Wednesday, April 28, 2021

By The Numbers: The Race To Bankruptcy, California vs. Illinois

On a periodic basis we do some posts that fall under the theme of “by the numbers.” Rather than trust what the American political tells us about reality, we like to examine the real numbers and the real reality in the world to understand what is actually going on. 

Relying on politicians, and their cohorts in the media, to tell us what is reality is always a sucker bet. They have their own agendas and goals, usually centering around their needs and self-enrichment. So we need to look at the reality of the numbers to determine what is really going on.

1) We have often discussed and hypothesized what major city and what state are likely to be the next city and first state to go bankrupt. Through massive mismanagement of city and state budgetary and political processes, cities like Chicago, New York City, San Francisco and others and states like Illinois, New York, New Jersey and others have driven up government spending which required higher and higher taxes which drove residents and businesses out of the city or state which reduced the tax base and associated tax revenue which required more and higher taxes which drove more people out of the cities and states and the financial death spiral is underway.

In this post, we predicted that Chicago and Illinois would be the next city and first state to go bankrupt but did not rule out New York City and New York state or any number of California cities, and state, going bankrupt first:

Prior to that outlined why the state of Illinois is our favorite state to go bankrupt first (note: there is some legal thought that a state government cannot actually go legally bankrupt but if your assets and revenues cannot cover your costs, expenses and liabilities, that is at least a de facto bankruptcy):

A recent article in Forbes magazine put forth some additional data that reinforces our bet that Illinois politicians have screwed up so badly that Illinois is still our first choice to go bankrupt:
  • The article by Adam Andrzejewski was titled, “Why Illinois Is In Trouble – 122,258 Public Employees Earned $100,000+ Costing Taxpayers $15.8 Billion Despite Pandemic”
  • The main, underlying reasons why the state government of Illinois is going broke so fast, besides the fact that higher and higher taxes are driving people out of the state and reducing the tax revenue stream, is the simple fact that the state and local government in the state pay public employees obscene amounts of both salary and pension benefits.
  • For example, Illinois public employees and retirees that earn over $100,000 a year grew from 109,881 people in 2019 to 122,258 people in 2020, an 11% jump in one year and in the middle of the pandemic.
  • Just these folks alone cost the state taxpayer about $15.8 billion a year.
  • And these are not just high paid executive types making this type of money.
  • The OpenTheBooks organization found that prison barbers earn upwards of $115,000 a year, janitors at the State Toll Highway Authority earn up to $123,000 a year, line workers at the Chicago Transit Authority can make $222,278 a year, university doctors earned up to $2 million a year and 171 small town managers earn more than the governor gets which is almost $182,000 a year.
  • But it is some of the public schools across the state where the taxpayer money really flows.
  • In 2020, about 24,500 state teachers earned over $100,000 a year while at the same time over 15,000 RETIRED teachers earned over $100,000 a year as pension.
  • Sixteen retired school superintendents earn over $300,000 a year in pension payouts.
  • Almost 1,000 police and fire employees in Chicago earned between $200,000 and $400,000 last year.
  • According to the article, “The Chicago Transit Authority, operator of mass transit in the city including the “L” train, paid rail service supervisors up to $239,806, ironworkers as much as $225,579, and line workers collected $222,278. A signal maintainer took home $191,627, a telephone line worker was paid $190,030 and a customer service representative made $185,152.”
  • A retired doctor from the University of Illinois earns over $635,000 in PENSION compensation every year.
  • And the list goes on and on: “The ten top paid sergeants at the State Police earned between $200,100 and $268,700 while 238 officers made between $150,000 and $268,700...A court-ordered monitor, Dr. Stewart Pablo, was paid $352,000 by taxpayers to report on the barriers to access mental healthcare within the prison system – his pay amounts to nearly $1.4 million during the past four years.”
  • State politicians are especially adept at milking the state taxpayers for tremendous pension payouts.
  • For example, former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley does a double dip pension move, getting over $153,000 in pension payouts for being a state senator for only 8 years and on top of that gets an annual pension of $83,784 for being a mayor of Chicago.
  • The list goes on and on and unfortunately, the Illinois taxpayer, at least those that are still left, are paying these whopping pensions and salaries while on average earning nowhere near the amounts that these public employees and retirees are pulling down.
  • In fact, according to the article, every man, woman and child in the state would have to write a check, in addition to their ongoing tax liabilities, of about $24,000 per person to enable the state to cover all of its pension and other unfunded government liabilities, or almost $100,000 for a family of four.
As it almost always happens, American politicians are so focused only on getting elected over and over again, not only enriching themselves in the process, but also promising huge financial rewards to government unions and workers in order to get their votes on every election cycle. The only thing that will stop this insanity is at least a de facto bankruptcy option, an option that is probably inevitable and an option that would prove us right: Illinois will be the first state to go bankrupt. Maybe they should call over to Detroit and find out how painful that process was for Detroit and its suckling pension pigs.

