Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Final Signs The Apocalypse Is Upon Us - The Horrendous Priorities of Barack Obama

As I have honestly stated many times in this blog, up until the November, 2010 midterm elections, I had never voted for a Republican for national office in my life. I am 59 years old. I was so distressed by the George. W. Bush administration that I ended up writing and publishing a book about how to fix what he and the rest of the Washington political class had done to our country, our democracy, and our economy.

 But after the first three and a half years of the Obama administration, especially the signs of the apocalypse that he has wrought on this country over the past two weeks with his horrendous set of priorities and selfcenteredness, I  am sure that I have never been so scared and discouraged about the future of our nation and our democracy as I am now.

However, before we review the signs of the apocalypse, let's review what has been going on in the world and the country over just the past few weeks:
  • The Prime Minister and leader of possibly our only true ally in the Middle East, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, had asked for a meeting with President Obama to discuss the continuing danger and growing nuclear threat of Iran. He was told that a Presidential meeting was not possible due to "scheduling conflicts."
  • Iran has continued to rapidly approach the ability to produce nuclear weapons and recently declared it will attack its enemies presumptively if it feared they were poised to attack. Any such military action by any side of the conflict would surely send gas and oil prices through the roof and likely push the world and the United States back into a major recession.
  • A U.S. ambassador was killed along with three other Americans when American soil, in the form of a U.S. consulate facility in Libya, was stormed and destroyed by terrorists. This was the first time in 33 years that a U.S. ambassador, a representative of the government and the country, had been killed doing his job.
  • These murders were just one part of a series of unprecedented assaults on U.S. embassies, U.S. soil, and U.S. interests around the world.
  • The number of Americans applying for first time unemployment benefits this week  was 359,000, consistent with the long term trend of a continued weak economy.
  • The government also announced that the new estimate for annual GDP growth for the second quarter was reduced to only 1.3%, down  from its original estimate of 1.7%, and U.S. manufacturing levels also decreased, not good signs for any improvement in the short term unemployment picture.
  • One credit rating agency has explicitly threatened to downgrade the nation's credit rating as the national debt soars above $16 TRILLION, with no plan in sight to get government spending under control, and other credit rating agencies are implying they may follow suit.
  • The inspector general off the Justice Department released a report regarding the Obama administration's bungled Fast and Furious gun running operation. Recall that Fast and Furious did not meet any of it's objectives of tracking the pipeline of weapons to the Mexican drug cartels. However, the program did break domestic laws, did break international treaties, and resulted in a U.S. Federal agent and numerous innocent Mexican citizens being killed with Fast and Furious guns. The report faulted the Justice's  ATF agency for misguided strategies, errors in judgment and management failures during a bungled gun-trafficking probe in Arizona that resulted in hundreds of weapons turning up at crime scenes in the U.S. and Mexico. The report strongly suggested that 14 senior government officials be disciplined and/or fired. 
This is where the signs of the apocalypse come in. In the face of this sour economy, an illegal gun running calamity, Middle East tensions, assaults on U.S. embassies, etc., what has President Obama been doing in the past few weeks:
  1. He attended another campaign fund raiser in Las Vegas very shortly after the Libyan terrorist attack, bypassing his daily intelligence briefing despite the attack and death of Americans.
  2. He had an interview with a pirate on National Pirate Day, a celebration that has absolutely nothing to do with the economy, foreign affairs, or any other topic of national importance.
  3. He flew to New York City to be interviewed on "The View" television show, a show that has absolutely nothing to do with the economy, foreign affairs, or any other  topic of national importance.
  4. He flew to New York City to be interviewed on the "David Letterman Show," a television show that has absolutely nothing to do with the economy, foreign affairs, or any other topic of national importance.
  5. He weighed in with an official Presidential press release regarding the NFL's use of replacement referees, a topic that has absolutely nothing to do with the economy, foreign affairs, or any other topic of national importance.
  6. He did not have time, due to "scheduling conflicts," to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, whose nation is extremely worried about a nuclear attack from Iran.
  7. He did not have time to meet with the Lebanese Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, who was in the country and is the leader of a country that is in a pivotal position in the Middle East, bordering Israel and the civil war wracked country of Syria, sending Hillary Clinton instead to meet with him.
  8. He did not have time to meet with the Yemeni President, Abdo Rabo Mansour Had, who was in the country and who is an ally that is fighting a major terrorist organization in his country, sending Hillary Clinton instead.
  9. He did not have time to met with the Iraqi Vice President, Khudayr Musa Jafar Abbas Al-Khuzai, who was in the country and helps lead a pivotal country in the Middle East, just across from Iran, sending Hillary Clinton instead.
  10. He did have time to meet with Arab League Secretary General, Nabil Al-Araby, who was in the country and who is a key diplomat relative to the entire Middle East, sending Hillary Clinton instead.
When you have a President who behaves more like a Prince than a leader or President, a President  who is more involved with television shows and NFL issues, a President who should be leading the cause for peace and freedom in the Middle East but has no time for such diplomacy or leadership, you surely have numerous signs that the apocalypse is upon us. When the welfare and national security of the nation takes a back seat to late night and morning television shows, the four horsemen cannot be to far be too far behind.

This Princely vs. Presidential behavior should not be confused with the behavior of those in Congress who have decided to take the second half of September off and most, if not all, the whole month of October off despite the crises listed above. Never have Obama and the incumbents in Congress proven so vividly that we need to implement term limits for all Federal politicians as outlined in Step 39 of "Love My Country, Loathe My Government,"  as soon as possible. The current politicians in Washington have proven that their own selfish needs take priority over economic crises, foreign affairs, and national security. 

Short term, we need to purge them all, starting in November, by sweeping out all incumbents and long term, by amending the Constitution to install term limits. If we do neither of these steps, the signs of the apocalypse will turn into the reality of the apocalypse.

September 28, 2012 update: President Obama will attend three political fund raising events today but still does not have time to meet with Netanyahu.

We invite all readers of this blog to visit our new website, "The United States Of Purple," at:

The United States of Purple is a new grass roots approach to filling the office of President of The United States by focusing on the restoration of freedom in the United States, focusing on problem solving skills and results vs. personal political enrichment, and imposing term limits on all future Federal politicians. No more red states, no more blue states, just one United States Of America under the banner of Purple.

The United States Of Purple's website also provides you the formal opportunity to sign a petition to begin the process of implementing a Constitutional amendment to impose fixed term limits on all Federally elected politicians. Only by turning out the existing political class can we have a chance of addressing and finally resolving the major issues of our times.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at It is also available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please pass our message of freedom onward. Let your friends and family know about our websites and blogs, ask your library to carry the book, and respect freedom for both yourselves and others everyday.

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