Sunday, June 12, 2022

June, 2022, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Verified Cases Of Voter Fraud, Verified Ignorance of Ocasio-Cortez, and Verified Abandonment of The Quality Of Life In San Francisco

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have not discussed the reality that the 2020 Presidential election had a bunch of what we can call “irregularities.” While Democrats and the mainstream press will deny there are any voting crimes and fraud committed, I have almost 700 news articles that discuss the reality that there have been arrests, prosecutions, and convictions of voting fraud across the country since 2020.

Those 700 articles also include actual video of mass voter fraud being done along with statistical impossibilities and improbabilities when it comes to voting in 2020. I would be happy to share any subset of these news articles if interested.

But today let’s examine just one of likely hundred examples of voter fraud and crimes that attacked a basic right of every American, representative government, as determined by our right to have a legit voting process:
  • Arizona was one of a handful of states where there was likely massive voter fraud executed during the 2020 Presidential election.
  • Guillermina Fuentes is the former Democratic mayor of San Luis, Arizona.
  • She recently pleaded guilty to ballot harvesting according to the Arizona attorney general.
  • She was indicted in December, 2020, along with Alma Juarez, with felony ballot abuse, namely ballot harvesting, which is illegal in Arizona.
  • Ballot harvesting is when someone goes around collecting ballots from voters and turning them in on their behalf.
  • Both have now pleaded guilty.
  • Fuentes was accused of collecting and filling out ballots from voters and in some cases, paid voters for their ballots.
  • They face up to two years in prison.
  • This is similar to a woman in San Antonio, Texas who has also been charged with ballot harvesting.
  • She faces a variety of charges including operating a massive ballot harvesting scheme that involved election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.
  • Mirza Mohamed was charged with 109 counts of voter fraud.
These are just two cases where the political class, and their friends in the mainstream media, are trying to convince us that voting processes are honest and clean. Almost 700 news articles prove that they are both guilty of undermining democracy in this country and that is disgusting.

2) We once thought that the ignorance and idiocy coming out of Congresswoman’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's mouth was pretty funny:
  • Despite having a college business degree, she did not know the definition of the very basic economic principle, the unemployment rate.
  • Despite running for Congress, she publicly stated that the three branches of the U.S. government were the Presidency, the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Supreme Court be damned.
  • She did not understand the difference between a tax credit and tax reduction which drove Amazon out of her Congressional district, denying her constituents a once in a lifetime economic opportunity.
But over time her ignorance and rantings have become tedious and useless, never contributing to the solution of any societal problem. She recently made the following ignorant and hateful statement: “White supremacists commit the vast majority of domestic terrorism.” She claimed that FBI crime statistics verify this wildly incorrect claim but provided no concrete proof of the FBI’s view, probably because they do not exist. In fact, FBI crime statistics show that blacks commit 55% of the murders in this country.

Let’s look at some recent terrorist incidents and see how many were from white supremacists:
  • Every week dozens of black people in Chicago are shot by black gang members, resulting in maiming and killing of black city residents.
  • That reality is repeated in many other cities every week, from Baltimore to Detroit to Los Angeles.
  • The riots that shook the country after the George Floyd killing were not driven by white supremacists, riots that burned down communities, attacked police, and resulted in many deaths and injuries.
But somehow she ignores all of these realities and just spouts off some bogus, made up FBI statistic. She is a waste of time who has contributed nothing to improving the lives of Americans.

3) We have often talked about and discussed the political class’ failure to live up to the following duties:
  1. A very, very basic function of any government entity is to protect the lives and property of the citizens it serves. Failure to do that basic function, regardless of how well that government entity executes other functions, makes it a failure in serving their voters.
  2. People want to be free, that is a basic human driver. They want to keep as much of their hard earned wages as possible, they want to be free of intrusive or over regulation by any government entity, they want to live their lives by their own standards, customs, and values.
If the politicians operating any government entity fail on either of these two realities, then voters/citizens will take matters into their own hands. Voting out inept politicians is always an option but many people will take the more drastic step to move out of a region or city to improve their safety and quality of life.

Possibly nowhere in the country, except for Chicago, have local politicians failed their constituents on the above two principles than in San Francisco:
  • They have passed laws that decriminalized public defecation, public urination, and public use of illegal drugs, turning city streets into a disgusting and dangerous mess.
  • Their city attorney (who was just removed from office via a recall election) failed to strongly enforce existing laws, allowing criminal activity of all types to skyrocket.
  • Given the degenerating quality of life in the city, San Francisco lost an amazing 6.3% of its residents from July, 2020 to July 2021.
  • That means a whopping 54,813 city residents left the city in a mere 12 months.
  • It was by far the largest decrease in population of any city in the country.
  • Many of these 54,813 former residents moved to states with much higher quality of life, lower taxes, lower government regulation, etc. including Texas, Florida, and Idaho.
  • Obviously, this is 54,813 fewer taxpayers and consumers which will drive down city tax revenue which will make the city even less livable if police, fire, and sanitation resources are cut due to lower tax revenue.
  • And the future does not look much better since a recent opinion poll of city residents found that 44% said they planned on eventually leaving the city.
  • The reasons cited included homelessness, high cost of living, and rising crime rates.
  • Only 28% said they are unlikely to ever leave.
People want to be free and want to be safe. Failure to provide those basic needs by politicians eventually results in lower tax revenue as people flee to places that offer more of what their current government entity does not.

That will do it for today as far as American politicians’ continued failures: the inability to hold honest elections, the inability to not keep their mouths shut as they constantly portray their ignorance, and their inability to understand that people will put up with crime and lower quality of life for a finite time before they take their tax dollars and economic impacts somewhere where they are safe and sound.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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