2) Wait a minute! News from California says that it still has a chance to beat Illinois to bankruptcy court, an avenue outlined by Dan Walters, writing for the Cal Matters website:
  • Keep in mind that California is still a very rich state in a lot of ways since it is the home of the motion picture industry and Silicon Valley is unmatched when it comes to high paying, high flying technology companies.
  • Unfortunately, the latest numbers now place California as the most impoverished state despite Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
  • The Census Bureau recently reported that California has had the highest level of “functional poverty” in the country, 18.2%.
  • In a state with about 40 million residents, that means over 7 million Californians are officially listed as functionally poor.
  • One of the main drivers of this high poverty rate is the high cost of living in the state, most of which is driven by idiotic political mandates and laws.
  • This functional poverty rate is not only the highest in the country but is three times higher than the state of Iowa which has the lowest functional poverty rate of only 6.8% despite not being home to Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
  • Even worse news comes from the Public Policy Institute of California which calculates that another 18.5% of California residents are in a “near poverty” situation, a notch above functional poverty.
  • According to the article: “Overall, therefore, more than 35% of Californians, perhaps 15 million human beings, are living in severe economic distress — a number nearly identical to enrollment in Medi-Cal, the state’s health care program for the poor.”
  • Laws passed by state politicians make it very difficult for developers to build affordable housing units which restricts the supply of housing which drives up the cost of existing housing far beyond what a great many Californians can afford.
  • The California Center for Jobs and the Economy estimates that Californians pay the nation’s second-highest prices for gasoline, an average of $1.07 per gallon more than prices in other states, mostly due to heavy taxation imposed by state politicians.
  • This results in California motorists paying extra $15 billion a year, billions that could have been spent on better housing for themselves and their families.
  • Californians pay, on average, 52.9% more for electricity than the national average, giving the state the seventh highest cost for electricity in the country.
  • The average residential electric bill has risen by over 25% since 2010 as state politicians have insisted that more and more energy come from the more and more expensive renewal sources such as solar and wind in order to deal with the mythical crisis known as “global warming” and its newly branded cousin, “climate change.”
No wonder residents are fleeing the state to find less crime, lower taxes, available and reasonably priced housing, lower utility rates, and saner politicians that have at least some measure of control and common sense. It is no wonder that businesses from Toyota to Tesla to Charles Schwab and others have gotten themselves and their employees out of the state.

All of which speaks of a financial death spiral: higher and higher taxes and regulations drive more and more people and businesses out of the state which reduces the tax revenue which requires new and higher taxes which drives more residents and businesses out of the state which reduces tax revenues and the death spiral is on.

If you do not believe this analysis, keep in mind that it has just been announced that California, a state where once upon a time everyone wanted to live in, will lose a Congressional seat due to the mass migration out of the state.

But alas, Illinois also lost a Congressional seat, given its high taxes, unfunded liabilities and high crime so the race to the bankruptcy court is still an open issue and anybody's race to win!

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, April 25, 2021

April, 2021, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Imaginary Counties Get Real Taxpayer Money, AMTRAK Continues Its Wasteful Spending, and Democratic States Continue To Lose Residents.

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) The Biden administration and Congress recently threw together a multi-trillion covid economic relief plan. And threw together is certainty the right description, given this insanity:
  • According to the Tax Foundation hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars have been set aside in the relief package for county governments that do not exist.
  • For example, the nimrods in Washington put a provision in the legislation so that Hartford County, Connecticut’s county government is set to receive $173 million in covid relief aid.
  • Nice chunk of change except for the fact that like every other country in the state there is no county level government that could actually and legally receive the money.
  • In fact, all of the non-existent county governments in the state in total are supposed to get $691 million in relief.
  • The same insanity is going down in Rhode Island where there also are no formal county level government entities but nonetheless, these non-existent counties are scheduled to get $205 million.
  • $15 million is supposed to go to Alaska’s Unorganized Borough which is really unorganized since it is not a real county or any other kind of government, it does not exist from a legal, government perspective.
  • And it gets worse.
  • Eight of Massachusetts county governments were dissolved over 20 years ago but they are still supposed to receive $942 million in relief aid.
  • Norfolk County has an annual revenue stream of about $19.5 million but thanks to Congress, it is set to receive $137 million in covid aid, seven times its annual revenue stream, talk about a windfall.
Unfortunately, you cannot make up this type of stupidity. It makes you wonder what the Congressional members of Congress in Connecticut, Rhode Island, et al were thinking… or not thinking: are they so out of touch with their home states that they did not realize there is no legal way for these fictional or eliminated counties to legally receive and spend this taxpayer generosity?

2) Whenever the Federal government operates anything, any program etc. it screws it up, by being inept, inefficient, criminally crooked, you name it, they will screw it up. Such has been the case of AMTRAK for decades. The Federal government took over the operation decades ago and it has bled red ink and unprofitability ever since.

And now AMTRAK claims that it needs about $40 billion of taxpayer money to fix its backlogged maintenance problems. Keep in mind that the vast, vast majority of American taxpayers have never ridden an AMTRAK train and are likely to never ride the train. But rather than have those that actually ride the train pay their fair share of the expenses to operate it, Washington politicians would rather that the rest of the country subsidize a losing operation that benefits a tinyu, tiny number of people.

