Thursday, May 30, 2019

80 Times Obama Broke Laws, Violated Treaties, Lied Through His Teeth, and Shredded the Constitution

It is no secret we were never a fan of Obama. His legacy is nothing but an empty suit, his domestic policies were often either effective, illegal, or vindictive. His foreign policy included no historic breakthroughs and usually made world conditions worse rather than better. Through it all, he was pompous, narcissistic, and vain. He lied so many times that it gets tiring documenting the many, many lies and topics that he lied about.

But being pompous and vain does not make him a criminal no matter how irritating it was. But there were enough examples of criminal behavior that we documented dozens of them in the following post:

As Democrats and liberals start going berserk with their empty threats and irrational craving to impeach Trump with little or no evidence of any impeachable offenses, so far at least, we thought it would be a good idea to call out these people, all of whom are hypocrites. When Obama actually committed any impeachable and criminal offenses, they were silent. Now, because they find Trump crude or because he destroyed the desire to have Queen Hillary elected, they now get all law and order-ish.

Which brings us to an online article from 2017 that appeared on the Outline website, “Criminal In Chief” — 78 Times President Obama Broke The Law During Presidency.”" Now, in reading the article, the headline is a little misleading. These are not 78 times that Obama actually broke the law, it includes times that Obama broke laws and treaties but it also include the many, many lies and deceptions that Obama put forth while in office. [Note: there are actually 80 times, not sure where the author got 78 from since there are 80 instances in the article.]

While these lies are probably not impeachable offenses, I include them below just to show the hypocritical current day Democrats and liberals what fakes they are: if they did not complain when Obama actually committed the following crimes and lies, please be quiet with your complaints with Trump: 

1) Obama’s Fast and Furious operation provided thousands of military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels in a hackneyed attempt to track the guns to the actual cartel locations. These weapons ended up killing dozens of Mexican citizens and at least one U.S.Border Patrol agent. This operation violated Federal laws and probably international laws and treaties regarding gun running.

According to the New York Post: “The Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives apparently ordered one of its own agents to purchase firearms with taxpayer money, and sell them directly to a Mexican drug cartel. Let that sink in: After months of pretending that ‘Fast and Furious’ was a botched surveillance operation of illegal gun-running spearheaded by the ATF and the US attorney’s office in Phoenix, it turns out that the government itself was selling guns to the bad guys.”

2) Not learning from the Fast and Furious disaster, Obama also authorized a shipment of weapons to the Syrian opposition that probably ended up in the hands of ISIS, the most ruthless terror organization of all time.

3) Obama tried to shut down legally operating gun stores without an legal basis by pressuring banks to illegally refuse to service the banking needs of gun stores via Operation Choke Point.

4) Obama spent tax dollars to re-settle illegal immigrants inside U.S. after he ordered the Border Patrol to stand down and stop protecting the border and enforcing existing immigration laws and procedures.

5) Obama used executive orders to restrict Second Amendment and the legal access to guns by ordinary Americans outside of current laws that Congress had passed.

6) Obama weaponized the IRS to illegally restrict conservative groups from getting proper and prompt tax status decisions form the IRS which curtailed the First Amendment rights and political actions of untold numbers of Americans. Groups with the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their names were targeted for harassment, such as requiring them to provide information about their family members, their social media posts and a list of donors.

According to the DailyCaller: “The Obama appointee implicated in congressional testimony in the IRS targeting scandal met with President Obama in the White House two days before offering his colleagues a new set of advice on how to scrutinize tea party and conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.”

7) Obama secretly and illegally obtained the phone records of Associated Press journalists, an action certainly dinging the First Amendment: “The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press in what the news cooperative’s top executive called a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into how news organizations gather the news.”

8) Obama carried out military operations against a sovereign nation, Libya, without Congressional or Constitutional permission.

9) Obama expanded Bush’s un-Constitutional government faith-based programs.

10) Obama renewed the un-Constitutional and freedom sapping Patriot Act in 2011.

11) Obama continued Bush’s un-Constitutional process of indefinite detention of Americans without due process in the fight against terrorism.

12) Obama supported and practiced warrantless wiretapping, a gross violation of the Fourth Amendment.

13) Obama ordered the killing of U.S. citizens without due process of law, basically allowing the government to maintain a hit list of Americans it does not like.

14) Obama ordered a private company to fire 1,000 employees when Boeing tried to move some of its operations to South Carolina into a non-union factory.

15) During the Chrysler bankruptcy proceedings, Obama violated the Fifth Amendment and over 150 years of bankruptcy law by illegally treating secured creditors worse than unsecured creditors: “Upsetting this fixed hierarchy among creditors is just an illegal taking of property from one group of creditors for the benefit of another, which should be struck down on both statutory and constitutional grounds,” according to Richard A. Epstein, a law professor at New York University School of Law.

16) Obama fired an Inspector General, Gerald Walpin, after Walpin accused Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson, an Obama supporter, of misusing AmeriCorps funding to pay for political activities.

17) Obama lied dozens and dozens of times when he insisted that Americans could keep their current health insurance policy under the Obama Care legislation, a fallacy from day one: “No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people… If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

18) Obama lied dozens and dozens of time when he insisted that Americans could keep their current doctors under the Obama Care legislation, a fallacy from day one.

19) Obama lied about the cost of Obama Care when he said: “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits – either now or in the future. I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize.”

Numerous sources, including the Congressional Budget Office, found that this was so far from the truth as to be ludicrous.

20) Obama funneled untold billions of dollars to major liberals, Democrats, and campaign donors under the guise of “green energy” but zero return on those taxpayer dollars since most, if not all, of these corny business like Solyndra and others went bankrupt with no societal benefits.

21) Obama had hundreds of meetings with lobbyists, according to the New York Times, even though those meetings were held in non-government facilities in order to sidestep legal disclosure requirements of White House visitors such as….lobbyists.

22) Obama had Federal SWAT agents violently raid a law abiding guitar factory, Gibson Guitar, because it was owned by a Republican donor. Martin Guitar company was never raided or hassled by the Obama administration, likely because that company’s owner was a Democrat donor.

