Monday, March 15, 2010

sex. lies and videotape - Political Class Style - Part 2

Two days ago we covered the sex and videotape portions of our theme, which was based on the 1990s movie - "sex, lies and videotape," of the political class. Today we will cover the "lies" portion. We will not review the extensive list of political class adulterers again (John Edwards, Eliot Spitzer, Bill Clinton, etc.) since although adultery is a form of lying that we covered under the "sex" section.

From a "lies" perspective, there is just so much that we could include. We could start with the first George Bush who said "Read My Lips," inferring that he would never raise taxes. Shortly thereafter he did raise taxes. If we go back to Nixon, there were untold number of lies as it related to Watergate. Bill Clinton bellowed that "he did not have sex with that woman" (Monica Lewinsky) which of course he did. The second George Bush told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which of course it did not. Every time Congress and the political class pass a spending bill of any kind, it always goes over budget and under performs. Given that it ALWAYS happens, there appears to a systematic lie to all political maneuvers and projects.

But Barack Obama gets special attention in this post, either because he is the most recent President and his lies are still in our minds or because he tells the most lies. Consider:

  • The President boasted that his administration will not have lobbyists in powerful positions but it does.
  • The President promised that he would keep earmarks and pork projects below two thousand per fiscal year, the same levels from ten years ago. His latest budget had almost six times the amount promised.
  • The President promised to get our troops out of Iraq but he has not done that and it does not appear that he will do that in the foreseeable future since he now plans to permanently garrison 50,000 troops in country.
  • The President promised to close the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay but he has not done so.
  • The President promised not to raise taxes for those not making over several hundred thousand dollars a year but his raising of cigarette taxes has already raised taxes for the those making less than his threshold and his massive deficit spending levels will eventually and significantly raise taxes for every income producing American.
  • The President promised to unite the country but under his administration the country is more divided as ever as the President has allowed critics of his policies to be called un-American, a%#holes, knuckle dragging Neanderthals, and racists while he remained silent.
  • The President said health care reform and its benefits would not cover illegal immigrants but it does (Page 50, Section 152 in current legislation). Looks like Congressman Joe Wilson was right when he called Obama a liar, maybe Pelosi should revoke his censure.
  • The President said that there would not be rationing of health care under his health care reform legislation but there is (Page 30, Section 123 of the current legislation says there will be a government committee that decides what treatment and benefits you get - sounds like rationing to me).
  • The President said there would not be "death panels" under his health care reform legislation but this appears to be another lie (page 425, Lines 4-12 calls for the government to mandate "Advance-Care Planning Consult," page 425, Lines 22-25 calls for the government to provide an approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.)
  • The President said he will not raise taxes for those not making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year but the current health care reform legislation legislates eight new taxes into existence that could affect anyone, regardless of income levels (e.g. Page 167, Lines 18-23 - any individual who doesn't have acceptable health care according to the government will be taxed at 2.5% of income regardless of income levels.)
The Obama list of lies could go on further but let's stop here. Again, maybe because his lies are fresher in our minds has resulted in a longer list. or, maybe he just lies more, either intentionally or unintentionally. In either case it does not matter. Our political class continues to be loaded with liars, adulterers, and people so stupid as to have gotten themselves videotaped in either compromising or illegal situations. All the more reason to dump all incumbents in November and when they come up for re-election in subsequent years. We have seen this movie to many times, let's put the political class version of "sex, lies, and videotape" back on the shelf and start looking for a new movie.

Our new book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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