Now, AMTRAK executives see themselves getting a new windfall of taxpayer money via Biden’s ridiculous expensive and idiotic multi-trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Let Connor Harris of the Manhattan institute explain why this is so not right: “Except much of anything Amtrak gets from the federal government will not be spent on new destinations but on repairs and maintenance. Very costly repairs and maintenance, it turns out – and only what’s needed to keep service from failing completely along existing lines…Amtrak’s claimed maintenance backlog of $40 billion for the 453-mile rail line from DC to Boston — an enormous sum of almost $90 million per mile, merely to keep the same service as exists today. For comparison, in countries such as France and Spain, less than half that cost per mile would cover a brand-new high-speed rail line good for speeds of more than 200 miles per hour.”

So, other countries could build a brand new, high tech rail line for half the money that AMTRAK wants to do maintenance on a SINGLE AMTRAK rail line in the northeast section of the country. More tax dollars wasted on a typical bloated, inefficient and inept government bureaucracy.

3) Let's check in on how the out migration trend is going with high tax, high crime states as we often do:
  • Forbes writer, Chris Dorsey, recently published an article entitled, “America’s Mass Migration Intensifies As ‘Leftugees’ Flee Blue States And Counties For Red”
  • According to Dorsey, the top five U.S. states seeing a mass exodus out of those states are all Democratic controlled, California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and Illinois.
  • This is consistent with our own previous analyses where we predicted that these states, especially Illinois, New York and California, are already in financial death spirals that will see one of them very soon go into at least a de facto bankruptcy condition.
  • As more and more people flee these states because the state politicians have governed in such a way to continually see increases in taxation and crime, and a lowering of the quality of life, the tax base becomes smaller and smaller resulting in less and less tax revenue which forces politicians to increase taxes and cut public services which increases crime and further lowers the quality of life and causes more people and businesses to migrate out and the financial death spiral is in full force.
  • According to the Census Bureau, these five states lost a combined 4 million residents between 2010 and 2019.
  • Thus, while the overall country’s population grew almost 8% in that time frame, these five states saw population declines in the face of that almost overall 8% growth rate.
  • According to U-Haul numbers, the five states seeing the greatest increase in population are states with much lower tax burdens and crime rates and a better overall quality of life climate: Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio and Arizona.

The formula for keeping voters and residents happy is pretty simple: lower taxes, lower business regulation, lower crime rates, and a better quality of life. However, many in the American political class cannot grasp that simple concept: rather than get their government entities more efficient and effective, they continue to raise taxes, expand government intrusion, increase business and personal regulations, put forth idiotic concepts like “defund the police'' which ALWAYS increases crime.

We have always stated that “people just want to be free.” And to do that they will vote with their feet and take themselves, their families, and their businesses to where they can be free and safe, something that is not possible in states like Illinois, California, New York, New Jersey and Michigan.

That will do it for today: financially strapped states and their inept politicians continue to bleed citizens and tax base participants, AMTRAK continues to be a black hole of waste and taxpayer money, and imaginary counties get allocated real taxpayer funds.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April, 2021, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: Cuomo Poll Numbers Sink, Gretchen Whitmer's Hypocrisy Soars, Maxine Walters Should Be Ashamed, and More

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Of all the governors who were in office during the pandemic, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan was probably one of the most ruthless. She implemented draconian lockdowns on her whole state even though the vast majority of infections were in the Detroit area, she put in place silly and ridiculous restrictions on what could be sold in some stores but not other stores, her husband tried to violate her orders regarding her no boating edict and she has kept her state locked down longer than many other states.

And despite her severe lockdowns, the state of Michigan is in a spurt of covid cases that puts it among the worst in the country. To deflect blame from her mismanagement of the crisis in her state, she recently blamed out of state travelers who were, in her mind, bringing the virus into her state and infecting her residents.

Which may be true, I do not know. But in a classic politician act of hypocrisy, the governor herself apparently decided to take a vacation in Florida about a month ago and then returned to Michigan. Thus, it is a classic case of political “do as I say not as I do.” If out of state travelers were infecting her voters, then is she doing exactly what she said was endangering her state residents?

Her office tried to spin the violation of her own doctrine by stating the governor was not in Florida long and she was visiting her sick father. But what if a regular Michigan resident had the same excuse: “I was not out of state long and was visiting a sick relative.” Would the good governor have been compassionate or would that ordinary citizen face the wrath of the governor like so many other Michigan folks have faced?

But this should not surprise us. We have spoken far too many times of politicians across the country, from Chicago to Beaumont, Texas, to California, to New York who locked down their citizens and then flaunted and ignored the very lockdown rules they had set, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Oh, by the way, she did not travel to Florida alone, some of her top staff people went with her, breaking her own edict several times over. This trip is not to be confused with a trip her newly appointed health director took in April to a resort area in Alabama. Unreal the hypocrisy.