23) Obama bypassed Constitutional requirements by appointing “czars” to operate government functions, avoiding the Congressional approval process of the Constitution.

24) Obama tried to destroy family farms by trying to make it illegal for family farm children from working in various farming activities despite over two hundred years of family kids doing just that without significant problems.
25) Obama gave the U.S. ambassador position to Timothy Boras AFTER Boras donated half a million dollars to Obama’s reelection campaign.

26) Obama gave even more power to the disreputable TSA including the pat-downs of young children.

27) Obama illegally demanded excessive monetary payment for Freedom of Information Act requests which was in direct conflict with the actual law itself.

28) Obama eliminated the pensions of 20,000 Delphi employees in 2009 without due process.

29) Obama was accused of using the same budget tactics that Bush used to finance military operations outside of normal budget and Congressional approval processes.

30) Obama ordered Ford to stop criticizing oBama’s bailouts of General Motors and Chrysler in Ford’s advertising, abusing Ford’s First Amendment rights.

31) Obama asked a Jewish singing group to take down is YouTube video in 2011, a violation of the group’s First Amendment rights.

32) Obama illegally gave Obama Care exemptions and waivers to unions which supported the enactment of the Obama Care legislation as reward: “The now-familiar monthly trickling down of new waivers is, at best, a tacit admission that Obama Care is a failure. So far, seven entire states and 1,372 businesses, unions and other institutions have received waivers from the law. The list includes the administration’s friends and allies and, of course, those who have the best lobbyists. More than 50 percent of the Obamacare waiver beneficiaries are union members, which is striking because union members account for less than 12 percent of the American workforce.” 

33) Obama hated that the Supreme Court ruled against a Bush administration desire to be able to install a GPS tracking device on someone’s car without a warrant.

34) Attorney Generals from nine states listed out 21 illegal acts that the Obama administration had undertaken.

35) Obama illegally tried to seize a mom and pop hotel because some of the guests had used illegal drugs, a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

36) Obama illegally made four Congressional recess appointments that were later overturned and deemed un-Constitutional.

37) Obama signed a law in 2013 that provided armed guards for himself and his wife for the rest of their lives while continuing to try and disarm Americans and their Second Amendment rights.

38) Obama gave 20 F-16 fighter jets at taxpayer expense to the country of Egypt when it was under a Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship.

39) Obama’s 2012 campaign organization was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating campaign finance laws.

40) His Obama Care legislation encouraged employers to switch their employees from full time to part time to avoid the onerous costs of the Obama Care legislation: Leaders of the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE penned a 2013 letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi stating that Obamacare will “destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class… the law creates an incentive for employers to keep employees’ work hours below 30 hours a week. Numerous employers have begun to cut workers’ hours to avoid this obligation.”

41) Obama had a Freedom of Information Act compliance record far worse than any of his predecessors.

42) Obama’s Justice Department argued in favor of placing hidden camera on private property without a search warrant in violation of the Fourth Amendment.

43) Obama accepted illegal campaign contributions from foreign citizens in 2012.

44) Obama lied to the country and the world about the Benghazi terrorist act, falsely claiming the attack was the result of a spontaneous protest against an obscure YouTube video while all along he knew it was a pre-planned hostile, and vicious terrorist attack.

45) Obama’s administration complained to YouTube about an anti-Muslim video, a violation of the First Amendment: “It does make us nervous when the government throws its weight behind any requests for censorship,” Ben Wizner of the ACLU said.

46) Obama falsely claimed that the Fast and Furious disaster actually started under the Bush administration which was a lie and even if true, did not make it right that Obama continued the program on his watch.

47) Obama illegally refused to fire Cabinet member Kathleen Sebelius after she violated campaign finance laws even though Federal law clearly states that she should have been fired.

48) Obama gave special access to himself if someone raised or donated at least $500,000 to a pro-Obama group, access that included attending quarterly meetings with Obama and other meetings at the White House.

49) Obama implemented harmful regulations and restrictions on prescription painkillers even though he had no authority to do so and the House had already voted against such restrictions.

50) Obama illegally missed the deadline for submitting a Federal budget at least four times during his term in office.

51) Obama fined UPS $40 million for not being able to detect when its customers shipped illegal drugs via their service.

52) Obama added 20,000 extra pages to the Obama Care legislation via regulations even though Congress ad no chance to vote on anything in those 20,000 pages.

53) Obama delayed the release and publication of unpopular Obama Care regulations until after his reelection, because, as reported by the New York Times in 2013: “… even fervent supporters of the law admit that things are going worse than expected.… the Obama administration didn’t want to release unpopular rules before the election...A law that was very confusing has become mind-boggling… Americans are just going to be overwhelmed and befuddled. Many are just going to stay away, even if they are eligible for benefits."

54) Obama tied to rig the auctions for radio spectrum space for cell phone providers to give an unfair and illegal edge to Sprint and T-Mobile.

55) Obama put a person in jail for simply making an anti-Muslim video, denying him his First Amendment rights, as reported by Politico: “Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history. He is the first person in this country jailed for violating Islamic anti-blasphemy laws. You won’t find that anywhere in the charges against him, of course. As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn’t be in jail today if he hadn’t produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad.”

56) Obama named Bruce Heyman to be the U.S. ambassador to Canada for raising more than $1 million for Obama’s reelection campaign.

57) Obama asked businesses to disclose their political donations before being allowed to bid on government contracts, violating those businesses’ First Amendment rights.

58) Obama falsely accused a law abiding Fox reporter, James Rosen, of being “an aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator as it related to a criminal investigation, doing so without any proof of such behavior," as reported by the New York Times: “With the decision to label a Fox News television reporter a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a news leak, the Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news.” The Washington Post also chimed in: “The Rosen affair is as flagrant an assault on civil liberties as anything done by George W. Bush’s administration, and it uses technology to silence critics in a way Richard Nixon could only have dreamed of.”

59) Obama asked Eric Holder to investigate himself, Eric Holder, when it became apparent that Holder had lied under oath relative to the Rosen case.

