Sunday, May 12, 2019

May, 2019, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: How The Political Class Turned California Into A Socialist Outhouse

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

Usually we list out several examples of the incompetence, idiocy, greed, and dictatorial tendencies of American politicians. They waste our tax dollars, neglect the major issues of our times, and if and when they do occasionally try to resolve an issue, we are usually worse off then before their solutions. On top of all their ineptness, they usually personally enrich themselves in the process.

In addition, we have often showed how several states across the country have been so mismanaged by state politicians that they are probably going to drive at least one of those states into bankruptcy. The top five mismanaged, bankrupt likely states include:
  • New Jersey
  • Illinois
  • California
  • Connecticut
  • New York
The politicians in these states have imposed the highest tax rates on their citizens and yet the state government they operate are heading for fiscal collapse. The politicians in these states have imposed more and more regulations on the businesses in their states which raises consumer  costs and drives the same businesses out of business or out of the state. The politicians in these states have allowed lawlessness to explode in their states with major cities across the country (Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, etc.) experiencing soaring violent crime rates, rampant drug abuse, extensive homelessness, and in many cities the turning of city streets into public toilets.

Given this history of posts on these topics, today we are going to do only one piece of insanity, parts of which we have already discussed. Victor David Hanson, recently writing for the Washington Times, laid out how far California politicians have driven the once great state of California into the ground. 

California should be a paradise on earth. Great weather, mountains, beaches, and other diverse and beautiful areas. High income areas like Hollywood and Silicon should be providing great amounts of wealth and great employment and economic growth throughout the states. Ports and farmland should also provide a diverse and strong economic basis for the state's residents.

But according to Mr. Hanson, the following realities and horrors exist in the state: high taxes, numerous taxes, high regulations, restrictions of freedom, failing schools, high homeless rates.  These conditions have enabled the state's politicians to take a golden opportunity and turn the state into one of the most likely states to not only go belly up in the very near future but also make the quality of life for law abiding, hard working residents to take a nosedive:
  • For the past six years, California has had the highest marginal state income tax rate of 13.3%. 
  • A measly 150,000 households out of a state of about 40 million people pay almost half of the state's annual income tax burden.
  • This leaves the state government vulnerable to a massive revenue shortfall as more and more wealthy residents say no to high taxes.
  • California recently raised the gasoline tax by 40% which gives it the second highest gas tax in the country.
  • The state has the ninth highest combined state and local sales tax rate with a state sales tax rate of 7.3%.
  • As of this past April 1, state residents now have to begin paying sales tax on all online purchases made from out of state vendors.
  • When the Trump tax cut legislation capped the amount of state and local taxes that could be deducted on Federal income tax returns, many high earners in the state experienced a virtual doubling of their state and local tax rates that previously had been paid by the country's other taxpayers.
  • Not content with the current level of taxes and number of taxes, a new tax is being proposed that would impose a 40% death tax on estates worth more than $7 million on married couples in the state, likely leading to many wealthy state residents to leave the state in order to avoid an onerous 40% estate/death tax. 
  • And as we know, despite the high level of taxation, the state has schools and infrastructure that rank near the bottom of the barrel vs. other states.
  • San Francisco has the highest property crimes rate per capita in the country despite high state and local taxes.
  • The abandoned, expensive ruins of the state's attempt to build a high speed rail line "are already collecting graffiti."
  • While 12% of the country's population lives in California, the state is home to 25% of the country's homeless population.
  • One third of Americans on welfare live in California.
  • 20% of the state's population is living below the poverty line despite the rich enclaves of Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
  • One third of the state's population earn so little that they qualify for the state's Medicaid program.
  • 27% of the state's resident were not born in the United States, flocking to California for the free medical, housing, food, and welfare benefits.
This is what excessive government taxation, regulation, and disrespect towards residents' wealth and rights have done to a state that once had everything going for it. Now, it is a poor, falling apart, disgusting, and dangerous place to live and visit. 

In other words, socialism sucks. This is a living, growing example of that politicians will do to this country if they are allowed to disrespect the rule of law, disrespect the rights of citizens to keep as much of their hard earned worth as possible, and use the levers of government to give freebies to the lazy and criminal in our society, without holding them accountable, in order for the same politicians to extend their political careers and personal wealth opportunities.

In other words, California is a laboratory experiment in this country mimicking what is going on in Venezuela, according to Mr. Hanson:  "Venezuela, which is driving out its middle class, is apparently California’s model. Venezuelan leaders believed in providing vast subsidies for the poor. The country’s super-rich are often crony capitalists who can avoid high taxes."

Political class insanity can include the simple wasting of taxpayer dollars on stupid programs and projects. It also can lead to the destruction of freedom and the well being of every citizen, rich and poor. More insanity to follow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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