Monday, February 3, 2014

Grounds For Impeachment, Part 3: The Obama Administration's Fire, Smoke, and Kindling Abuse of the Constitution and the Rule of Law

Over the past two posts we presented the first set of potential impeachment charges against President Obama for alleged crimes and violations of existing laws, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. That first set of allegations can be accessed at:

That post followed three other posts where we laid out over 60 reasons and failures that do not rise to the levels worthy of impeachment and removal from office. The first post in that three part series can be accessed at:

We reminded readers in those three posts that you cannot remove a President from office:
  • For having ineffective and/or stupid policies.
  • For being ineffective in executing his duties of office. 
  • For being arrogant, narcissistic, and pompous.
  • For waging class warfare and dividing the nation into voting blocs.
  • For lying about his past or his promises.
  • For presiding over an economy where over 20 million Americans are under employed or unemployed and where almost 50 million Americans receive Federal government food assistance are not grounds for impeachment.
  • For running up astronomical national debt levels so that the debt burden in the country is over $50,000 per person is not grounds for impeachment.
  • For having an effective foreign policy strategy is not grounds for impeachment.
  • For failing to rein in wasteful government spending is not grounds for impeachment.
  • For lying about how things are or will be in the Presidential administration are not grounds for impeachment.
  • For dissing our veterans in so many ways are not grounds for impeachment.
  • For blaming ev eryone else but himself for the abject failures of his administration.
However, while those 60 or so failures are not grounds for impeachment and removal from office, there are numerous breeches of laws, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights that have emanated out of this Presidential administration. And it is those actions that we started reviewing yesterday and we will continue to review, discuss, and present today and tomorrow, actions that we believe warrant and require the Congress to institute impeachment proceedings against this President.

Our grounds for impeachment are to be presented in three categories:
  • Fire: obvious grounds for impeachment that require very little additional research and analysis before being presented to the Senate as articles of impeachment (listed and discussed over the past two days).
  • Smoke: probably grounds for impeachment that require some additional research and analysis before being presented to the Senate as articles of impeachment.
  • Kindling: possibly grounds for impeachment that require a lot of additional research and analysis before being presented to the Senate as articles of impeachment but if true, would easily end the current Presidential administration.
Yesterday, we finished up with our "Fire" list of potential impeachable offenses. Today, we will reivew and discuss the remaining grounds for impeachment that fall into our “Smoke” and “Kindling” categories:

The “Smoke” reasons why President Obama should face impeachment proceedings:

1) He refused to fire Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, after Holder testified before Congress that he was unaware that the Justice Department was harassing journalist James Rosen even though Holder had signed off on the harassing investigation, becoming an accessory after the fact of the crime.

2) His administration directly harassed and pressured insurance companies and insurance company executives not to publish or discuss the very disappointing number of people that had signed up for Obama Care insurance policies, violating their First Amendment rights.

3) His administration asked and/or forced contractors to disclose their political contributions be fore being allowed to bid on Federal contracts and projects, violating those contractors’ First Amendment rights.

4) He refused to fire 15 IRS agents who illegally stole the medical records of 10 million American citizens, becoming an accessory after the fact of the crime.

5) Failed to fire Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius after she allegedly pressured insurance companies to contribute to the promotion and advancement of Obama Care, becoming an accessory after the fact of the crime.

6) Failed to fire Kathleen Sebelius after she violated the Hatch Law when she campaigned/endorsed a Democrat for office in North Carolina, becoming an accessory after the fact after the fact of the crime.

7) He allegedly told the EPA to unilaterally set emissions standards and bypass Congress, violating Article II, Sections 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

8) His destruction of citizens’ privacy via the massive and illegal spying of the National Security Agency and other government entities destroys the underpinnings of the Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court ruling which was based on the principle of privacy. If this concept of privacy is destroyed by NSA and other government spying, i.e. if there is no privacy now in this country given that the government spies on every citizens’ electronic and other forms of communication, there is not right to an abortion in this country.

9) His administration violated the Federal Information Security Information Act (FISMA) by giving the Obama Care information systems infrastructure “authority to operate” even though it failed the required FISMA’s security control assessment.

10) According to a Federal judge’s ruling, his administration illegally tried to avoid disclosure of a foreign aid directive.

11) His administration illegally intruded into the General Motors bankruptcy proceedings to illegally rob General Motors bond holders of their due while protecting his politically friendly union interests.

12) His administration violated the Solyndra loan agreement and illegally moved an Obama financial political backer ahead of the Federal government and American taxpayer in the Solyndra bankruptcy proceedings, resulting in the American taxpayer getting less out of those proceedings than legally permissible.

