Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Death Of America - How and When The American Political Class Will Complete The Execution

Many, many years ago I cam across a great book by Robert Ringer entitled, "Restoring The American Dream." Mr. Ringer was the first person for me who actually was able to strip away the myths of government that the political class uses to this day to control Americans' lives, reducing our freedom and liberty while simultaneously increasing their power and control. His logic and research was impeccable and still stands the test of time. What he predicted and explained several decades continues to unfold as he said but at a much faster pace then he could have imagined when he wrote the book.

One of the biggest lessons I took away from his writing was the observation and insight that you cannot separate political freedom from economic freedom. In other words, if you are not free to take the fruits of your labor and skills and use them for your own well-being, as opposed to being forced to give up substantial portions of your labor to government entities, then you cannot be free, even if you go to vote in every election. By confiscating a larger and larger portion of your financial resources, the government controls your life. You are less free to start your own business, you are less free to send your kids to a better school, your are less free to support your favorite charities, you are less free to support friends and family who may be down on their luck, you are less free to save for your retirement, you are less free to spend your damn money anyway you want even if it means blowing it in Las Vegas.

This insight came to mind today when I received an email from Mr. Ringer and the following reprint of an article that appeared in the Las Vegas Review Journal. It is by a past Libertarian vice presidential candidate and it enumerates the multitude of additional taxes that is about to hit America and the likely consequences of those additional taxes, not the least of which is the continued loss of freedom as our wealth is consumed and wasted by the American political class. I ask you to read it at your own risk. It is very depressing and may signal the death of America as we know it if something is not done.

I have not verified all of the article's claim of tax increases but would do so if any reader challenges them. Having been familiar with Mr. Ringer's works over the years I doubt that he would pass on something that was not true. However, if additional research is required, let me know and we will verify or refute any part of this avalanche of new and onerous taxes.

Before you start, consider the following quote from James Dale Davidson: "The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both." If that quote is not enough to depress you, then read on:

Obama's Teleprompter Depression
By Wayne Allen Root

As a common-sense small businessman, I have a front-row seat to a slow-motion economic Armageddon that will be written about, discussed, and debated for decades to come. But big-shot economists don't listen to guys like me. They scoff as I keep predicting in commentary after commentary that small business is suffering a catastrophe of epic proportions and leading this nation toward levels of unemployment and economic crisis that will rival or surpass the Great Depression. Barack Obama is literally taxing small business to death.

I do not believe the tragedy that is unfolding before our eyes is a mistake, a coincidence, or due to incompetence. I believe my old college classmate Obama (Columbia University class of '83) is a Marxist who is purposefully trying to destroy capitalism by overwhelming the system, thereby creating a distraction that gives him cover to redistribute America's wealth to his voters (i.e., those who create no jobs, pay few taxes, depend on government handouts for survival, or work for government or unions). As a bonus, he gets to bankrupt the group (small business) that contributes virtually all the money to his political opposition. This is truly a "Marxist Triple Play."

Consider a few highlights of Obama's reign of destruction:
  • The biggest income tax increase in America's history will take effect on January 1. The new tax increase falls almost 100 percent on small business owners and high-income taxpayers (whose contributions happen to fund Obama's political opposition). As a result, many more jobs will be lost and more businesses will be closed.

  • A dramatic 60 percent capital gains tax increase (from 15 percent to 23.8 percent effective rate, including new universal health-care taxes) will accompany the big income tax increase. More jobs will be lost, more businesses closed.

  • Taxes on dividends will increase from 15 percent to 39.6 percent, and then another 3.8 percent by 2013 for Obama's new health-care taxes. Stocks will be crushed and older Americans will be devastated (because they live off dividends, investments and bank interest). More lives ruined, more jobs lost.

  • New taxes on income, investments, and even tanning-bed users soon take effect to pay for ObamaCare. Worse,18,000 new IRS agents will be hired to enforce these taxes (at a cost of billions annually in new government employee salaries, pensions, and benefits). More jobs lost.

  • The pending cap-and-trade legislation threatens dramatic new taxes on anyone who owns a business, a home, an auto, or buys products manufactured or delivered through the use of energy. Once again, the more you own, the more you'll be taxed. More jobs will be lost, more manufacturing jobs sent overseas, more homes foreclosed.

  • The pending financial reform bill threatens onerous new rules, regulations, and taxes on banks and Wall Street. More jobs will be lost and more banking and financial jobs sent overseas. The pending new jobs bill threatens gigantic new taxes on every Sub Chapter S corporation in America. More jobs will be lost and more small businesses ruined.

  • The threat of a gigantic new national sales tax (VAT) on everything manufactured, bought, and sold in America looms large. Fewer jobs, reduced consumer spending, more businesses closed forever. Obama is pushing for the reduction or elimination of tax deductions (such as mortgages and charitable contributions) for high-income earners (mostly small business owners). More jobs lost, reduced charitable contributions, and the real estate industry damaged beyond repair.

  • The threat of bans or restrictions on offshore oil drilling are being put permanently into place. More jobs lost and more jobs sent overseas where drilling is welcomed. As a bonus for Obama, he gets to ruin the Texas economy.

  • All signs indicate that Obama will soon propose to take the income cap off FICA (Social Security) taxes. If this happens, a successful small business owner (if there are any left) could see his or her FICA taxes go from an already bloated and burdensome $15,000 per year to an unimaginable $150,000 or more. In U.S. history, no taxpayer has ever seen a ten-times tax increase in one year. This devastating nightmare will wipe out small business and cause people whom Obama calls "rich" to lose their homes and businesses.

  • A new IRS law (with the passage of ObamaCare) requires business owners to file thousands of new forms each year documenting virtually every expenditures made by their businesses. As a result of this blizzard of new paperwork, small businesses face ruin. Let's not forget the gigantic tax hikes on the state and local level for income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and new taxes disguised as "user fees." Local taxes are already at levels that taxpayers and small businesses can no longer afford to pay.

  • Finally, Obama refuses to consider lowering the second highest corporate tax rate (40 percent) in the industrialized world. As a result, more businesses will choose to leave the United States and more jobs will be sent overseas.

  • Each of these taxes and proposed taxes is a job killer. Taken together, the Obama regime's policies are the equivalent of General Sherman's march to the sea - leaving a tragic path of destruction in its wake. Obama has launched an unprecedented, overwhelming, death-by-tax assault on the groups that fund fiscally conservative causes and candidates: taxpayers and business owners. And you wonder why there are no jobs? You wonder why there is no recovery?
This is the "Teleprompter Depression." Every time Obama steps in front of a teleprompter, another thousand businesses die.

Wayne Allyn Root, the 2008 vice presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party, is the author of "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution With God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts." For more of Wayne's views and commentaries, and to watch his many media interviews, visit his website at This article is a reprint from the Las Vegas Review-Journal.


Scary stuff. That is why every incumbent member of the political class needs to be dumped out of office in November. A message must be sent to DC that many of us still cherish freedom and love our country, and we loathe the government, and those that operate it, for destroying both.

Our new book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom and Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at and online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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