We recently went through a series of posts where we discussed the violence that Americans have had to suffer at the hands of illegal immigrant criminals that Biden allowed to walk into the country during his term. The first post in that series can be found at:
This post will review some of the latest violence these violent illegal immigrants have imposed on both Americans and non-Ammericans.
1)Let's start in California:
Federal law enforcement recently arrested and charged several illegal immigrants with being the ringleaders of a criminal group that made money by smuggling illegal immigrants into the country.
They allegedly smuggled a whopping 20,000 illegal immigrants into the country from Guatemala over a five year period,
Thus, on average, they were bringing in almost 80 illegal immigrants a day into the country.
Seven illegal immigrants they snuck into the country died in a 2023 auto accident which included a four year old child.
The price of getting smuggled into the country by those arrested ranged from $15,000 to $18,000 each.
At $15,000 a person, the smugglers brought in about $300 million as a result of their operation.
According to acting U.S. Attorney Joseph T. McNally: “These smuggling organizations have no regard for human life and their conduct kills. Their members pose a danger to the public and law enforcement. We must vigorously enforce our immigration laws so that these organizations cannot operate. The indictment and arrests here have dismantled one of the country’s largest and most dangerous smuggling organizations. This work saves lives, and the members of the organization will now face significant consequences.”
Thus, it is not only American citizens that are suffering from Biden’s failed immigration policies. Illegal immigrants are being ripped off for the chance of getting into the country, dying as a result of their effort, and many are held hostage if they cannot pay their bounty in full.
2)Let’s stay in California, specifically Los Angeles County:
Recently, Juan Miguel Sanchez, a local resident and family man, was fatally shot when he tried to prevent two men from stealing a catalytic converter from a neighbor’s vehicle.
The two men not only had long, previous criminal records, they were also illegal immigrants.
And yet, despite being in the country illegally and having a violent criminal past, the sanctuary city of Los Angeles allowed them to roam the streets.
One of the perps had been arrested 15 times in recent years for charges including firearm possession, grand theft, burglary, and drug offenses.
The other perp had been arrested at least a dozen times for grand theft, firearm charges, drugs, kidnapping, possession of meth, and possession of burglary tools.
By the way, the victim’s wife is undergoing medical treatments for cancer.
Another act of violence against an American citizen and his family as a result of Biden’s failed and violence inducing immigration policies.
3)We have previously discussed the stomach churning and disgusting attack on a New York City woman, Debrina Kawam, who died when an illegal immigrant set her on fire in a NYC subway car. And despite this heinous crime:
Even though New York City police arrested the perp of this horrible crime, the city government has refused to release the illegal immigrant to the Federal government via an ICE detainer order.
Department of Homeland Security, Kristi Noem, expressed her disgust with the city’s decision: "ICE lodged an immigration detainer with the NYC Department of Corrections to take this depraved alien into custody." Because of current sanctuary city policy, the corrections department has indicated it will NOT honor the detainer. Governor Hochul should impose an emergency suspension of sanctuary protection by executive order NOW."
Keep in mind that Ms. Kawam’s body was so disfigured by this personal arson attack that remains identification was very difficult, giving you an idea of how horrific her death was and how horrible her last few moments of life were.
All of which reinforces our claim and assertion that many members of the American political class care more about the welfare and well-being of illegal immigrants, no matter how violent they are, than they care about the American citizens they are supposed to be serving and protecting.
4)From California to New York to now down in Florida:
According to the CBS affiliate in West Palm Beach, law enforcement officers have located and arrested an illegal immigrant who allegedly raped a teenage girl in West Palm Beach in early January.
The illegal immigrant, Santo Omar Martinez-Varela, is charged with sexual assault and false imprisonment of a minor.
He illegally entered the country via Mexico from Honduras in 2023 and was not apprehended or had any contact with Border Patrol or law enforcement.
His identity as the attacker was confirmed via DNA testing.
Another day and another series of attacks on Americans as a result of Biden’s failed immigration policies and efforts and the refusal of many American politicians to hold the safety of American citizens higher than the lives and comforts of illegal immigrants.
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