Sunday, December 3, 2023

December, 2023, Political Class Insanity, Part 1: New York City and Chicago Race To Bankruptcy Court, The Housing Market In A Funk, and the Chinese Communist and Mexican Cartel Illegal Drug Enterprise

  Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)One of the dumbest and most fatal political movements of the past few years has been the inane “defund the police” movement.  Politicians with no understanding  of reality and the criminal mind went about bashing, demeaning, and  defunding their police forces in mostly liberal  cities across the country. As a result, crime has skyrocketed  as limited and reduced police resources have not been able to keep up with the crime wave. This has resulted in incremental American citizens being murdered, robbed, raped, carjacked,  etc.

This has resulted in demoralized police forces across the country such as the New York Police Department:

  • The New York Post reported that 2,516 NYPD police officers had recently quit the force.

  • This is the fourth highest resignation number in the past decade.

  • It is 43% more than who had resigned in 2018 before the crime rates spiked in the city.

  • Of the 2,516 who quit, 1040, about 40% of them were short of their 20 years for full pension and retirement, a 104% increase since 2020.

  • According to Police Benevolent Association President, Patrick Hendry:  “The workload is a leading factor driving people away from the job. If the NYPD is going to survive these staffing reductions, it cannot just keep squeezing cops for more hours.”

  • The fact that assaults on police officers are up 25% this year over 2022 is also not a motivating force to stay employed as a NYC police officer.

  • The process becomes a self feeding death spiral: politicians reduce the workforce and budget forcing existing police officers to work more which disheartens them and causes them to leave which forces the remaining police officers to work even  more which results in more leaving and the death spiral for staffing is in place.

  • And things are going to even worse very quickly as the mayor, Eric Adams, has announced further cuts to the police force and the canceling of five police recruiting classes in order to divert police tax dollars to feed, shelter and care for the illegal  immigrants that Biden has allowed to enter the country and who ended up in NYC.

We have  often  discussed the possibility of which major U.S. city will  go bankrupt first, which city will start a financial death spiral and never get out of it until it collapses financially. For a long time the leading candidate for that “honor” was Chicago. 

However, as the NYPD  police force gets decimated by city politicians, crime will  rise, businesses and residents will continue to leave the city. This will reduce the tax base and tax revenue which will further reduce the quality and safety of life in the city and before you know it, the movie, “Escape from New York,”  becomes a reality.

2)And while NYC may be teetering on the edge of a financial death spiral,  do  not rule out Chicago as the next major American city to go bankrupt. The violence in the city and the politicians’ inability to even make minor progress against the murders and crime engulfing the  city is driving that city’s residents and businesses to leave and take their tax dollars with them for better opportunities in less violent places around the country.

Consider a recent weekend violence summary in the city:

  • In a mid-November weekend, 24 Chicago residents were shot.

  • Four of those shot died from their wounds.

  • Those wounded and  killed included kids.

  • Many of these shootings and fatalities happened in the middle of the day, not in the dead of night.

People are not stupid, they are not going to live and do business in places where their lives at all hours of the day have a decent chance of being a victim of violent Chicago crime. They leave, reducing the city’s tax revenue and tax base, which results in lower tax revenue, leaner police forces, more crime, and the  spiral  is underway. The betting question is which city,  New York or Chicago, gets to  bankruptcy court first.

3)Meanwhile across the rest of the country, Biden’s economic policies continue to create pain and havoc with Americans. Too many times we have pointed out the bad economic situation that Biden has imposed on the country: high food prices, high gas prices, high utility prices, trillion dollar deficits, high mortgage rates, etc.

And his failed economic policies are crunching the housing market also:

  • Existing  home sales in October were 4.3% lower than in September according to the National  Association of Realtors.

  • This is down a whopping 14.3%  from the same time a year ago.

  • And yet Biden has somehow managed to  defy economic principles in that although sales/demand  is down prices are up, completely contrary to logic and economic history and yet that is the reality of how screwed up his economic policies are.

  • New home sales are also in a tailspin, down 5.6% from a month ago.

Just another example of how Biden and the rest of Washington have no clue when it comes to economic principles and management.

4)While the Mexican drug cartels, in partnership with the Chinese Communist government, have been flooding the southern border with unheard of tonnage of deadly fentanyl, the Chinese have also been busy elsewhere in the country, creating illegal drugs all the way up into Maine:

  • The Department of Homeland Security has identified 270 suspected Chinese and illegal marijuana operations in Maine.

  • These grow operations are estimated to have garnered almost $5 billion in revenue that is both sent back  to China or used in this country for other illegal activities.

  • While the state has legalized marijuana, these Chinese grow operations are outside the legality of the Maine legalization law.

  • According to Maine state representative Austin Theriault: “This is a failure I believe of both the state government and the federal government, and it’s time people start taking this more seriously. This is a lack of political will, there’s many other areas the government’s not afraid to get involved, but for some reason they’re not willing to put their foot down and start to crack down on some of these illegal operations and I want to see that happen.”

  • The DEA suspects that the Chinese are working hand in hand with the Mexican drug cartels who help with laundering the proceeds from the marijuana sales and help the Chinese to purchase properties for the marijuana growing.

If someone wants to smoke marijuana, no problem, go ahead. The problem here is that these operations enrich the Mexican drug cartels which are also getting incredibly wealthy from smuggling drugs and human trafficking. They are an international criminal  enterprise that negatively affects Americans in any number of ways. Unfortunately, Biden and the current Washington political class continue with failed policies and idiocy that continue to enrich, and embolden, the cartels and the Chinese.

Enough insanity for today: Chinese and cartel elements getting rich as American as continue to suffer drug addiction rates that are rising rapidly, the housing market in a funk, and Chicago and New York City continue to degenerate into a race to bankruptcy court while their residents suffer higher and higher rates of violent crime.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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