Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April, 2020, Part 10, Political Class Insanity: Hypocrisy In The MIchigan Governor's Mansion, Shady China Dealings In California, And CNN's Loving The Coronavirus

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) The coronavirus crisis has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people dying around the world. It has probably caused millions of people to get sick. Those that have died have often been in quarantined conditions and died alone, away from their loved ones. Millions of people have lost their jobs that plunged them into depression and worries about feeding their families, keeping their homes, etc.

And yet CNN has absolutely no compassion for these folks. In a time of personal, national and international crisis, CNN’s Bill Weir went live with a story that he thought that coronavirus was actually a good thing since it buys us some time relative to global warming, saying that the virus “has helped humanity buy some time against global warming.” He also asserts, apparently with no data or research whatsoever, that the virus was caused by too much deforestation.

Never mind that global warming basically stopped about two decades ago which is why the global warming advocates had to rebrand global warming as climate change. Never mind that there is no doubt that the virus either came out of a wet market in China that was dealing with the sale of exotic foods, like bats, or out of a lab in Wuhan, China. It has nothing to do with deforestation.

CNN has done some really stupid and ignorant things over the past couple of years that we have covered in this blog. They are no longer an unbiased, reputable source of news and reality. And apparently they longer have anyone with compassion on their staff. People are dying, people are getting very sick, people are losing their jobs and this CNN employee thinks that, hey, this is all pretty good from a global warming perspective. Sad and sick reporting with absolutely horrible timing in a time of loss and remorse.

No wonder that most nights cable TV viewers would rather tune into a mushy movie on the Hallmark Channel or watch Cupcake Wars on the Food Channel. CNN no longer has a shred of sensitivity or respectability when in a time of crisis they are totally tone deaf to the suffering of millions, pushing a topic that frankly, millions of people could not care one iota about the midst of death, suffering and financial strain.

2) There is no doubt that the coronavirus came from China. There is also no doubt that the Chinese Communist government and leadership covered up the potential danger of the virus from the rest of the world at the onset of the virus spreading. They are culpable for the deaths and destruction the virus has caused.

And yet, that didn't stop the California governor, Gavin Newsom, from signing a $1 billion deal with China to buy face masks from a company in that country. Now, this could have been a great deal from a cost and timing perspective. There has been a big shortage of masks since Obama ignored the recommendations coming out of his mishandled flu epidemic in 2009 that the country stockpile masks.

But the shady thing about this deal, besides giving China a billion dollars of American taxpayer wealth for help in resolving a crisis that China created, is that Newsom refuses to divulge the details of the deal, even to his Democratic colleagues in the California state legislature:
  • Two weeks after agreeing to the deal and after already paying half of the $1 billion, Newsom has provided no details of the deal to the press or his fellow politicians.
  • Newsom is paying $1 billion for 200 million masks, of which 150 million are the important N95 masks.
  • This comes out to $5.00 per mask.
  • But if I just go to Home Depot's website, I can buy an N95 mask, at retail, for anywhere from only $2- $3 a mask.
  • Thus, is Newsom not providing details because the Chinese ripped him off along with the California taxpayers?
  • The LA Times and the San Francisco Chronicle have not been able to get the details of the deal and neither have members of the legislature.
  • According to Phil Ting of the Assembly’s Budget Committee: “It would be great to get a heads-up directly from the governor’s office rather than watching it on national TV. We don’t have any information as to how many masks we’re buying, who we’re buying them from, at what price … What are we obligated? For how long are we obligated?”
  • Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Holly Mitchell went so far as sending a letter to the governor asking for details: “Under normal circumstances, the Legislature would have had more time to deliberate an expenditure of this magnitude and would have been allowed to thoroughly vet the details of the contract before proceeding.” 
  • A member of the governor’s staff put forth the most ridiculous explanation for the lack of visibility into the contract in that he claimed that providing the specifics of the deal would risk disrupting the supply line of masks, a most inane and ridiculous argument to make.
Something is rotten in the state of California. The head of the executive branch throwing around a billion dollars of taxpayer wealth which looks like a horrible deal with the country that caused the problem in the first place. And refusing to disclose elementary details fo the deal to his political friends while coming up with a most stupid reason for not sharing. 

Obviously, the sunshine does not shine within Newsom’s administration. And when sunshine does not shine on government operations, that is when government operations are usually corrupt, inefficient, or ineffective.

3) The people in Michigan have been the most vocal set of citizens objecting to the authoritarian lock down their governor has subjected them to. They have taken to the streets in the state capital asking for some relief from some of the really stupid rules the governor has laid down:
  • Michigan citizens cannot purchase paint during the crisis unless they buy it from a store that is smaller than 50,000 square feet.
  • They cannot buy garden equipment or seeds to plant unless they buy it from a store that is under 50,000 square feet.
  • They are not allowed to travel to their second homes even if they would not come in contact during transit.
  • They are not allowed to pay someone to cut their lawn even if they do not come anywhere close to those cutting the lawn.
This is just a partial list of some of the stupid rules the citizens are objecting to.

Which is why the actions of a certain Michigan citizen are great:
  • Attorney Nicholas Somberg is a Michigan attorney.
  • He showed up at a recent protest event at the governor’s mansion to protest the stringent and unreasonable lock down rules.
  • He also brought a weed whacker with the intention of helping clean up the governor’s mansion lawn since it was forbidden by her own rules to hire anyone to cut one’s lawn.
  • But to his surprise, the governor's lawn was finely trimmed and looking good, something that it is highly unlikely the governor did herself, probably paying someone to do it for her.
Again, the hypocrisy of the political class in this country knows no bounds. The New York City mayor forbade his citizens to go to the gym to stay fit and healthy but he allowed himself to go. The mayor of Chicago forbade her citizens to go to hair salons and barbershops but she went to her hair stylist to make sure she looked good even if her constituents did not. And now we have the Michigan governor forbidding her citizens to hire someone to cut their law while she allows the lawn around the governor’s mansion to be trimmed and neat. So much for leadership in all of these cases where politicians execute that old hypocrisy: “do as I say, not as I do."

That will do it for today’s insanity: hypocrisy and stupidity in Michigan, potentially shady financial dealings in California, and CNN being totally out of touch with humanity and compassion.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:



Saturday, April 25, 2020

April, 2020,Part 9, Political Class Insanity: Democrats Eat Their Own, Cuomo Lacks Empathy, and A Historical Screw Up By Bill Clinton

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) The political debate in this country has gotten very, very nasty over these past few decades. Rather than debate issues based on facts and like adults, politicians today, and many of their supporters do not debate, they only attack anyone who dares to deviate from their line of thinking. It is my observation and opinion, that Democrats and liberals are the worst when it comes to attack politics instead of debate and resolving politics.

In fact, one of most popular past posts addressed this tendency and reality directly. It laid out the outrageous, venomous, and hateful things that Democrats and liberals called other Americans during the Obama years. It makes a very strong case that Republicans and Independents did not get Trump elected, Democrats and liberals got Trump elected. Many non-liberals got so fed up with the childish and hateful things liberals in politics, the media and entertainment were calling those with a different opinion that they voted for Trump out of spite. They wanted someone who listened to them and not berate and curse them.

That post can be accessed at:


Well, it seems that Michigan liberals and Democrats have learned nothing from the Trump experience and election:
  • Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett unfortunately caught the coronavirus.
  • Fortunately, she recovered from the virus.
  • It was her experience and opinion that her life was likely saved because of a drug she took, hydroxycloroquine.
  • This was a drug that Trump had pointed out that may have some properties that would be useful in the fight against the coronavirus.
  • This was the drug that Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer criticized Trump about but shortly afterwards turned around and tried to get the drug for her constituents in Michigan.
  • Ms. Whitsett had an opinion, an opinion based on a scary encounter with a scary disease, an opinion that should be respected.
  • But that is not the case with her fellow politicians in the Democratic party in the state legislature in Michigan.
  • Her fellow Democrats are thinking about putting forth a resolution condemning her for daring to have an opinion of Trump that differs from theirs and may move to remove the party’s endorsement for her for reelection.
  • The resolution included the following words: “State Representative Karen Whitsett has repeatedly and publicly praised the president’s delayed and misguided COVID-19 response efforts in contradiction with the scientifically based and action-oriented response from Michigan’s duly election Democratic leadership … endangering the health, safety and welfare of her constituents, the city of Detroit, and the state of Michigan.”
  • In other words, how dare she have a different opinion than them based on her own life experiences, an experience that almost cost her her life.
  • The words of the district Democrat Party Chairman Jonathan Kinlock are very telling: “Folks in the 13th were complaining about why is she attacking, why can’t she just sit down, she’s always acting like a fool up their in Lansing.” 
  • So he is telling an African-American woman [Ms.Whitsett] who just survived a dangerous disease to just sit down and be quiet.
  • Can you imagine what the reaction would be from the Democrats and the media if a Republican had told an African American to just sit down and be quiet?
No compassion, no sympathy for a suffering fellow citizen, just shut up and tow the party line that we tell you to tow. Sad.

2) Andrew Cuomo is the governor of New York state. He obviously has had a rough month or so since New York City and New York state have by far been the most affected by the coronavirus. So I can understand his frustration and short temper. 

But he has had a short temper before so his latest idiocy and short temper is no surprise. A few years ago he told his own constituents, those that were pro life or supporters of the Second Amendment to just move out of New York state, they were not wanted in their home state simply because they had a difference of opinion with him. Rather act like a leader and unite people, looking for common ground and supporting the various needs and views of all New Yorkers, he basically said “get out,” you are not welcomed in his state.

Given that background, consider his latest tirade and idiocy:
  • A lot of Americans are getting restless staying at home because of the coronavirus.
  • Many have lost their jobs and their income and are worried about how they will feed their family and make their mortgage payments and many are just bored and want to get on with their careers.
  • Their frustration is understandable to most mature adults.
  • But as we just mentioned, Cuomo has a history of not being understanding with others who have a different opinion than his.
  • When asked about this stay at home frustration in a new conference the other day, Cuomo, rather than show any type of empathy or understanding, just flippantly said the following: “If you want to go to work, go take a job as essential worker. Do it tomorrow. There are people hiring. You can get a job as an essential worker, so now you can go to work and now you are an essential worker and now you won’t kill anyone.”
  • So basically it was a f-you response, don't bother me with your desires, needs, worries and wants.
  • First of all, maybe these people do not want to work in “essential services" or are not qualified for essential services jobs.
  • Also, since many of these essential services jobs, e.g. working in grocery stores, warehouses, and other industries, have also experienced coronavirus outbreaks, they are not disease free zones either.
  • For example, Cuomo has refused to shut down public transit since he says “there’s no reason to do so.”
  • But according to the New York Times, 41 public transit “essential” workers have died from the virus and over 6,000 have gotten sick or self quarantined themselves.
  • Plus, Cuomo’s list of essential services include such nonsense as dog grooming, printing, publishing, and signage production.
Rather than show a little compassion and explain why he has his restrictions in place, possibly explaining how dog grooming is essential, he lashes out and belittles desperate Americans in desperate straits, just get a job, they are hiring, I don't care if cannot or do not want the jobs they are hiring, even if some of them are dangerous relative to the virus.

Confusing and childish outburst, but not surprising, given his previous impatience with those that have opinions that run contrary to his on abortion and gun rights. It is my way or the highway, hardly a leadership or statesman approach.

But being combative, childish, and wrong has also been Cuomo’s MO during the crisis. Early on, he berated Trump for not sending 40,000 ventilators to New York hospitals, Trump said he did not need that many. It turns out New York did not need anywhere near that many and the ones they did have then ended up giving to other states by the hundreds. 

He then yelled that he needed more hospital beds in ICU units, for which the Federal government sent the hospital ship USNS Comfort to New York City to satisfy his demands. But that ship was never really needed. An angry politician that has gotten just about everything wrong or pigheaded.

3) Okay, let’s get away from the coronavirus for a bit and talk about some new reports on how Bill Clinton blew it when it came to Osama Bin Laden and the 9-11 attacks. According to Frank Holmes, writing for the Horn News website, new government documents show that Clinton had many, many chances to take out Bin Laden before the deadly 9-11 attacks on this country that killed almost 3,000 innocent Americans:
  • New documents show that not only did Bill Clinton not kill Bin Laden when he had the chance, he threatened to punish anyone in the United States intelligence community who did in fact kill him.
  • Bob Grenier, who was the CIA station chief in Pakistan during the Clinton years, says that Clinton signed an order that anyone who killed Bin Laden would be “risking jail” time.
  • In fact, Clinton’s order was pretty nonsensical and stupid since it said the military could take “lethal activity” against Bin Laden but forbid anyone to kill him.
  • Doesn’t the very definition of lethal mean to kill?
  • But if you remember the Clinton years, he was always a politician first, always looking to avoid blame, rather than being a leader first.
  • Clinton told intelligence officers he wanted Bin Laden taken alive.
  • Mr. Grenier summarized this idiocy also: “We were being asked to remove this threat to the United States essentially with one hand tied behind our backs.” 
  • And it is not like Bin Laden was not known to have American blood on his hands. 
  • In 1992, he tried to bomb and kill Americans at a hotel in Yemen.
  • He was associated with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and a 1995 attack on Americans in Saudi Arabia.
  • The CIA and others knew about Bin Laden before he bombed two U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and killed 224 Americans.
  • Bin Laden's organization, Al-Qaida, bombed the U.S.S. Cole in 2000, killing 17 U.S. Navy members.
  • All of these attacks happened before 9-11, Clinton knew that Bin Laden was associated directly or indirectly with all of them and still he said do not kill him.
  • The 9-11 Commission itself found that Clinton had at least nine chances to kill Bin Laden and he nixed every one of those nine opportunities.
  • Ironically and sadly, on September 10, 2001, the day before the Bin Laden designed attacks, Clinton actually bragged that he could have killed Bin Laden: “I could have killed him. But I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I just didn’t do it.”
  • The next day, Bin Laden killed 3,000 innocent Americans.
  • So, Clinton opted not to kill 300 civilians which ended up resulting in the death of thousands and thousands American civilians and soldiers.
  • But this does not address the other eight times he could have killed him and in fact, U.S. intelligence agents told Clinton at least three times about opportunities to kill him where no one else would have been hurt.
  • All of this frustrated trained intelligence officers who knew they could kill Bin Laden without collateral damage, as Mr. Grenier reports: “Policy decisions were made that seem unfathomable today like a Justice Department ruling that it would be illegal for the United States to intentionally kill bin Laden, which left CIA officers in the field feeling frustrated and angry.”
  • Even after Bin Laden operatives almost killed Clinton in Manila in 1996 he still refused to put forth the kill order on Bin Laden.
What a terrible and incoherent decision by Clinton. Imagine what would have happened if he had had the guts to actually wipe out the worst terrorist ever, a terrorist that could have been killed any number of times without collateral damage:
  • 3,000 Americans would not have been killed on 9-11.
  • Thousands of American soldiers would not have been killed and hundreds of billions of dollars would not have been wasted by invading Afghanistan, a debt we are still paying today.
  • Thousands of American soldiers would not have been killed and hundreds of billions of dollars would have been wasted by invading Iraq, a debt we are still paying today.
  • The Patriot Act would have never been passed and the freedoms it attacks would be much safer.
  • Radical Islamic terrorism would likely be less powerful and destructive.
  • Iraq and Iran might still be fighting each other, leaving Iran far less powerful as a terrorist nation.
Less wasted national wealth, less American deaths, lower threat from terrorism, all of that would have been possible if Clinton was not so worried about being a politician and more worried about protecting American interests and lives.

Politicians being politicians, either gutless, lacking in empathy, or just being vindictive even against their own kind.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:



Friday, April 24, 2020

April, 2020, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: The Dangerous Idiocy of de Blasio and Ocasio-Cortez

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) It looks like today we are going to be focused on politicians saying absolutely stupid things, often with fatal consequences. Let’s start with New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. Back in early March he made this idiotic statement in the midst of the growing coronoavirus pandemic: “If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life.” He went on to say that people should go out and eat at restaurants since the virus “does not transmit through food and drink.”

He obviously did not know what he was talking about, giving this idiotic advice in the midst of a pandemic, caused by a virus that is caused by physical human contact and sneeze droplets from a contaminated person, things that happen in crowded places like bars and restaurants, places that de Blaso encouraged people to go to. Specifically, he said he was “telling people to not avoid restaurants, not avoid normal things that people do. If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life.” 

He kept digging the hole deeper and deeper, assuring New Yorkers that the virus will only be an issue for “a finite amount of time.” In other words, no big deal. Go out, mingle with others, go to bars and restaurants, this is nothing to worry about.

Is it any wonder that NYC and the state of New York now lead the country by a wide margin in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths? How many got sick or even died because de Blasio issued such ignorant statements about a deadly disease, statements that obviously were not vetted by health professionals, just another politician blathering on with deadly consequences.

2) We have never been a big fan of CNN. From a journalism perspective, their lack of integrity and truth in reporting and lack of journalistic morals has led to a dramatic drop in their viewership ratings shows as a lot of America has figured out that they are no longer a viable, truthful, and worthwhile journalistic venture. Their hate for Trump and despising of anyone who is not a Democrat or a liberal is now obvious.

So when CNN actually belittles a Democrat, we sit up and take notice since they almost NEVER dare to criticize anything liberal, no matter how ridiculous a Democrat's actions or words are. Consider this situation in light of the point above we just discussed, de Blasio’s ignorant comments about the virus:
  • Rather than focusing on the epidemic in his city, de Blasio recently said that he plans to throw a ticker tape parade for healthcare providers once the virus subsides.
  • Not when the virus is beaten, only when it is “contained.”
  • A statement that shows he learned nothing from his March statement that everyone should go about their business and live like nothing happened, go mingle with large groups of people, the virus is no big deal.
  • Large crowds are where the virus thrives and there are few events larger and more congested than a ticker tape parade.
  • First of all, how many people does he actually think will attend a massive gathering of humanity before the pandemic is over, not just contained?
  • And second of all, why is he wasting time on such lunacy when his city is still ground zero for the most of everything bad that pertains to this crisis?
Bad and dangerous priorities from someone who is obviously not in tune with the reality of this deadly virus. Which gets us back to CNN’s Jake Tapper who called the ticker tape parade idea “the stupidest idea” he had ever heard. When you are a Democrat and CNN calls you out for having one of the stupidest ideas ever, you must have really screwed up.

3) Speaking of bad ideas and de Blasio, he seems to have a bunch of them. Somehow it has occurred to some Democratic politicians across the country that it would be a good idea to release prisoners from jails and prisons during this outbreak for their own good. Never mind that they could be locked down on a temporary basis for their own good inside the prison until the virus receded. 

Instead, politicians like de Blasio thought it was better to let them go free even though they were serving legitimate prison sentences for breaking the law, often breaking the law violently. Not surprisingly for most people, de Blasio excluded, some of these people have resorted to, gasp!, a life of crime, something that de Blasio never anticipated somehow, calling their new crime spree “unconscionable.” What did he think was going to happen, all of these convicted criminals were going to behave like choir boys?

Specifically, “We do see some recidivism. I have not seen a huge amount, but any amount is obviously troubling. We’re going to just keep buckling down on it, making sure there’s close monitoring and supervision to the maximum step possible. And the NYPD is going to keep doing what they’re doing. I think it’s unconscionable just on a human level that folks were shown mercy and this is what some of them have done.”

Talk about being out of touch with reality. The New York Post has reported that about 50 of the 1,500 released convicted criminals have already been rearrested for new crimes against the citizens of New York City. Fifty is bad enough but these are only the ones that got caught, how many others committed new crimes and have so far gotten away with their new crimes? And for an added insult to injury, some of the 50 that had been arrested for new crimes have already been released back into the streets even after taking advantage of the mayor’s ignorance and after they committed more crimes.

And according to the Post these were not simple misdemeanor law breaking, there were some serious, life threatening law breaking: “The re-offenders — just over 3 percent of those released — include a Rikers Island inmate initially jailed for allegedly setting his girlfriend’s door on fire and choking her mother, who was released early only to return to the Bronx apartment and allegedly threaten to kill the whole family. Another prisoner who is accused of assaulting a Department of Homeless services officer and was later set free was arrested for punching an agency sergeant just two days after his release, records show. Yet another, who was serving a 60-day sentence for theft, was charged with burglarizing Queens’ Singh Farm grocery store to the tune of more than $9,000 three weeks after his early release.”

And yet somehow de Blasio never thought that this would happen, finding it unconscionable. I find it ridiculous he could be so ignorant and so willing to endanger the lives of innocent people who did nothing wrong but who face the wrath of criminals being freed.

4) Alright, let’s move on from de Blasio, he has endangered enough people either by saying ignorant stuff about the virus's true nature or thinking that releasing criminals from jail was a good idea.

Let’s move onto to another one of our favorite gaffe machines, idiot thought politicians, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Sometimes she talks and it is impossible to figure out what she is saying since she usually has no idea what she is saying also. In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, rather than working to find solutions or help others out, she continues to espouse socialism and communism tenets that make no sense and thus, contribute nothing to help the suffering of millions and millions of Americans.

Her latest idiocy rant goes as follows: “Government at its best is an instrument to the public and the public’s means of taking care of itself, and this pandemic has just exposed the fragility of our system. I already hear people telling me, ‘I can’t believe I didn’t see this before. I cannot believe I didn’t see this before,’ and I’m just thankful that people are seeing it now.” I have no idea what this means and I dare anyone else to make sense of it. 

It probably continues her favorite line of insane reasoning that somehow “government” knows what is best for each of the 325 million Americans. The hell with freedom and the Bill Of Rights, “government is at its best” in her mind. Never mind that the Federal government and the people that run it like herself have really screwed up everything they ever touched. After hundreds of years, they still cannot operate an efficient and profitable postal system. After ninety years they cannot operate a solvent, non-crime infested Federal retirement system, Social Security, taking straight into bankruptcy in a very short time. After fifty years they cannot operate a solvent, non-crime infested Federal health care system, Medicare also taking that straight into bankruptcy quite soon. After operating a “do not call list” for about a decade, I still get annoying violations of that law every day. 

The track record of the Federal government and both political parties doing anything considered “best” is pathetically anemic. And yet, people like her continue to spout ignorance and drivel like she did above.

That will do it for today, proving again that politicians either don't care or are incapable of caring about our safety, our lives, and our freedoms. De Blasio and Ocasio-Cortez are the latest examples of do nothing, resolve nothing empty headed American politicians.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:



Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April, 2020, Part 7, Political Class Insanity: A Senator Lies, A Mayor Hates, and A Congressman Is Useless In Time Of Crisis

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Obviously, the country is going through some rough times caused by the Chinese coronavirus crisis. Initially, shortages of ventilators, masks, and other supplies were widespread across the country. But various efforts by various government and private sources have helped narrow if not close the supply shortages.

One of the major perceived shortages initially in the crisis was for breathing ventilators in New York city, a city that has been, by far, the worst hit region in the country, accounting for about a third of all cases and deaths. New York politicians realized early on that they probably did not have enough ventilators if things went really bad and asked the Federal government for help in getting more ventilators.

The request resulted in more ventilators being shipped to New York City to relieve the shortfall, many of these ventilators ended unneeded and in storage, and after the virus started to subside in NYC, New York politicians shipped 100 unused ventilators to New Jersey and another 150 unused ventilators to other states where they actually were needed. Bottom line, according to experts in the Trump organization, no one who caught the coronavirus did not have access to a ventilator if they needed one.

But this reality and timeline did not stop Washington Senator Tammy Duckworth from putting out a major falsehood about Trump and ventilators: “As he watches Americans die by the thousands, Trump remains incapable of showing empathy or leadership. He *could* have saved lives by sending more ventilators, but he didn’t. That’s true regardless of who Donald ‘I don’t take responsibility at all’ Trump tries to blame.”

Total tripe. If New York was in such dire needs for more ventilators then why did they ship 100 ventilators to New Jersey and another 150 to other states? Of course, Duckworth provided no proof to her lie, just blather to not only disparage Trump but adding nothing to the solution for the bigger problem.

Three people with knowledge of the situation proved that she was lying:
  • During a White House Coronavirus Task Force press briefing this week, Adam Boehler, a former HHS official who is now CEO of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation and who has been tapped to help with the coronavirus response, said, “There’s been no American that has needed a ventilator that has not received one.”
  • Even the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, stated that Duckworth was lying: “Have we saved everyone? No. But have we lost anyone because we didn’t have a bed, or we didn’t have a ventilator, or we didn’t have health care staff? No. People we lost are the people we couldn’t save.”
  • White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx said that there was no evidence that there were any shortages of ventilators around the U.S. “We were reassured after meeting with colleagues in New York there are still ICU beds remaining and there’s still significant, over a thousand or 2,000 ventilators that have not been used yet.”
Never let the truth get in the way of Washington politicians playing politics.

2) In a sane and perfect world, politicians would actually be leaders, uniters, and not political and vengeful hacks. Unfortunately, we don't live in that kind of world. This reality was recently driven home by a hateful, vindictive politician out in California:
  • William Kirby was the mayor of Auburn, California until recently.
  • He is now out of a job after residents were appalled when he posted some very hateful messages about citizens on social media.
  • On social media he compared Trump supporters to be like members of the racist Ku Klux Klan even though many of his constituents were Trump supporters.
  • Rightfully so, he came under attack for being such a hateful, loathsome public official and ended up rightfully resigning his post as mayor.
  • One of his most hateful posts is when he posted a photo of a hooded KKK member with the caption: “Good news for Trump supporters is that most of them already have masks."
  • But his most hateful post went as follows: “If Hitler and everyone who supported him was removed from the face of the earth in 1939 the world would be a much better place. The same is more true of Trump and his supporters today.”
  • This is a public official who is supposed to respect and protect the rights, lives, and property of all of his constituents, not wish about half of them to die.
Tough not to live in a hate filled country when many of those in public office are leading the hate brigade.

3) Let’s stay with hate for another incident:
  • According to the Washington Examiner, Democrat Congressman Harley Rouda of California recently verbally attacked his Republican challenger.
  • His challenger is Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steele.
  • Roud’s words: “You can’t make this up: @MichelleSteelCA and her colleagues are standing in masks…refusing to create workplace safety provisions that would give masks to our brave essential workers. This isn’t leadership — it’s reserving the lifeboat for yourself.” 
  • Apparently, Mr. Rouda did not understand the reality of the situation and just went off on a political falsehood since Steele had to set him straight: “No, @HarleyRouda What’s shameful is your continued efforts to politicize this pandemic. This is a picture of me accepting 2,000 face masks for the county’s emergency health workers.”
So, Steele is 1) doing her job and getting medical supplies to the workers she supports and 2) she is taking the necessary pandemic precautions as laid out by the CDC by wearing a mask during the pandemic.

And somehow Rouda had to politicize all of her behavior for cheap headlines under false pretenses. 

More despicable behavior and lack of leadership in a time of crisis. By the way Mr. Rouda, if you want to talk about leadership, how about you call your boss, Nancy Pelosi, and have you and her and the rest of Congress get off your vacations and back to Washington and actually do something productive?

A Senator lies, a mayor hates, and a Congressman looks for cheap publicity in the midst of a crisis, which he is doing nothing to help resolve while on vacation. The insanity and pettiness that dominates American politicians today.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

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Saturday, April 18, 2020

April, 2020, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: More Examples Where Folks Like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden Really Don't Care About You At All

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) These are difficult times for tens of millions of Americans. Millions have lost their job due to the coronavirus crisis and are being challenged to pay their bills and feed their families. Obviously, this condition leads to depression and a feeling of helplessness. It is a time that requires leadership and compassion.

And most ordinary Americans are showing both traits. They are eating out more over tipping at restaurants that have been forced to do take out and delivery orders only. They are donating money to companies that are then redistributing that money to their laid off employees. They are writing checks to or volunteering at local food banks.

And then there is Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi purposely delayed the mailing out of economic relief checks to millions of Americans so that she could stuff unwanted, wasteful, and unneeded components into the stimulus legislation. She has successfully delayed aid to small businesses across the country which will likely result in a tsunami of small business failures and closures. She has contributed nothing positive to potential solutions to the crisis.

And then recently on national TV she rubbed all of her pettiness, lack of leadership and lack of compassion into every American’s face:
  • Not staying in Washington to help out the country, she was back home in California in her sumptuous home to talk on late night television.
  • While she should be in Washington working on solutions, she should have at least used the late night TV interview to discuss solutions, encourage Americans to hang in there and maybe for once show some sort of leadership.
  • But no, during the interview on the Late Show, she decided to show off her very expensive refrigerators (yes, plural refrigerators) to America.
  • Sources say these refrigerators cost over $20,000 and Pelosi was so proud to show them off, filled with gourmet ice cream.
  • Yes, millions of Americans are struggling to feed themselves and their families and Pelosi is so proud of her expensive appliances and look, “I have tons of expensive gourmet ice cream to eat.”
  • The ice cream she eats by the way costs over $12 a pint.
  • Actor James Woods nicely summed up this lack of leadership and compassion: “Her two refrigerators together cost $24,000 for her specialty chocolate ice creams, but she hates the small business owners of America. “Let them eat cake.””
  • Director Steve Guest had these observations: “While Nancy Pelosi sits in her ivory tower in San Francisco, eating $13 dollar a pint ice cream out of her $24,000 fridge, she is cheering on Democrats for blocking coronavirus relief aid that has so far been distributed to 1.3 million small businesses that is about to run out.”
Disgusting and repugnant behavior. She and the rest of Congress are sitting at home for the next month doing nothing, with her dining on gourmet ice cream, while small businesses fold up across the country, people wait in food lines to get basic food (never mind gourmet ice cream) and she apparently does not care. That is just evil, pure evil.

2) Let’s stay with the topic of leadership. True leaders unite people together in a common cause, be it in business, an athletic team, research, etc. They do not disparage members of the team, they do not call them names or insult them, they find common ground for the betterment of all. And obviously none of those traits exist in Washington DC where the current mode of operation is to destroy, malign, slander, and piss on anyone who has a different opinion than theirs.

And Joe Biden is no exception:
  • Joe Biden is obviously on track to be the Democrats’ Presidential candidate.
  • As such, one would hope that he for once could rise above petty and nasty politics and name and work on uniting the country.
  • During a recent coronavirus forced virtual campaign rally, he basically called a lot of Trump supporters racists: “There are people who support the president because they like the fact that he is engaged in political division. They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad and … dividing this nation based on ethnicity, race.”
Here we go again, if you do not agree with a liberal you must be a racist, so tiring. They still do not realize that Republicans and Independents did not get Trump elected. It was comments like these and thousands of other hate filled comments and slurs during the Obama administration from liberals in politics, the media and Hollywood that got Trump elected.

And Biden is repeating the same mistakes that got Trump elected in the first place. If you are a liberal and do not believe me, go to the following link, answer the questions posed, and I bet that you too also sat silent when Republican women were being called sluts, whores, and needed to be hate raped. I would bet that you sat silent when those of us that had viable and logical disagreements with Obama policies were called Nazis, racists, ignorant, and other demeaning names. 

Because if you sat silent when your friends, neighbors and co-workers were being bashed and being called all kinds of horrorific names, then you and Biden and other liberals are the real reason Trump got elected:

3) Staying with Joe Biden, he continues to spout what appears to be incoherent gibberish. Over the past few months we have discussed the many times where he has stated nonsense, where he does not know where he physically is, where he cannot put together two coherent sentences in a row. It is our opinion that he is in severe cognitive decline and it is a form of elder abuse to keep putting him forward as a candidate for a job he clearly no longer has the mental facilities to handle.

Consider the following statements he made in an interview on the coronavirus. His logic stream is non-existent, his incoherency is staggered and stuttering and somehow, unbelievably, he tries to tie the corona virus to fighting climate change. Trust me, millions of Americans who have just lost their jobs, who are having trouble feeding their families, could not give a hoot about climate change in this environment of fear. 

And for Biden to even think about linking the crisis with climate change is either idiocy and cognitive decline on his part or like Pelosi, someone who does not care about Americans. 
  • “One of the things that I think that we keep coming back to, and I’ve spent this morning talking to the docs that used to work with Sanjay in our last administration and heads of other entities that a, um, you know, it gets down to testing, it’s about testing, tracing, and treatment. And so, we’re way behind on the testing piece and I don’t quite, I don’t quite understand why we’re taking so long to do the kinds of things that have to be done.”
  • “You know, there’s a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it’s called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war the War Production Board. I don’t know why we don’t set up something like a pandemic production board.”
  • “One last thing, look, Anderson, you and I have talked about this. We have an opportunity now to take in a recovery act, a real recovery, we can fundamentally change the science relating to global warming and we can create, seriously create, 10 million good paying jobs, we can do it, it’s within our power to do it.”
Total gibberish, totally out of touch, total lack of compassion for those suffering. Typical political class insanity.

These people in DC are so out of touch with reality and the pain and agony that their lack of compassion and lack of leadership cause Americans and small businesses across the country.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

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