ONE year."Nope, took a lot longer.

43. “I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!” Comment: Never happened, Obama Care negotiations were done behind closed doors with industry lobbyists, never to see the light of day.

44. “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration." Comment: Ah, yeah, you did.

45. DOJ spying on the free press telephone calls. Comment: Spying was not restricted to the press, it involved just about every American.

46. Blocking veterans from seeing their own WWII memorials during shutdown. Comment: And yet the military golf course Obama played regularly somehow stayed open during the shutdown.

47. Allowing illegals to protest on mall during the same govt shutdown. Comment: Not aware of this incident.

48. Shutting down White House (people's house) tours. Comment: See golf course comment above.

49. Solyndra bankruptcy cost to taxpayers. Comment: Hundreds of millions of dollars lost, an amount that was higher than legally required once the Obama administration put political donors ahead of the American taxpayer during the bankruptcy proceedings.

50. "Obamacare will not be used to fund abortions." Comment: Ah, I believe it was used to fund abortions.

51. Eric Holder -- tooooo much to list with this liar-incompetent. Comment: After lying to Congress and running any number of illegal operations, e.g. Fast and Furious, Obama protected him from any legal and penal ramifications.

52. Millions losing health care coverage. Comment: Despite Obama promising over and over that if you like your current health insurance coverage you could keep it, millions lost their coverage.

53. RECORD welfare rolls. Comment: Again, one of the most if not the most anemic economic recovery ever.

54. RECORD Hollywood parties on the taxpayer's dime. Comment: not aware of this situation.

55. RECORD campaign tours on the taxpayer's dime. Comments: Record number of campaign tours, record number of vacations, and the most Presidential rounds of golf since Eisenhower.

56. RECORD exorbitant vacations on the taxpayer's dime. Comment: At least $100 million in taxpayer expense spent on Obama family vacations.

57. RECORD number of golf games of any president, on taxpayer's dime. Comment: I believe the count was over 300 rounds of golf during his eight years despite his promise that he would forgo any and all vacations and leisure time if elected President.

58. RECORD secret service agents compared to ANY other president, on the taxpayer's dime. Comment: not aware of this situation.

59. Unconstitutional Obama recess appointment. Comment: Which I believe the courts struck down as being illegal.

60. Taking all credit for SEAL Team 6 success. Comment: Of course he did because he is so wonderful.

61. Forcing businesses to violate their abortion religious beliefs with Obamacare. Comment: another Obama attempt to shred the First Amendment which generally failed to work because of court rulings.

62. Obamacare website no-bid contract website-cronyism that cost $634M to build (and the website NEVER worked). Comment: I believe an old college friend of Michelle Obama was given the contract without competitive bidding and which failed miserably and expensively.

63. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists with arms and money in Syria, on the taxpayer's dime. Comment: Too many tentacles and unknowns to comment but there was certainly something going which likely got four Americans killed at Benghazi.

64. NSA acting as Obama Gestapo, spying in ALL AMERICAN telephone calls. Comment: Shredding the Fourth Amendment.

65. Proposed amnesty for illegal law breakers. More law breaking by his administration.

66. Spying on Americans, on American soil, with drones. Comment: not aware of this situation but not surprised.

67. NEVER having a balanced budget. Comment: Not ever coming within miles of a balanced budget - first administration to have an annual budget deficit of over a trillion dollars, first administration to have four consecutive budget deficits over a trillion dollars and an administration that created a budget deficit almost equal to ALL previous Presidential administration budget deficits COMBINED.

68. CONSTANTLY contracting economy under Obama. Comment: He did not have constantly contracting economic growth during his administration but the economic growth that did occur was the most anemic in generations.

That i will do it for today, another 37 situations that are either unlawful, disgusting, outright lies or scandalous, bringing our two day discussion to 68. Sorry, Barack, it is not looking good for that “no scandals” statement, we still have another 40 items to review.

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