Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Death Of Political Civility, Part 2 - Democrats and Liberals Running Amok....Most Hatefully

I doubt many Americans would disagree that political dialog, hatred, and venom is at an all time high in this country. Issues never get discussed anymore, it is all about mudslinging and insults of both political opponents and their followers. As a country, civility is now a quaint old fashioned concept.

Although I have never voted for a Republican President in my life, I did not vote for Trump, and I have rarely voted for a Republican for national office in my life, it is my personal opinion that Democrats and liberals are, by far, the most vicious, obnoxious and hateful people in the political arena today. And it is my opinion that this is not a recent event. In a very popular previous post I laid out the eight years of hatred and vicious name calling that leading liberal/Democratic politicians, media people, and celebrities rained down on Republicans and independents. 

We actually made the case in that post that it was not Republicans that got Trump elected. Americans got so tired of being verbally abused and threatened by liberals that they reached out to someone who was not part of the abusiver political class. Their disgust with liberal abuse and hypocrisy led to the election of Trump. That post can be accessed at:

Today I want to make the case that liberals and Democrats did not learn from their mistake and their significant role in getting Trump elected. Today we will lay out the poison, hatred and venom that liberals continue to spew. Again, in my opinion, after researching and publishing the link above cataloging the Obama years of abuse and compiling the following hatred from today’s liberals, it is liberal and Democrats who are the most hateful in total than non-liberals. After reading the following real cases of liberal hysteria and hate, see if you agree with me or not.

Note: we started this discussion yesterday at the following post:

1) Eric Holder, U.S. attorney general under Obama, recently expressed this lovely sentiment when it comes to civility in our political debates and discussions: “When they go low, we kick ’em. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.” So the new Democratic Party is about at the first grade level where if you do not like someone you just kick them. Pathetic.

2) In the first post listed above we listed the violence and name calling that came from liberals and Democrat throughout the entire Obama administration. But despite this overwhelming evidence that liberals and Democrats were totally uncivil dozens and dozens of times as laid in that post, Hillary Clinton somehow thinks that it was the Republicans started this whole violence and name calling environment with the following recent quote: “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

So in Hillary’s mind the Democrats and liberals that called Republican and conservative women whores, sluts, c****s, and t****s, during the Obama administration were being civil. Liberals and Democrats who called us racists, terrorists, and who were people who ”needed to be taken out” or needed to “die and go to hell,” simply because we disagreed with Obama’s policies, were being civil. That it was the Republicans who started this whole violence and name calling. How out of touch with reality is this lady?

3) One of the worst perpetrators of incivility has been Democrat Maxine Walters who called for and fostered confrontations with people who simply have a difference of opinion with her. This has resulted in violent confrontations in public places that Republicans have had to suffer and be wary of, while going about their private business of shopping or eating in a restaurant. This call for violence was something that has NEVER happened in our history until despicable people like Maxine Waters came along to destroy the privacy rights of others who have a different opinion and who openly called for them to be confronted and harassed.

4) But actions like Walters who called or physical confrontations lead some of the more unhinged people in society to go beyond this type of confrontation action. Republican Senator Susan Collins, who many incorrectly blame for getting Brett Kavanaugh put on the Supreme Court, received a letter recently that had poisonous ricin in it. It was obviously from a disgruntled liberal or Democrat who wanted to kill a sitting U.S. Senator, again simply because she had a different opinion than them. 

5) James Cronwell, a B list actor, recently stated that unless the Democrats win the midterm elections, there will be blood in the streets: “If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.”Again, we have liberals playing at the first grade level, if we do not get our way we will cry and stomp our feet. But this is the adult version of stomping our feet which may very well include physical violence and actual blood being shed, simply because an election did not go someone’s way. Pathetically immature.

6) A New York resident, Ronald DeRisi, left more than 10 threatening voicemails on the phones of two Republican Senators who were involved in the Kavanaugh hearings. Mr. DeRisis was obviously not happy with their support of Kavanaugh as illustrated by the following message he left: "It's a nine millimeter. Side of your f—ing skull, you scumbag motherf—er," 

In another call to the same Senator: "We're tired of this guy. Sucking tax payers' money! Getting a free f—ing ride! How many more years you gonna do it? None! He's a dead man! Nine millimeter, side of the f—ing head! If f—ing Kavanaugh gets in, he's dead f—ing meat! Actually, even if Kavanaugh doesn't get in, he's dead f—ing meat! Nine millimeter, side of the head, you f—ing old bastard!"

Oh, and Hillary says it is the Republicans that are not being civil!

That is enough hate for one day. After two days of documenting the hatred and violence of liberals and Democrats in this country over the past decade or so, if you somehow think that the Republicans and conservatives in this country are just as mean, just as violent, and just as hateful, I welcome you to put together a list of their transgressions. We can then compare my list to your list side by side to see who is the most despicable.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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