60) Obama illegally allowed IRS to have additional powers under Obama Care, powers no authorized by Congress, according to the Washington Post: “[Obamacare] allows the Department of Health and Human Services to set up federal health exchanges in the holdout states. But the statute makes no mention of the IRS providing credits and subsidies through federal exchanges. The IRS resolved this conundrum by denying its existence. In a May 2012 regulatory ruling, it asserted its own right to provide credits outside the state exchanges as the reasonable interpretation of an ambiguous law. But the language of the law is not ambiguous. And health scholars Jonathan Adler and Michael Cannon, in an exhaustive recent analysis, find no justification for the IRS’s ruling in the legislative history of Obamacare….”

61) A member of Obama’s Cabinet, Kathleen Sebelius, illegally solicited campaign donations from health insurers to fund Obama Care.

62) Obama illegally proposed military intervention to topple a foreign government, Syria, in 2013.

63) Obama refused to fire or prosecute over 1,000 IRS employees who illegally and improperly used their taxpayer funded credit cards for personal use.

64) Obama had the Secret Service pay a visit to a law abiding citizen, Tom Francois, who had criticized Obama on Twitter, violating that person’s First Amendment rights.

65) Obama had the IRS grant special, illegal favors to his brother’s uncharted and unapproved charity.

66) Obama illegally delayed Obama Care’s employer mandate without Congressional approval.

67) Obama illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to close, causing 120,000 Americans to lose their jobs.

68) Obama failed to punish those in the IRS that allowed 24,000 tax refund checks, totalling more than $46 million, to be mailed to illegal immigrants, all who “lived” at the same address in Atlanta, Georgia.

69) Obama used taxpayer money to pay Federal workers to organize protesters against George Zimmerman in 2012, a private citizen.

70) Obama illegally continued foreign aid to Egypt after it suffered a military coup, an action forbidden by Federal law.

71) Obama lied when he falsely claimed he would end the surveillance of private U.S. citizens, a practice started during the Bush administration.

72) Obama illegally seized the privately owned gun from a law abiding citizen, a violation of the Second Amendment.

73) Obama illegally prevented employees of small businesses from selecting their own health insurance plan during the first year of Obama Care.

74) Obama illegally avoided enforcing the required income verification aspect of people receiving Federal subsidies for Obama Care exchange policies.

75) Obama illegally delayed the caps on out of pocket health care payments without Congressional approval.

76) Obama failed to fire National Intelligence Director James Clapper even though Clapper lied under oath before Congress when he falsely said the NSA was not collecting information on Americans’ communications activities.

77) Obama nominated a telecommunications lobbyist and Obama fundraiser to head up the FCC, Tom Wheeler.

78) Obama tried to violate Americans; rights to a fair trial, as reported by Reuters: “A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is funneling information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans. Although these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents reviewed by Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed to conceal how such investigations truly begin – not only from defense lawyers but also sometimes from prosecutors and judges. The undated documents show that federal agents are trained to “recreate” the investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a practice that some experts say violates a defendant’s Constitutional right to a fair trial. If defendants don’t know how an investigation began, they cannot know to ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence – information that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses.”

79) Obama threatened Internet Service Providers with contempt of court if they did not install illegal surveillance software in their programs in order facilitate warrantless government surveillance.

80) Obama falsely promised that Obama Care premiums could down up to $2,500 a year for an American family, something that never came close to happening for any American Family.

Not included in the original list of 80 law violations and lies was the recent disclosure that Obama not only illegally and secretly gave the Iranians a $400 million bribe to get their approval of a terrible nuclear arms treaty but the Iranians have now confirmed that Obama illegally gave them an additional $1.3 billion besides the original illegal $400 million cash payment.

The original article can be accessed at:

There you can access the links that verify each of the accusations of lies and illegal actions made above. So if you are a Democrat and liberal and have this compulsion to want to impeach Trump, please read the above insults to freedom that occurred under Obama and tell me why you were silent while Obama was breaking laws, violating the Constitution, shredding the Bill of Rights and lying day after day after day. 

If you cannot tell me while you were silent in the face of overwhelming actions and facts that should have had Obama impeached and removed from office, than please shut up, your hypocrisy is overwhelming and quite childish.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Saturday, May 25, 2019

May, 2019, Part 9, Political Class Insanity: Kelsey Grammer Gets It Right, Democrats Love South American Despot, and A Democrat Gets Rich Via His Job and Wife

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Most of Hollywood is out of touch reality and thus, are extremely condescending when it comes to Trump and his supporters. These celebrities and actors/actresses live behind walls in their mansions and hang out with people of their same ilk with their same shallow and views of ordinary Americans. They cannot accept the reality that some common folks have a different opinion or view of life than them and dare to have a difference of opinion than theirs.

Thus, it is always quite refreshing when a Hollywood type actually gets it, that it is not liberals vs. conservatives, it is not Democrats vs. Republicans, it is the political class in total that is the enemy of the people and our freedoms. Such a person was written about on the Newbusters website by Kristine Marsh on May 15, 2019:
  • On a recent PBS show, Amanpour and Company, Kelsey Grammer was being interviewed.
  • Amanpour asked Grammer what it was like being a conservative in Hollywood when everyone else in Hollywood was a devout and often radical liberal.
  • Amanpour tried to bait Grammer into saying something, anything negative about Trump.
  • Instead, he correctly laid out why every Washington political has been at fault for the mess that that Washington has put the country into: “Oh yeah. I don’t think Washington didn't do us any favors for the last 50, 60 years, I think they’ve all been sort of the same party, the same bunch of clowns, the same bunch of really unpleasant people….And I don't think they've been helping anybody but themselves."
Yes, it is not just Democrats’ fault, it is not just Republicans’ fault, Grammer correctly points out that it is the Washington political class that is the root cause of our nation’s problems, politicians who are greedy, shallow, and incapable of identifying solutions to the major issues of our times.

2) Frank Vernuccio, writing for the Affluent Advisor website on May 14m 2019, laid out the insanity that some members of Congress actually support the current socialistic dictator in Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. Much like his predecessor, Hugo Chavez, Maduro nationalized industries, rounded up and killed political opponents, and hollowed out the country’s democratic institutions. He used food as a devastating political weapon to starve those that did not agree with him and destroyed a once robust economy so badly that citizens could not even get their hands on toilet paper.