The “Kindling” reasons why President Obama should face impeachment proceedings:

1) Did this administration illegally manipulate Bureau of Labor Statistics results to show a lower than real unemployment rate just before the 2012 Presidential election to enhance the President’s chances of being reelected?

2) Did this administration illegally blackmail Supreme Court Justice Roberts on matters relating to his adopted children in order to get Roberts to support the Constitutionality of the Obama Care legislation?

3) Did this administration illegally cut a deal with the Sinola drug cartel, as alleged in Chicago Federal court documents, where the United States would provide the drug cartel with weapons, via fast and Furious, and the promise of no harassment from U.S. law enforcement authorities in exchange for insider information on other drug cartels operations, personnel, etc.?

4) Has his decisions to send American troops into Uganda, the Congo, South Sudan, Somalia, and the Central African Republic violated the war Powers Act and Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution?

5) Has his failure to prosecute Wall Street bankers for their potentially illegal actions leading up to the Great Recession a function of those same bankers and bankers contributing millions of dollars to the President’s political campaigns, making him a recipient of blackmail funds? 

6) Did the President secretly reverse/ignore NSA spying restrictions without the approval of Congress?

7) Was the Benghazi consulate operating under orders from the President or his staff to illegally ship arms to Syrian rebels or was it a political set up to have the U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens kidnapped and swapped for the blind sheik as a political campaign stunt gone horribly wrong?

8) Did the President illegally sell overseas ambassadorships to those political backers who raised the most money for his election campaigns regardless of those backers’ foreign service requirements?

9) Did the President illegally suppress an EPA analysis and report that showed global warming is not as serious a problem as the President claims it is?

10) Did the President illegally deny death benefits to four fatally wounded U.S. Afghanistan soldiers who had the misfortune of dying during the government shutdown?

11) Is the President in violation of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, i.e. is he naturally born citizen, given his application to college which stated he was foreign born, inconsistencies on his alleged birth certificate, the fact that he has a Social Security number from a dead Connecticut citizen who never lived in the President’s home state of Hawaii, and a Federal judge that has ruled an investigation into the matter can go forward?

12) Has the President illegally violated existing immigration law by not stridently enforcing the security of our border with Mexico?

13) Has this administration broken any domestic or international laws by spying on the government and personal phones and communications of world leaders, allies and foes alike?

14) Did this administration and President enable illegal voting tampering since it intentionally went out of its way to gut voter ID laws for no reason, tolerated computer “glitches” that may have switched voters’ votes, encouraged people like the convicted poll worker in Ohio who cast multiple votes for the President, and other suspicious voting irregularities across the country, all of which seem to favor the President’s election chances?

15) Was this administration behind the break in and robbery of the law office of Schulman and Mathias who were representing the legal interests of Aurelia Fedenism, a State Department Inspector who leaked embarrassing government information on State Department criminal invetigations? The robbery is especially suspicious since only computers and files were taken, the robbers leaving behind many other more valuable item including high end video equipment and silver bars.

16) Will the President eventually send U.S. military resources into battle in Syria as he was threatened, a potential violation of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution?

17) Will the President allow the U.S. government to default on its debt as he once threatened even though there is more than enough tax money flowing into the Federal government to pay off the debt, a potential violation of the Fourteenth Amendment?

18) Will the President make good his threat to use his “pen and phone” to bypass Congress, a severe violation of the Article II, Sections 1, 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

19) Has the adminsitrtation broken the law as it applies to the Posse Comitatus Law by creating a domestic military force via heavily armed Department of Homeland Security and IRS personnel or by the militarization of local police forces by providing them with military grade technology and weaponry, a scary parallel to the Nazi SS forces of Hitler's Germany?

That concludes are assembled list of potential impeachable charges against this President and this administration. The total “arraignment” comes down to 58 separate charges spread across the fire, smoke and kindling categories. This does not include the 61 instances of failure of this administration we discussed earlier this week.

If ever presented for debate, review, and a vote in the House Of Representatives, there is little doubt that this list of 57 charges would be reduced, especially if those charges listed in the “kindling” category turn out to be dead lines after a thorough investigation. 

Nonetheless, it is quite obvious from our discussion this week that this administration is:

1) The most inept, given its failures in so many ways.

2) The most dismissive of citizens’ rights and liberties given the extensive abuses of those rights and liberties from many parts of this administration including the IRS, Department of Homeland Security, and other government entities.

3) That most disrespectful of the Constitution and the tenets of freedom and privacy it has delivered to the country for well over 200 years.

4) The most dangerous to our future, economically, politically, and freedom-wise than any other administration in the history of the country.

Now it is up to those few people remaining in Washington who still have a grain of integrity to do the right thing and who care babout our country because our discussion this week lays out in detailed form what the right thing is: impeachment and removal from office for “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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