It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.
To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.
1) We have often discussed the reality that Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot, is possibly the worst big city mayor in the country. She has not been able to come up with solutions to the ever growing violence and crime in her city, allowing Chicago to continue to lead the country year over year in murders by a wide margin.
She has not been able to reduce overall crime rates also, leading residents and businesses to leave the city for their own protection and the protection of their employees, having recently had a sit down with city business leaders where she pleaded with them to not abandon the city. When George Floyd riots shook the city, she made sure that her neighborhood had extra police protection while not providing the same level of protection to her voters. And finally, she has had an inability to manage a budget with the city probably looking at a one billion dollar shortfall in the current fiscal year.
One of her latest problems has to do with the city’s teachers and their union:
- Chicago public school kids have not yet returned to their physical classrooms since the beginning of the pandemic.
- Lightfoot tried to get the schools reopened recently but was stymied by the teachers union in the city.
- The union will not allow their members back into the classroom until every teacher has been vaccinated and if a teacher lives with a vulnerable family member then the union wants that teacher to not return to the physical classroom and continue to teach remotely.
- Thus, another failure to add to her ever growing failure list.
- But in her mind it is not her fault that she cannot get Chicago kids a good education, it is, of course, Donald Trump’s fault.
- Rather than step up and admit she has failed, she stated that, “This is a very difficult situation and we’re in it, still, because of the incompetence of the previous administration. So I think it’s important for both sides to come to the table in good faith, recognize that we’re both trying to work through a very challenging situation but we must get a deal done.”
- Never mind that it was up to the states to come up with a vaccine rollout plan that was best for their residents, never mind that Cook County, the county for Chicago, did not get around to getting its vaccine website up and running a month after it had access to vaccine supplies, never mind that other states have gotten their kids back into the physical classrooms without a problem, the Chicago disaster is Trump’s fault.
- According to the Chicago Tribune. “Compared to other states, Illinois has among the lowest percent of its population which is vaccinated so far, although it ranks among the top in the total number of doses administered to date.”
- Also, the city’s private, charter, and parochial schools have all been having in class teaching and they have been relatively problem free since last September but it is Trump;s fault that the Chicago public schools are still virtual.
All of this raises the age old problem we have frequently pondered: are politicians that much out of touch with reality that they never see their own failings or do they think we are that stupid and believe the tripe they put forth like this excuse from Lightfoot? It is a question for the ages.
2) No doubt millions of Americans have suffered from the covid virus. Many have died, many have gotten sick, many have suffered severe financial setbacks. Thus, given the enormity of the problem, one would hope that politicians and the government entities and bureaucrats that they oversee would be laser focused on getting us through the issue as quickly as possible, focusing on the most important aspects of the problem.
Apparently, the good people in the Pennsylvania state government’s health department may have their priorities focused on a minor and insignificant part of the overall deadly problem:
- Rather than spending resources educating the vast amount of people in the state on how to stay healthy (e.g. social distancing, cleaning one’s hands regularly, wearing masks, etc.), the health department spend time energy and resources putting together a list of things not to do when you engage in your next sex orgy.
- Yes, it is their opinion that this activity had to be addressed to help prevent the spread of the virus.
- Their recommendations for attending an orgy include limiting the number of people at the orgy, try to identify a consistent sex partner at the orgy, wear a face covering (which would possibly add some intrigue to the orgy!), avoid kissing at the orgy (which would obviously reduce the fun at being at an orgy), wash your hands with soap and water before and after sex at the orgy, consider replacing your in personal orgies with virtual, online encounters, etc.
- So rather than focusing on getting vaccines distributed, working to make sure at risk populations are kept as safe as possible (e.g. nursing home residents, medical staff, state residents with respiratory problems etc.) the Pennsylvania state government is focused on orgy attendees.
So in the state you can go to orgies and the state will help you stay safe but in the same state you cannot go to church services where you maintain social distancing and wear a mask. Such bad priorities and waste of taxpayer resources.
3) Biden and Democrats are big advocates of reducing everyone’s carbon footprint and shutting down the economy to maybe prevent the spread of the virus. In fact, the CDC recently issued guidelines where they said they wanted people not to travel for two weeks to try and slow down the spread of the virus.
But apparently Joe Biden got neither message:
- He recently got on a plane and flew from Washington D.C. to his home in Delaware, a plane flight that could not have taken more than thirty minutes.
- Obviously cranking up a plane for such a short trip threw a lot of unnecessary carbon into the air.
- And was this trip even necessary since, according to the Associated Press, he flew home to Delaware to work with his wife to decide what personal belongings they should move to the White House.
- Yes, that was more important than the slow rollout of vaccines, it was more important than high unemployment levels, it was more important than Iran getting very close to having nuclear weapons, etc.
- He could not do this via Facetime, speakerphone, or the best possible solution, let...his...wife...decide what to bring to the White House.
Like the bad covid/orgy priorities in Pennsylvania, Biden claims to be worried about carbon footprints and issues facing Americans and yet his priority is to decide what socks to bring to the White House. Bad, bad priorities.
4) Various state governments and governors have approached the whole pandemic problem in different ways. Some states went straight to dictatorship status, imposing draconian measures on its citizens and businesses. Some states went to a more measured, common sense approach, preferring to maintain as much freedom for its residents as possible while minimizing the virus impact at the same time.
Well, as always, freedom and commons sense appears to have won out:
- According to the December state unemployment estimates, the states with the lowest unemployment rates were Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, Vermont, Utah, Kansas, Alabama, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Arkansas.
- The vast majority of these high performing employment states are operated by Republicans who did not go the dictator route to confront the virus.
- The vast majority of states with the highest unemployment rates include Hawaii, Nevada, California, Colorado, New York, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, and Michigan.
- All of these states are run by the more dictatorial side of the political class, the Democrats, and their residents suffered through some of the most oppressive shutdowns in the whole country.
- And ironically, they had some of the highest covid infection rates in the country also with New York and California leading the way.
- We have often talked about how state residents in California, New York, and Illinois suffered though some horrific freedom restrictions, ruining economies and businesses, while the politicians in those states often ignored the very rules and regulations they were imposing on their own constituents, the infamous “do as I say, not as I do” syndrome.
Freedom always does better than political control, never fails. And yet, politicians somehow think they always know better and the people they control always suffer. The unemployment numbers do not lie, freedom and common sense are often the traits that politicians ignore the most.
Enough insanity for today: freedom wins, Biden loses with his bad priorities, Pennsylvania moves to make sex orgies safe, and Lori Lightfoot is still failing and still blaming Trump.
Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:
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