Thursday, July 8, 2021

July, 2021, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Biden Lies, Psaki Lies, and Ocasio-Cortez Denies Reality

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) In the last few posts we have touched on the reality that violent crime in Democratically controlled cities has been skyrocketing over the past year or so:
  • Chicago just experienced a 4th of July weekend that was the most violent weekend of the year with over 90 citizens shot and 16 of them dying from their wounds.
  • Over 2,000 people have already been shot in Chicago this year.
  • Murders are up 89% year over year in Minneapolis, the center of the idiotic defund the police movement.
  • Violent crime is up 58% in NYC.
I could go on and on about how official law enforcement statistics show a tremendous upswing in violent crime across the Democratically controlled big cities but you get the idea. No rational, sane, person can look at the crime numbers and not say crime is up wildly in those cities.

Which brings us to the latest insanity and idiocy of Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez:
  • We used to do a lot of posts around her ignorance when it came to simple concepts like the basic definition of unemployment, what are the three branches of government, the difference between a tax break and a tax reduction, and a myriad of other easy to understand ideas that somehow always eluded her grasp.
  • But after a while it got tedious and a waste of time chronicling her ignorance, she was out of touch with reality and it was not worth the effort.
  • But she’s back with her latest assertion that stretches the bounds of belief, is she really that out of touch or does she think we will believe any nonsense she says?
  • Despite all of the skyrocketing crime statistics, despite all of the people moving out of Democratically controlled cities to get away from the crime, despite even the mayor of Chicago calling for Federal government help to control the out of control crime wave in that city, Ocasio-Cortez thinks it is all a myth, fiction, not reality.
  • According to her, it is the media that is creating “this idea” that violent crime is surging upwards in order to create hysteria.
  • She went on to say that the crime statistics are lacking “context” whatever that means.
  • I would bet that the 2,000 people who have been shot just in Chicago could care less what the context is, they have been shot.
  • Of course, if people believe that their lives and families are more endangered than the movement to defund the police, a pet project of hers goes out the window.
  • She would rather save a stupid, failed idea than protect the safety of the citizens in her Congressional district.
You can see why we no longer spend a lot of time with her, she is so out of touch with reality that it is not worth the time. When one is so disconnected from the reality of the numbers then any idea she has is not based in fact and reality and thus, is useless.

2) Speaking of being out of touch with reality, or lying through their teeth because she thinks we are that stupid, consider the latest insanity from Biden press secretary Jen Psaki:
  • The cities that have defunded their police department at various levels include Portland, Los Angeles, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York City, Chicago, and Philadelphia.
  • All of those cities have long been under the dominant control of the Democratic Party.
  • But according to Jen Psaki, it was Republicans who led the charge to defund the police departments across these cities.
  • Her convoluted logic went like this: since Republicans helped defeat Biden’s “America Rescue Plan” which may have, may have, had a tiny sliver of funding for more police, it was the Republicans’ fault that the defund the police movement in Democratically controlled cities is a failure and resulting in higher and higher urban crime.
According to Peter Doocy of Fox News in his questioning of Psaki, no Republican in Congress said they voted against this legislation because they wanted to defund the police, but Psaki continued the lie that Republicans were the bad guys in the whole defund the police fiasco. Again, the proverbial question: do political people like Psaki actually believe the tripe and outright lies they put forth or does she think we are that stupid and believe her lies?

3) We have previously talked about how Biden, over the decades, was a sexual predator, racist, and pathological liar. The biggest compilation of those realities was in the following post:

And even while now President, where every word he says is quoted, analyzed, and fact checked, he still cannot get away from the big lie:
  • A quick summary: Biden has lied by plagiarizing the works of others, he lied about his educational background, he lied about his marching for civil rights, he lied about getting arrested in South Africa with Nelson Mandela, he lied about his college scholarship, he lied about what college he went to, and on and on and on.
  • He recently hosted the LA Dodgers, current World Series champs, at the White House.
  • At that time, he told the world and the Dodgers that he had once hit a 368 foot home run off the right field wall during a Congressional baseball game long ago.
  • He even brought his family into the story, claiming his “kids remember that.”
  • However, research from newspaper accounts at the time found that he did not hit a 368 foot home run, he did not hit any home run, he did not even get a hit, he was 0 for 2 with a strikeout and a ground out.
  • When Politico called out this lie, the White House refused to comment, probably hoping that the latest gaffe/lie by Biden would just go away.
He lies so much about so many things it is hard to believe anything he says on any topic, be it related to issues facing the country or his glorious but fictitious background on a whole slew of topics.

So, what did we learn today: Biden lies about everything including a fictional baseball exploit, Psaki lies about defunding the police, and Ocasio-Cortez is still totally out of touch with reality or she lies about the current crime wave also. Integrity and Washington are apparently two independent concepts.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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