Friday, July 10, 2020

July,m 2020, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Joe Biden's Corruption, The Benghazi Coverup and Lies and The Fatal Consequences Of "Defund The Police" Movement

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have the case hundreds, if not thousands of times, that most politicians have no idea what they are doing. They do not have the cognitive ability to realize that things are connected in life and reality and that changing something in reality will have impacts and changes in other parts of reality in all likelihood.

Some liberal politicians and Democrats are now on the “defund the police” bandwagon because of some sick and demented actions taken by a few cops up in Minneapolis which resulted in the certainly unnecessary death of George Floyd. Of course, the politicians on this bandwagon have no idea what “defund the police” means or what the implications, both long term and short term, are going to be.

However, Kevin McCullough, writing for the Townhall website on July 5, 2020, can provide a pretty good idea of what is going to happen if “defune the police” goes too far:
  • The title of his article was, “Six Cities, Six Weeks, Six Hundred Murders.”
  • He highlights what happens when Democrats who are in control of major U.S. cities go too far when it comes to blaming all police officers for the bad behavior of a few and cause respect for all police officers to go down the drain.
  • New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, has always hated the NYPD.
  • He has jumped on the defund the police bandwagon in a big way, having slashed the police budget significantly for the next fiscal year.
  • He has slashed the police budget even though murders are up 21% over the same time period of last year.
  • Shootings in NYC are up 46%.
  • But this should not be a surprise since he has released prisoners out of city jails, his bail reform efforts allow accused and dangerous people to not have to go to jail for often violent crimes, and his defund the police stance has taken 600 anti-crime police units off of the city streets.
  • As a result, a lot more city residents are getting killed, a lot more city residents are getting shot.
  • In Los Angeles, after the Geroge Floyd killing, the city cut the Los Angeles police department budget by $150 million even as the city experienced a 250% increase in murders and a 56% increase in shootings in the first week of June vs. June, 2019.
  • In Chicago, there have been over 1,500 shootings so far this year, about 350 more than last year over the same time period.
  • There have been 254 homicides in the city, well ahead of last year’s rate.
  • And yet Chicago politicians are trying to divert all Federal government aid away from the city’s police department and have put forth proposals to cut the police force budget in Chicago by more than $30 million.
  • In Washington D.C,. homicides are up 13% so far in 2020 vs. 2019 and yet that city’s political class is looking to cut the city’s police force budget by $15 million.
  • In Philadelphia, homicides are up 25% so far this year, shootings are up 67%, and armed violence crimes are up 29% as the city’s politicians look to take $19 million out of the police force budget.
  • Baltimore has always been one of the most dangerous cities in the country, currently riding a five year streak with at least 300 murders a year.
  • They set their own all time murder record last year at 348 and yet the mruder rate in the city this year is running higher than last year’s record rate.
  • And, of course, the city’s politicians want to reduce their police force budget by $22 million.
  • Bonus city: in Minneapolis, the sight of the Geroge Floyd murder, the city’s polticial class has voted to defund the entire police department, before coming up with an alternative, despite the fact that a record 1,600 gun shots have been fired in the city.
What a mess. But not unexpected. Politicians respond to the latest and biggest noise and the special interest group making that noise, almost always doing it illogically, wastefully, and in these cases, fatally, for the citizens they are expected to protect. 

I am sure that the hundreds of people that have been murdered, the thousands that have been shot, and their families and friends are not big supporters of “defund the police.” And yet, their voices are ignored by media hungry, greedy, and stupid politicians.

2) Judicial Watch does a great job, often in difficult times, of digging up government documents of misdeeds and criminal actions. They have been trying for years to get information regarding Obama’s mishandling of the whole Benghazi disaster, having to go to court to get government documents it was entitled to. 

It recently highlighted some of the lies and shenanigans that Obama and his operatives went through to lie to the American public about his bungling of the whole Benghazi disaster and aftermath. 

