Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July, 2021, Part 9, Political Class Insanity: Biden's Continuing Mental Decline, A Mayor Gets Busted For Guns and Drugs, and Biden Has The Biggest, Most Expensive Staff EVER

 It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) I did not vote for Trump either time so I probably have a somewhat objective opinion on the past few Presidents. And in my opinion, Biden, and his declining cognitive state, is the most ill prepared, non-functional, and embarrassing President we have had in a very long time. 

He rambles incoherently when asked questions, he has to use cue cards, and cheat sheets prepared by his staff for the simplest of tasks, and he has embarrassed himself and the country on the international stage any number of times, e.g. his pitiful performance at the G7 conference. 

And he now combines his declining cognitive ability with his long established habit of blatantly lying about any number of subjects, from his lie about being arrested when marching with Mandela in South Africa, to claiming he went to a predominantly black college, etc.

The latest episode in this embarrassing saga took place a press conference on the pullout of American troops in Afghanistan:

  • Note how he rambles and tells stories that are just not true, how he attacks the reporters asking questions because his cognitive decline frustrates him so much he cannot come up with answers on the spot without help from his handlers.

  • Biden was asked the perfectly valid question if he thought the Taliban would take over Afghanistan after American troops were withdrawn.

  • His response: “No, it is not. Because you have the Afghan troops, have 300,000 well-equipped, as well equipped as any army in the world and an Air Force. Against something like 75,000 Taliban. It is not inevitable.”

  • This was followed by another Afghan question: “Mr. President, do you trust the Taliban, sir?” 

  • At this point Biden snapped, a symptom of his cognitive decline: “Is that a serious question?”

  • The reporter said it was a serious question to which Biden replied:“No, I do not. No, I do not trust the Taliban.”

  • When asked to expand his answer to the question, Biden snapped again: “It’s a silly question! Do I trust the Taliban?! No! But I trust the capacity of the Afghan military, who is better trained, better equipped, and more competent in terms of conducting more.”

  • But the country negotiated with the Taliban to withdraw from the country and now Biden says he does not trust them, which leads to the simple question: then why did we negotiate with them if we/Biden do not trust them?

  • And regardless of Biden’s ranting about how strong the Afghan army is, it is no secret that government intelligence agencies concluded last month that the Afghan government could collapse within six months after U.S. withdrawal.

  • Biden-friendly CNN called Biden’s performance, “The worst speech of Biden’s presidency.”

  • You  know it is bad when CNN badmouths any Democrat, especially the President.

What a mess. A President who says all is okay and the entire country’s security and intelligence apparatus saying the Afghan government could not be around in six months. Is Biden that out of touch or does he think we are too stupid and will just take him at his word? On a personal basis, he snaps off the handle when confronted with ad hoc questions, he attacks journalists for asking questions he cannot coherently answer and he contradicts himself within minutes of saying something. 

I truly feel sorry for him: he is in a position way over his head, given his mental decline, and his family, wife, and handlers should be ashamed for the elder abuse they put this man through, abuse that will have negative effects on this country for years.

2)We have previously discussed the embarrassing situation that the mayor of Rochester, Lovely, found herself in when her home was raided and her husband was arrested for possession of drugs and illegal possession of weapons that were found in the mayor’s home:

Well, it seems the good mayor’s problems did not end with the bad behavior of her husband:

  • Both her and her husband were recently indicted on additional charges related to firearms and child endangerment.

  • These indictments are in addition to the original three indictments that her husband got on cocaine possession and firearms.

  • The new charges include criminal possession of a firearm, two counts of endangering the welfare of a child, and two counts of failure to secure firearms.

  • These latest charges are a result of a raid on the mayor’s home which turned up illegal firearms that were laying around the house where the couple’s 10 year old was in the house by herself.

  • Warren’s husband was charged with being a wholesale distributor of cocaine, her wife was not implicated in the drug portion of the indictments.

  • Warren denied knowing anything about her husband’s activities, claiming they had been estranged for years but… but they still lived in the same house, a claim that rings a little hollow: your estranged husband is allegedly moving bulk quantities of cocaine in the house the two of you share and you do not know anything about it, really?

  • Warren is also facing two felony campaign finance charges from late last year.

Now, keep in mind that everyone is assumed innocent until proven guilty. But, unfortunately, as we have discussed so many times in this blog, it would not surprise us if she was just another greedy, selfish politician who viewed laws to be for other folks and not herself, a member of the American political class.

3)With the national debt around $30,000,000,000,000 and the unfunded liabilities of government entities around the country at around $125,000,000,000,000, one would hope that someone in Washington would be frantically looking to trim the fat from the Federal government’s outrageous spending habits before the debt levels crush our economy and our democracy.

Joe Biden is not the answer to that need, proposing budgets that have trillion dollar+ deficits for the next decade. And one should not expect him to fix the debt problem since he cannot even control the spending levels for his White House staff.

According to a Forbes analysis, the first year cost for Biden’s White House staff is almost $50,000,000. This is higher than any White House staff budget that Obama had and far higher than any staff budget Trump had. In fact, the $50,000,000 is about 20% higher than the staff budget Trump had last year. So ask yourself: 

If Trump could run a White House at a 20% smaller cost than Biden, why can’t Biden be at least in the ballpark of the Trump White House staff budget? I doubt that conditions changed so much that Biden needed that much more of a staff and accompanying budget. But, alas, Biden is a part of the problem. Having been in Washington for the past four decades, he is one of the many reasons why we have $125,000,000,000,000 in unfunded liabilities. One should not expect him to buck four decades of out of control spending and he obviously has not changed, increasing his staff budget by a whopping 20% for no apparent reason.

That will do it for today: Biden’s cognitive decline continues as does his more and more bizarre behavior, alleged massive law breaking by a New York mayor and her husband, and Biden continues to not be able to rein in government spending even as it applies to his own staff, never mind the overall out of control Federal government spending.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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