Monday, June 3, 2024

June, 2024, Political Class Insanity, Part 1: Denver Tries To Dump Its Illegal Immigrants, A Senator Goes On Trial, and The Integrity of The Press Takes Another Hit

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class Far continue to show that they are incapable of efficiently operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have far too often talked about how Biden’s failed  immigration policies have caused so-called, Democrat/liberal run “sanctuary cities” to be overrun with thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants. These illegal immigrants have drained city budget dollars because the politicians that proclaimed they were running sanctuary cities have had to feed, clothe, and provide medical services to these illegal immigrants.

While bigger cities such as Chicago and New York City have received the most  immigrants, the city of Denver has received the highest number of illegal immigrants relative to their population. As a result, their city budget resources have had the highest budget hits on a percentage basis.

The city’s mayor and others in the city government have offered, actually begged these illegal immigrants to go to other cities despite bragging for years that they were sanctuary cities. To help relieve the pressure they brought unto themselves consider their latest effort relative to illegal immigrants:

  • The city has put together a “how to” manual for other cities to use to handle illegal immigrants’ wave.

  • The manual is called:  “Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City,” and is written by the Office of Denver Mayor Mike Johnston and several migrant agencies.

  • In true Orwellian tradition, they have decided to “rename” illegal  immigrants:  “As part of Denver’s welcoming approach, we use the term ‘newcomers’ to refer to migrants, recognizing that they are new to our city and embracing a more inclusive language.”

  • The manual  actually advises illegal immigrants to use false Social Security Numbers if a valid number is required in any city process, a move that has to be illegal, encouraging the use of false numbers.

  • And while it looks like the good Denver mayor is being helpful to other cities, consider his quote, that the manual will “help newcomers resettle in cities with more opportunities, help cities across the country successfully welcome newcomers and reinvigorate workforces.”

  • In other words, please take these people off of our hands, we are tired of paying for them and you can use this handy “how to” guide to relieve the pressure on Denver.

The hypocrisy of these people is amazing: bragging for years how they were more passionate and caring than the rest of us since they were “sanctuary cities” but once they see the stupidity of their position they try to dump their problems on other cities under the guise of a “how to” publication. Pathetic.

2)We have previously discussed the legal trouble that U.S. Senator, Bob Menendez, had gotten himself into. It had been alleged that he was getting kickbacks in the form of gold bars and money for getting advantages for business people involving work  with the Egyptian government. His trial is now underway and the details of his alleged corruption are becoming clear:

  • A former U.S. agricultural official, Ted McKinney, accused the Senator of trying to stop McKinney from investigating an unexpected monopoly regarding the certification of meat that was exported to Egypt.

  • Back in 2019,  New Jersey businessman, Wael Hana, was given exclusive rights to certify that meat being exported from the U.S. to Egypt was meeting Islamic dietary standards.

  • McKinney started to investigate when and how this monopoly was set up when he got a call directly from Menendez with orders to stop investigating the new monopoly.

  • The case being made against the Senator is that he received bribes from three New Jersey businessmen, including Hana, to make the monopoly happen and stick.

  • The sudden monopoly granted to Hana’s company resulted in several other experienced companies all of a sudden being shut out from certifying beef to Egypt.

  • McKinney described the change in status at the Senator’s trial as “very, very unusual.”

  • McKinney’s investigation was eventually turned over to the FBI which may have led to Mendenez eventually getting indicted and facing trial.

What a mess but not unexpected from a long standing member of the political class: spending time and energy and taxpayer wealth for self enrichment and not for helping Americans have a better life.

3)It has always been  our belief that our system of government can survive bad Presidencies, given that we survived the Nixon, Carter, and Obama Presidencies. However, we do  believe that we cannot survive as a free country when the press has been corrupted and does not report reality in an unbiased, thorough, and knowledgeable way. 

Over the recent past, it has become clear that the unbiasedness of the journalism industry has taken a serious integrity hit. It is usually pretty clear what political “side” a new outlet or journalist is on, given the biased and tainted reporting they produce, be it Fox news, CNN, the New York Times, etc. There are very few, if any, news sources that can be proud of their integrity and truthfulness.

This was recently starkly obvious in a recent Biden press conference:

  • Biden was recently conducting a press conference when he asked a “reporter” from the audience to repeat her question.

  • No problem there, possibly he did not hear the question clearly.

  • But after the reporter asked her question again, on a matter of extreme minimal importance, Biden went on a lengthy, detailed, and long winded answer, making it apparent that the question was a plant and that Biden had known of the question ahead of time and was prepared with a long, detailed answer.

  • Keep in mind that this question did not include anything of national  importance like national security, inflation, illegal  immigration, etc., issues that the majority of Americans are facing.

  • Reporter: I’m saying Africa is asking America to lead the way and double its contribution to the World Bank’s international development assistance to help developing countries to access financing to alleviate debt distress, and to tackle climate change. What is your commitment on this?”

  • Again, who cares, given the major issues facing the country and how would Biden know any details about this effort beyond just supporting it in general?

  • Biden’s response, which he read word for word, not responding off the cuff in any way: “We made a major commitment to this.  Number one, we said the United States has long championed international financial institutions that provide low cost concessional resources to the poorest developing countries, including from the IMF.  To that end my administration helped design and establish the IMF’s new initiative that provides low cost funding for countries that are taking steps to enhance their resilience.” Important partners in Africa have the capital … they need to invest in their futures. We heard them and we stand with them now. That’s why we work with Congress to enable the United States to make available in the coming weeks, up to $21 billion of new lending resources to the IMF trust fund that provides concessional lending to the poorest countries. So little like you know, having a go when you’re in debt and having to go and find someone to help you out. That’s what this is about. We believe supporting friends and this partnership is happy. We’re happy to do our par,” 

Seriously?  Off the top  of his head he had this detailed of an answer to an obscure government program in a far away land?  Obviously, the press has become so  corrupted that they are guilty of providing their questions ahead of time so that Biden’s handlers can give him a perfectly scripted, perfectly read answer. When the press goes corrupt,  our democracy goes kaput. 

The exchange and corruption can  be seen via the following link:

That will do it for today’s insanity: Denver tries to dump its sanctuary city illegal immigrants on other cities, Bob Menendez goes to trial, and the free press goes rogue and void of integrity.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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