  • Government documents show that Obama and his staff went to great lengths to make up a cover story for the whole bungling of the Benghazi crisis.
  • Obama and co-conspirators didn't want Obama to look weak on terrorism going into the election that year so they concocted a lie of a story that some obscure YouTube video caused the Benghazi attack, not some organized terrorist cell.
  • The Judicial Watch findings come directly off of 80 pages of Justice Department pages.
  • The documents and emails show that top Obama official, Ben Rhodes, and Clinton State Department Deputy Chief of Staff, Jake Sullivan, were the main creators of this big, false lie.
  • They actually joked in their emails of being liars and leakers.
  • Their efforts resulted in Susan Rice going on Sunday talk shows to lie about the true cause of the Benghazi attacks, blaming that darn YouTube video.
  • The emails talk about using information that was not gathered by the nation’s intelligence community but information that was “created” by the intelligence community, i.e. lies were made up rather than using hard information that would prove it was not the YouTube video that caused the attacks.
  • Email from Rhodes to Sullivan: “At least you’re only a liar. Could be worse – we’re liars and also allegedly leakers. So you’ve got that going for you, which is something.”
  • Sullivan;s response: “We’re only lying footsoldiers [sic]. You’re lying masterminds. That’s cooler.”
  • It gets worse, unknown emailer to Sullivan: “I prefer that we go by henchmen. Has more of a Marvel comic sinisterness to it. There should be a cable show where all the guests, and the anchor, have to wear polygraphs. Or, when there’s a dispute between source, the aggrieved parties take a poly, with some neutral third party rendering judgment. The Biggest Liar.”
  • Rhodes back to Sullivan: “I’d like to go on television and tell everybody what I think…. Look at it this way. I[t] could be worse. You could be a career bureaucrat whose greatest thrill in life is leaking half-truths, self-justifications and outright lies to the likes of Eli Lake, Kim Dozier, and whoever picks up the phone at Fox News.”
  • They were all paranoid about Obama being hurt from an election perspective that they were willing to lie to the world to prove the attack was “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” 
There is more but you get the idea. Obama’s people knew they were liars, cheaters, and “henchmen,” that what they were doing was falsifying a reality for pure political purposes. Four Americans were dead, many others were put in harm’s way and only the heroic effort of two of those killed prevented upwards of two dozen American from being killed. But these soulless individuals are putting much more effort into lying than finding the truth, catching the instigators, and making improvements so this type of disaster never happens again.

3) We have already written a number of times on how over his political career, Joe Biden has done a great deal to enrich his family members at the expense of taxpayers and integrity. Perhaps the most extensive corruption and help he gave to a family member was his son Hunter. From China to the Ukraine. Biden often seemed to be more interested in enriching his son than helping the country. 

  • According to Secret Service records that Judicial Watch obtained, during the first five and a half years of the Obama administration, Hunter Biden took 411 airplane flights and visited 29 countries including visiting China 5 times.
  • Besides China, countries that Hunter Biden visited, with taxpayer funded Secret Service protection, included Ethiopia, India, Argentina, France, Spain, Donminican Republic, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Kenya, the Ukraine, South Africa, Denmark, South Africa, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mexico, Colombia, United Arab Emirates, England, Russia, German, Ireland, Switzerland, South Korea, the Philippines, and Qatar.
  • At least one of these China trips were aboard Air Force Two, the official plane of the Vice President, his father, Joe Biden.
  • At the time of that Air Force Two trip, Hunter Biden was putting together a Chinese private equity fund and it is a small jump to assume that traveling with his father on Air Force Two was a good way to raise funds for his equity firm from Chinese sources, which eventually did happen.
  • According to NBC reporter Josh Lederman, who was one of four reporters on the Air Force Two trip reported: “What wasn’t known then was that as he accompanied his father to China, Hunter Biden was forming a Chinese private equity fund that associates said at the time was planning to raise big money, including from China.”
  • On the other side of the world, Hunter Biden became a member of the board in charge of the Ukrainian energy firm, Bursima Holdings, at the same time his father was in charge of the Federal government’s Ukrainian policy.
So sad, so corrupt. How much do we think these many, many overseas trips cost the American taxpayer just in Secret Service protection? Add on top of that the cost of the airfare and living accommodations, the corruption of U.S.interests to enrich the Biden clan, and the hidden costs on American taxpayers. And Joe Biden is actually running for President, again, so sad.The corruption of Joe Biden, the lying and conniving around Benghazi, and the additional deaths and harming of Americans because of the ill conceived and stupid “defund the police” movement.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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