Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Scientifically Proven - An Elitist Political Class Does Exist In America

I have always suspected that an elitist, royalty-like political class has been evolving in America for a long time. In fact, it was the basis for my book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom and Destroying The American Political Class."

There had been some fragmentary, indirect evidence pointing to the existence of this class of royalty:
  • People in this class seem to always vote themselves better pay levels, better retirement plans, better health care coverage, and far more personal and financial perks than what was available to every other American.
  • These people tended to enjoy these perks even though they always seemed to be "on recess," i.e. they spend a lot of time on vacation.
  • And finally, these people never to seem to be accountable for their failings or even take responsibility for their failures. Major issues confronting regular Americans never seem to be resolved, or even seriously addressed, by people in this royalty-like political class. The lost war on drugs, failing public schools, leaky borders, etc. have been with us forever without ever coming close to being taken care of.
However, we finally have quantitative proof that we have evolved into two groups of people in this country, those that are affiliated with the American political class and the rest of us. Every day, the Gallup polling organization surveys Americans of all income levels on whether they think economic conditions are good or bad and whether things are getting better or worse.

They take their results and convert the survey answers into an Economic Confidence Index for each state and the District of Columbia. A negative value of the index indicates that people are generally pessimistic about the economy. A positive index value indicates most people are generally optimistic about the economy.

The latest results are quite unbelievable. Americans in EVERY one of the fifty states have negative index values. In other words, wherever you live in the country, your neighbors and other state residents are in a negative mood about the economic conditions in their lives. North, south, east, or west, high population states, low population states, red states, blue states, America is generally in a sour mood when it comes to the economy.

Which is not surprising for most Americans. Unemployment is persistently high at around 9%, or the equivalent of 14 million Americans. Another 9 million Americans are underemployed or have stopped looking for employment. Economic life is not good around the country.

Except...if you are a member of the political class living in the District Of Columbia area. DC was the only area in the country that had a positive index value. Fifty states are negative and the location where the American political class is located has a positive view of economic conditions. Which is probably not too surprising since according to an article in the September 5, 2011 issue of St. Petersburg Times, the government's Bureau Of Economic Analysis estimates that the average per capita income in DC is $71,011 while the national average is $40,584.

And this disconnect is even worse than described above. While the national unemployment rate is around 9%, the unemployment rate in the DC area is 10.8%. So why the economic optimism in DC in light of this significantly higher unemployment rate?

Simple: the survey only included people who are currently employed. Thus, those that have jobs are much happier and optimistic in DC than those with jobs around the country, in every state. The negativity of unemplopyment does not come into play in this index. Even those with jobs around the country think things are economically bad except those with jobs in DC, the political class and those that directly benefit from the political class.

Talk about being disconnected from the reality of today's world. The whole country thinks the economy stinks except by those in charge of managing, and hopefully, optimizing economic conditions:

  1. If those in charge do not see, feel, and understand the hard economic times, how are they expected to put any sense of urgency on the matter?
  2. How likely are they do to the hard, serious work of deeply understanding the root causes of our economic plight when they do not feel the pain?
  3. How likely are they to do the heavy thinking to develop the right solutions to these root causes, solutions that might require serious leadership traits and sacrifice when they do not feel the pain?
Given our politicians' less then sterling management of economic concerns so far, it is unlikely that the self-satisfied politicians in Washington will execute the difficult, in-depth work to fix the country's economic distress.

Does this seem like a classic "let them eat cake" moment? Has our political class become so enriched and isolated that the analogy to Marie Antoinette and the pompous French royal class from several centuries ago are so obvious? When you are perceived to be closer to Marie Antoinette than Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill or other great leaders from history, you are truly evolving, or devolving, into a pampered, isolated form of useless political royalty.

These findings alone prove that Step 39 from "Love My Country, Loathe My Government" must be implemented. Step 39 would impose term limits on all Federally elected politicians. We need people in Washington that understand the true economic situation throughout the country. People that are refreshed on a regular basis so that the disconnect between reality and Washington, as measured by this Gallup index, never happens again.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available, at http://www.loathemygovernment.com/. It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

Please visit the following sites for freedom:


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