Saturday, May 27, 2023

May, 2023, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: FBI and Biden Save Hillary, Biden Babbles About the Great Depression, Another Voting Screw Up and more

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

Lately it seems like the insanity is getting more frequent and more intense as politicians continue to fail us all. Let’s look at just for of the latest examples of political class insanity:

1)At  one point in the past, the FBI had a sterling reputation as a first rate, non-political law enforcement agency. As we showed in our previous post, those days are long gone as it is now known that in the recent past they violated the law and Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights over a quarter million times.

And we now know that that was not the only infraction of their agents and supervisors:

  • In August, 2021, the Biden administration suddenly shut down the government/FBI investigation into the crime family known as the Clintons.

  • In addition, the New York  Times has reported that the FBI had either returned information back to the Clintons or destroyed all evidence they had collected in that investigation.

  • The investigation was related to the possible illegal connections that the Clinton Foundation had with foreign based donors to the Foundation while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

  • Emails uncovered during the aborted investigation indicated that Hillary gave special, positive treatment to said donors in exchange for financial favors.

  • No reason was given for why Biden shut down the investigation, especially since a lot of time, energy, and taxpayer wealth had already been put forth, leading to the obvious assumption that the Clintons had acted inappropriately but Biden did them the political favor of blocking any further action.

Another classic example of the politicians' favorite motto, “do as I say, not as I do.” Hillary apparently abused her position as Secretary of State for personal gain, something that most Americans would have gone to jail for if they had done the same.

2)Let’s face it, Joe Biden was not the sharpest tack in the box over the years and as his cognitive abilities have severely declined over the past few years, he has gotten even  worse with his incoherence. This inability to understand reality was again recently demonstrated in an other embarrassingly display of ignorance:

  • Nancy Pelosi was born in 1940. 

  • The Great Depression ran from 1929 throughout most of the 1930s.

  • In 2023, Biden praised Pelosi for rescuing the economy during the Great Depression.

  • Specifically: “Nancy had the votes! She had the votes! She helped rescue the economy during the Great Depression!” 

I did not vote for Trump either time he ran, I have never voted for a Republican for President in my life. But seriously, have we ever had such a President in Biden that was so incoherent, out of touch, and just plain wrong in his daily doings? Nancy Pelosi, the Great Depression, she saved the economy about 85 years ago, seriously? 

He, and by extension us and the country, are the laughing stock of the world. His babbling can be seen at the following link:

3)We have made the case dozens of times over the past few years that the 2020 Presidential election was hijacked and that Biden did not win the Presidency; he was installed as President after an election that reeked of criminal fraud, cheating, and statistical impossibilities and improbabilities. 

On top of the intentional cheating and fraud of the election, Americans witnessed the incompetence of many voting processes across the country. One would  hope that after more than  two centuries of voting that the government at every level would know how to do it right, legally, and without fraud.

But asking for the simple concept of integrity in an election is a little too much to ask for a county in the state of New York:

  • Recently ALL registered voters in Nassau County, New York were identified as Democrats even if they were not.

  • The accused culprit was an error by a printing company that the county government had hired.

  • This resulted in hundreds of thousands of county residents being sent their voter registration card, needed to vote in upcoming elections, which designated them as Democrats even if they were Republicans, independents or associated with another party that was not the Democratic party.

  • According to Nassau County Executive, Blake Blakeman: “We’re already starting to get phone calls from people, saying ‘I’m a registered Republican, I’m a registered conservative—how come I’m being identified as a Democrat? Who changed my registration?’ And they’re quite upset about it. There’s a lot of confusion, there’s a lot of people emotionally upset about this.” 

  • The printing company took full responsibility for the screw up.

  • This is not the first time this company screwed up since in 2020 they sent screwed up absentee ballots to 99,000 voters in Brooklyn where the return envelopes had names and addresses of other people.

  • What is especially disturbing is that party primary elections are coming up in June and under New York law, voters can only vote in the primary races that they are registered for.

  • Thus, unless something is done, hundreds of thousands of  county voters will not be legally allowed to vote in the primary races they are entitled to vote in because of a “printing error.”

None of this instills confidence that government entities know how to operate legitimate elections given the fraud in the previous Presidential election and in the governor's race in Arizona. According to Pew Research, only 56% of Republicans feel elections are administered well.

Another sad part of this mess is that Nassau County knew that the printing company already had a history of screw ups and still went ahead with them anyway. The incompetence is amazing.

4)Not only do many, many Americans less and less faith in government voting processes, they apparently are having less and less faith in Biden’s economic policies:

  • An Associated Press poll found that only 24% of those polled think that the country’s economic condition is in good shape.

  • And the trend is not good either since in one month that result had dropped to 24% from 30% in the previous month.

  • 41% of Democrats said the economy is in  good shape while only 7% of Republicans think it is in good shape.

  • Even the 41% number is not good for Biden in that less than half of his supporters think things are going well.

  • Only one third of those polled approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, two thirds think he is not handling it well.

Again, the American political class has been doing voting and economics for centuries and they still have not gotten either right. My feeling is how can  anyone think that Biden is handling the economy well: inflation is still ravaging household budgets, prices for everything are up, from gas to eggs, high paying jobs are being cut across the country, the average mortgage rate just topped 7%, the petrodollar is in danger because of Biden ticking off the Saudis, his budget will add trillions to the already out of control national debt causing more inflation, etc. 

There is insanity at every turn: Biden’s economic policies, screwed up voting processes, Biden continues to ramble incoherently, and the FBI goes rogue again.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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