It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.
To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.
1) For over a decade we have pointed out and discussed the reality that the American political class is basically filled with people not smart enough, courageous enough, or focused enough on protecting the taxpayer wealth that we pay them via our ever growing tax burden. They have taken tens of trillions of dollars and really not fixed anything in this country that is broken, be it a crumbling infrastructure of roads, bridges and dams, our failing public education system, our deteriorating military capabilities, etc.
They have wasted untold trillions on foreign aid that does us no good, bloated and ineffective Federal bureaucracies, and caring for, feeding, clothing, and housing millions of illegal immigrants., As a result of their incompetence and greed, we have pointed out that this country is headed to a huge financial collapse in the not too distant future as the unfunded Federal government liabilities (over $80 trillion and counting) and the skyrocketing national debt (over $30 trillion and counting) will crash the economic well being of the government, the country, and every U.S. citizen.
And despite knowing all of this, the current people in office in Washington have no clue or inclination to fix what they have broken, even given the latest dire economic and government debt analysis:
- According to a recent Treasury report, the Social Security Trust Fund is forecasted to go broke 12 years from now, one year sooner than the previous estimate.
- This change in the collapse was attributed to the pandemic impact on the economy.
- In addition, Medicare’s hospital insurance fund is expected to go broke even sooner, 2026.
- “The finances of both programs have been significantly affected by the pandemic and the recession of 2020,” the Treasury said in the new materials they released. The combined impacts of a massive decrease in employment, refusal to return to the workforce, artificially manipulated interest rates, earnings, inflation, and GDP, as well as increased mortality for the next few years. “all significantly impact the outlook of the programs.”
Not a pretty picture. But as we have previously pointed out, both Medicare and Social Security are already bankrupt, these new dates from the Treasury Department only reflect accounting tricks. Both programs have not been self-sufficient for years, relying on general tax revenue to sustain themselves at current spending levels. The taxes earmarked in all of our paychecks for both programs no longer can pay out the benefits that politicians have promised.
And yet, foreign aid continues to flow to usually foreign dictatorships, the Federal bureaucracy gets bigger, more expensive and less effective every year, and there is no one in Washington sounding the alarm on this pending disaster.This disaster will eventually reduce seniors' Social Security payments every month by at least 20% and will make Medicare and healthcare more expensive for millions of retired folks living on a mostly fixed income stream.
There are ways to fix the problem, many of which were laid out in our book, “Love My Country, Loathe My Government:”
- Raise the retirement age to 70 for those Americans that have sufficient sources of other income to survive in order to extend the saved revenue for those that really need the money to survive.
- Stop payments to anyone that has personal assets of at least three million dollars since they do not need a Social Security check to live a normal life. Folks like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, etc., people with untold millions of dollars of net worth, should not be depleting the limited funds of Social Security and Medicare.
- Stop all foreign aid, stop encouraging illegal immigration, and stop the growth of the Federal government and allocate those saved funds to actually serving millions and millions of Americans who are dependent on Social Security and Medicare.
I doubt that Washington politicians have the guts, courage, and brains to fix what they have broken and eventually the collapse of both Social Security and Medicare will represent the biggest disaster ever managed by the American political class.
2) As most of you know, Jeffery Epstein, friend of the rich and powerful around the world, was one of the worst sexual predators ever when it came to abusing and molesting young girls. And his alleged partner in such disgusting behaviors, Ghislane Maxwell, is currently on trial for abetting his perversion.
As a result of testimony at the trial we are finding out that a lot of powerful people may have also indulged in Epstein’s disgusting behaviors. Specifically:
- In just two years, between 1993 and 1995, Epstein visited the Clinton White House 17 times.
- Three times he visited the White House twice in the same day.
- This was when Maxwell was allegedly finding underage girls for Epstein to have sex with.
- A picture exists where both Epstein and Maxwell were with Clinton during a fundraising event at the White House.
- We also know that Clinton rode on Epstein’s private plane over two dozen times, often without any Secret Service detail to watch over him.
- And while denying he ever went to Epstein’s private island where Epstein is known to have abused many underage girls, others have stated that he was indeed there multiple times.
What a mess, a former President allegedly tied up doing who knows what with the sexual predator Epstein. A sad commentary on the morals of American politicians.
3) The beauty of this country is that it has been the home of possibly the most freedom oriented society in the history of humanity. Guided by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, the freedoms promised by the Founding Fathers have ensured that Americans have generally been freer than citizens in other countries.
But it has been a battle to protect those freedoms and rights, a battle that continues to this day. With dictator-like politicians denying us our freedoms in the name of covid protection, with higher and higher taxation levels that help restrict our life decisions and options, and woke politicians that are all too willing to sacrifice our freedom because someone somewhere got their feelings hurt, freedom is under attack in this country.
But the loss of freedom has not been consistent across the country according to a recent analysis:
- The Cato Institute recently released its most recent “Freedom in the 50 States” analysis.
- Factors in the study included state fiscal policy, government regulations and civil liberties.
- The top five states from a freedom perspective are New Hampshire (freest state), Florida, Nevada, Tennessee, and South Dakota.
- The bottom five states from a freedom perspective are New York (least free state), Hawaii, California, New Jersey, and Oregon.
As we have pointed out any number of times, states like New York, New Jersey, and California have the highest tax rates in the country, taking a very high percentage of their citizens’ earnings to support the state and local governments in the state. When the government takes a high percentage of workers’ earnings, workers and their families have fewer options and freedoms to live their lives as they would like: less money and freedom to send their kids to better schools, less freedom and money to possibly start a business, less money and freedom to buy a better house, car, etc.
And these financial limitations have recently been combined with onerous covid restrictions on freedom, with the most onerous restriction coming from the politicians running the least free states to begin with.
All of this leads to a question about the country’s future: are we going to continue to cede our economic and political freedom to an ever greedy political class like the politicians in Oregon, California, New Jersey et al, or is it possible to reverse the loss of freedom and follow the examples of Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada et al?
That will do it today for political class insanity: the impending near term collapse of Social Security and Medicare, the collapse of morality and integrity of the political class as witnessed by Bill Clinton’s close relationship with pedophile Epstein, and the dangerous, potential collapse of freedom in the country. Dangerous times.
Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:
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