Thursday, December 26, 2024

December, 2024, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: Biden Is Broken, Congress Is Broken, and The Associated Press Is Broken

 We have spent a lot of time lately discussing the violent and sometimes fatal consequences of Biden’s failed immigration policies on American citizens. Let’s take a break from that sad reality and discuss some good old political class insanity:

1)Biden has had many major failures across many components of his Presidency including foreign affairs. And one of his most disgusting and most total failures was the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Ignoring the input and advice of his civilian and military advisors relative to his ill advised withdrawal plan, he went ahead anyway with his plan and the result was a total disaster:

  • He left behind billions and billions of dollars worth of taxpayer funded military equipment which fell into the hands of the Taliban and has probably resulted in unnecessary deaths across the world well after the withdrawal because of those weapons.

  •  He left behind to fend for themselves American citizens and Afghan citizens that had aided the Americans during the 20 year war against the Taliban.

  • Rather than use the massive airbase that U.S. taxpayers had paid for, he decided to use the smaller and inadequate Kabul airport for the withdrawal.

  • His inept withdrawal plan led to the unnecessary deaths of 13 brave U.S. service people and 170 innocent Afghan citizens when a suicide bomber was able to infiltrate the withdrawal area.

Which gets us to the latest Biden scandal:

  • When the bodies of those brave 13 service people were returned to this country, the President, as is traditional, met their coffins when they were brought home from Afghanistan.

  • This is known as a “dignified transfer” ceremony.

  • But during the removal  of the coffins from the plane, Biden constantly looked at his watch, indicating that he was bored and had better things to do than to honor these brave soldiers.

  • But this scandal gets even more disgusting, given recently disclosed information.

  • Apparently, the families of the fallen soldiers were forced to wait for hours to receive the coffins of their fallen family members because Biden was not to be disturbed from his nap inside Air Force One.

  • According to one waiting relative, Roice McCollum: “Biden made us wait an extra three hours to receive the bodies of our dead family members because he could not pull it together.”

  • Mr. McCullom asserted that a military officer had actually told her that Biden was still napping on the plane and was not to be disturbed.

  • This assertion was confirmed by Darin Hoover, the father of a fallen Sgt. Taylor Hoover,  and Cristy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Sgt. Nicole Gee: “We sat in  that office for what seemed like an eternity waiting on the  doddering old fool,” said Mr. Hoover.

A Biden spokesperson denied this incident happened but given the long history of Biden’s habit of lying about everything, I believe the relatives of the fallen heroes rather than the Biden Presidency.

2)As many probably know, the Federal  government almost shut down  this week as the incompetent in Congress proved again that they still do not have a sane, competent, and efficient budget development process. Chaos was narrowly averted, no thanks to Joe Biden.

As President, Biden should have had an active participant in the  negotiations to get a budget done since as head of the legislative branch a President would be responsible for executing that budget. However, he had little, if any, input to the process, and made no public statements helping to resolve the budget crisis.

During a recent White House press secretary, White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, had to face this dereliction of Presidential duty,  being asked by a reporter: “Why hasn’t President Biden said anything in the public about this? Don’t the American people deserve to know why millions of federal workers could enter this holiday period without a paycheck?” 

As always with this inept press secretary, she dodged the question of Biden’s ineptness and ignored the crisis, responding: “All Americans need to know that Republicans are getting in the way here and they are the ones who have created this mess. That’s the reality. That’s the fact.” 

A  complete dodge of the question that was asked. Pathetic administration all around.

3)We have often discussed the reality that the mainstream press, including the Associated Press, has lost most of their credibility when it comes to reporting news in an unbiased manner, often ignoring facts that are contrary to their leftist. liberal leaning. They are quick to point out the details when negative news occurs relative to conservative and  Republican  elements but hide or deflect news when it includes Democrats or liberals.

This was recently illustrated yet again by the Associated Press: 

  • Sadly, there was a horrific mass casualty event at a Christmas market in Germany when a car sped through a crowd of Christmas celebrants.

  • There were two people killed and dozens were injured.

  • The Associated Press tweeted out the story with the title, “A car has driven into a group of people at a Christmans market in Germany.”

  • The title gave the  impression that the car, not a driver, had driven into the crowd by itself.

  • In reality, the car was driven by a doctor from Saudi Arabia who, when he was arrested, was found to also have an explosive device in his possession, apparently intent to cause even more damage and deaths.

  • But from the AP headline it appears a self driving car did the damage.

  • And the first paragraph of the article led to the same impression: “A car plowed into a busy outdoor Christmas market in the eastern German city of Magdeburg on Friday, killing at least two people and injuring at least 60 others in what authorities called a deliberate attack. The driver was arrested at the scene shortly after the car barreled into the market at around 7 p.m., when it was teeming with holiday shoppers looking forward to the weekend.”

Like the mainstream has done many times, when a Muslim commits a terror attack like this, the mainstream media will very often try to hide the characteristics of the terrorist. And they wonder why no one trusts them to report unbiased news any more.

4)Back in 2020, we made the observation that, in our opinion, Biden was in cognitive decline and doubted he was intellectually capable of being President. For that observation, we privately received several deriding and profane comments on our position as some TDS folks rushed to refute our opinion on  his mental decline.

Four years later, after many verbal and physical gaffees, outbursts of anger and idiocy, we are pretty confident that we were right in our cognitive assessment four years ago. And according to the a recent article and research by the Wall Street Journal, we were probably right in our assessment:

  • The  Journal article outlined how his aides and staff often went to great lengths over the past four years to protect Biden from embarrassing himself in public and in private, and thus not embarrassing the country on the world stage.

  • The research involved speaking with 50 people to come to the  conclusion  that Biden nas been in serious cognitive decline for a while and the White House staff did their best to shield the public from this knowledge

  • For example, two staff members, Annie Tomasini and Ashley Wllias, were given the task to always be within ear shot and eye shot in order to guide him on how to enter and exit the stage at any public event.

  • Other aides made sure that Biden’s work schedule started later in the day since he was not that sharp in the morning.

  • Other meetings were often scrapped entirely because Biden was having an “off day“: He has good days and bad days, and today was a bad day so we’re going to address this tomorrow,” a former aide recalled one official saying to them, according to the WSJ.

  • Some Washington politicians said that aides and senior advisors acquired larger government roles over the years that Biden himself should have been doing but could not regularly handle because of his mental state.

  • Biden held only nine  full Cabinet meetings in four years with cabinet members more often having to meet with Biden advisors and not him.

  • The advisors would bring any needs or updates to Biden  rather than allow cabinet members to work with Biden  directly.

  • And according to the research, those cabinet members that often had direct interface with Biden saw those direct contacts decrease over time, probably because Biden’s cognitive abilities also decreased.

  • When meeting privately with political donors, those donors were shocked when told there would not be an open question and answer session with Biden, that they had to submit questions ahead of time that would presumably then be used to prep Biden.

You get the idea: Biden never should have been put in the position to run for President, he was in significant brain decline four years ago, a condition that just got worse over time. As a result, the American people suffered through the worst Presidency in  modern times because of his inability to define, plan, and execute positive strategies for the benefit of Americans.

As we have said before, this was not all Biden’s fault. It  seems much of the past four years he had no idea what was going on. His wife, his family,  and his political handlers should all be  arrested for elder abuse for putting a man  in his mental  condition through the pressures of being a Washington politician.

Not a pretty day: Biden  is broken, Congress is broken, and the Associated Press is broken.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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