Starvation, destruction of wealth, citizens fleeing the country, lack of medical care, and a whole lot of other atrocities and yet some Democrats in Congress actually find this all acceptable:
  • Forty nine countries across the world, including most of those in South and Central America, do not recognize Maduro as the lawful leader of the country so it is not just Trump and the U.S. that find Maduro’s conduct disgusting.
  • But Trump and his State Department are definitely not big fans of Maduro: “Nicolas Maduro…has consistently violated the human rights and dignity of its citizens, plundered the country’s natural resources, and driven a once prosperous nation into economic ruin with his authoritarian rule and socialist economic policies. Maduro’s thugs have engaged in extra-judicial killings and torture, taken political prisoners, and severely restricted freedom of speech, all in a brutal effort to retain power.”
  • And yet some Democrats in Congress actually support these types of oppression: Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Ro Khanna, are all supportive of Maduro and his antics that kill, starve, and deprive his residents of toilet paper.
Venezuela is a perfect example of how socialism almost always devolves into a dictatorship and hardships and loss of freedom for citizens. And yet sitting members of Congress actually support this dictatorship and the hardships it imposes on Venezuelans. 

3) We have often concluded and proven that the American political class consists of people that are greedy, shallow, ineffective, and incapable of developing real solutions to real problems. But in my opinion, worst of all, is that these same people are almost always so hypocritical. This negative trait was recently reinforced by a recent such case that has come to light about the hypocrisy of a sitting member of Congress, Elijah Cummings:
  • Cummings has been one of the noisiest and most ardent critics of Trump.
  • He has also been a leader in Congress insisting that Trump turn over his tax returns in a vain attempt to try and find a reason, any reason, to impeach Trump.
  • The theory is that if there are tax irregularities then Trump is toast.
  • But Cummings is not the fountain of integrity when it comes to financial shenanigans.
  • A recent complaint with the IRS alleges that Cyumings’ wife and her legal entities have illegally benefitted as a result of her husband’s position on the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform committee.
  • Cummings, who was not close to be wealthy just a few years ago, got a great increase in his family’s wealth when his wife’s businesses suddenly started getting started getting millions of taxpayer dollars in Federal government grants and contracts.
  • According to the Washington Examiner: “A charity run by the wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings received millions from special interest groups and corporations that had business before her husband’s committee and could have been used illegally, according to an IRS complaint filed by an ethics watchdog group. His wife, Maya Rockeymoore, 48, is the chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party and briefly ran in the state’s gubernatorial race last year. The couple married in 2008. Cummings was once heavily in debt — in part due to hefty child support payments to his first wife and two other women he had children with — but his financial situation has improved considerably over the past decade. Rockeymoore runs two entities, a nonprofit group called the Center for Global Policy Solutions and a for-profit consulting firm called Global Policy Solutions, LLC, whose operations appear to have overlapped, according to the IRS complaint filed by watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center on Monday. The complaint states that the arrangement may have been used to derive “illegal private benefit.” Global Policy Solutions received more than $6.2 million in grants between 2013 and 2016, according to tax records. Several of the nonprofit group’s financial backers — which included Google, J.P Morgan, and Prudential — have business interests before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The largest contributor to the nonprofit organization was the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a company that is regulated by Cummings’ committee. The foundation, which gave a total of $5.5 million to Rockeymoore’s consulting firm and $5.2 million to her nonprofit group, ceased supporting her groups in 2017."
  • The Examiner article goes on and on in detail about the shenanigans about Cummings’ wife and the self enrichment of the Cummings family.
  • Hypocrisy of the highest degree and another example of how those in Washington are only in it for themselves, the country be damned.
Again, Grammer says it best when it comes to political class insanity: “Oh yeah. I don’t think Washington didn't do us any favors for the last 50, 60 years, I think they’ve all been sort of the same party, the same bunch of clowns, the same bunch of really unpleasant people….And I don't think they've been helping anybody but themselves.”

The insanity, and greed, never ends.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May, 2019, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: The Crime Wave Of Illegal Immigration, Politicians Continue To Kill Seattle, and Illegal Immigrants Driving Around With $1 Million of Cocaine

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) There is a lot of discussion, name calling, and hate being thrown around regarding illegal immigrants. Some on the left want open borders so that anyone can stroll into the country while other non-liberals want a more reasonable, rule of law and common sense approach to illegal immigration. In either case it is worthwhile to understand the ramifications of either side.

We have previously discussed the reality that the American taxpayer annual pays just under $6 billion a year to help both legal and illegal immigrants give birth to their kids. This is $6 billion that cannot be spent on homeless, hungry, drug addicted and other needy American citizens. A recent Federal government analysis showed another side and cost of illegal immigration:
  • Almost half of all Federal crimes committed in 2018 were carried out by non-U.S. citizens.
  • This estimate comes from a study by the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).
  • Non-citizens committed 42.7% of the Federal crimes.
  • Since the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that non-citizens account for about 7% of the population, then these folks are committing crimes at about six times the rate one would expect, 42.7% divided by 7%.
  • Non-citizens were responsible for 48.4% of drug possession crimes, 24.5% of drug trafficking crimes, 18% of murders,and 27.2% of money laundering crimes, much higher than the there 7% representation in the overall population.
  • Non-U.S.citizens made up 91.5% of Federal immigration crimes such as fraudulent green card marriages.
So wherever you fall on the issue if illegal immigration, there is no doubt that it costs the American taxpayer billions and billions of dollars a year, from funding the births of non-U.S. citizens babies to increased police costs, increased judicial costs, and increased prison costs. all costs that detract from being able to serve American citizens in need.

2) We have previously discussed how the political class in Seattle is turning a once great, beautiful city into a hellhole with its stupid laws, over regulations, and general incompetence. Rather than review the details of those previous posts, I suggest you do a search for the NBC News report, “Seattle Is Dying,” to get a close up, ugly and comprehensive look at how local politicians are destroying a city.

