Monday, July 5, 2021

July, 2021, Part 2, Political Class Insanity - Biden Would Rather Party Than Rule, Kamala's Staff Mutiny, And Defund The Police Embarrassment In Minneapolis

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Before Obama got elected he promised that, if elected, his only priority would be spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week serving the American people. Of course, that turned out to be a lie as he took vacations to Hawaii that lasted weeks and he played more rounds of golf (well over 300) than any President since Eisenhower.

His Vice President, Joe Biden, seems to be walking in those same footsteps. We have previously discussed the many, many times that Biden took three day weekends to go home to Delaware to relax and also play some golf. And recently he spent time welcoming the World Series champs Dodgers to the White House but immediately turned around to say he did not have enough time to answer reporters’ questions:
  • At a recent press conference to discuss the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, he got peeved when reporters strayed from that general topic and asked questions pertaining to the details of the withdrawal.
  • He stressed it was a holiday weekend and he did not want to have his holiday interrupted by answering questions he was not prepared to answer.
  • Despite being the President, he declared he only wanted to answer questions about “happy things” as the holiday weekend approached.
  • Specifically: "I'm not going to answer any more … Look, it's the Fourth of July. I'm concerned that you guys are asking me questions that I'll answer next week. But this is a holiday weekend, I'm going to celebrate it. There's great things happening. I'll answer all your negative questions – not negative, your legitimate questions. Come on, guys. Look, folks. This is a process … I love you guys, but it's a process."
So he has time to cavort about with baseball players but he does not have enough time to answer legitimate questions from the press, questions that many Americans would like the answer to, be it inflation, the disaster on the border, the imminent collapse of the Afghanistan government once allied troops leave, etc. But no, it's a holiday, everything is great in his little bubble so let’s be happy.

Tremendous lack of leadership but not unexpected from someone who continues their cognitive decline. I am sure his handlers told him to take unscripted questions from any old reporter knowing that he would say something stupid or incomprehensible like he has done many times since he took office.

2) My first corporate boss on the first real job I had told me something on the first day of work that never left me. He basically said to always treat anyone you meet in business with respect, patience, and grace, be they the President of the business or someone working in the mail room. Besides being a decent human being, you never know when you might need a favor from the mail room person, the typing poll (yes, I am that old!), or anyone else you meet and interact with.

Treating others with respect not only builds better and stronger teams but is also a sign of true leadership, that you inspire others to do better with positive reinforcement and not negative reinforcement. Apparently, Vice President Kamala Harris never got that message:
  • News reports are coming out that quote and discuss the experiences of Harris’ staff members and it is not becoming of a real leader.
  • Apparently staff members are saying they are all being treated terribly and that working in the Vice President’s office is truly a hostile work environment.
  • Specifically, according to Politico: “People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment. It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s%*t.”
  • Specifically, according to Breitbart: “The outlet spoke with 22 current and former vice presidential aides, administration officials. Associates of Harris and Biden spoke about the climate within the vice president’s office. Harris’ spokesperson Symone Sanders swooped in and attempted to run some damage control after the leaked statements.”
  • Two advance staffers, Karly Satkowiak and Gabrielle De Franceschi left Harris’ staff just six months on the job, something you would not expect someone to do in a high profile dream government job unless working conditions are really, really bad.
  • Another member of her team, a member of her digital staff, has also already left.
This is not the kind of work environment anyone wants, especially someone in the position that Harris is in. An abusive work environment like this suppresses fresh ideas, reduces risk taking, results in subpar performance, and given the sensitivity and power of her position, is dangerous to the welfare of the country.

Given that she apparently does not care about her staff, it was obvious she did not care about the Americans suffering along the border because of Biden’s heinous immigration policies, and she seemed more worried about the lack of progress on the renovation of her Vice President living accommodations than issues facing the country, it is doubtful that when she replaces Biden as President that the well being of the American people will all of a sudden be her top priority.

Plus, consider this: if she cannot operate a cohesive, well oiled staff, what makes anyone think she can run the country?

3) We have often talked about the insanity of “defunding the police” movement by unnecessarily not having any viable replacement for the sudden reduction in policing resources and the resultant jump in urban crime and violence. Nowhere was this stupidity more on display than in Minneapolis that went all in with the defunding the police movement as a result of the George Floyd murder in the city at the hands of a rogue city police officer.

Not surprisingly, shortly after the police force got neutered in the city, crime skyrocketed and further endangered the lives, property and businesses of citizens in the city. But that did not bother the local politicians since they hired private security guards to protect themselves and their families, using taxpayer money for that purpose, the safety and lives of their citizens be damned.

Well, it looks like these folks are finally getting their comeuppance for being so stupid and selfish:
  • A judge has ordered the Minneapolis city government to hire more police officers regardless of any defund the police rhetoric.
  • The reduction of the police force, according to the judge, to satisfy the defund the police mongers, actually violates the city charter.
  • The judge ordered the Minneapolis City Council and Mayor Jacob Frey to “fund a police force of at least 0.0017 employees per resident,” or around 730 officers.
  • The ruling was the result of a lawsuit filed by eight city residents that claimed city politicians had failed to fulfill their official duties by reducing the number of police officers on the force.
  • Those who filed the suit successfully convinced the judge that there was a strong relationship between the skyrocketing crime and the illegal reduction in police coverage.
  • The city politicians had reduced the police force to only 649 expected officers by 2022, a failure in the eyes of the judge and city charter.
  • It was a pretty simple correlation to make since homicides are up 89% June year to date this year.
So, nobody on the city council, nobody in the city legal department thought to read the charter before slashing the police force? Such incompetence. As a result, more people have been unnecessarily killed, more people have been unnecessarily victims of crime, and the respect for the police force has been reduced because of the idiocy of defunding the police movement and the ineptness of not taking two minutes to read the city charter. Insane incompetence that unfortunately has had fatal consequences.

So, today we have Biden playing President rather than being President, Harris cannot operate a small team effectively which brings doubt to whether she can run the country, and the city politicians in Minneapolis get their hands slapped but not soon enough to save lives and reduce crime.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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