Time to check in on the American political class and see what nonsense, idiocy, and other shenanigans they are up to:
1)Unfortunately, the FBI over time has lost its reputation of integrity, being unbiased, and fair. It has been turned into a political weapon to spy on, harass, and violate the rights of Americans who have a different opinion than the current ruling political party. One of those likely most guilty for the denigration of the FBI’s integrity is a former FBI director, James Comey, a long time member of the Clintons’ inner circle and one who allegedly used the FBI to sabotage Trump's political campaigns.
And now, he is under investigation for his alleged misdeeds:
The FBI is now investigating whether the bureau under Comey executed plans to infiltrate Trump’s first presidential campaign using female undercover agents as a honeypot.
This effort was uncovered when an FBI agent came forward to Congress last year.
The plan was allegedly kept off of the official FBI records and involved the two undercover female agents to infiltrate the Trump campaign staff at high levels.
The search is now underway to identify if those agents and plan actually existed and who those agents were.
According to the whistle blower: "The case had no predicated foundation, so Comey personally directed the investigation without creating an official case file in Sentinel or any other FBI system. The FBI has multiple methods of protecting highly sensitive investigations, so Comey did not have a legitimate reason not to officially create an official investigation file or have a file number."
The honeypot effort was shut down when a newspaper got a photo of the undercover agents and prepared to publish the photo before the FBI press office stopped the publication, saying it would jeopardize a confidential FBI informant.
The whistle blower insists that there was no confidential informant, that that “informant” was just an FBI female agent.
If true. Then the FBI has degenerated into nothing more than an American KGB organization, spying on and violating the rights of Americans with no criminal cause, just a weapon to execute biased political means and goals.
2)Apparently the Trump/Comey whistle blower is not the only whistle blower exposing the FBI for what it has become, a tainted and corrupt organization:
Another Bureau whistle blower has come forward, accusing FBI employees of destroying evidence of wrong doings now that a Trump appointee is in place and who has promised to investigate the bureau’s misdeeds.
Whistle blower, Garret O’Boyle, who has testified in front of Congress says that “the FBI will crush you…and your family if you try to expose the truth about things they are doing.”
He claims that the FBI has maintained secret, standalone computer servers for unofficial and questionable operations and that FBI people are working furiously to erase and destroy the allegedly illegal traces of investigations that the bureau has undertaken.
O’Boyle claims what happened to him as a result of being honest and pointing out the likely illegal activities of the Bureau: “During my four years as a special agent, I received the highest annual review an employee can receive. I volunteered for, tried out for, and was selected for an FBI SWAT team; I also volunteered for, tried out for, and was selected for a new unit the FBI created and I received an award for my work on an anti-abortion extremism case. I’ve [since] been smeared as a malcontent and subpar FBI employee. This smear stands in stark contrast to my life in public service. This smear campaign, disgusting as it is, is unsurprising. Despite our oath to uphold the Constitution, too many in the FBI aren’t willing to sacrifice for the hard right over the easy wrong. They see what becomes of whistleblowers; how the FBI destroys their careers, suspends them under false pretenses, takes their security clearances and pay with no true options for real recourse or remedy. This is by design; it creates an Orwellian atmosphere that silences opposition and discussion. We know what is right to do, yet we too often refuse to do what is right because of the difficulty and suffering it to incur.”
Powerful and scary stuff if true. It is sad that many of us believe the whistleblowers and not the FBI itself, probably since we have seen how the Bureau has been politicized and compromised and has fallen from a high perch of integrity to the bowels of illegal and political dirty tricks.
3)And Trump’s desire to clean up and streamline the Federal government is not only resulting whistleblowers exposing the FBI's dirty tricks, but the CIA now also has a potential and serious security problem with rogue agents:
CNN recently reported that veteran, deep state CIA employees are scared that they may lose their jobs and careers under Trump.
As a result, senior CIA leadership is worried that these possibly future unemployed CIA employees may make off with top secret security documents and plans and sell them to foreign countries.
According to CNN: “[O]n the CIA’s 7th floor — home to top leadership — some officers are also quietly discussing how mass firings and the buyouts already offered to staff risk creating a group of disgruntled former employees who might be motivated to take what they know to a foreign intelligence service.”
Great, CIA employees might commit treason because they might lose their jobs, the FBI has turned into a political creature, and people are more worried about Elon Musk identifying government waste and fraud. Bad priorities.
4)Speaking of bad priorities:
Massachusetts is a so-called “sanctuary state,” a state that tries to protect illegal immigrants and criminals from being apprehended by the Federal government.
As a result, thousands of illegal immigrants have flocked to the state for protection along with getting free food, free shelter, free medical care, etc., all courtesy of the American taxpayers living in the state.
This has drained local, county, and state budgets and forced sacrifices on the very taxpayers who fund the free goodies for the illegal immigrants.
Rather than manage the cost and burden of being a sanctuary state to optimize taxpayer revenue and benefit, the ruling class in the state government wants to impose even more taxation on Americans in the state to fund the feeding, housing, medical care, and free cell phones of illegal immigrants.
They want to impose a $2.00 tax on every prescription drug order that residents need in the state for the benefit of their health to fund the illegal immigrants’ lifestyle.
Of course, the illegal immigrant-loving governor of the state, Maura Heaaley, is not calling it a “tax,” she is calling it an “assessment,” hoping the state taxpayers are too stupid to know it is a tax on their health.
This “assessment” revenue, estimated to be $145 million annually, will go to shore up the state’s Medicaid program, a program that is going bankrupt because of the funding of illegal immigrants.
The increase in medical care for illegal immigrants is only one example of using taxpayer funds for illegal immigrants because since 2022, the cost of the state’s “emergency rental assistance” program has gone from a budget of $42 million a year to $250 million a year.
It is amazing how liberal politicians and pundits always want to take care of illegal immigrants before never attending to the needs of their own citizens. Someone in the state with chronic illness, someone who needs medications and drug prescriptions to survive, would have to pay an additional $2.00 for every refill prescription while the thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants living in the state get free medical care. Despicable.
That will do it for the insanity for today: whistle blowers show how far from integrity the FBI is today, the CIA has real secrecy issues, and the Governor and Democrats in Massachusetts want to tax the sick in the state to fund the freebies for the illegal immigrants in the state.
If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:
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