Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Political Class Insanity, Stupidity, and Other Loose Ends - Part 2 ,Video Edition

Yesterday we talked about a load of instances and examples of the political class caught in acts of stupidity, insanity and other less-than-flattering situations. Today, I present the video version of more acts of insanity and stupidity. Sometimes it is more impactful to see the actual politicians making a fool of themselves and confirming once again, that we are ruled by people that are either too ignorant, too lazy, or too selfish to be effective in running this government and ensuring our liberty.

1) If I did this right, you should be able to click on the next link and see a YouTube video of Nancy Pelosi explaining some basic economic concepts. The problem is her understanding of basic economics is completely ludicrous; in a nutshell, she explains that the more unemployment you have, the more jobs are created. Therefore, in her world, we should encourage people not to have jobs because that will cause more jobs to be created.

2) The beauty of Nancy Pelosi is that she a politician that keeps on giving when it comes to blogs like this. In this YouTube video, she explains that unless an economic rescue package is passed quickly, 500 million Americans will continue to lose their jobs every week. Given that there are roughly 200 million American adults, this means that in Pelosi's world every American adult loses a job about two and a half times a week. Sounds reasonable, not!

3) This video should be a Congressman from Georgia that is listening to testimony from a Navy admiral. They are discussing the island of Guam and the Congressman talks about how worried he is that the island might tip over. Yes, you read that right, A U.S. Congressman, one of about 600 people in Washington who control our taxes, our retirement, our health care, our lives honestly believes and is worried that Guam will tip over. Credit to the admiral who did not laugh in his face. If this is the kind of input General McChrystal was getting from the political class relative to Afghanistan, you start to understand why he did that Rolling Stone article.

4) This video should be from a debate at the county government level in Wisconsin where a county politician is discussing how Arizona is not a border state with Mexico. Yes, you read that right also. Another indictment of our failing public education system and the ignorance of the political class.

5) This is a video of Joe Biden doing some election campaigning, also in Wisconsin. In a stop at a frozen custard store, the Vice President is presented with a frozen custard and asks how much he owes. The owner of the store very politely says it is on the house and that if Biden would reduce his taxes he would call it even. Biden that goes off on the guy, calling him a smart ass and asking why the store owner never says anything nice. Totally inappropriate behavior for a so-called leader, berating a citizen for stating his views. And how did the Vice President know that this guy "never says anything nice." Biden had never met the guy.

6) This is Attorney General Eric Holder testifying before Congress relative to the Arizona immigration law. the Congressman asks Holder if he foresees the Justice department taking any legal action against the law (which they recently did). Holder dances around the issue, at which point the Congressman asks Holder, under oath, if he had actually read the ten page law. Holder admits that he had not read the law. The obvious question: how can the Attorney General, the strongest law enforcement official in the land, decide whether a law is Constitutional if he has not read it?

7) Lest you think all of our public officials are like these above, I did find one person in Washington who seems to be sane. Elizabeth Warren is the Chairperson of the Congressional Oversight Panel which is responsible for monitoring the government bailout of banks and government agencies such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This video is her first report of the commission and it is not pretty. She reviews how 480 government agencies fell down on the job when it came to anticipating the financial meltdown of 2008. She denounces the wasteful spending and ineffective ways that bailout money was doled out. She is smart, articulate, and courageous. I say courageous because she is one of the few Washington people I have ever seen that called it like it is and did not try to spin the bad results. She saw BS and she called it BS. It is such a shame that there are not 435 people like her sitting in Congress and more in the administration and not those that think islands can tip over, unemployment causes job creation, is disrespectful to others' opinions, and I bet I she can find Arizona, a border state, on the map. With the exception of Ms. Warren, everyone else nn this video post just proved that Step 39 in "Love My Country, Loathe My Government" is critical: term limits for all and for politicians, a good night after one term in Congress.

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