2) Congresswoman Maxine Walters made an idiotic and potentially deadly statement a few days ago relative to the trial underway, at that time, regarding the death of George Floyd while in police custody. She publicly incited violence and a riot by saying that if the police officer who allegedly killed Floyd was not found guilty then a violent reaction/confrontation was necessary.

These words never should have been spoken by a public figure in government service for a trial that was still underway. It could have unfairly influenced the jury, it could have caused a mistrial, it could have led to riots and death and destruction and has likely laid solid grounds for an appeal if the verdict is guilty (which it was, on all three counts). She should face penalties, up to and including being removed from office, for such senseless and irresponsible actions as a member of Congress, ridiculous that a member of Congress could be so stupid.

Famous Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowtiz summaries how stupid and dangerous her remarks were quite nicely: “Her message was clearly intended to get to the jury—‘If you will acquit or if you find the charge less than murder, we will burn down your buildings. We will burn down your businesses. We will attack you. We will do what happened to the witness—blood on their door. This was an attempt to intimidate the jury. It’s borrowed precisely from the Ku Klux Klan of the 1930s and 1920s when the Klan would march outside of courthouses and threatened all kinds of reprisals if the jury ever dared convict a white person or acquit a black person. And so, efforts to intimidate a jury should result in a mistrial with the judge, of course, wouldn’t grant a mistrial because then he’d be responsible for the riots that would ensue, even though it was Waters who was responsible.”

3) Jasiel Correia is the mayor of Fall River, Massachusetts. He is quite young and yet successfully convinced the voters in Fall River to elect him mayor by convincing them he was a successful entrepreneur and putting forth plans to rejuvenate the town.

Apparently he is not going to get a chance to execute those plans since according to “Correia heads to trial this month on charges that he stole more than $230,000 from investors in a smartphone app he created to pay for things like a Mercedes, casino trips and adult entertainment. As mayor, he’s accused of convincing his chief of staff to give him half of her salary in order to keep her city job and extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars from marijuana businesses seeking to operate there.”

As always, he is innocent until proven guilty but if guilty, he represents another fine upstanding member of the American political class.

4) Of all the bad news and idiocy we talk about regarding the American political class, there is a recent bit of good news. As most people probably know, New York governor Andrew Cuomo has not had a good run over the past year:
  • His faulty and fatal covid edict sending covid patients into nursing homes resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths of elderly state residents.
  • He then may have lied and committed a crime by lying in sending an intentional underestimate of deaths to the Federal government.
  • At last count upwards of ten women have come forward and accused him inappropriate sexual advances.
A pretty nasty losing streak, a losing streak that may be catching up with him relative to New York voters:
  • Only 40% of those polled in March by Siena College now have a favorable opinion of the governor while a 52% majority see him in an unfavorable light, a 12 point difference.
  • This is not a good trend since in March, 43% had a favorable opinion and 45% had an unfavorable opinion.
  • Even worse, in February, 56% had a favorable opinion while only 39% had an favorable opinion.
  • Thus, his favorable opinion levels have dropped a whopping 16 points in just two months while his unfavorable opinion levels have gone up 13 points in just two months.
Cannot say he doesn't deserve these poll numbers, given his arrogance and alleged culpability in the unnecessary and avoidable covid deaths, his alleged lying to the Feds, and his alleged sexual predator behaviors. Good news that an American politician may actually be getting what he deserves.

That’s enough insanity for today: New Yorkers getting wise, another corrupt American mayor, Maxine Walters gives a convicted police officer a potential life saver appeal possibility, and the Michigan governor is still a train wreck.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Monday, April 19, 2021

April, 2021, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Kamala Harris Blows Off Her Border Crisis Assignment, Lifeguards Causing California To Go Bankrupt, Whitmer Still Clueless In Michigan and More

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We recently discussed the reality that Biden has named Vice President Kamala Harris as the person in charge of fixing the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border. The crisis involves any number of distressing and dangerous realities:
  • Drug cartels, human traffickers, and criminal gangs are using Biden’s loose border security to step up their illegal activities, activities that are likely to have dire consequences for Americans in the very near future.
  • Biden made no provisions for feeding and caring for the horde of illegal immigrants he encouraged to come across the border and thus, there is a serious humanitarian crisis as too many illegal immigrants are packed into too few living spaces.
  • The joint housing of kids with adult illegal immigrants has resulted in reports of widespread sexual abuse of women and children.
  • The cartels and gangs are placing children alone on the border without adult supervision or supplies in order to divert Border Patrol resources to the caring for the kids and not going after the cartel members funneling tonnage of illegal drugs across the border.
We have a serious border problem, at least that is what a caring, informed person would conclude. But weeks after Biden put Harris in charge of fixing what he has tragically broken, Harris has still not made a trip to the order to see firsthand how bad things are, both for an overworked Border Patrol organization, local towns and citizens, and the flood of illegal immigrants.

She has found time to make at least three trips elsewhere in the country totally unrelated to the crisis she was told to solve. She has complained how slowly the Vice Presidential quarters are being renovated but has no concept or firsthand knowledge of the suffering going on all around on the border. Pathetic sense of responsibility and humanity.

