Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October, 2019, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Another Elizabeth Warren Lie and the Hypocrisy of Ocasio-Cortez Continues

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used to get a regular showing in these posts for ignorance, idiocy, and outrageously bad program and legislative suggestions. And while initially her ignorance was novel and interesting if inane, we got tired of her endless droning and constant casting everyone as a racist simply because they held a different view than her.

But sometimes her ranting is too good to pass up:
  • Remember her complaining when she first took office that she was having financial trouble since it was so expensive to live in D.C.
  • It was our view that she should have thought of that before she ran for office, no one forced her into her financial situation.
  • Plus, at $174,000 she earns more than three times what the average American family earns every year on average so she is not exactly without financial resources.
  • But then it turns out she was a public event where her single outfit cost over $3,500, which really made her look like a hypocrite, crying poverty and then purchasing high priced, designer clothes.
  • Go to this link to see the clothes and accessories she wore that cost so much:

  • She caught some serious flak about this event but obviously did not learn much from it since it was recently discovered that not only does she shop for, buy and wear $3,500 outfits, she also pays $300 for a single haircut.
  • So she is crying poverty while wearing $3,500 designer clothes and sporting $300 hairstyles.
  • But when she started getting flak for the hair cut cost, she immediately went on the Twitter offensive to accuse those giving her flak of being...I don’t know, her Twitter rant was so disconnected from the $300 haircut as to be babbling idiocy.
But this is how socialists operate, and have no doubt she is a socialist: they make sure they get their huge cut of the pie but then expect the rest of us to suffer through high taxes and failed government programs for “the greater good,” which usually turns out to be those in charge of government. Her hypocrisy of crying poverty while making sure she looks good is disgusting.

2) But she was not done with spouting off inane stuff. In fact, her latest public outburst really made her look like she has no idea what she is talking about, she talks so much with so little thought going into what she says that eventually she ends up contradicting herself and making a previous statement or position look silly:

But first a little background information.
  • Back in 2017, with minimal foreign or international policy experience or education, she insisted that we never should have sent U.S. troops to Syria and she demanded that they be withdrawn immediately.
  • No problem so far, I actually agree with her on this point, U.S. troops should have not been sent in [the fact that I actually agree with something she said actually worries me a little bit].
  • She actually signed a letter with other members of Congress condemning the troop insertion: The 2015 introduction of U.S. military forces into hostilities in Syria was never approved by Congress, in violation of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973. We believe that the stated intention of withdrawing our forces is appropriate, and we look forward to the orderly return of our service members from this theater of conflict. It is long past time to rein in the use of force that goes beyond congressional authorization, and we look forward to pursuing this longstanding bipartisan objective with your Administration. Finally, we hope this will serve as a model for ending hostilities in the future — in particular, as you and your administration seek a political solution to our involvement in Afghanistan.”
  • Keep in mind that in 2015 it was the Obama administration that put the troops into Syria, not Trump.
  • But just a short time later, now that Trump actually wants to get U.S.troops out of Syria, Ocasio-Cortez does a complete about face on the policy she eagerly embraced in 2017: “Trump’s sudden withdrawal from northern Syria & endorsement of Turkey’s actions could have catastrophic consequences & risks laying the ground for immense violence and suffering. We can pursue a strategy to stop our endless wars without endangering the lives of innocent people.”
So let me get this straight. In 2017, she wanted the troops out of the country and expressed no concern for violence, suffering, and innocent people, just get our troops out. In 2019, because Trump wants to do what she asked for in 2017, that is a bad idea. Poor Congresswoman does not know if she is coming or going...make up your mind, troops should get out or troops should stay, take a position and have some integrity with your position.

3) Democratic candidate for President Elizabeth Warren once claimed that she was part Native American in a job application for a teaching assignment at Harvard University to get an inside track, claiming to be a minority candidate and play the equal opportunity game. While she did get the job it was eventually flushed out that she really was not anywhere close to being of Native American blood like she claimed. In fact, her genetic testing showed that she was less Native American than the average U.S. citizen.

She rightly caught some serious flak about her lying and using a minority program to get something she wanted, being nickname ”Pochahantas” by Trump and others and also “Fauxcahontas by still others. Thus, you would have thought she learned a lesson, lies like this will eventually come back to bite you where the sun don’t shine and also destroy your credibility with voters.

But like most politicians, lying seems to be in their genetic make-up or they think we are too stupid to check out their stories and assertions:
  • Warren has recently claimed that she was fired from a teaching position simply because she was visibly pregnant.
  • At the second Democratic national debate she said: “[A]t the end of that first year, I was visibly pregnant. And back in the day, that meant that the principal said to me — wished me luck and hired someone else for the job.”
  • But back in a 2007 interview she claimed she left teaching because of low interest and lack of qualifications, which was the first crack in her assertion that being a pregnant woman cost her a job.
  • But the crack got wider when Collin Anderson of the Washington Free Beacon newspaper did a little research.
  • His research of school records where she worked show that Warren resigned and as not fired as she claimed.
  • He found that her school district in Riverdale, New Jersey had indeed approved a second year teaching contract for Warren.
  • Minutes of the April 21, 1971 Riverdale Board of Education show that the board voted unanimously to extend Warren’s teaching contract for another year, with responsibilities similar to what she did her first year at the school.
  • Minutes from another Board meeting two months later formally show that her resignation was, “accepted with regret.”
  • The Free Beacon, actually published a copy of the board minutes where Warren was shown to have had her contract extension approved:

Tough to say which is worse: 1) a politician that continually lies and does not think we are smart enough to figure out her lies or 2) a politician that does not learn from her mistakes and past false lies. In either case, failure to learn from past screw ups or a perpetual liar, really not the characteristics you want in a leader.

Enough insanity for today, our sixth chapter of political class insanity this month and we are still not done talking about lying politicians, hypocritical politicians and vain politicians.

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