1)In our last post we discussed the failure of the Federal government and its aviation agency, the FAA, to protect the lives of Americans when there was a midair collision recently at Reagan National Airport, a collision that killed 67 Americans. We also discussed the reality that over time pilots had been sounding off against the ineptness of the FAA to provide safe traveling at the airport.
Now it appears that the underlying reason for the fatal collision is in the hiring practices of the FAA:
- FAA whistleblowers have come forward, both current and former air traffic controllers, who allege that it was the FAA’s practice of filling diversity quotas rather than hiring the best qualified people to be air traffic controllers which may have been a major factor in the crash..
- This emphasis on inclusion and diversity resulted in the hiring of less qualified people to fulfill this vital airport function.
- And the whistleblowers’ contention is these less qualified people led to the fatal air collision.
- These FAA diversity first hiring practices started under the Obama administration, were suspended under Trump and reinstated by Biden’s administration.
- These policies have led to staffing shortages and lowered hiring standards, both of which likely contributed to the collision.
2)Kamala Harris was famous for doing a lot of talking and not communicating anything. She helped create the phrase, “word salad,” a combination of words that are meaningless and confusing.
And she was at it again during a visit to NYC and addressing the cast of a Broadway play. Specifically: “When we think about these moments where we see things that are being taken, but also let’s see it, you know, nature abhors a vacuum. Where there’s a vacancy, let’s fill it. Let us know that the reality is that the progress of our nation has been about the expansion of rights, not the restriction of rights. We’re seeing a U-turn right now. For those rights to be maintained which means we have to be vigilant. It’s just the nature of it. We have to be clear-eyed. And it doesn’t mean we don’t see the beauty in everything. These things all co-exist, but I believe we fight for something, not against something.”
I dare anyone to translate what she was trying to say. As Jerry Seinfeld once said, “And you want to be my latex salesman.” And she wanted to be President, thank goodness we did not have to listen to this word salad nonsense for four years while the country continued its downward spiral under her former boss, Biden. If you think reading her nonsense is bad, go to the following link and see how bad it actually sounds:
3)Trump has been running through just about every Federal government entity to find and root out corruption, wasteful spending, and stupid programs. And Senator Rand Paul recently suggested a fascinating and potentially outrageous suggestion on a Federal government agency:
- He suggested that Trump and his DOGE team audit and inspect the gold reserves at the country’s gold storehouse, Fort Knox just in case.
- Since there has not been an audit done of the gold reserves and volumes at Fort Knox since 1974, 51 years ago, the Senator thinks it might be a good idea to check in, just in case.
- There should be about 4,580 tons of gold there per the last audit that was done 51 years ago.
- Given that the Clinton and Biden crime families have been hanging around for decades and we now know how many government agencies have been corrupted and wasting untold billions of taxpayer dollars, this could be a very interesting audit.
- It is tough to believe that the press in this country is capable of that when a CBS news anchor, Margaret Brennan, asserted that the Nazi’s weaponized free speech to commit genocide during an interview with Secretary of State, Marco Rubio.
- Seriously, does she actually think that there was free speech in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s and that the genocide of Jewish folks and others happened because the Nazis took over free speech?
- Rubio would have none of this nonsense: “Well, I have to disagree with you. Free speech was not used to conduct a genocide. The genocide was conducted by an authoritarian Nazi regime that happened to also be genocidal because they hated Jews, and they hated minorities and they hated those that they had a list of people they hated, but primarily the Jews. There was no free speech in Nazi Germany. There was none. There was also no opposition in Nazi Germany, they were a sole and only party that governed that country. So that’s not an accurate reflection of history.”
5)It is not just wasteful spending on stupid USAID projects and programs around the world that waste taxpayer money as we have highlighted recently, beginning with the first in a series of post at the following link:
Recent Congressional testimony uncovered massive amounts of wasted taxpayer money when it comes to renting office space for Federal employees:
- The Congressional investigation found that untold billions of dollars are wasted every year because so many Federal workers are still working from home but their office space has not been downsized.
- The Biden administration asserted last May that of the 2.28 million person Federal workforce, 228,000 are never required to show up in the office and there are 1.1 million workers that are “technically-eligible” to work from home.
- 29% of Health and Human Services employees work from home, 40% OPM employees work from home, 50% of GSA employees work from home, and 55% of Department of Education employees work from.
- This has led to estimates that on average, Federal agency headquarters buildings are utilizing less than 25% of the capacity, i.e. over 75% of the space being rented using taxpayer dollars is not be used by anyone.
- The Congressional investigation found that, “Some agency headquarters reported occupancy rates as low as nine percent.”
- The U.S. government spends about $7 billion a year to lease and maintain Federal agency office space.
- The Federal government also spent $3.3 billion over that past few years on office furniture, the vast majority of which is never used.
- Unfortunately, a lot of the teleworking and wasteful spending can not easily be reined in since Biden signed labor union agreements at the tail end of his term giving Federal workers, as represented by their unions, great freedom to telework any time they wanted.
Enough political class stupidity and insanity for today: paying for buildings and furniture that never gets used, more blather from the mainstream media, time to check the gold, more word salad nonsense from Kamala, and D.E.I. may be fatal at Reagan national airport.
If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause: