Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December, 2022, By The Numbers: Chicago Carnage Continues, Reparations Insanity In California, and More Government Waste and Fraud

 On a periodic basis we do some posts that fall under the theme of “by the numbers.” Rather than trust what the American political tells us about reality, we like to examine the real numbers and the real reality in the world to understand what is actually going on. Relying on politicians, and their cohorts in the media, to tell us what is reality is always a sucker bet. They have their own agendas and goals, usually centering around their needs and self-enrichment. So we need to look at the reality of the numbers to determine what is really going on.

Previous analyses of “by the numbers” can be accessed by entering the phrase in the search box above. This is the third and final post this month where we look at the numbers to truly find out how good, not likely, or bad, most likely, the American political class is doing in managing our tax dollars, protecting our freedoms, and resolving major issues that affect all of us. 

1)We have always contended that a major and very, very basic tenet and reason for having any government entity is to protect the lives and property of the citizens it serves. No matter how well a government entity does in other areas, if it cannot protect lives and property then it is a failure.

Nowhere has this tenet been so violated than in Chicago. For years, we have discussed the daily/weekly/monthly/annual carnage that Chicago residents have to worry about. Every year, hundreds of Chicago residents are killed and thousands are wounded by violence in the city streets. Thus, the city and county politicians, most recently Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, have been miserable failures in protecting Chicago lives.

Consider the latest violence numbers from the city:

  • Over a recent weekend, not a week, a weekend, 19 Chicago residents were shot.

  • Four of those 19 died from their wounds.

  • From  January 1 through November 26, just under 11 months, a whopping 630 Chciago residents have been murdered by city violence and gun fire.

  • On average, this comes out to almost two murders every DAY in the city.

Definitely a failed government entity when tomorrow two people will be murdered in the city, and two will  be murdered the next day,  etc.

2)Sometimes it is impossible to fathom how ignorant politicians can be regarding simple numbers and simple math. Consider some of the political class insanity that is being discussed in California:

  • California’s governor, Gavin Newsome, created a nine member council a while ago.

  • The purpose of this council was to decide if and how much in reparations should be paid to African Americans citizens in the state, reparations that are supposed to pay these folks for past perceived transgressions against them but more likely, their ancestors.

  • Specifically, the council passed a motion back  in March that eligibility be based on “an individual being an African American descendant of a chattel enslаved person or the descendant of a free Black person living in the US prior to the end of the 19th century.”

  • Thus, the council and governor want current California taxpayers to pay  relatives of people who lived over a hundred years ago.

  • And we are not talking about a trivial amount of money.

  • The council  estimates that African American state residents could get as much as $233,200, each for doing nothing except being a relative of someone who lived in the 1800s.

  • Since about 7% of the state residents would be eligible for reparation payments, the total  cost to the state taxpayers could be $569,000,000,000 ($569 billion).

  • Since the ENTIRE annual state government budget is about $233 billion, the governor and the council want to give away more than double what the entire state government budget is in a year.

  • Since this is a government entity that has about $1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion dollars) in unfunded future liabilities, it is total insanity to put another half trillion dollars or so on top of these existing unfunded liabilities.

Even  if one thinks that it is fair to reward state residents today who may or may not have ancestors who experienced bad experiences over a hundred years ago, where is this money coming from? The state is in debt. Residents and businesses are fleeing the state in greater and greater numbers, taking their tax dollars with them which will make it more impossible for the state political class to pay this half a trillion dollars. Incredible numbers insanity, numbers that are impossible to understand.

3)Far too many times in this blog we have reported on the trillions of taxpayer dollars that have been  lost, stolen, or wasted by government programs that were overseen by lax politicians and government bureaucrats. From Medicare to Scoial  Security to Pentagon expenditures to just plain stupid foreign aid and domestic programs, the waste of hard earned taxpayer dollars is a national disgrace., the numbers do not lie.

And to this tradition of wasting taxpayer dollars continues:

  • According to the Wall Street Journal, the Labor Department had almost $45 billion stolen out of its covid unemployment funds. 

  •  The New York Post reported that criminal activity across all Federal government covid relief programs is almost a staggering $600 billion.

  • To put this in perspective, this $600 billion is almost 80% of the Pentagon’s annual military budget of $778 billion.