The following link and video explains how miserably she has failed in this Biden assignment:

2) Gretchen Whitmer is the governor of Michigan. We have discussed a number of times how poorly she handled the whole covid pandemic issue, creating idiotic rules for stores, shutting down the entire state when many state counties had zero infections, and allowing her husband to try and bypass her own rules against boating. All along she has claimed that her dictatorial actions were saving lives from the virus.

And yet, despite all of her draconian actions, the virus infection rate in the state is one of the highest in the country with no signs it is going to abate anytime soon. Despite the availability of vaccines, despite the fact that other states are experiencing declining numbers of infections, despite her past failures, she now wants all of the state schools to shut down in-class learning and put a halt to all youth sports for at least two weeks. Given she shut the whole state down and did not halt the virus, what makes her think these two pieces of shutdown idiocy will work

Continuing to shut down the state, something she has done for well over a year is not working and yet she continues along the same road. Albert Einstein once said something to the effect that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” Whitmer shut down life in her state in so many unnecessary ways and yet her state is still a leader in getting state residents infected. Maybe Einstein was right in her case.

3) Only two months into his Presidency and Biden has already pissed off more than half the country:
  • According to the most recent Rasmussen opinion poll, 51% of those polled disapprove of the job Biden is doing.
  • Only 47% approve of the job he is doing.
  • Of the 49%, only 29%”strongly approve” of the job is doing while of the 51% who disapprove, 42% “strongly disapprove” of the job he is doing.
  • Thus, not only do the majority disapprove of what he has done, the strength of the disapproval is much stronger than the related strength of his approval rating.
  • A major factor in his disapproval rating is a recent 14 point drop in his handling of the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border.
Thus, it appears that America has a better handle on what is happening on the border than Kamala Harris does and is expressing that knowledge and disapproval in the poll.

4) A little while ago, we put together some numbers and analysis that showed how the Federal government, some state governments, and some city governments were heading towards a financial collapse, given how poorly the respective politicians have handled the budgeting and spending priorities of their government entity:

Previously, we did an analysis that showed how out of financial control the state and city governments in Illinois and Chicago are with their spending actions, enriching government employees beyond anyone else’s wildest dream while swiftly moving the state and city towards bankruptcy at the same time:

And while we still believe that Chicago will be the next big U.S. city to go bankrupt, taking away Detroit’s distinction of being the biggest U.S. city to go bankrupt, and that Illinois will be the first state government to go bankrupt, given the out of control spending in Los Angeles and California for lifeguards, yes, lifeguards, Chicago and Illinois will have some competition in the race to bankruptcy court:
  • We have already discussed the reality that California probably has close to a trillion dollars worth of unfunded future financial liabilities, a reality that will cause the state to eventually go bankrupt as these unfunded liabilities become due.
  • And maybe the reason they have almost a trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities and why they are having difficulties funding even their current budgets is because of what they pay beach lifeguards in the state.
  • According to a recent Forbes analysis, top paid lifeguards, again, lifeguards, can earn up to almost $400,000 a year.
  • This is more than double what every member of Congress makes.
  • This is almost what the President of the United States makes.
  • This is about 7-8 times higher than what the average U.S. household earns a year.
  • The auditors at the website found that in Los Angeles county, seven lifeguards made more than $300,000 in earnings in the 2019 fiscal year and 82 others had earnings over $200,000.
  • Fernando Boiteux was the most highly paid city lifeguard and earned $391,971 as the “acting chief lifeguard:” salary ($205,619), perks ($60,452), and benefits ($125,900).
  • The second highest paid earned almost $370,000 with his overtime pay almost equal to his regular hour pay.
  • The tenth highest paid lifeguard earned $293,225, about 5-6 times what the average American household earns a year.
  • And none of these top, top earners apparently did anything spectacular in saving lives on the beaches since the 2020 winner of the Medal Of Valor went to the lifeguard with the 167th highest salary.
  • The two 2019 Valor winners also earned nowhere close to the top earning lifeguards.
  • But each of these three heroes did earn more than three times what the average American household earns.
  • These are all beach lifeguards, pool lifeguards in the county earn a fraction of what the beach lifeguards earn.
Given that these beach lifeguards are government employees, you can be sure, like the Illinois government employees getting rich as outlined in the Illinois post above, the retirement benefits and salaries of these lifeguards is likely based on their career earnings, earnings that make then way richer than the vast majority of state citizens who fund their lavish pay and retirement with their taxes.

And now we see just one reason why California has almost a trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities and why it will give Illinois a good run into bankruptcy.

That will do it for today: way, way overpaid, tax supported California life guards, Biden already is sinking in the approval polls, Whitmer continues to not find solutions, and Kamala Harris does not take the human suffering seriously when it comes to the border illegal immigration crisis...but we do hope the renovations for her Vice President quarters and home are moving along smoothly.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Sunday, April 18, 2021

April, 2021,Part 3, Political Class Insanity: The Coming Collapse of the Country’s Financial Viability, Biden Insults a Masters Champion, and Biden Has Airplane Delusions.

