Wednesday, July 7, 2021

July, 2021, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Biden’s Impersonation of the Gestapo, Chicago Streets are Still Shooting Galleries, Biden Continues to Dive Downwards in Approval Polls, and Another Potentially Corrupt Politician.

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) One would hope that the elected leaders of the country would be fine, upstanding citizens and that they would be above corruption and petty greed. However, as we have pointed out in hundreds of previous posts, that could not be further from the truth relative to the current members of the American political class. From the city corruption in local cities like Chicago to national corruption like the Clintons money laundering operation via the Clinton Foundation, it seems that the American political class does not draw the highest quality people to political positions.

Consider just another in a long list of indicted public officials:
  • Congressional candidate Abhijit Das was recently indicted on charges of accepting excessive campaign contributions, conduit contributions, conversion of campaign funds, engaging in a scheme to falsify, conceal, and cover up material facts, and making a false statement.
  • He is accused of raising $125,000 from people close to him and then using the money for business and personal purposes.
Obviously he is assumed innocent until proven guilty. But given the American political class history of corruption, it would surprise no one if this Congressional candidate deserved to be arrested.

2) Biden has been office about six months and during that time:
  • Inflation has skyrocketed with all kinds of prices going higher and higher.
  • There is a humanitarian, drug cartel, human trafficking, and child neglect crisis on the border.
  • Russia, China, and Iran are taking advantage of Biden’s weakness and declining mental state to aggressively go after their global goals.
  • Violent crime has jumped up in many Democratically controlled cities across the country.
And apparently American have noticed that they have a weak old man for President who has been cognitive decline for years:
  • A Washington Post poll found that only a third of those polled approve of how Biden is handling the immigration crisis on the border while a majority, 51%, disapprove of his performance.
  • More telling, only 63% of Democrats approve of his handling of the crisis.
  • Only 38% approve of his handling of the rising violent crime in the country with 49% disapproving his handling of the crisis.
  • These results should not be a surprise since under Biden, illegal immigration crossings is up a whopping 700% year over year.
  • According to Breitbart, murders in Atlanta are up 58% year over year, they are up 533% in Portland, and 37% in Philadelphia.
  • Shootings are up 54% in NYC, 51% in LA, and 18% in Chicago.
Things have gone south very quickly in Biden’s first half year and the really scary thing is that he does not seem to have a clue, a plan, or even an understanding of how bad things are going in this country.

3) Far too many times we have reviewed the violence, death, and carnage that has been going on in Chicago for years. Every week for what seems forever, dozens are shot every week on the streets of the city and some of those shot die. Since a very, very basic function of any government entity is to protect the lives of the citizens it serves, the political class in Chicago has been an abysmal failure in that basic function.

The recent July 4th weekend was no exception:
  • 92 Chicago citizens were shot over the July 4th weekend.
  • 16 of those shot died from their wounds.
  •  of those shot were kids.
  • It was the deadliest weekend in Chicago in 2021 and that is saying a lot, given how crime and violence has risen significantly throughout the year.
  • According to the Chicago Sun Times, the number of shootings and deaths the July 4th weekend were highs for the year.
  • So far this year, there have been over 2,000 shootings in the city.
There is no doubt that the mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, and the rest of those in the city’s political class, have failed miserably in protecting the lives and safety of city residents. But as always, Lightfoot continues to avoid taking responsibility for the carnage:
  • She has blamed lax gun laws elsewhere in the country even though Chicago has some of the strongest gun control laws in the country.
  • She has blamed Trump even though Trump offered more than once while in office to send Federal law enforcement help to try and curtail the violence but Chicago politicians refused help.
  • She has blamed local media outlets because, in her opinion, they have too many white skinned reporters and they don't give her enough credit for her mythical accomplishments.
  • And in a show of total ignorance or outright lying, she recently had the nerve to claim that the violence situation in Chciago was abating, something that is easily proven false by the above numbers.
Thus, the death toll gets worse and worse and the local politicians, starting with the mayor, appear to have no plan to make the city safer except to blame everyone else for their failure.

4) The very foundation of America is freedom. Unfortunately, over time, the political class has slowly eroded our freedoms as the political class has made the government larger and larger. And every time the government gets larger, our freedom gets smaller.

The last frontier of freedom is our homes, a factor in our lives that the Constitution protects from unreasonable searches. We have all seen the old Gestapo movies where government officials ask “papers, papers please” as they try to find those that oppose overt government control.

Well that scenario may soon come our doorsteps:
  • According to Jen Psaki, Biden is working on a five point plan to encourage, or force, Americans to get their covid vaccination.
  • One of those points is to have government employees go door to door around America asking for “papers, covid papers please.”
  • Specifically: “The president will outline five areas his team is focused on to get more Americans vaccinated. One, targeted community, by door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how safe and accessible the vaccine is.”
  • It was unclear what actions these government agents would take if Americans refused to take their advice and get vaccinated.
This is a serious breach of freedom, tracking people down in their homes who made the personal decision to not get vaccinated. Next winter will Biden do the same thing for flu shots? No one needs government agents knocking on their front door, that is another step towards freedom suppression.

To see Jen Psaki explain the process and how it is not a big deal, go to:

That will do it for today: Biden’s impersonation of the Gestapo, Chicago streets are still shooting galleries, Biden continues to dive downwards in approval polls, and another potentially corrupt politician.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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