Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February, 2024, Part 1, By The Numbers: Wasting Taxpayer Wealth Around the World, Our Failing Education System, and The Racism At The FAA

 On a periodic basis we review the wasteful government spending via a continuing theme of “By The Numbers.” We review how poorly taxpayer wealth is being spent and wasted on stupid programs and projects and also how many government programs are being ripped off of billions and billions of dollars by fraud and criminal enterprises. Today is just another sad chapter on how politicians and government bureaucrats are pretty inept when it comes to safeguarding taxpayer dollars.

1)The Federal government is currently approaching a mind boggling $37,000,000,000,000 in national debt. Washington politicians for decades have been spending money on stupid projects while millions of Americans go hungry, homeless, and in need of drug addiction help while running up trillions of dollars in debt.

Recent disclosures from the State Department illustrate the bad priorities  of the American political class:

  • New Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, has immediately issued a critical reform of the department.

  • Going forward, all official State Department personnel who desire to travel will now be subjected to rigorous review and approval process.

  • One of the prime reasons for this new rule is State Department employee,  Jessica Stern.

  • She is the so-called “Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons.”

  • As we said above, millions of Americans are in need and Ms. Stern has the massive title above which has entitled her to travel to 22 different countries, courtesy of the American taxpayer, to spread LGBTQI+ ideology.

Visits of one State Department official to 22 different countries that have nothing to do with helping needy Americans. Imagine how much those trips cost the taxpayers for nothing in return.

2)Staying with wasteful spending  numbers, consider the numbers that recently were discussed when Congressman Brian Mast was interviewed by NBC’s Margaret Brennan:

  • Mast stated during the interview that he supported the purging of people throughout the State Department and other agencies where we’re freezing aid,” which he said were “very important and necessary steps to make sure that we secure America.”

  • Brennan  then asked for examples which Mast had handy.

  • $500,000 of American taxpayer wealth was spent to expand atheism in Nepal.

  • $50,000 was spent on a transgender opera in Colombia.

  • $47,000 was spent to do an LGBTQ comic book in Peru.

  • $20,000 was spent to do drag shows in Ecuador, that was $20,000 for EACH show.

Obviously, these are just the tiny tip of a huge iceberg of wasted American tax dollars, being spent while millions and millions of Americans are homeless, hungry, and in need of medical care.

3)According to Vivek Ramaswamy, and previous posts in this blog, we as a nation are doing a horrible job educating our kids:

  • 75% of eighth graders are not math proficient according to international standards and tests.

  • The U.S. ranks 26th out of 38 developed nations.

  • "There are kids in other countries where English is not even their first language, out-beating our own students on English proficiency and I just think, speaking as an American and as a parent myself, that's unacceptable." 

  • Only 31% of fourth graders are reading at their grade level as announced by the National  Assessment of Educational Progress.

  • Several years ago it was revealed that when 2,000 students across 23 schools in Baltimore were tested for math every one of them was NOT doing math at their expected levels.

  • In 2024, the Illinois Assessment of Readiness released data and  analysis showing that only 31% of elementary school students tested were proficient in reading and only 19% were proficient in math.

Bottom line: the American political class and their management of billions and billions of dollars of taxpayer wealth has tragically failed the country’s kids from an educational attainment perspective. The disgusting numbers do not lie.

4)Speaking of a disgusting waste of taxpayer wealth:

  • We already know that Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan left behind tens of billions of dollars worth of taxpayer funded military equipment.

  • And for whatever insane reason, the Biden administration has sent almost $3 billion in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

  • And according to a Federal audit of that insanity, at least $11 million of that aid has been taken by the Taliban.

  • According to the audit, the inspector general agency (SIGAR) monitoring U.S. government spending in Afghanistan found that “the $10.9 million paid by 38 U.S. Department of State (State), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) implementing partners is likely only a fraction of the total amount of U.S. assistance funds provided to the Taliban in taxes, fees, duties, and utilities because UN agencies receiving U.S. funds did not collect data or provide relevant information about their subawardees’ payments. From October 2021 through September 2023, the UN received $1.6 billion in U.S. funding for programming in Afghanistan, approximately 63 percent of all U.S. assistance funding for Afghanistan during that period.” 

Unbelievable that after over twenty years of wasting upwards of $2 trillion dollars in the country, after the disastrous and embarrassing withdrawal due to Biden’s failed planning, the American taxpayer is still sending money to Taliban, a terrorist organization that suppresses freedom of its citizens especially women. Pathetic.

5)As everyone knows, there was a terrible airliner crash in Washington D.C. recently, killing 67 people.  A  horrible tragedy and while we do not yet know how this terrible incident happened, the following numbers might give an indication of what might have happened:

  • The FAA denied jobs to 1,000 air traffic controller applicants for air traffic controller jobs because officially they were “too white.”

  • As a result of this type of racism, 285 out of 313 air traffic control facilities across the country are now understaffed, endangering the flying public.

This is what happens when politicians insert race and special interests into life  decisions and tragically sometimes the consequences are fatal.

Enough numbers for today: still wasting  taxpayer wealth around the world for no good reason, spending trillions on education and getting little in return, and racism via D.E.I. nonsense is endangering lives. Politicians may lie but the numbers do not.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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