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Joe Biden has said some really stupid and racist stuff over the years. We reviewed some of his more unbelievable quotes and assertions in the following post:

But his latest statement of idiocy is right up there with anything he has said or claimed in the past:
  • It is our contention that Biden is in a state of cognitive decline and has been since at least year.
  • As a result, his mind tends to wander and not focus when he is speaking, especially when he is speaking without notes as he is in the situation we are about to discuss.
  • Biden recently announced that the United States would soon have a commercial airline “flying at subsonic speeds—supersonic speeds.”
  • Okay, so first off, as he has done so many times recently, he first misspeaks, subsonic speeds are no big deal, we have had aircraft that could do that for over a century.
  • We also have supersonic planes, again no big deal even though he thinks it is.
  • Then he goes off the deep end, claiming that this soon to be available commercial airliner would be able to “Figuratively...traverse the world in an hour” and would be able to “travel at 21,000 miles an hour.”
  • He then digresses into some kind of parable about American democracy and tries, unsuccessfully, to couple it to this amazing new, 21,000 mile an hour jet: “So much is changing. We have got to lead it. I believe democracy can come through when the American people come together.”
  • As you see in the link below, he continues to babble and be semi-incoherent as his cognitive decline continues.
But let’s look at his assertion from a realistic perspective:
  • If a plane could travel that fast, I can guarantee you that it will not be used as a commercial airliner, that type of power and capability would be the sole use of the U.S. military and its technology would never be used for commercial airline purposes.
  • If a plane could go that fast then a trip from New York to Los Angeles would take… about eight and half minutes.
  • A trip from New York to London would take a shade under 10 minutes.
  • The USAF Super Sabre fighter plane flies at 864 miles per hour, about 4% of the top speed of Biden’s mystery commercial airplane.
  • The fastest North American jet today can reach a top speed of 3,569 MPH, about 17% of Biden;s plane.
Just utter nonsense on his part. And to try and tie it to democracy, even more nonsense. As the following clip shows, he is rapidly losing touch with reality and the ability to produce a coherent train of thought. No plane is going to go that fast anytime soon, and even if it was close to being a possibility, it would be so top secret since no one would want a foreign government to know about or go looking for the technology:

2) Biden has been known to say some stupid and racist stuff in the past. In a recent meeting with the Japanese prime minister, he did it again:
  • Japanese golfer Hideki Matsuyama recently won the Masters golf tournament, the first Japanese golfer to do so.
  • A few days after his win, Biden held a public event with Japan’s prime minister, Yoshihide Suga.
  • At that public gathering, Biden referred Matsuyama as a “Japanese boy” even though the golfer is 29 years old: “Yoshi, I know how proud you are — the people of Japan are — and you’ve got a Japanese boy coming over here and guess what? He won the Masters. He won the Masters. He won the green jacket. And Matsuyama was the first Japanese player to take home that green jacket at the Masters tournament this week. So let me say congratulations to Japan as well on that feat.”
  • Calling any grown man a “boy” is an insult, especially the racial overtones such a reference has had in the world of racism over the years.
The man is an embarrassment as President. And the sadder thing is that the mainstream media was silent in regard to this slur and insult. If Trump had referred to another country’s national hero as “boy” the furor would be non-stop.

3) A few months ago we laid out the path that the Federal government, various state governments and various city governments are on relative to financial ruin and financial collapse due to overspending politicians at every level of government and the overwhelming amount of current government debt and future unfunded government liabilities:

It is not a good picture, as we conservatively estimated that all levels of government in this country are currently on the hook for at least $125,000,000,000,000 ($125 trillion) worth of debt and unfunded liabilities. Given that the Federal Reserve Board recently estimated that the total, combined worth of EVERY American citizen is about $123 trillion, the American political class has rung up more debt than the entire worth of the country's citizens.

And that debt load continues to explode:
  • The Federal government budget deficit was a whopping $1.7 TRILLION in the first half of the current fiscal year.
  • It was not until the Obama administration when we had our first total year deficit break a trillion dollars (something Obama did four years in a row) but now we are at $1.7 trillion in just a half of a year.
  • In March of this year, the Federal government ran a MONTHLY budget deficit of $660 billion.
  • Back in 2017, the ANNUAL budget deficit was about the same as this MONTHLY deficit, $665 billion.
As the above article laid out, we are heading for a financial collapse in the very near term future and with the outrageous and wasteful spending programs Biden has in mind, that financial collapse, along with the collapse in our democracy, will arrive even sooner than the above post predicted.

Enough insanity for today: the near term collapse of the country’s financial viability, Biden insults a Masters champion, and Biden has airplane delusions.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Friday, April 16, 2021

April., 2021, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Biden Continues To Lie, Psaki Continues To Embarrass and Is Biden Not Even Able To Sign His Name Now?

