Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Start Of Regular Posts

A little later than I expected but this post will start the regular blog and communication phase of our efforts to change America for the better. First, I would like to thank everyone for their purchase of the book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom and Destroying The American Political Class." Sales have been much better than I expected and your follow up supporting comments after reading the book are really appreciated. I especially want to thank those of you that have forwarded the news of our message of change to their friends and family members. That kind of support will go far in getting the fifty steps implemented.

In driving back recently from New Jersey to Florida, I started a list of political class members, from both parties, that have had some recent "problems." Unfortunately, the drive was long but the list seemed even longer:

Ex-President Bill Clinton - liar, adulterer and disbarred lawyer

Senator John Edwards (NC) - liar, adulterer, father out of wedlock and owner of $400 haircuts

Ex-Governor Eliot Spitzer (NY) - liar and adulterer

Senator Larry Craig (ID)- alleged airport rest room sex trawler

Ex-Governor Jim McGreevey (NJ) - liar and adulterer

Ex-Congressman Mark Foley (FL) - alleged sexual advances towards Congressional pages

Senator John Ensign (NV) - liar and adulterer

Governor Mark Sanford (SC) - liar and adulterer

Ex-Mayor (DC) Marion Barry - not enough room to list all the problems

Ex-Mayor (Detroit) Kwame Kilpatrick - pled guilty to several felony counts

Ex-Governor Otto Kerner (IL) - convicted felon sentenced to three years in prison

Ex-Governor Daniel Walker (IL) - convicted felon sentenced to seven years in prison

Ex-Governor George Ryan (IL) - convicted felon sentenced to six and a half years in prison

Ex-Governor Rod Blagojevich (IL) - allegedly tried to sell political favors to the highest bidders

Ex-Senator Tom Daschle (SD) - failed to pay over $120,000 in owed Federal taxes

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner - failed to pay over $30,000 in owed Federal taxes

Ex-Congressman William Jennings - alleged took bribes and froze some of the proceeds in his freezer

Entire State Of New Jersey - recent arrests of forty people on corruption charges continues the long history of corruption at the state and local government levels in New Jersey
I will stop now since I think you get the message. Why do we continue to elect these types of people to represent our interests? Why do we continue to believe the fallacy that they act and behave to some higher standard of behavior and integrity? Why do continue to think that they are smarter than us? And most importantly, why do we continue to think that they put our best interests ahead of their personal enrichment? Any number of steps in the book would address this issue of bad politicians including term limits (Step 39) and shared values oath (Step 38) among others. If you are tired of the types of behavior listed above, than we need to take action so that honesty and integrity is restored to holders of public office.

This is a great lead-in to a monthly feature of this blog. Every month I will put out out a hypothesis and would appreciate your comments and views. Each month's issue will be related to one or more of the fifty steps outlined in the book. The issue for this months is:

Which state has historically had the most corrupt political class members?

I would bet that residents of New Jersey or Illinois could both present strong cases for their home grown politicians but let us know if you think your state can compete with these two. Let the comments and debate begin.

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