Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June, 2020, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Another Expensive TSA Failure, Biden Continues To Babble and Insult , and the MIshandling of the Pandemic

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have often pointed out how just about every Federal government organization is a disorganized, inept, and often crime infested mess. But during those discussions, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its Transportation Safety Agency (TSA) usually stand out as being one of the worst functional organizations of all. Investigations by Judicial Watch recently uncovered another expensive disaster within those organizations:
  • DHS has spent $77 million on its Passenger Screening Canine (PSC) teams at airports that are supposed to use trained dogs to detect explosives luggage and on travelers.
  • Unfortunately, the program has been a failure.
  • According to a government audit: “As a result, our Nation’s aviation system and the traveling public could be at risk of a catastrophic event caused by an undetected explosive device.” 
  • The audit did not blame the dogs, it blamed the failure of the TSA to properly train the dogs’ handlers or issue the training materials in an appropriate fashion.
  • The training failures were identified as being caused by training methods and manuals that had not been updated in years.
  • From an explosives detection perspective the audit found that: “To achieve its mission, TSA must train canines to detect the most significant threats to aviation security. However, we confirmed through our analysis that TSA’s PSC teams may not detect (the rest of the sentence is redacted under the security exemption). Specifically, TSA was training its canine teams to detect 13 explosives and 2 components of explosive devices, but not (the rest of the sentence is redacted).”
  • Furthermore: “This occurred because TSA did not have a formal process to evaluate and update its explosive training aids inventory to include emerging explosive threats based on intelligence.”
  • In addition, the audit found that the canine teams were deployed almost randomly without consideration of where they were needed the most.
  • The audit concluded that the millions and millions of canine dollars should be redeployed in the future to “other security programs and activities to better protect the aviation system.”
What a mess and waste of taxpayer dollars besides creating a false sense of security. But we should probably not expect much more from an agency which has failed to detect explosives and weapons in controlled security tests, employees who have been found sleeping on the job, missing security id badges that could possibly give unauthorized people access to sensitive security areas of airports. Almost twenty years after the 9-11 attacks, the TSA is still a dysfunctional and dangerously inept government entity.

2) We have often made the case that Joe Biden is in the midst of a significant decline in his cognitive abilities. He often does not know where he physically is, he makes statements that are either completely inaccurate or just a babble of incoherencies, or he lashes out at others for no reason. These are often signs of dementia or related types of aging maladies. We have often stated that we feel sorry for him and that parading him around as a Presidential candidate and the embarrassment that he brings on himself is a form of elder abuse.

However, if the powers to be continue to put him forth as a candidate we will continue to point out how unqualified his mental state makes him for any political office,never mind benign the President. In a recent interview, his babbling ran off this silly and incorrect conclusion relative to victims of the coronavirus: “Look, the people who are getting hurt are Democrats. Hard-working people. The people who can’t afford to stay home. The people who are getting clobbered. The people who are making an hourly wage. The people who are out there saving our lives, caring the country on their back and losing lives in the process of doing it. They’re the people who are in trouble, a lot of millionaires aren’t in trouble, people making tens of millions of dollars or hundreds of thousands of dollars, they’re not in trouble. But the people who are trouble are the very people that are our constituency.”

So in his alternative reality world:
  • Only Democrats are getting sick and dying from the virus, Republicans and others are not.
  • Only Democrats are hardworking people.
  • Only Democrats are the ones that have to go out and work and cannot afford to stay home.
  • Only Democrats are carrying the country on their back.
  • Only Democrats are losing their lives to the virus.
Unbelievable. What an insult to every non-Democratic family who lost a loved one to the virus. What an insult to the hardworking, small business owning non-Democrat who is fighting for their lives and their livelihood. If we did not recognize his failing mental health we would be disgusted by his assertions that only Democrats are suffering from the virus. Pathetic conclusion from someone who should no longer be in the public eye, someone who needs medical and health care attention.

3) Let me do something I rarely do and that is to cut today’s politicians a little slack, not a lot, but a little regarding the coronavirus crisis. This malady was brand new to the world and there was no road map on how to handle it. They did as best they could with their feeble minds and their disability to politicize everything including a worldwide pandemic.

Nevertheless, some politicians and states did much better than others and that should be a lesson in the future: have a little elegance and precision when dealing with a problem. Unfortunately, American politicians usually work according to the old saying: When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. 

And that is what they did with the virus crisis, they shut down the whole country, the whole economy with a hammer’s thud when a little precision and elegance would have been so much better. Consider the following analyses from the Heritage Foundation:
  • Less than 1% of the counties (30 counties) in the United States accounted for over half of the coronavirus deaths and yet the political class treated every county exactly the same.
  • 30 counties across the country had the most deaths, less than 1% of the counties, while 1,996 counties had 1 or fewer deaths.
  • Those 30 counties account for 48% of the virus cases and 55% of the virus deaths.
  • 10 states, 20% of the total number of states, accounted for almost 70% of all virus cases while 80% of the countries accounted for only 30% of the cases.
  • New York and New Jersey by themselves accounted for 35% of all cases and 44% of all virus deaths while having only 9% of the total population.
  • In other words, New York and New Jersey had almost five times as many deaths as the population on a prorated basis.
  • Of those 30 hot counties, 80% of them are in the Philadelphia to Boston corridor, an area served by a commuter railroad that passes through New York City, the worst city in the country for the virus.
  • In total, 10% of the counties accounted for 95% of all cases while accounting for only 64% of the population.
  • 50% of the counties had ZERO virus cases.
You get the idea, the politicians in this country used a hammer to hammer the entire economy into the ground even though vast areas of the country, and the economy, were virtually or totally virus free. But many politicians went on a power/dictator trip (Michigan, Illinois for examples) or were total idiots in implementing their programs of safety (New York state, New York City, New Jersey), and inflicted untold economic, financial, and physiological harm on millions of citizens.

Hopefully, in the future these politicians will use some brain power, logic and common sense when it comes to crises and expand their tool case beyond just having a hammer.

So today’s insanity involves just another TSA failure, another babbling and insulting monolog from Joe Biden, and how the political class botched the coronavirus crisis….just like it botches every other national crisis.

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