The City Journal website recently ran a story that lays out the damage these politicians have done:
  • According to the article, “Over the past few years, Seattle has become a dumping ground for millions of pounds of garbage, needles, feces, and biohazardous waste, largely emanating from the hundreds of homeless encampments that have sprouted across the city.”
  • These conditions have caused a 400% increase in HIV infections over the past year.
  • These unsanitary conditions have caused an outbreak of rare, long ago diseases such as typhus, tuberculosis, and trench fever.
  • The area’s mussel and clam populations have tested positive for opioids.
  • In 2018 there were over 19,000 citizens’ complaints about trash, needles, syringes, feces, and other biohazardous waste existing on city streets, over 50 complaints a day on average over 365 days.
  • Many if not all, of the ever increasing homeless population have a drug addiction, a mental illness or both.
  • From 2017 to 2018, city cleanup crews picked up a stunning 8.6 million pounds of trash from the city’s illegal homeless encampments, or over 23,000 pounds of trash per day.
  • But the city then caved to some sick activists that claimed the garbage sweeps were somehow un-Constitutional and even inhumane so the garbage pickups were greatly reduced and the trash, and the diseases the feed off the trash, increased.
  • And there is a lot of trash since the city now accommodates over 400 homeless encampments in the city.
As always, politicians either do nothing to fix a problem or their solutions make the situation worse. And the good, tax paying citizens of Seattle are faced with two difficult choices: stay in the city and endure a severely deteriorating situation because the local politicians do not have the will, the courage, and smarts to fix it or leave the city for the safety of themselves and their family and take their tax dollars elsewhere.

3) Democrats and liberal politicians seem all too ready to take taxpaying Americans tax dollars and throw it at illegal immigrants. As we stated above, these tax dollars cannot be used to help needy Americans.

But it appears that some illegal immigrants do not need that financial help at all:
  • Police in North Carolina recently did a routine traffic stop.
  • Turns out the two individuals in the car were illegal immigrants.
  • In addition to the two illegal immigrants, there were five kilos of heroin with a street value of about a $1 million.
  • The heroin was being brought into the state from out of state, possibly from Maryland since the two illegal immigrants were from that state, so we are looking at interstate transportation of a controlled, illegal substance.
Two guys from Maryland who just happen to be illegal immigrants driving around with a $1 million worth of illegal drugs in their car. And Democrats say there it is a “manufactured crisis” of illegal immigration at the border. I do not think so.

That will do it for today’s insanity: illegal immigrant guys driving around with a $1 million of cocaine their car, the destruction of a beautiful American city by local politicians, and illegal immigrants commit a lot of crimes, increasing taxpayers’ costs for medical care, police resources, judicial resources, and prison resources for illegal immigrants.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

May, 2019, Part 7, Political Class Insanity: A Note To Nancy Pelosi: Are Democrats Ever Going To Get Their Act Together?

The following message was recently sent to Speaker Of The House, Nancy Pelosi:

Madam Speaker: 
A few facts about myself: 
  • I am 66 years old 
  • I live in Florida 
  • I have never voted for a Republican for President in my life. 
  • Thus, I did not vote for Trump. 
  • I have rarely voted for a Republican for national office in my life. 
  • When living in New Jersey a while ago I was a registered Democrat for a while. 

However, when are Congressional Democrats going to get their act together? You people are really appearing to be a bunch of short sighted, ineffective, Trump-obsessed drones. Mueller found nothing after $30 million, can we finally move on and address the major issues of our times that affect every American? 
I believe that Democrats now would rather have Trump fail than America succeed since I have seen no viable issue resolution actions from you or any other Democrat:
  • Medicare is going bankrupt and Democrats have no solutions. 
  • Medicaid is going bankrupt and Democrats have no solutions. 
  • Social Security is going bankrupt and Democrats have no solutions. 
  • The country is drowning in Federal government debt and Democrats have no solution.
  • The country has millions of American citizens who are homeless, hungry, drug addicted, and in need and Democrats have no solutions, instead using all of their energy and rhetoric to support illegal immigrants while decent, needy Americans are Democrats. 
Instead, Democrats pursue ghosts of wrongdoing by Trump which are probably not impeachable and which will never get past the Senate, allowing Democrats to waste more time and energy on nothing while the major issues go unattended. I see nothing of value coming out of Congressional Democrats and do not expect anything of value in the near future, just ghost chasing, supporting illegal immigrants while needy Americans go wanting, and caring more about hurting Trump than helping America. 

Thus, unless there is a dramatic, and adult turnaround in Democrats' priorities you can kiss my support goodbye in any future elections. The country has some serious long term problems that affect EVERY American and you folks do not care.
P.S. Please tell Ocasio-Cortex to shut up. Every time she opens her mouth it makes every Democrat in Congress look that much more stupid, I have never seen a member of Congress that was so ignorant, dumb, and unworldly and it reflects on you and every other Democrat in office. 

If anyone thinks that Democrats have solutions to the long term problems facing the country, please let me know because I have not seen anything. Just this childish obsession with Trump and the hell with America. 

Plus, it is difficult to take any Democrat serious when it comes to impeachment given that they were silent when Obama actually true reasons, law breaking, and treasonous actions to be impeached:  

  • Obama led the United States into a major military action against the country of Libya, spending well over a billion dollars of taxpayer wealth and placing our armed forces in danger without the approval of Congress, violating the War Powers Act and Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.
  • Obama refused to fire James Clapper, a high ranking member of the President’s national security team after Clapper lied to Congress about how much electronic information the National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting on every American citizen, becoming an accessory after the fact in Clapper's lying to Congress.
  • Obama signed the latest NDAA legislation whose sections 1021 and 1022 allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens, without trial, who the government considers terrorist suspects until the vague “end of hostilities,” which violates the habeas corpus protection of American citizens under Article I Section 9 of the Constitution.
  • Obama personally signed off on the assassination of American citizens in foreign lands, e.g. the killing of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki via a drone attack in Yemen, denying him and other citizens a fair trial by their peers, negating the rights, and lives, of al-Awlaki and at least three other American citizens, violating their right “to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the Fourth Amendment, and the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Obama has repeatedly and in varied ways denied members of our armed forces of their right to personally celebrate, follow, and take comfort in their personal Christian religion and faith, violating the First Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Obama’s administration’s development and deployment of the Fast and Furious gun running operation to supply weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels has violated any number of laws including, the illegal shipment of weapons to criminal organizations, violations of international treaties regarding illegal gun smuggling, abetting the violence of those cartels who used Fast and Furious weapons to kill innocent Mexican civilians and a U.S. border agent, Brian Terry, and denying Congress and Congressional investigators access to pertinent Fast and Furious executive branch documents needed to investigate the alleged transgressions by claiming executive privilege. 
  • Obama unilaterally delayed the small business (SHOP) mandates from his own Obama Care legislation, without Congressional approval, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama unilaterally delayed the employer mandates, without Congressional approval, from his own Obama Care legislation without Congressional, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama allowed so-called "sanctuary cities" to illegally protect illegal immigrants from arrest and deportation, in defiance of existing Federal laws, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, that Obama Care enrollees in states using only the Federal health care exchange, i.e. those states that did not set up their own Obama Care exchange, would also be eligible for Obama Care subsidies, violating his own Obama Care legislation and violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, that those personal insurance policies that insurance companies had to legally terminate as a result of Obama Care could indeed stay in effect, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, to change out many more tenets and deadlines of the Obama Care legislation (e.g. delaying the caps on out of pocket medical expenses, waiving the income proof requirement for subsidies, waiving the criminal background checks on Obama Care navigators, etc.), violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama’s administration has hassled, spied on, harassed, and threatened a multitude of journalists including, but not likely limited to, Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis, Fox News employees James Rosen and Mike Levine, Sheryl Atkinson, Audrey Hudson (whose home was ransacked by Department of Homeland Security armed personnel who confiscated her journalistic files despite serving a court order that was restricted to only looking for guns), Associated Press reporters, and others, violating their First Amendment rights.
  • When the Egyptian military staged a coup and overturned a democratically elected government, Obama refused to cut off aid to that military ruling junta as required by U.S. law, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama’s administration allowed lucrative taxpayer funded financial credits to Congressional members and their staffs to pay for Obama Care policies in violation of the Obama Care legislation, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • His Obama Care legislation forced individuals, companies, and charities to violate their own religious beliefs relative to contraception and birth control, violating those citizens’ and organizations’ First Amendment rights.
  • Obama illegally made government appointments to high level government positions while the Senate was still in session, violating Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.
  • Obama ignored the ruling of a Federal judge in Louisiana regarding the administration’s illegal moratorium on Gulf oil drilling, resulting in the following stinging rebuke from the judge: “Each step the government took following the court’s imposition of a preliminary injunction showcases its defiance, Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re-imposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium, and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt.”
  • Obama's administration’s unparalleled invasion of citizens’ privacy via the warrantless and groundless interception and storage of just about every citizens’ electronic and other communications via the National Security agency and other government entities is a gross violation and insult to every citizens’ First and Fourth Amendment rights.
  • Obama unilaterally decided not to enforce the DOMA law, without Congressional approval, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama illegally violated immigration laws by forbidding the deportation of illegal aliens, without the approval of Congress, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama’s administration illegally used the IRS to harass and minimize the impact and activities of conservative and other contrary political action organizations, violating those citizens’ First Amendment rights.
  • Obama illegally created a “shadow government” by establishing a so-call “czar” system in order to bypass the Constitutionally required Congressional approvals of high ranking government positions, violating Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. 
  • Obama's administration violated existing laws by failing to produce a Federal budget proposal on time in four of the first five years of this administration, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama’s administration illegally demanded monetary kickbacks (often exuberant kickbacks) from American organizations requesting government documents under the Freedom of Information Act, (FOIA), requests that by law have to be provided for free or for a very small processing cost, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama’s administration demanded that the Ford Motor company stop showing a Ford television commercial that mentioned that its competitors, General Motors and Chrysler, had received Federal bailout money, a violation of the company’s First Amendment rights.
  • Obama’s administration coldly ignored the request for military help, help that was readily available, when the U.S. Benghazi consulate and nearby adjacent annex were under siege by terrorists, a siege that endangered the lives of about 24 American citizens and resulted in the unnecessary death of four of those brave citizens violating their pursuit of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  • Obama’s administration illegally used resources of the Federal government to inhibit and harass companies (e.g. Gibson Guitar, Boeing’s planned move of jobs to South Carolina, etc.) whose political agenda did not line up with the President’s political agenda, abusing the power of his office and the executive branch for political gain, violating Section 2, Articles 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama’s administration intentionally violated the WARN act by telling companies to not announce layoffs that were in compliance with the WARN Act prior to the 2012 Presidential election, promising to pay any fines incurred in the future with taxpayer money that those companies may incur as a result of violating the WARN as requested by the Obama administration.
  • Obama refused to fire Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, after Holder testified before Congress that he was unaware that the Justice Department was harassing journalist James Rosen even though Holder had signed off on the harassing investigation, becoming an accessory after the fact of the crime.
  • Obama’s administration directly harassed and pressured insurance companies and insurance company executives not to publish or discuss the very disappointing number of people that had signed up for Obama Care insurance policies, violating their First Amendment rights.
  • Obama’s administration asked and/or forced contractors to disclose their political contributions before being allowed to bid on Federal contracts and projects, violating those contractors’ First Amendment rights.
  • Obama failed to fire Kathleen Sebelius after she violated the Hatch Law when she campaigned/endorsed a Democrat for office in North Carolina, becoming an accessory after the fact after the fact of the crime.
  • Obama allegedly told the EPA to unilaterally set emissions standards and bypass Congress, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
  • Obama’s destruction of citizens’ privacy via the massive and illegal spying of the National Security Agency and other government entities destroys the underpinnings of the Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court ruling which was based on the principle of privacy. If this concept of privacy is destroyed by NSA and other government spying, i.e. if there is no privacy now in this country given that the government spies on every citizens’ electronic and other forms of communication, there is no right to an abortion in this country.
  • Obama’s administration violated the Federal Information Security Information Act (FISMA) by giving the Obama Care information systems infrastructure “authority to operate” even though it failed the required FISMA’s security control assessment.
  • According to a Federal judge’s ruling, Obama’s administration illegally tried to avoid disclosure of a foreign aid directive.
  • Obama allowed multiple high ranking members of his administration to use multiple false email accounts in violation of Federal sunshine laws and regulations.
  • Obama’s administration illegally intruded into the General Motors bankruptcy proceedings to illegally rob General Motors bondholders of their due while protecting his politically friendly union interests.
  • Obama’s administration violated the Solyndra loan agreement and illegally moved an Obama financial political backer ahead of the Federal government and American taxpayer in the Solyndra bankruptcy proceedings, resulting in the American taxpayer getting less out of those proceedings than legally permissible.

  • Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

    It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

    Please visit the following sites for freedom:

    Tuesday, May 14, 2019

    May, 2019, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: A Delusional and Hypocritical Hillary Clinton, A Disgusting Alabama Politician, and A Review of Obama's Lawbreaking

    It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

    Let’s get started:

    1) Let’s review some likely law breaking of Hillary Clinton:
    • She used an unsecured email server to illegally transmit top secret government documents.
    • She sold out the security interests of the country in the Uranium One deal with Russia in exchange for rich speaking fees for her husband from Russian government interests.
    • She tried to launder money donations from foreign government interests to the Clinton Foundation via Canadian financial transactions in violation of IRS rules and laws.
    • She destroyed emails, computers, and cellphones to avoid Congress and government investigators from finding out what laws she violated.
    • She allowed hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents to end up on the unsecured laptop computer of a known sexual predator, former Congressman Anthony Weiner.
    • She may have used Clinton Foundation charity money for personal use, e.g. her daughter’s wedding.
    You get the idea, it is highly likely that she violated many, many laws over the years, abusing the power she wielded as Secretary of State to enrich herself and family.

    But according to a recent article on the Freedom Outpost website, Hillary somehow insanely does not see it that way, in her mind Trump is the real lawbreaker. In a recent public appearance she accused Trump of abusing the rule of law in this country. Specifically: “We’ll see whether it’s the rule of law or the rule of Trump that the Republicans in the Congress and in the courts are going to abide by. We are at a crisis point and I say that with great sadness.”