Another government program, covid relief, that is rife with fraud, criminal activity, and wasteful pending. To put $600 billion in perspective:

  • At any time in this country there are about 500,000 homeless Americans out on our streets.

  • As we have previously shown, the average cost to provide a good meal  for a homeless American in shelters across the country is about $2.94.

  • Thus, that wasted $600 billion,  could have created more than 200 billion meals for American homeless folks, or 40,000 meals for each homeless person which would lead to three good meals for each homeless American for about 320 years!

  • In other words, that wasted $600 billion could feed every homeless American very well for very, very long.

But as usual, American homeless will  go hungry while Washington’s political class continues to waste unreal amounts of taxpayer dollars.

4)Although not as bad as losing $600 billion, apparently the current U.S. taxpayer funding of the war in Ukraine against the Russian invasion is, as one would assume, not funding that has tight audit controls. 

Apparently the Biden administration finally realized that it really did not know where and  how $20 billion of U.S. taxpayer funded Ukrainian aid was going and how it was being spent. I  would wager a guess that a large portion of that $20 billion is not doing anything close to helping the Ukranians fight back the Russian army, given the past history of Washington politicians spending money with no audit controls or paper trails in place.

Consider this scenario:

  • It costs, on average, just over $6,200 a year to  help an American  with their drug addiction problem.

  • If we divide this $6,200 into $20 billion we find that annually, on average, that $20 billion could help about 320,000 Americans overcome their drug addiction.

  • So, the question is should we as a nation spend $20 billion on a far away war without knowing where and how that $20 billion is being spent or should the money be directed to helping Americans in need?

I do not propose to answer that question here. But the numbers show how much  Americans could be helped, be it  the homeless or drug addicted, if the political class in this country had a better sense of priorities and certainly a  better sense and respect about how taxpayer money is being wasted and stolen. 

That will do it for today’s numbers: Chicago’s carnage numbers are still outrageously high, California reparations numbers are ridiculous and the government and the politicians that operate it have no idea where taxpayer money is being spent. The numbers do  not lie.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis - One of the Most Effective Politicians In The Country Today, Just Check His Record

As readers of this blog know, we are not big fans of those folks in the American political class. The list of adjectives would be very, very long describing their attributes but the following sort list gives you an idea what we think of them: ineffective, greedy, self serving, ignorant, clueless, wasteful, hateful, hypocritical, and very bad at their jobs.

There are, however, a small number politicians that we would consider good at their jobs, that had vision, had the welfare of the citizens as their top priority, and were smart enough to do some good for their voters. 

Those few include JFK for his vision and his handling of the Cuban missile crisis that could have spiraled into a nuclear world war, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, possibly one of the smartest people to serve in Congress over the past century, and Dwight David Eisenhower who made big strides against racism and Jim Crow laws in this country.

To  our very short list we would now add our current governor here in Florida, Ron DeSantis. Having had a first hand view of what he accomplished in his first four years as governor, he has been impressive, as the following list highlights:

Economy and budget:

  • Help create the largest tax cut in state history while at the same time generating the largest government surplus ever ($21.8 billion).
  • Kept the state open during covid to protect jobs and businesses which resulted in a booming state economy and record setting tourism.
  • His covid strategies kept the state open, minimized the loss of freedom, and ended up having a very low covid infection rate vs. states that had put in place draconian measures to crack down on its citizens.
  • Ensured workers could not lose their jobs because they declined covid shots.
  • Secured $100 million for the Hometown Heroes Program for down payment assistance for public servants.
  • Florida leads the country in new business formations.
Law enforcement and public protection:
  • Banned local  government from defunding the police.
  • Provided $5,000 bonuses for new police hires who relocate from other states.
  • Resisted Biden's catch and release illegal immigration policy.
  • Secured bonuses for law enforcement and fire rescue personnel in the state for two years in a row.
  • Put a process in place to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary states and cities.
  • Formed a government strike force to combat drug smuggling, human trafficking, and the movement of illegal  weapons.
  • Passed pay increases for law enforcement, correctional officers, and county sheriffs.
  • Banned sanctuary cities in the state.
  • Increased criminal penalties for trafficking fentanyl.
  • Signed into law legislation that enforced tougher penalties on rioting.
  • Secured the largest pay increase for teachers in Florida history.
  • Kept schools open much longer during the covid crisis than other states which avoided the large learning deficits other states face because of their school lock downs.
  • Banned the teaching of sexual ideology in grades kindergarten through third grade, placing the focus on learning and not sexual ideology.
  • Signed the Fairness in Women's Sports Act that prohibits biological males from competing in girls public school athletics.
  • Secured record level funding for K-12 public schools.
  • Eliminated Common Core in Florida schools, a failed national attempt at standardized learning by the Federal government.
  • Strengthened public high school learning emphasis on civics, financial literacy, and money management courses. 
  • Passed the Parents Bill Of Rights to give parents power to decide what is best for their kids' education.
  • Signed bills to increase security and safety at Florida schools.
  • Banned tuition increases at state universities.
  • Secured two rounds of $1,000 bonuses for every early learning teacher.
  • Expanded Florida's network of resources to support citizens with behavioral and developmental disabilities.
  • Sued the Biden administration when it delayed Florida's program to import cheaper prescription drugs from Canada.
  • Increased funding to support those suffering from Alzheimer's disease and their families caring for them.
  • Prohibited taxpayer dollars to be used for puberty blockers and gender altering surgery.
  • Invested almost $1.5 billion to combat the opioid crisis.
  • Signed the No Patient left Behind Act to make sure that no one in a hospital or assisted living facility in the state is barred from seeing visitors.
  • Put forth an advertising campaign to fight the ever growing fentanyl epidemic.
  • Banned vaccine passports and allowed state residents to keep their covid vaccination status private.
  • Secured a record $3.3 billion to fund water quality and nature restoration projects in the Everglades.
  • Acquired almost 142,000 acres of land to safeguard it from development while protecting the wildlife living on the land.
  • Increased environmental regulations to restrict nutrient runoffs into the state's waterways.
  • Restored the Red Tide task force and invested $440 million to mitigate Red Tide impacts.
  • Appointed the state's first  Chief Science officer to ensure environmental policy and laws are evidence based.
  • Invested a record $45.6 million to continue to remove invasive pythons from the Everglades (8,000 pythons removed under the program.)
  • Secured $50 million to protect manatees and their natural habitats.
  • Established the Resilient Florida program to strengthen Florida's infrastructure against weather events.
  • Reacted quickly and effectively to address the devastation of Hurricane Ian.
  • Launched the Fatherhood Initiative to encourage responsible and involved fatherhood in the state.
  • Extended postpartum care for new and low income moms.
  • Among the top ten most populated states, Florida has had the lowest percentage of kids in foster care for over five years.
  • Increased the state's Pregnancy Support Services Program to support the needs of expectant mothers.
  • Instituted ten state tax holidays to help families combat inflation on life necessities such as diaper and school supplies.
  • Protected houses of worship that remained open during the covid pandemic.
Now, most of the above accomplishments come from the Desantis reelection campaign literature. However, from news reports, my own research, and the fact that his opponent never challenged the truth of these claims tells me that most, if not all, of the above accomplishments are real. 

More importantly he fulfilled the very basic functions of what any government entity should be doing:
  • Protecting the lives and property of its citizens and its families.
  • Protecting the freedoms of its citizens.
  • Supporting the public health needs of its citizens.
  • Ensuring efficient and effective public education processes and results.
DeSantis has done all of the above and then some. One of the few politicians that have produced as promised. Imagine if the rest of the American political class could be as effective.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Extensive Lies and Lack of Integrity of Joe Biden

We have not talked a lot about Joe Biden in this blog for one reason: his failures as a President, leader, and decent human being would take us years to document, review, and comment on. Consider just a small  sample of his failures and the failures of his administration:

  • The country is facing inflation levels not seen in about 40 years.
  • Mortgage rates are at levels not seen in about 20 years.
  • Gas prices are still about 50% higher than they were when Biden took office.
  • Food prices are 10% higher on average than they were a year ago.
  • Biden's exit from Afghanistan was an unmitigated disaster, resulting in unnecessary death of American soldiers, American and Afghan civilians, and the arming of the Taliban with tens of billions of dollars of American military hardware.
  • Biden's immigration policies have  allowed over 5 million illegal  immigrants to enter the country in less than two years. immigrants that included Central and South American criminal gang members, drug cartel members, human traffickers, people on the terror watch list, and millions of people that were not vaccinated but were still shipped all over the country in the midst of the covid crisis, creating government sponsored covid super spreader events.
  • His immigration failures have allowed tons and tons of fentanyl to enter the country, resulting in thousands and thousands of incremental American overdose deaths.
  • Violent crime is raging in cities across the country and Biden has no plan, or intention, to help rein in that criminal activity, resulting in more American deaths, rapes, and robberies.
  • We inching closer and closer to a nuclear world war as a result of the Ukraine/Russian situation while Biden spends record number of days at his beach home in Delaware rather than trying to defuse this dangerous situation.
  • He has threatened to use F 15 jet fighters to attack Americans who are simply protecting their Constitutional rights and has insulted tens of millions of American citizens by calling them fascists.
We could go  on but you get the idea: this administration is a dumpster fire and we could spend years peeling back the details that have caused the dumpster to ignite and the chaos that resulted.

But today we are strictly going to review the multitude of lies and falsehoods that Biden has spouted, both before and during his Presidency. Jimmy Carter may have been a failed President but he at least had integrity. Biden is a failed President AND a pathological liar.

Consider some of Biden's more blatant lies he put forth over the years before he was installed as President:
  • Biden claimed that he was arrested at a Nelson Mandela event in South Africa along with civil rights activist and former mayor of Atlanta, Andrew Young, but...he wasn't arrested.  Young denies that ever happened.
  • Biden claimed he graduated from a traditional black college...but he didn't.
  • Biden claimed that "18,000 people got clemency" while he was Vice President but...they didn't. In reality, 18,000 were denied clemency.
  • Biden claimed that "a black guy invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Edison."
  • Biden claimed he graduated college with three degrees...but he didn't.
  • Biden claimed he was the only person in his law school class to get a full scholarship... but he wasn't. In fact, he himself did not get a full scholarship.
  • Biden has been caught plagiarizing the work of others multiple times.
  • Biden has been  lying for so long that Johnny Carson once made fun of his lying.
  • Biden claimed he voted against the NAFTA trade treaty but... he voted to approve the treaty.
  • Biden claimed that 6,114 U.S. military service members had died from the covid virus but...only 7 had died.
  • Biden claimed that he taught Constitutional law for 20 years but...but there is no record or university proving that he taught for that long.
We have reviewed this list of lies a number of times in previous posts. But, unfortunately the above list is not comprehensive:
  • After leaving office as Vice President, he claimed he was a university professor but... while he gave several lectures to university students,  there is no proof that he was an actual professor or teacher at any university.
  • He claimed he was a member of the perennially strong University of Delaware varsity  football team and that he quit the team because of a low freshman GPA but...there is no record he was on the varsity football team, only on the freshman team, a detail he left out.
  • He claimed he had driven semi-tractor trucks but... while he may have been a passenger in a semi tractor trailer truck once there is no record he ever drove one.
  • Biden once claimed that "he was raised in the black church"  in order to find ways "to desegregate movie theaters and restaurants in Wilmington, Delaware" but... the New York Times found no evidence that he was ever involved in desegregation activity and members of the black church never recalled seeing Biden in attendance.
  • Biden has claimed multiple times that the truck driver that killed his wife and young daughter in a tragic traffic accident was drunk and was to blame for the accident but... the accident investigation by the police found that the truck driver was not drunk and was not at fault for the accident nor was he ever arrested.
  • After the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden claimed that no one advised him that his plan was a disaster waiting to happen but... two top generals, under oath, said that they told Biden the withdrawal plans would end in disaster.
  • Multiple times Biden said his son Beau had died in Iraq but... his son died six years after returning home from Iraq.
  • Biden claimed that the average price of gas was over $5.00 a gallon when he took office but... it wasn't even half that expensive.
  • Biden claimed that his stupid plan to forgive student debt was passed "by a vote or two" but Congress never considered the plan, he tried to do it by executive order, a plan a Federal  judge recently nixed for being illegal.
As we said, Carter's was a failed Presidency but at least he was honest and mostly in integrity. Biden is already an abysmally failed Presidency plus he has no integrity at all, given his extensive history of lying and falsehoods. 

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Sunday, November 6, 2022

November, 2022, By The Numbers: Americans Go Hungry While Immigrants Get Smartphones, Biden Has No Economic Savvy, and More

On a periodic basis we do some posts that fall under the theme of “by the numbers.” Rather than trust what the American political class tells us about reality, we like to examine the real numbers and the real reality in the world to understand what is actually going on. Relying on politicians, and their cohorts in the media, to tell us what is reality is always a sucker bet. They have their own agendas and goals, usually centering around their needs and self-enrichment. So we need to look at the reality of the numbers to determine what is really going on.

Previous analyses of “by the numbers” can be accessed by entering the phrase in the search box above. This is the third and final post this month where we look at the numbers to truly find out how good, not likely, or bad, most likely, the American political class is doing in managing our tax dollars, protecting our freedoms, and resolving major issues that affect all of us.

1) Well over 5 million illegal immigrants have come into the country since Biden became President. Along with ordinary people just looking for a better life, there were drug cartel, human trafficking, criminals, and terrorist elements also coming over the border, This has resulted in higher and higher crime across the country and higher and higher drug addiction deaths as the country is flooded with ever increasing tonnage of illegal drugs coming into the country.

All of this is an affront to law abiding and tax paying Americans. On top of this, the Biden administration has added the following insult to American citizens: 
  • The Biden administration has handed out, for free, over 255,000 free smartphones to illegal  immigrants, people that are breaking our country's laws.
  • This is costing the Federal government about $89.5 million a year.
  • This means that the Federal government is spending almost $250,000 a DAY to support this smartphone giveaway to illegal immigrants.
  • Biden administration spokespeople have said that the number of phones and the resulting cost is likely to increase as more and more illegal  immigrants enter the country.
Talk about bad priorities. We have  spoken often that at any time in this country there are 500,000 - 600,000 homeless Americans. We have also discussed the national average cost of feeding a homeless American was about $2.90

If we divide the $2.90 into the $89.5 million being spent on free smartphones for illegal  immigrants, we see that this $89.5 million could provide American homeless folks about 30,000,000 legitimate meals. This could give each of those homeless Americans 50 - 60 meals. 

Another example where American politicians care more about illegal 
immigrants than  they do about needy Americans. Insanity.

2) How badly has the Biden administration handled the economy?  Consider the following numbers:
  • Year over year inflation every month is at about a 40 year high, over 8% on a year over year basis..
  • Mortgage rates are at about 20 year high.
  • The labor force participation rate has stalled at about 62%, still lagging the rate in the Trump administration the month before covid really took hold (63.4%.)
  • The monthly month over month change in jobs generated over the past year has been strongly trending downwards.
  • Since Biden took over, the growth in hourly wages for American workers has never been higher than the inflation rate in any month.
  • Food prices are up about 11% vs. the same time last year.
  • Rental  housing prices are up 6.7% vs. the same time last year.
Food prices up, gas prices up, mortgage prices up, rental prices up, and wages losing ground on overall inflation. Does not seem Biden could be any more economically incompetent if he tried. The numbers do not lie.

3)The upper management of the FBI now appears to have actively worked towards undercutting the Trump Presidency or even getting him removed from office. The examples of their misbehavior is too  long to go into here. 

However, from a number perspective, there is a new  number that has been discovered relative to the FBI's plan to sabotage Trump. The so-called Steele Dossier was supposed to contain a bunch of negative Trump stories and incidents that were meant to embarrass Trump and possibly get him out of office. The dossier was used to illegally get permission to spy on Americans associated with Trump and was planted in the media to help embarrass Trump.

The problem is we now know that everything in the dossier was fiction. However, the FBI has already leaked the dossier's contents to the  media, used it in court proceedings, and needed to cover its tracks. As a result, it offered a reward of $1,000,000 if anyone could provide verification that anything in the dossier was true, something they probably should have done before running with it.

Since nothing in the dossier was true, no one could provide verifiable proof that any part of it was true.  But think about the reality: the FBI was trying to embarrass and unseat a President,  they had been given a dossier with untrue stories about Trump, they had intentionally leaked the contents of the dossier before checking out the truth, and then wanted to use $1,000,000 of taxpayer money to cover up their incompetence. 

Enough numbers today: illegal  immigrants get smartphones while unfortunate Americans go hungry, Biden has no economic savvy at all, and the FBI screws up and tries to spend $1,000,000 to cover their mistake. The numbers do not lie.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:


Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Failures Of The American Political Class Have Never Been So Numerous, So Expensive, So Fatal, and So Dangerous

For years we have discussed the many failings of the American political class. Politicians at just about any level of government in this country have failed in so many ways to execute even the simplest tasks. Our politicians waste tax money, say stupid things, act immorally or criminally, create divisions in this country, and almost always go about enriching themselves, their families, and their political supporters. 

And while these actions are frustrating, infuriating, and wasteful of our hard earned tax dollars, it seems that these politicians have never been such a failure in every perspective at the same time. And this time their failures have endangered the lives and  likelihoods of millions of people in this country and across the world.

Consider the world we are trying to survive as a result of our politicians' failures:

  1. Inflation is at a 40 year high.
  2. Mortgage rates are at a 20 year high.
  3. Gas prices are about 50% higher than they were two years ago.
  4. At any time, there are likely 500,000 to 600,000 homeless Americans in this country, millions of hungry Americans, and thousands of Americans that are fighting addictions of all types. 
  5. Violent crime rates are skyrocketing across dozens of American cities, resulting in higher and higher homicide rates.
  6. Washington DC politicians have incurred a $31 TRILLION national debt, debt that comes out to about a $93,000 debt liability for EVERY America including infants and  kids.
  7. Despite $31 TRILLION in national  debt, our country's infrastructure (roads, dams, bridges) is falling apart.
  8. Despite $31 TRILLION in national debt, our public schools continue to under educate our kids.
  9. Despite $31 TRILLION in national debt, millions of Americans have little or no effective health insurance.
  10. Despite $31 TRILLION in national debt, Social Security is hurtling towards financial  collapse,
  11. Despite $31 TRILLION in national  debt, Medicare is hurtling towards financial collapse.
  12. Our southern border is being overrun by millions of illegal immigrants many of which involve criminal gangs, drug cartel members, sex and children traffickers, and potential terrorists.
  13. Our porous southern border has allowed tons of fentanyl to freely flow into this country, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.
  14. World War III is now a real possibility in Europe as the Russian invasion of Ukraine spirals out of control, a world war that might be nuclear.
  15. China is edging towards invading Taiwan.
  16. North  Korea and South Korea are lobbing missiles near each other.
  17. Iran and Saudi  Arabia are getting closer and closer to war.
You get the idea. We have paid untold trillions of tax dollars over the years to our politicians and we have virtually nothing to show for it. And their failures are now endangering the lives of ever larger numbers of Americans from crime, war, illegal drugs, addiction, hunger, and illegal immigration.

And recently Joe Biden was discussing and focusing on the non-issue of leg room on commercial jet liners. Seriously?! People are dying and this is the type of issue Biden and others in government are focused on, trivial issues like airplane leg room, and never resolving any real issues.

Think about our precarious times when you go to vote next week in the midterm elections. How much worse could it be if we voted out all incumbents, given their track record above? 

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:


Monday, October 31, 2022

Political Class Insanity, October, 2022: Biden's Horrible Priorities, Blatant Misuse of IRS Resources, More Bad News For San Francisco and More

 A quick catch up on the current political class insanity in this country:

1)Things are rough going in the country these days: inflation is at a 40 year high, mortgage rates are at a 20 year high, hundreds of thousands of Americnas are homeless, millions of Americans are hungry, tens of thousands of Americans are dying from the tons of fentanyl that is coming across our southern border, violent crime is rising across the country, we are close to World War III in Europe, China will likely invade Taiwan shortly, and the Social Security and Medicare systems are hurtling towards insolvency.

Given all of these unresolved issues that are facing Americans on a daily basis, what is Joe Biden worried about?  According to a recent Biden press conference, he is focused on the fact that some people have to pay a few extra bucks to get more leg room on commercial airplanes. Yes, forget these other dire issues, Biden wants to stop the “racist” practice of having not enough leg room on airplanes. 

You cannot make this stuff up, his priorities defy logic: 


2)We have all too often pointed out that a basic tenet, a  basic reason of any government entity, is to protect the lives and property of citizens.  No  matter how well any government entity performs on other criteria, failure to provide this basic protection of life and property will deem that government entity a failure.

And when a government fails at this basic function, residents and businesses will take their lives, their families, and their businesses elsewhere in order to protect themselves, their family members and their employees. 

Probably no government entity has failed so miserably at this function than the San Francisco political class. Their stupid laws, enabling of drug addicts, and general  dereliction of duty has reuslted in an unhealthy, dangerous, and crime ridden city. This has caused residents and businesses to flee the city for safer settings and better quality of life.

The CEO of one of those businesses is not afraid to state the obvious reason for his business abandoning the city:

  • Davis Smith is the CEO of a company called Cotopaxi.

  • Cotopaxi sells outdoor gear and clothing and brags about  its commitment to the environment and global hunger.

  • He recently closed one of his stores in San Francisco because of what he called almost daily thefts, unrelenting vandalism, and concerns for the safety of his employees due to the failure of the city government to prevent crime and violence around his store’s location.

  • Specifically: “Our team is scared. They feel unsafe. They feel unsafe. Security guards are not helpful because the thieves know that security guards will not/cannot stop them. It’s impossible for retail stores to continue to trade in such circumstances, even though we pay taxes in a higher state than any other state.”

  • And more: “As of today we are closing our store due to rampant organized theft and lack of safety for our staff. Our store is being targeted by organized theft rings several days per week. They enter the store brazenly and take thousands of dollars worth of products and then walk out.”

  • And the criminals in the city were not only stealing the store's products but also the windows of the store.

  • He had to install  plywood to secure the store and he kept the store’s doors locked during business hours to cut down on shoplifting.

  • Finally:  “It’s tragic, but San Francisco seems to have descended into chaos. Many streets, parks, and other public spaces are overrun by drugs, criminals, homelessness, and it is because of inaction on the part of local leadership and law enforcement.”

Another day,  another failure of the American political class, and another reduction in the San Francisco tax base as another business gives up on the city.

3)Charlie Crist is the Democratic Party candidate for governor in my home state of Florida. He is unlikely to win, given the popularity and success of the current governor, Ron Desantis. And recent news reports regarding the Crist campaign is not helping:

  • Until  recently, Austin John Durrer was Crist’s campaign manager.

  • However, the campaign recently dropped Durrer from the Crist staff  “to focus on a family matter.”

  • Which was truthful in a sense but in reality, Durrer was recently arrested for alleged domestic violence.

  • According to news reports, Durrer’s girlfriend was his alleged victim and who displayed marks on her face after the alleged incident.

Another day and  another example of  alleged low morals by a member of the American political class.

4)Judicial Watch is a government watch guard  organization that does excellent work in uncovering government and politician misdoings. They recently received government documents that finally prove that Obama and the IRS purposely misused government power for political gain and intentionally under cut Americans’ First Amendment rights to participate fairly in the election process:

  • Government documents prove that top ranking IRS employees, Lois Lerner who was the former director of the IRS Exempt Organizations Unit, and Holly Paz, her top aide, knew that most Tea Party organizations were legally entitled to tax-exempt in the months prior to Obama’s reelection in 2012.

  • However, Lerner and Paz apparently and aggressively denied multiple Tea Party organizations’ tax exempt status, actions that were beneficial to the Obama campaign but obviously detrimental to Americans’ First Amendment rights.

  • Tea Party organizations were probably unanimous in their opposition to the reelection of Obama.

  • These documents proving political shenanigans by the Obama administration had been sealed under court order since 2017 as the government constantly tried to block the publication of these heinous election tactics.

  • Fortunately, Judicial Watch worked for years to get these documents available to understand and see that the IRS was misused for political purposes.

No surprise that American politicians like Obama would rather unfairly affect the political process even if Americans’ rights are trampled into the ground. Pathetic, despicable political behavior.

That will  do it for today: Biden’s horrible priorities, San Francisco politicians fail another company, another embarrassment of low morals by a political  operative, and Obama and the IRS unfairly interfere in an American election.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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