Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Raising Taxes Vs. Rising Sewage Analogy: Should We Call A Plumber Or A Carpenter?

Before we get to the raising taxes vs. rising sewage analogy, let's review what we discussed in detail yesterday. Yesterday's post was about government waste and how the Washington political class is incapable of showing any kind of courage when it comes to reducing wasteful, fraudulent, and unnecessary Federal government spending, resulting in a national debt of over $15 TRILLION. The latest example of their lack of courage was the total failure of the "Super Committee."

Other details included in yesterday's post include the following:
  • Many fine American organizations and government efforts had already identified TRILLIONS of dollars worth of unnecessary government spending that could be implemented with minimal pain to needy and ordinary Americans.
  • The inability of the political class to control fraud in many/all government programs (e.g. Medicare, Social Security, etc.) costs the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars a year, adding significantly to the national debt.
  • In previous entries in this blog we have compiled many of these expense and cost savings that have been investigated, calculated, and published by other smart Americans to find that over $6 TRILLION could easily be taken out of out our current and future national debt levels without undue financial pain or burden on American families or endangerment of our national security.
  • Two short articles in different issues of Business Week over the past few months identified over $1 TRILLION in expense savings that would not endanger our national security or place any burden on most ordinary Americans.
  • Yesterday we examined an Associated Press report of a family in the Seattle area who were under investigation by the local Attorney General because they allegedly had collected over $100,000 in Federal government welfare payments despite living in a 2,300 square foot home worth $1.2 million, owning a high priced luxury auto, enjoying multiple international vacations over the past eight years, and whose husband operated a successful chiropractic practice. A textbook example of government waste and incompetence.
Given all these sources of waste, most of which are easy to eliminate if the politicians in this country had even an ounce of courage, it is baffling how stupid certain politicians can be when they insist that taxes on any American be raised to cover the national debt, annual deficit spending, and extensive wasteful spending that they refuse to address and reduce.

Which brings us to the raising taxes vs. rising sewage analogy. Most online definitions of sewage define it as some sort of waste so the analogy is appropriate when discussing wasteful government spending. Consider the following analogy that recently came across my email. 

Here's another way to look at the nation $15 TRILLION national debt.
  1. Let's say, you come home from work one day.
  2. You find there as been a sewer backup in your neighborhood.
  3. Your home has sewage backed up all the way up to your ceilings.
Who do you think you should call, a plumber or a carpenter?

If you are President Obama or the Democrats on the Super Committee and in Congress, you call a carpenter to physically raise the roof and ceiling to make more room above the backed up sewage. If you are a rationale human being, you call a plumber to drain the sewage (waste) from the home to make more room and, as a bonus, you get rid of the stench from the sewage waste. If you call a carpenter to raise the roof and ceiling, you will still have the continuing stench of sewage (waste) in your home.

In addition, calling the plumber is likely to be much less expensive since once the plumber clears the backed up sewage line, most of your problems, and plumber expense, are done and there is not ongoing expense. A simple, easy to understand and execute solution.

Raising the roof is likely to be much more expensive, given the construction costs, the permitting process, and the ongoing need  and expense to maintain the larger infrastructure. And you still have the actual sewage and the related stench in the house.

So the next time you hear Obama and Democrats talk about "fairness," which is his new code word for tax the rich, think about how he is calling a carpenter to raise the roof and ceiling in your sewage filled house. In other words, he is content on allowing the standing sewage to remain (symbolically representing the TRILLIONS of government waste to go on while taking more wealth away from Americans) while he goes about the insane and much more expensive approach of raising the roof and ceiling.

He and the Democrats should be calling for a less expensive plumber to drain the sewage, i.e. ending the sinful waste of taxpayer wealth lost to fraud, criminal activity, and wasteful government spending.  Until Obama does so, the sewage level (representing our rising national debt levels) in our home, will keep rising, the stench of waste will keep rising, and the likelihood that the nation will never solve this dire financial crisis will also keep rising. Better to call that plumber and call him soon.

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