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Jen Psaki is Biden’s press secretary. She is in my opinion the worst press secretary in recent memory. She rarely answers a question, preferring to constantly and annoyingly say, “I’ll have to circle back to that.” Which is okay to say once in a while when given an odd question but she says it constantly, evidence that she is always ill prepared to run a press briefing.

Recently she was at it again and tripped herself up, indicating that she was aware of a situation and question that was posed and lied her way through it:
  • Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, has been an embarrassment to the family and the country for years and years.
  • He was kicked out of the service for drug abuse, he has taken advantage of his father’s political status to get bribes from various countries around the world, he started a relationship with his deceased brother’s widow while still married, he got a stripper pregnant, and he may have criminally falsified information on a gun application.
  • In addition, it appears, based on confirmation from various sources, that he accepted a $3.5 million “gift”/bribe from the mayor of Moscow, Russia.
  • This is not new news, it was part of the election news cycle back in 2020.
  • But in a recent news briefing Psaki was asked by a New York Post reporter what that $3.5 million Russian gift was for.
  • She immediately played dumb and claimed she was not familiar with the transaction even though it was part of the last election cycle, the Department of Homeland Security reported on it, and a U.S. Senate report reported on it and yet, she says she is unaware of this situation.
  • But she immediately then claimed there was not much evidence behind the claim (“It doesn’t sound like it’s backed up by a lot of evidence.” )
  • So what is it: you cannot claim you are unaware of the gift but then say there is not much truth to the story, which is it Jen?
Thus, she was either again totally unprepared for the question despite the history of the bribe or she is lying and ducking this question like she has ducked hundreds of other questions with her lame “circle back” excuse. Totally inept person in a very important job, much like her boss, Joe Biden.

2) We have previously reported on the many, many lies Joe Biden told over time that were listed in the following post (a post that also documented his sexual predator behaviors and racist comments and attitudes):

Once in office, his continued propensity to lie has not abated:
  • Biden recently commented, more than once, that a person can go to a gun show and buy a weapon and not have to get a background check.
  • This is the so-called, nonexistent “gun show loophole” that liberals have falsely been pushing for a very long time.
  • For the record, the gun show loophole NEVER existed.
  • Biden’s specific lie went as follows: “Most people don’t know it, you walk into a store and you buy a gun, you have a background check. But you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want, and no background check.”
  • A Federal background check is done every time a gun is sold by a Federally licensed gun seller, whether it is in a store or at a gun show.
  • Even Politifact, a liberal loving, Democratic lap dog, called him out on the lie once the White House tried to spin his lie by saying “some sales without background check take palace at gun shows” to which Politifact rebutted: “That’s not what he said. Biden claimed that all sales at gun shows avoid background checks.”
When your fact checking friends call you a liar, you're probably a liar. A trait he has demonstrated so many times over the decades he has been in politics.

3) Very shortly after Biden made the above, false statement, his Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked about Biden’s gun show statement. Remarkably, she denied that was his belief even though, as the statement above shows, he said that you could walk into a gun show and buy a gun without a background check. Specifically, Psaki said that “it is not his belief” about no background checks at gun shows.

So who is lying: Biden that says gun show sales do not have to have background checks or Psaki who about an hour after Biden stated his belief said it was not his (Biden’s) belief. What an inept circus.

4) It has been my contention going back to the middle of 2020 that Joe Biden is in the throes of a significant cognitive decline, based on his behavior and speech difficulties and my experience caring for an elderly relative who came down with and died from dementia.

My opinion has not changed, given his continued inability to form coherent thoughts and sentences and his need to write everything down when speaking. And now there is a growing suspicion that things have gotten so bad cognitively that he is not actually signing and approving legislation and executive orders.

The link below goes through this reasoning and possible [proof that he has entered a new level of his cognitive decline, a level that other experience going through the same experience, namely that they lose control of their signature ability:

Highlights from the article include the following:
  • The article lays out his signature as it appeared in past documents in previous years.
  • It then lays out what his signature looks like on recently signed documents he has signed since becoming President.
  • The first thing you notice is that every signature sample included in the article is absolutely positively identical to each other, indicating that he is not actually singing government documents, some sort of machine is actually doing the signing (which calls into question if anything he “signs” is legal if he did not sign it himself.
  • But more interesting is that his most recent signings look suspiciously like Jill Biden’s handwriting, samples of which are also included in the article, especially when you look at the “B” in “Biden.”
See for yourself and then decide if the argument and samples put forth are valid in your mind. Because if they are, then we have a President who has cognitively declined so much that he no longer is in control of his signature, his wife had to forge his signature in order to get it processed through some sort of signing machine that is now used to sign official government documents. 

All of which, again, raises the question: is anything that comes out of the White House valid if Joe Biden did not sign it himself and what appears as his signature is a forged, mechanical copy.

That will do it for today. Bottom line: this administration is an insane mess and an embarrassment on so many levels.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

Saturday, April 10, 2021

April, 2021, Part 1, Political Class Insanity: Kamala Does Not Care, Hunter Biden Screws Up Again, and Senator Manchin's Family Gets Richer

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Anyone who follows American politics knows that those in the political class rarely got to jail for breaking the law. Hillary Clinton, for example, broke any number of Federal laws by using an unsecured computer server sitting in her home, a lapse that opened the U.S. government and State Department to successful hacking attempts from players and nations around the world. Her criminal penalty: nothing.

