Sunday, August 8, 2021

August, 2021, Part 3, Political Class: More "Do As I Say,Not As I Do" Hypocrisy and Taxpayer Money to South Sudan While Americans Go Homeless and Hungry

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) There are a lot of suffering Americans these days:
  • At any time there are usually between 500,000 and 600,000 homeless Americans on the street.
  • Millions of Americans are often hard pressed to have enough food in the house.
  • Millions of Americans are fighting drug addictions.
  • Millions of Americans are facing financial hardships because of the pandemic and Biden’s runaway inflation results.
Yes, there are a lot of Americans who need a little help to cope with the problems they are facing. And then you read a recent Forbes report and you realize that Washington politicians could care less about those in need as you see how they are sending billions of American taxpayer dollars overseas under the charade of “foreign aid”:
  • Over the past six years, the Federal government has sent almost $283 billion of taxpayer wealth to other countries, about $47 billion a year on average.
  • This is $283 billion that could have fed, housed, and drug addiction treated millions of Americans.
  • In 2018, the last year statistics are available, about half of that year’s foreign aid went to African and Middle East nations.
  • To put the annual $47 billion in perspective, only 2 out of 50 state governments spend that much every year, California and New York.
  • Every other state government spends less than what the Washington political class on average sends overseas every year.
  • According to Forbes, opinion polls show that American would rather spend that money in this country than send it overseas and yet, Washington politicians appear to be tone deaf to those opinions.
  • At least one might be able to somehow justify these outflow of dollars if they were used to relieve suffering across the world. However, in many cases, that is not the case:
  • Past expenditures have been used to fund choir directors in Turkmenistan, filmmakers in Peru, poultry farmers in Tanzania, and sex education workshops for prostitutes in Ethiopia.
  • The U.S. Agency For International Development gave $10.1 million for remedial reading programs in Zambia and Moldova.
  • Given the horrible reading scores of public school kids in this country, maybe that $10.1 million remedial reading dollars should have been spent here.
  • In a recent year, a whopping $310 million went to the UN mission in South Sudan.
  • Over half a billion dollars went to something called the “International Organization Of Migration.”
  • Afghanistan, which is about to revert to Taliban control, recently received $6 billion of taxpayer wealth in a single year.
  • American taxpayers usually give about $10 billion a year to 58 separate United Nations organizations.
  • Of that $10 billion, in a recent year, $2.6 billion went to the World Food Program.
  • Given how many American go hungry every day, maybe that $2.6 billion would be better spent and controlled if it fed Americans.
  • $2.6 billion would provide millions and millions of good, nutritious meals for Americans.
Washington politicians claim foreign aid is necessary to maintain good diplomatic relations, bolster friendly countries, and encourage pro-American sentiment. I say these are secondary priorities that can wait until every American can get housing, enough food, and treatment for their drug addiction problems.

A side note and opinion. In a previous post we discussed the reality that John Kerry’s daughter got her foreign aid organization millions of dollars under a no bid Federal contract. Without any proof, just an opinion, I would bet that if you looked deeply into these foreign aid expenditures I would not be surprised if John Kerry’s daughter was not the only politically and family connected beneficiary of these tax dollars.

I cannot imagine that someone in Washington thinks that giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the South Sudan country is a worthwhile expenditure unless someone in their life is skimming off lord knows how much of that money. Just an opinion but I cannot think most people in Congress think South Sudan is a military, economic, or strategic asset worthy of millions and millions of dollars.

2) Another example of an American politician doing the class, “do as I say, not as I do:”
  • DC mayor, Muriel Bowser, was recently talking tough and saying she would soon impose a face mask rule in the Capital to combat covid.
  • People questioned why she would not do that immediately if it was so important to combat covid.
  • The day after she made the statement, she celebrated her birthday at a party where the guests...oh my gosh….didn't wear masks as shown by pictures that emerged from the party.
  • Another photo showed the mayor, deputy mayor and comedian, Dave Chappelle, getting in close together, not socially distanced, for a picture, with none of them being family members or wearing masks.
  • Never mind that her proposed covid rules would mandate both masks and social distancing.
The hypocrisy of American politicians knows no bounds, the mayor obviously didn't want to have a boring birthday party. See what would happen if a DC resident did the same thing, the government would be all over that citizen.

3) The other day we talked about the arrogance of Cori Bush, a member of Congress, who paid thousands of dollars to hire private security guards to protect her but still wants to defund the police across the country, depriving American families of the same protection that she can afford. Again, another example of “do as I say, not as I do.”

But she is not the only member of Congress who is going down this path:
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has spent thousands of dollars for her own personal security despite the fact she also is a big fan of defunding the police.
  • Her campaign spent at least $4,636 to Tullis Worldwide Protection for security service in the first six months of this year.
  • The company also provides security to the royal families of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
  • Even longtime Democratic strategist, Jon Reinish, pointed out her hypocrisy: "Out of one corner of her mouth she is attacking the police and out of the other she is hiring cops who have gone private to protect her. So, which is it?"
  • A spokesperson for the Congresswoman did not respond to questions, obviously because the hypocrisy does not need any reply.
The hypocrisy of the American political class is at an all time high. They do not even try to cover up their arrogance and disdain for ordinary Americans, making sure that they get the best of everything, whether it is personal security, personal enrichment or ego gratification for really never accomplishing anything of value for the American people. They are disgusting, small-minded individuals.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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