Thursday, June 28, 2012

If Obama Was In Charge Of Oxygen - An Alternative And Whimsical Trip Through the Obama Presidency

A Facebook post came across my Facebook account recently from a friend who is a supporter of President Obama that read as follows:

If President Obama came out in favor of oxygen, Republicans would suffocate themselves.

From a serious debating of the issues persepctive, this argument probably rates at about the third grade level, more school yard taunt than serious discussion. However, this lack of sophiscation in our political discourse is pretty much par for the course, given the shallowness of the overwhelming number of current politicians in office. What passes for serious dialog is usually no more effective or positive than the "your mother is so fat that..." genre.

So, given this set-up of the insult listed above, let's take it to a much deeper, more satirtical level. Not wanting to embarass the person who put up the above statement, I passed on putting up a "Facebook" comment.

However, if I was to respond to this sentiment, it would probably go as follows, as we take an alternative and whimsical look back at the Obama adminsitration to date and assume that he actually was in charge of the nation's oxygen when he took office back in January, 2009 (warning: it is not a pretty journey that is not going well):

Jim, I agree with your statement but more than just Repubicans would sufocate. If Obama was in charge of oxygen in this country, his EPA would immediately overstep it's legal and Constitutional mandate, stifling oxygen production with burdensome and unnecessary regulations and rules that result in a lessening of our oxygen supply while increasing its cost.

His onerous, and ridiculous, 2,500 page legislation (see Obama Care and Dodd-Frank), which established an Oxygen Cap And Trade bureacracy, would ineptly, inefficiently and fatally misallocate the oxygen supply around the country.

We would have to purchase our oxygen through "oxygen care exchanges" (see Obama Care) which would cause our oxygen to decline in quality while increasing in price.

Oxygen would only be available for limited times every day as his union cronies negotiate and enforce strict and limiting workplace rules and work schedules while getting paid higher than rational wages and receiving higher than rational benefit packages.

He would waste billions and billions of dollars as he redistributed taxpayer wealth to his political cronies in search of alternative oxygen sources (see Solyndra, A123, ENER1, Ecotality, Everygreen Spectra, Tesla, Fisker, etc.), a search that leaves a trail of bankrupt alternative oxygen companies but wealtheir political pals and campaign donors.

He would place an additional tax on the oxygen wealthier Americans use since these wealthier Americans, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike, all deserve to pay their "fair share" when it comes to oxygen consumption (see "Buffet Rule.")

Our oxygen would be in scarcer supply due to the President not enforcing current laws as it regards illegal immigration, despite being told to do so by the Supreme court, allowing millions of illegal immigrants to come into this country and stay in this country, using up a lot of our available oxygen.

Unfortunately, our nation's oxygen supply would be endangered as the Obama administration intentionally leaks national security oxygen secrets, strategies, and plans to his selected friends in the main stream media (see recent military and national security leaks via the New York Times) to embellish his record without regard to our oxygen security.

The President never gets around to researching, developing and implementing a national oxygen plan since his extensive, excessive, and usually unnecessary international traveling, his over 100 rounds of golf, his hundreds of campaign funding rasing events, his hobnobbing with Hollywood stars, and his insistence of having a photo op with any conceivable athetlic team takes up too much time to worry about such mundane things as the nation's oxygen supply, strategy, and plans.

If Obama had been charge of our oxygen since 2009, the quality of our oxygen supply would have decreased, the availablity of our oxygen would have also decreased, the price of our oxygen would have gone up substantially, the over regulation of our oxygen market would be stifling production,  we would have seen a tremendous drop in the control of our oxygen as political cronies and union cronies control more and more of our wealth and oxygen supply, and we would not have a secure and long term plan for our future oxygen needs.

Those American citizens who disagree with this President's mishandling of his ineffective oxygen policies and programs would immediately be branded as racists while the failures of his oxygen programs would immediately be blamed on the Bush administration, the tsunami in Japan, the proliferation of ATM machines, the Tea Party, the Euro crisis, and, for good measure, the Bush administration.

I am afraid that if the President had been in charge of oxygen, far more than just Republicans would have suffocated.

Thank goodness he has not been in charge of our oxygen. Unfortunately, the above alternative and whimsical journey brings us back to the numerous parts of our lives that he did intrude into, which resulted in:

  • Wasted taxpayer money wealth on numerous failed alternative energy companies.
  • The bypassing of Congress and our rights as citizens as he allowed his EPA to exceed its legal mandates and responsibilities.
  • The continuation of his class warfare rhetroic where he pits rich against poor, pro choice against pro life, women against men, Republican against Democrat, gay vs. straight, etc.
  • His focus on nonessential activities, e.g. the need to prove his manliness with constant atheltic team photo ops or his addiction to constantly be campaigning rather than governing,  resulting in no development of long term plans or leadership for our lost war on drugs, our failing public schools, our lack of a national energy policy and our leaky borders and related illegal immigration problem.
  • An unemployment rate that has been above 8% for a record setting 40 straight months even though he promised that if his economic stimulus program was passed, unemployment would never even get to 8%.
  • Almost 13 million Americans are still out of work, not counting the millions that are underemployed or who have stopped looking for work, despite a myriad of expensive and failed economic programs from his administraiton (e.g. Cash For Clunkers).
  • A constant stream of about 370,000 Americans who file for first time unemployment benefits every week.
  • A national debt that has grown faster, both on a percentage basis and total dollar basis, since he took office, rapidly approaching $16 TRILLION, with no plan in sight to curtail this fiscal disaster.
  • A health care reformation law that will cause more people to lose their insurance coverage, will dramtically add to the national debt, will never solve the root causes of our escalating health care costs, and which has already significantly depressed hiring and business expansion.
  • A finance industry reformation law (Dodd-Frank) that has failed miserably in four areas that were supposed to be addressed by the legislation: 1) it failed as an early warning system when it did not foresee the collapse of MF Global, a major financial institution, 2) it failed to curtail risky trading as witnessed by JP Morgan losing billions of dollar doing....risky trading, 3) it failed to address the cancers known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two main culprits and causes of the Great Recession, and 4) failed to prevent banks from becoming "too big to fail" with the five largest banks now larger than they ever were.
  • A Consitution and rule of law that has been shredded by this President as witnessed by his violation of the Constitution and War Powers Act relative to our military intervention in Libya, his ignoring of a Federal judge relative to his Gulf oil drilling moratorium, his decision to not enforce Federal laws including DOMA and the recent decision to not enforce our illegal immigration laws to spite a Supreme Court decision he did not like, and his disdain for the Constitution and its separation of powers with his blatant misuse of executive privilege relative to a legitmate Congressional inquiry into Fast and Furious, an operation that broke Federal laws and violated international treaties.
There are more than one way to suffocate all of us, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike, and this President is trying all of them, short of taking over our oxygen supply (so far).

Note: I wholeheartedly personally support the repeal of DOMA, this type of law should have no place in a democracy. However, it is the current law of the land that this President selectively decides to ignore. He should have repealed it in his first two years in office when his Democratic allies had control of both parts of Congress rather than travel the world and holding athletic team photo ops. Ignoring it now and refusing to enforce it now is a violation of the oath of office he took and sets a dangerous precedent for our democracy and rule of law.

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1 comment:

Bruno Korschek said...


Thanks for reading and commenting.