Any number of FBI officials broke laws when trying to derail and then prosecute Trump with bogus Russian collusion charges. We now know that FBI people lied to the FISA court and edited official transcripts to make their case. One FBI official actually admitted in court to changing documents and never went to jail.

It should be interesting to see what happens to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his latest inane and probably lawless behavior:
  • When any American wants to buy a gun at a gun store, they have to fill out forms, including a form for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
  • One of the questions on the form is whether or not the applicant, Hunter Biden, has any drug problems or addictions: “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside."
  • Keep in mind that Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy for cocaine use, which would fit the description on the form of being an unlawful user of a controlled substance.
  • Police also found a crack pipe in a rental car of his back in 2017.
  • Allegedly, he lied when he filled out the gun application which led to an investigation by Delaware State Troopers and the FBI.
  • The gun he purchased off of that application ended up being thrown in the trash by his then lover Hallie Biden outside a gourmet food store.
  • The penalty for falsely filling this gun application form is a fine up to $250,000 and up to 10 years in prison.
Given he is the son of the President, what are the odds that he will face any consequences for his alleged law breaking actions? What are the odds you would have gotten the same treatment if you did the same thing? “Do as I say, not as I do” is probably going to happen as it always done when politically connected people in this country break the law.

2) There are 50 Democrats in the Senate and 50 Republicans. Which means on various types of legislation if everyone votes along party lines the Democrats will get what they want since Kamala Harris will break any ties. However, if a single Democrat wavers in support of any Democrat backed legislation, then the advantage goes down the drain.

Over the years, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin has been one of the few members of the Senate who has had any integrity or who voted and acted with his constituents in mind and not his party being his first priority. Unfortunately, that independent streak may be about to end:
  1. Biden recently appointed Manchin’s wife, Gayle Conelly Manchin, to be the Federal government’s co-chairperson of the Appalachian Regional Commission.
  2. This commission is responsible for economic development and investment in a 13 state area.
  3. Her salary will be a whopping $163,000 a year, about three times the household income of an average American family and almost as much as Manchin makes as a Senator.
  4. In order to get what they wanted from a legislation perspective, Democrats threatened to do away with Senator filibuster rules, a long time tradition and something that Manchin originally opposed.
  5. However, all of a sudden his opposition to destroying the filibuster has gotten wishy-washy, possibly because his wife is now raking in some big bucks in an obvious political patronage move by Biden?
As always with American politicians, there is no honor, there is no integrity, there is no sense of doing what is right for the country and its citizens, it is always what is in it for me. It is just that Manhicn held out for the biggest political family bribe in a long time, a bribe to the tune of $163,000.

3) There is a massive national security and humanitarian crisis going on at the southern border, Biden encouraged or implied to every Central and South American citizen that they could come to the United States and be allowed in and be rewarded for doing so. As a result, untold thousands, maybe millions of people have headed north with the intent of getting into the country. This has resulted in thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants being captured, detained and/or released into the country with absolutely no plan on how to handle the issue that Biden solely created.

In a vain attempt to fix what he has broken, Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of fixing the problem. Unfortunately, there is a major problem with this proposed solution:
  • Weeks after Harris was given the assignment to clean up the disaster at the border, she still has not visited the border to find out first hand what is going on.
  • In any aspect of life, not going to the heart of the problem makes it very hard to resolve the problem.
  • One of the reasons she has not gone to the border is because she is deeply involved in another crisis, dealing with the contractors that are working on the renovations of the Vice Presidential mansion.
  • As she worries about decor, more and more illegal immigrants are being detained in overcrowded detention facilities or being shipped out to the country with no handle on how to manage the problem.
  • Things have gotten so bad that the Federal government via the Office of Personnel Management has sent out memos asking for “volunteer deployments” of Federal employees to be sent to the border to handle the crisis.
  • News reports are that Harris is frustrated in how long the renovations are taking and is tired of “living out of a suitcase,” certainly a hardship much worse than the illegal immigrants bring penned up and the overworked Border Patrol employees trying to keep the country safe.
  • And it does not seem to bother her that she has not been actively involved in helping to fix what Biden broke since when she was asked when she would be heading to the border a few weeks ago, she laughed and flippantly replied, “Not today.”
What ever you think about illegal immigration, the current crisis is immediate and non-humane and will have longer term, likely negative effects on U.S. citizens. People penned up in over crowded facilities, unchecked immigrants being shipped out into American towns with no plan on how to handle them, criminal gangs, drug cartels, human trafficking rings running rampant at the border and Harris laughs and bitches about the inconvenience of living out of a suitcase. Pathetic priorities, pathetic sense of humanity.

Enough insanity for today: Kamala Harris hates to be inconvenienced with humanitarian disasters, bribery continues to be legal in Washington political circles, and the Biden family continues to ignore laws and regulations.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom: