Thursday, September 17, 2009

An ACORN Grows In Chicago

Earlier today the House of Representatives overwhelming voted to also defund the ACORN organization, following the lead of the Senate from a few days ago. The two votes now need to be reconciled and passed on to President Obama for signing into law. From what I can see, most Americans were appalled by videos that have been created at several ACORN offices that portrayed ACORN personnel advising a fake pimp and prostitute on how to get around government regulations and how to get government funding for their child prostitution rings. A few observations:
  • The first videotapes showed up in the media before the latter tapes were taken. One would have thought that the ACORN leadership would have notified all of their offices that a fake pimp and prostitute were running a sting to see if they could get ACORN personnel to help them with their illegal prostitution idea. Not notifying their offices of the situation and allowing subsequent operations to become entangled is just plain stupid. Stupid organizations should not get taxpayer funding.
  • An AP report today mentioned that 11 ex-ACORN employees were arrested in the Miami area this week for falsifying voter registration records. This comes on the heels of last year's Ohio problem with ACORN and accusations from ex-ACORN employees that they falsified voter registration records. Why has their been no Federal investigation of ACORN since they may have been in violation of a basic American right, the right to have every vote treated fairly and accurately and not count less because of fake registrations? Maybe the House should be investigating this treason-level act and let the Joe Wilson thing die.
  • Seven US Senators voted not to defund ACORN and two of them, Dick Durbin and Roland Burris, are from Illinois. Apparently ACORN is very, very big in parts of Illinois, so much so that both state Senators voted not to defund them (and tick them off) even though it was pretty obvious from multiple videotapes that ACORN behavior's was highly unethical and possibly illegal. Pretty sad when a private organization supported with taxpayer funds can intimidate sitting US Senators. Which raises the age old question: which state has the worst politicians, New Jersey or Illinois? New Jersey recently had 44 local politicians arrested for kickbacks and other crimes. Three of the past five Illinois governors are either in jail or under indictment. And now Illinois US Senators voting in a distinct minority to continue business as usual with ACORN. It is probably a question for the ages (or until the next round of indictments).

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