Monday, January 10, 2022

January, 2022,Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Joe Biden is Inept and Pathetic, Kamala Harris is Inept and Pathetic, and All California Politicians Are Inept and Pathetic.

 It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.


1) More than once we have discussed the possibility of a state government going bankrupt in the very near future. Our theory was that as politicians continue to provide failing government services but keep raising taxes, taxpayers and businesses would move out of the state in order to get better lives and keep more of their hard earned wealth. 


This out migration from a state would cause the state government tax revenue to drop, given there would be fewer  taxpayers and businesses paying income, sales, and other taxes to the government. As the tax revenue stream shrinks, politicians would not reduce government spending but instead would raise taxes. Raising taxes would drive more residents and businesses out of the state further reducing government tax revenue. And the financial death spiral is in play.


Our initial reaction was that the leading states most likely to go bankrupt were Illinois, California, New York and New Jersey. Originally, it was our opinion that the Illinois state government was the leading candidate to go bankrupt first. However, recent data and migration activity indicate that California may have moved ahead of Illinois as the best bet to go bankrupt first.


Before we look at the latest out migration data to support this change of our opinion, let’s review how bad life has become in the state of California:


  • Gas prices in California are among the highest, if not the highest, in the country.

  • Electricity prices in the state, on average, are about 50% higher than the national average.

  • That assumes you can get electricity since idiotic green energy policies often leave California residents and businesses without a reliable source of electricity.

  • Crime is rampant and growing worse across major cities in the state.

  • The future unfunded financial liabilities of the state government are approaching one trillion dollars.

  • The homeless problem in the state is horrible and getting worse.

  • California has one of the highest poverty rates in the country despite the rich people of Silicon Valley and Hollywood.

  • California public schools do a terrible job educating their kids.


Data from U-Haul verifies that California is losing far more people than it is gaining, signaling that maybe, just maybe, their financial death spiral has begun:


  • A recent analysis from U-Haul showed that California was the top state when it came for one way out of state U-Haul rentals.

  • In fact, so many people rented U-Hauls to leave the state, it became difficult for the company to meet demand since a lot of its vehicles and trailers had already been used for out of state moving.

  • And while fewer people moved out of the state in 2021 than in 2020, that was not because of a decrease in demand, it was because U-Haul could not fulfill demand, they “simply ran out of inventory to meet customer demand for outbound equipment.” 

  • This caused some Californians to drive or fly to neighboring states to pick up a U-Haul vehicle or truck because there simply weren’t enough available in California.

  • The top destination states for migrating Californians were Texas and Florida, states with lower taxes (and no state income tax), low utility costs, lower gas costs, lower crime rates, etc.

  • According to Matt Merrill, area district vice president in the Dallas area for U-Haul: “We see a lot of growth coming from the East and West Coast. A lot of people moving here from California (and) New York. We also see a lot of people coming in from the Chicago markets. I think that’s a lot due to the job growth – a lot of opportunity here. The cost of living here is much lower than those areas. Texas is open for business.”

People want to be free, they want to keep as much other income as possible, they want to feel safe, they want lower costs of living, and will do what is necessary to fill these needs. Unfortunately, politicians in states like California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois do not understand these needs and wants, and as a result their states will soon, or maybe have already, entered into an unstoppable financial death spiral.

2) The Washington political class likes to think that they are smart, efficient and capable of governing and running a huge Federal government bureaucracy .That is obviously a false assumption, given how just about everything they touch turns to trash. 

In fact, not only can they not operate a $4 TRILLION government bureaucracy, it looks like they cannot even operate a small office operation:

  • Kamala Harris has operated a helter-skelter Vice Presidential office operation since day one with loads of employees complaining about the operation and many critical people in the office resigning over the past year.

  • She recently lost another high ranking office employee as Vincent Evans, her deputy director of public engagement and intergovernmental affairs, resigned.

  • Harris’ communications director, Ashley Etienne, resigned earlier this year.

  • Her chief spokesperson and senior advisor, Symone Sanders, also quit near the end of last year.

  • News reports also say two other, yet unnamed employees, also resigned in 2021.

  • According to CNN: “Worn out by what they see as entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus, key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff — deciding there simply isn’t time to deal with them right now.” 

  • The Washington Post: “The rumors started circulating in July: Vice President Harris’s staff was wilting in a dysfunctional and frustrated office, burned out just a few months after her historic swearing-in and pondering exit strategies.”

  • But this should not surprise since Harris has a long history of having poor people and organizational  skills, according to Gil Duran, a former Democratic strategist who served as an aide to Harris before quitting after just five months of working for her in 2013.

  • He has confirmed Kamala’s issues, saying that she repeats “the same old destructive patterns. One of the things we’ve said in our little text groups among each other is what is the common denominator through all this and it’s her. Who are the next talented people you’re going to bring in and burn through and then have (them) pretend they’re retiring for positive reasons.” 

  • According to a former employee: “It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work. With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”

So, the second most Federal government employee cannot manage her small office staff and we think that she can attack, resolve, and handle the biggest issues facing the country? I don't think so.

3) But her boss does not seem that much better when it comes to common sense and operating a staff organization:

  • Biden nominated and got  Steven Bondy approved to be the U.S. ambassador to Bahrain.

  • As most people know, there is no doubt that Bahrain is an Arab nation in the Middle East.

  • Politico reports that Bondy has been accused of making racist and ethnic slurs against Arabs in general when he worked in the State Department.

  • And yet, Biden selected him to be an ambassador to an Arab country.

  • One of Politico’s sources claims that Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, had complained about Bondy in the past for Bondy's attitude towards Arabs.

  • And yet, Biden nominated him to be an ambassador to an Arab country.

  • Other government sources told Politico that Bondy often made “belittling” statements and comments about Arab people during a Middle East trip several years ago.

  • And yet, Biden nominated him to be an ambassador to an Arab country.

How inept can one be? If Politico could find these sources and uncover this information, why couldn’t Biden’s people do the same thing? And these people make huge decisions for every American every day and cannot even conduct a simple due diligence background check,pathetic.

So Biden is inept and pathetic, Harris is inept and pathetic, and all of California’s politicians are inept and pathetic. Lord help us.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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