    This idiocy and hypocrisy comes forth in light of the ongoing feud between Attorney General William Barr and the headhunting Democrats in Congress who are desperate to finding a reason, any reason, to impeach Trump. And not only is Clinton being so hypocritical accusing Trump of violating the rule of law in this single instance while she likely violated multiple laws multiple times, she remained of silent while serving on Obama’s cabinet and Obama was breaking the rule of law and abusing the Bill of Right and the Constitution dozens of times:
    • Obama led the United States into a major military action against the country of Libya, spending well over a billion dollars of taxpayer wealth and placing our armed forces in danger without the approval of Congress, violating the War Powers Act and Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.
    • Obama refused to fire James Clapper, a high ranking member of the President’s national security team after Clapper lied to Congress about how much electronic information the National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting on every American citizen, becoming an accessory after the fact in Clapper's lying to Congress.
    • Obama signed the latest NDAA legislation whose sections 1021 and 1022 allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens, without trial, who the government considers terrorist suspects until the vague “end of hostilities,” which violates the habeas corpus protection of American citizens under Article I Section 9 of the Constitution.
    • Obama personally signed off on the assassination of American citizens in foreign lands, e.g. the killing of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki via a drone attack in Yemen, denying him and other citizens a fair trial by their peers, negating the rights, and lives, of al-Awlaki and at least three other American citizens, violating their right “to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the Fourth Amendment, and the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution.
    • Obama has repeatedly and in varied ways denied members of our armed forces of their right to personally celebrate, follow, and take comfort in their personal Christian religion and faith, violating the First Amendment to the Constitution.
    • Obama’s administration’s development and deployment of the Fast and Furious gun running operation to supply weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels has violated any number of laws including, the illegal shipment of weapons to criminal organizations, violations of international treaties regarding illegal gun smuggling, abetting the violence of those cartels who used Fast and Furious weapons to kill innocent Mexican civilians and a U.S. border agent, Brian Terry, and denying Congress and Congressional investigators access to pertinent Fast and Furious executive branch documents needed to investigate the alleged transgressions by claiming executive privilege. 
    • Obama unilaterally delayed the small business (SHOP) mandates from his own Obama Care legislation, without Congressional approval, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama unilaterally delayed the employer mandates, without Congressional approval, from his own Obama Care legislation without Congressional, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama allowed so-called "sanctuary cities" to illegally protect illegal immigrants from arrest and deportation, in defiance of existing Federal laws, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, that Obama Care enrollees in states using only the Federal health care exchange, i.e. those states that did not set up their own Obama Care exchange, would also be eligible for Obama Care subsidies, violating his own Obama Care legislation and violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, that those personal insurance policies that insurance companies had to legally terminate as a result of Obama Care could indeed stay in effect, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama unilaterally decided, without Congressional approval, to change out many more tenets and deadlines of the Obama Care legislation (e.g. delaying the caps on out of pocket medical expenses, waiving the income proof requirement for subsidies, waiving the criminal background checks on Obama Care navigators, etc.), violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama’s administration has hassled, spied on, harassed, and threatened a multitude of journalists including, but not likely limited to, Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis, Fox News employees James Rosen and Mike Levine, Sheryl Atkinson, Audrey Hudson (whose home was ransacked by Department of Homeland Security armed personnel who confiscated her journalistic files despite serving a court order that was restricted to only looking for guns), Associated Press reporters, and others, violating their First Amendment rights.
    • When the Egyptian military staged a coup and overturned a democratically elected government, Obama refused to cut off aid to that military ruling junta as required by U.S. law, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama’s administration allowed lucrative taxpayer funded financial credits to Congressional members and their staffs to pay for Obama Care policies in violation of the Obama Care legislation, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • His Obama Care legislation forced individuals, companies, and charities to violate their own religious beliefs relative to contraception and birth control, violating those citizens’ and organizations’ First Amendment rights.
    • Obama illegally made government appointments to high level government positions while the Senate was still in session, violating Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.
    • Obama ignored the ruling of a Federal judge in Louisiana regarding the administration’s illegal moratorium on Gulf oil drilling, resulting in the following stinging rebuke from the judge: “Each step the government took following the court’s imposition of a preliminary injunction showcases its defiance, Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re-imposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium, and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt.”
    • Obama's administration’s unparalleled invasion of citizens’ privacy via the warrantless and groundless interception and storage of just about every citizens’ electronic and other communications via the National Security agency and other government entities is a gross violation and insult to every citizens’ First and Fourth Amendment rights.
    • Obama unilaterally decided not to enforce the DOMA law, without Congressional approval, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama illegally violated immigration laws by forbidding the deportation of illegal aliens, without the approval of Congress, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama’s administration illegally used the IRS to harass and minimize the impact and activities of conservative and other contrary political action organizations, violating those citizens’ First Amendment rights.
    • Obama illegally created a “shadow government” by establishing a so-call “czar” system in order to bypass the Constitutionally required Congressional approvals of high ranking government positions, violating Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. 
    • Obama's administration violated existing laws by failing to produce a Federal budget proposal on time in four of the first five years of this administration, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama’s administration illegally demanded monetary kickbacks (often exuberant kickbacks) from American organizations requesting government documents under the Freedom of Information Act, (FOIA), requests that by law have to be provided for free or for a very small processing cost, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama’s administration demanded that the Ford Motor company stop showing a Ford television commercial that mentioned that its competitors, General Motors and Chrysler, had received Federal bailout money, a violation of the company’s First Amendment rights.
    • Obama’s administration coldly ignored the request for military help, help that was readily available, when the U.S. Benghazi consulate and nearby adjacent annex were under siege by terrorists, a siege that endangered the lives of about 24 American citizens and resulted in the unnecessary death of four of those brave citizens violating their pursuit of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    • Obama’s administration illegally used resources of the Federal government to inhibit and harass companies (e.g. Gibson Guitar, Boeing’s planned move of jobs to South Carolina, etc.) whose political agenda did not line up with the President’s political agenda, abusing the power of his office and the executive branch for political gain, violating Section 2, Articles 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama’s administration intentionally violated the WARN act by telling companies to not announce layoffs that were in compliance with the WARN Act prior to the 2012 Presidential election, promising to pay any fines incurred in the future with taxpayer money that those companies may incur as a result of violating the WARN as requested by the Obama administration.
    • Obama refused to fire Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, after Holder testified before Congress that he was unaware that the Justice Department was harassing journalist James Rosen even though Holder had signed off on the harassing investigation, becoming an accessory after the fact of the crime.
    • Obama’s administration directly harassed and pressured insurance companies and insurance company executives not to publish or discuss the very disappointing number of people that had signed up for Obama Care insurance policies, violating their First Amendment rights.
    • Obama’s administration asked and/or forced contractors to disclose their political contributions before being allowed to bid on Federal contracts and projects, violating those contractors’ First Amendment rights.
    • Obama failed to fire Kathleen Sebelius after she violated the Hatch Law when she campaigned/endorsed a Democrat for office in North Carolina, becoming an accessory after the fact after the fact of the crime.
    • Obama allegedly told the EPA to unilaterally set emissions standards and bypass Congress, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.
    • Obama’s destruction of citizens’ privacy via the massive and illegal spying of the National Security Agency and other government entities destroys the underpinnings of the Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court ruling which was based on the principle of privacy. If this concept of privacy is destroyed by NSA and other government spying, i.e. if there is no privacy now in this country given that the government spies on every citizens’ electronic and other forms of communication, there is no right to an abortion in this country.
    • Obama’s administration violated the Federal Information Security Information Act (FISMA) by giving the Obama Care information systems infrastructure “authority to operate” even though it failed the required FISMA’s security control assessment.
    • According to a Federal judge’s ruling, Obama’s administration illegally tried to avoid disclosure of a foreign aid directive.
    • Obama allowed multiple high ranking members of his administration to use multiple false email accounts in violation of Federal sunshine laws and regulations.
    • Obama’s administration illegally intruded into the General Motors bankruptcy proceedings to illegally rob General Motors bondholders of their due while protecting his politically friendly union interests.
    • Obama’s administration violated the Solyndra loan agreement and illegally moved an Obama financial political backer ahead of the Federal government and American taxpayer in the Solyndra bankruptcy proceedings, resulting in the American taxpayer getting less out of those proceedings than legally permissible.
    And Hillary goes nuts on Trump for a single disagreement on the rule of law and remained silent when Obama was shredding the Constitution as the dozens of above examples show. Hypocrite and still a very sore and childish loser.

    2) The following topic is not meant to open a debate on the pros and cons of abortion. It is meant to point out how callous, soulless, and despicable certain politicians can be when discussing this topic.

    The state of Alabama was recently debating a piece of legislation as it relates to abortion, the intent of which is immaterial to this discussion. When speaking in opposition to the proposed legislation, Democratic representative John Rogers stated that, ”Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later.” 

    This is the first time I have ever observed a politician actually equate abortion to justifiable homicide. His assumption base is disgusting:
    • He assumes that all unwanted kids will grow up to be hardened criminals that society will have to kill at some time in the future so why not kill them early on and save the later hassles?
    • He assumes that there are no adults or families out there that would adopt an unwanted child, whatever the reason for that child being unwanted.
    • He assumes it is okay to kill an unwanted human soul but I would bet there are laws in Alabama, like there are in other places, that would prosecute him if he took an unwanted puppy or kitten to the nearest lake and drowned them but in his mind it is okay to kill an unwanted baby.
    Like I said before, one soulless individual. I believe that he is the same person that said the world would be better off if Donald Trump, Jr. had been aborted before birth. This is how far adult political debate has disappeared in this country, using the very serious topic of abortion to try and gain cheap political points against a political opponent. This is more than insane, this is disgusting rhetoric from a disgusting human being who also happens to be a disgusting politician.

    That will do it for today: a disgusting and despicable politician in Alabama, a sore loser delusion and hypocritical politician in Hillary Clinton, and a nice review of the lawbreaking that Obama did while in office. More insanity to follow.

    Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

    It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

    Please visit the following sites for freedom: