Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wishing Al Gore Would Shut Up, Why I Am A Global Warming Doubter But Still A Believer In Science - Part 1

Between the upcoming elections, the ever increasing political class insanity, and the dire economic strait’s the political class has imposed on us, we have not had a lot of time to discuss global warming. However, Al Gore has brought the topic back to the forefront with his typical shallow, and in this case uncaring comments, regarding the tenuous and inane connection between Hurricane Sandy and global warming.

I say uncaring because as I write this, several days after Gore tried to make the connection of Sandy to global warming, thousands and thousands of people were without a combination of power, shelter, food, and hope. This was not a time to stoke you own ego and views, it is a time to help those Americans that need help.

If man made global warming is a reality, it will not be cured in the next few weeks. Mr. Gore should have just shut up for a while, there will be plenty of time to continue the debate without distracting the news networks, the country, and America from starting the hurricane support and recovery efforts. But having a politician put himself in the background is always a little too much to expect.

But egomaniacs need to be in the news, maybe Mr. Gore should have considered some weather history as it relates to the northeast. Let’s start with the Hurricane of 1938, 74 years ago and way before the theory of global warming was formed. Research on the impact of that long ago storm uncovers the following details:
  • In September of 1938, the hurricane grew to become a huge Category 5 hurricane on the before making landfall as a Category 3 hurricane, obviously a huge storm, larger in ferocity than Hurricane Sandy’s Cateogry 2 status.
  • The hurricane glanced by NYC and hit land on Long Island on September 21.
  • The hurricane was estimated to have killed between 682 and 800 people, more than Hurricane Sandy is expected ot have killed despite higher population density than Long Island in 1938.
  • The 1938 storm damaged or destroyed over 57,000 homes and caused property losses estimated at $306 million ($4.7 billion in 2012).
  • As late as 1951, damaged trees and buildings were still seen in the affected areas.
  • According to Wikipedia, this 1938 storm “remains the most powerful, costliest and deadliest hurricane in recent New England history, eclipsed in landfall intensity perhaps only by the Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635, 377 years before Hurricane Sandy.
Thus, Hurricane Sandy is not this once in history event, it was more than equaled a very long time ago. But Wikipedia also does an in depth history of other northeast storms:

  • The Great September Gale of 1815 (the term hurricane was not yet common in the American vernacular), which hit New York City directly as a Category 3 hurricane, caused extensive damage and created an inlet that separated the Long Island resort towns of the Rockaways and Long Beach into two separate barrier islands.
  • The 1821 Norfolk and Long Island, a Category 4 storm which made four separate landfalls in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, and southern New England, created the highest recorded storm surge in Manhattan of nearly 13 feet and severely impacted the farming regions of Long Island and southern New England.
  • The 1869 Saxby Gale affected areas in Northern New England, decimating the Maine coastline and the Canadian Outer Banks. It was the last major hurricane to affect New England until the 1938 storm.
  • The 1893 New York hurricane, a Category 2 storm, directly hit the city itself, causing a great storm surge that pummeled the coastline, completely removing the Long Island resort town of Hog Island.
Thus, to think that one storm proves man made global warming is ludicrous. Stronger storms over the past few centuries, before global warming could have even been considered, have come and gone with the resultant damage and loss of life.

This continual preaching and whining by Gore and others like himself get really tiring over time. To accuse folks like myself, global warming doubters, is an insult to our beliefs and trust in science. We believe that unbiased scientific research and sane and rational approach to a problem is the correct way to go, not the pop science and sensationalism that Gore and others scream from the roof tops without looking at ALL of the research.

We have covered this garbage science in two previous posts:

These two posts went into great detail to show why we are global warming doubters, based on research and science, not Al Gore.

However, since we did those two post, additional research and science on man made global warming has come to the surface. The United Kingdom’s Daily Mail newspaper reported in an October 13, 2012 article on the latest worldwide temperature readings and research:
  • The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released in early October.
  • The temperature readings and findings come from over 3,000 measuring points, on land and sea, around the world.
  • The latest measurements reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures.
  • This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996.
  • Before that, world temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years.
  • Since 1880, the first time reliable temperature statistics have been kept, the average world temperatures are up only .75 degree Celsius.
As always, scientists had differing views of what the data means:
  • Professor Phil Jones, director of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, dismissed the significance of the plateau, saying that 15 or 16 years is too short a period from which to draw conclusions. The professor did not provide any insight on what the proper period would be.
  • Judith Curry, who is the head of the climate science department at Georgia Tech university, said it was clear that the computer models used to predict future warming were ‘deeply flawed’.
Who to believe? Whatever the case, there is substantial SCIENTIFIC proof out there in the world that man made global warming is not a reality. Unfortunately, our media industry has deteriorated so far away from integrity that we seldom hear about contrary evidence against global warming, instead having to sit through the non-scientific rantings of people like Al Gore.

But what if man made global warming is a reality? Well, rather than continuing to yell at each other, we proposed a solution to this potential problem in the following post:

This solution would solve many real problems and address the potential problem of man made global warming in such a way that was market driven, was fair, kept any additional wealth out of the hands of our politicians, and did not need a huge government bureaucracy that would likely be inefficient and ineffective, like every other government bureaucracy.

On Monday we will examine a logical way to approach the problem that is much more coherent and sane than Al Gore ranting about a single weather event that has not happened in the last 74 years. I contend that my approach is a more realistic than his. And my way does not distract the world from the suffering that Hurricane Sandy vicitms are still living through.

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